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Danger Around the Bend

the threat of oil trains in Pennsylvania


Written by David Masur and Chloe Coffman

for the PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center

Data compiled by Brook Lenker, Matt Kelso, and Samantha Malone

for the FracTracker Alliance

February 2015

The PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center thanks the Cameron

Foundation, the Claneil Foundation, Colcom Foundation, the John Otto Haas
Foundation, the George and Miriam Martin Foundation,and the Leo Model
Foundation for making our work on fracking and this report possible.

The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. The recommendations are
those of PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center. The views expressed in this
report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our
funders or those who provided review.

The PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization

focused on protecting our environment and providing the people of Pennsylvania
a voice in the environmental debate. Drawing on more than 30 years of experience,
our professional staff combines independent research, practical ideas and
effective educational campaigns to overcome the opposition of special interests
and win real results for Pennsylvania’s environment. For more information about
PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center or for additional copies of this report,
please visit
Executive Summary 1

The increasingly common practice of transporting

Photo: Paul Corbit Brown

Bakken Formation crude oil by rail from North Dako-
ta to points across the nation—including Pennsylva-
nia—poses a significant risk to the health, well-being,
and safety of our communities.

This risk is due to a confluence of dangerous factors

including, but not limited to:

1. Bakken Formation crude oil is far more vola-

tile and combustible than typical crude, making
it an incredibly dangerous commodity to trans-
port, especially over the nation’s antiquated rail

2. The routes for these trains often travel Mt. Carbon, West Virginia disaster
through highly populated cities, counties and
neighborhoods – as well as near major drinking
water sources.
All of these incidents point to one fact: that unless
3. Bakken Formation crude is often shipped in we take action to curb the growing threat of oil trains,
massive amounts—often more than 100 cars, or the next time a derailment occurs an unsuspecting
over 3 million gallons per train. community may not be so lucky.

4. The nation’s existing laws to protect and in- Bakken oil train routes often travel through
form the public, first responders, and decision high-density cities and neighborhoods, increasing
makers are woefully inadequate to avert derail- the risk of a catastrophic accident for Pennsylva-
ments and worst-case accidents from occurring. nia’s residents. Reviewing GIS data and statewide rail
routes from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, research
In the past few years, production of Bakken crude by FracTracker and PennEnvironment show that
oil has dramatically increased, resulting in greater millions of Pennsylvanians live within the potential
quantities of this dangerous fuel being transported evacuation zone (typically a half-mile radius around
through our communities and across the nation ev- the train explosion 2). Our findings include:
ery day. This increase has led to more derailments,
accidents, and disasters involving oil trains and put- s /VER  MILLION 0ENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS LIVE
ting local communities at risk. In the past 2 years, within a possible evacuation zone for an oil
there have been major disasters in Casselton, North train accident.
Dakota; Lynchburg, Virginia; Pickens County, Ala- s 4HESE TRAINS TRAVEL NEAR HOMES SCHOOLS AND
bama; and most recently, Mount Carbon, West Vir- day cares, putting Pennsylvania’s youngest
ginia. The worst of these was the town of Lac-Mégan- residents at risk. All told, more than 860,000
tic, in Canada’s Quebec Province. This catastrophic Pennsylvania children under the age of 18 live
oil train accident took place on July 6, 2013, killing within the ½ mile potential evacuation zone
47 people and leveling half the town. for an oil train accident.
Oil train accidents have not just taken place in other s 0HILADELPHIA #OUNTY HAS THE HIGHEST AT RISK
states, they have also happened closer to home. Penn- population—Almost 710,000 people live with-
sylvania has had three near misses in the last two years in the half-mile evacuation zone. These areas
alone—one near Pittsburgh and two in Philadelphia. include neighborhoods from the suburbs to
In all three cases, trains carrying this highly volatile Center City.
Bakken crude derailed in densely populated areas, and
in the derailment outside of Pittsburgh, 10,000 gal- s!LLEGHENY#OUNTYHADTHESECONDLARGESTPOP-
lons of crude oil spilled.1 Fortunately these oil train ulation within the evacuation zone, with just
accidents did not lead to explosions or fires. over 507,000 people.
Executive Summary 2

sOFTHEZIPCODESWITHTHEMOSTPEOPLEAT their communities, how much oil they’re car-

risk—the top percentile in the state—are lo- rying, and safety measures taken by the rail
cated in the city of Philadelphia. (For the full companies to protect the public.
list of the top 25 zip codes at risk, see Table A-1
in the Appendix). s Oil trains are often routed through heavily
populated communities. As the data in
s4HETOPlVE0ENNSYLVANIACITIESWITHTHEMOST this report show, oil trains put millions of
RESIDENTS AT RISK ARE 0HILADELPHIA  Pennsylvanians at risk. If trains will continue
residents), Pittsburgh (183,456 residents), to be used as a means of oil transport, we need
Reading (70,012 residents), Scranton (61,004 to ensure that they don’t pass through our
residents), and Erie (over 51,058 residents). cities and densely populated communities.

Besides the inherent threat of moving massive s Oil companies do not pay their fair share
amounts of the highly volatile fuel that is fracked to transport oil in this dangerous fashion,
from North Dakota’s Bakken Formation, the lack of leaving incentives to cut corners and put
proper safety regulations and basic right-to-know laws communities at risk. Loopholes in existing
increases the likelihood of a catastrophic accident. laws allow oil companies to hold only minimal
Some of the biggest problems when it comes to regu- insurance or bonding in preparation of a worst
lating oil trains in America include: case scenario. For example, Quebec submitted
a $400 million claim following the the Lac-
s The over-reliance on dangerous and dirty Megantic disaster3—yet the train company was
fossil fuels in U.S. will continue to put our insured for only $25 million, leaving taxpayers
health, environment and communities at risk. holding the bag and adding insult to injury for
As long as the nation continues its reliance on local residents.4 This should not be the case—
dirty, dangerous fuel sources like oil from the there should be mandatory insurance coverage
Bakken Formation—and transporting it from for disasters. These oil companies should also
the Midwest to point across the nation—the assess fees to both cover the cost of impact on
threat of a serious accident or catastrophe will communities, as well as stricter safety violation
exist. We must do more to move the nation off fees.
of these polluting, dangerous fuel sources and
onto clean energy alternatives that exist today sAmerica’s rail system is ailing, and rail lines
and won’t pose the threat of oil trains. that have been out of service for years are
now springing back into use following the
s The U.S. must halt the transport Bakken Bakken oil boom. Trains traveling on dilapi-
crude until proven safe—instead of dated rail lines and bridges increases the likeli-
increasing the transport of this fuel until a hood of an oil train derailment. To make mat-
catastrophic accident occurs. Bakken crude ters worse, outdated train cars that are proven
is highly volatile and poses an extreme threat to be unable to deter accidents or explosions
to communities, be it by oil trains or pipeline. are often used to transport the crude on oil
Until the oil companies can ensure safety trains. Outdated train cars need to be retired,
for local communities, this practice must be the railways these trains travel on should be
stopped. repaired and be regularly inspected, and a safe
speed limit for all trains carrying Bakken crude
s The general public lacks the necessary in- should be implemented.
formation about oil trains traveling through
their communities, in order to be able to re- This report shows that we must protect Pennsylvania’s
spond to a train derailment or explosion. Res- communities from the growing threat of oil trains
idents, community leaders and first responders carrying explosive crude from the Bakken Formation.
are largely unaware these trains are traveling Through the implementation of commonsense
through their cities, leaving them wholly un- policy solutions, we can help to protect the millions
prepared should disaster strike. It is essential of Pennsylvanians at risk and gradually move away
that local community members, their leaders, from dirty and dangerous fossil fuels, towards a clean
and first responders have access to information energy future.
about when these trains are traveling through
Oil Trains threaten Pennsylvania’s communities 3

Photo: (left) Wikimedia (right) Flickr

Lac-Mégantic, Quebec oil train disaster

The growing practice of shipping volatile oil from 6, 2013. At 1:15 am, a train carrying 60 railcars of
North Dakota’s Bakken formation by rail is putting highly volatile and explosive Bakken Formation oil
Pennsylvania’s—and America’s—communities at un- broke free of its moorings and rolled downhill into the
told risk. town. The train cars derailed in the dead of night and
exploded into a massive, catastrophic fireball. Fire-
This risk has become all too apparent with the recent fighters and first responders weren’t able to get within
CSX oil train disaster near Mt. Carbon, West Virginia ½ mile of the explosion.10 All told, it took more than
on February 16, 2015. In that recent accident, the 1,000 firefighters from 30 towns and over 1 million
train derailed, exploded, and then burned for days gallons of water to put out the explosion. When the
while contaminating the neighboring Kanawha River fire was finally extinguished, 47 people had lost their
which supplies drinking water for downstream com- lives.11
munities, and burned a home to the ground.8
“For several minutes we tried to convince ourselves
And with dramatic uptick in oil train traffic, the that it wasn’t true. But what happened to us was a
threat of a major accident to our neighborhoods and nightmare. When we removed our hands from our
communities will only increase. eyes, the horror was still there and the worst was yet
to come,” said Roy Laroche, Lac-Mégantic resident,
Sadly, the story of Mt. Carbon’s train derailment and recalling the horrific oil train crash.12
explosion are all too familiar: numerous accidents
and oil train catastrophes have taken place in the At the same time, Pennsylvania has seen numerous
past few years, horrifically demonstrating the danger near misses when it comes to oil train derailments
these trains pose. Between 2012 and 2014, 8 major and accidents. In January 2014, a train derailed while
accidents and 250 safety incidents involving oil trains traveling on a bridge over the Schuylkill River and
occurred in North America. I-76 in Philadelphia. Seven train cars dangled over
the river, and the interstate was shut down for sev-
These figures include the worst oil train accident that eral hours.13 Yet less than a month later, a Bakken
has occurred to date took place in the Canadian town crude oil train derailed in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania,
of Lac-Mégantic in the Province of Quebec on July located 36 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. One of the
Oil Trains threaten Pennsylvania’s communities 4

21 train cars that derailed crashed into a metal pro-

cessing plant, and 10,000 gallons of crude oil spilled.14 BAKKEN CRUDE:
Most recently, a freight train containing crude oil
How we get it and why we ship it
traveling to an oil refinery in south Philadelphia de-
railed on January 31, 2015. Fortunately no leak, fire
or explosion resulted.15 And the risk from oil trains
Bakken crude oil comes from drilling in the Bakken
in Philadelphia appears to be growing: more than 65 Formation, located in North Dakota. It contains depos-
cases of oil train cars traveling to Philadelphia have its of both oil and natural gas, which can be accessed
been reported to have faulty, leaking, or absent safety
by hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” Until recent
technological developments, the oil contained in the
Lack of protective policies leaves Pennsylvania’s formation was too difficult to access to yield large
communities at risk production. But advances in this extraction technolo-
From the explosion in Casselton, North Dakota to
gy since 2007 have transformed the area into a major
the catastrophic oil train accident in Quebec to the
many near misses in Pennsylvania and the most re- oil producer—North Dakota now ranks second in the
cent disaster in West Virginia, it is clear that oil trains U.S. for oil production.5 The vast expansion of wells
put our communities at risk for death, injury, and de-
over the last 4 years (from 470 wells to over 3,300
today) means that there is more oil to transport to the
In the past few years, the number of trains carrying oil market, both domestically and abroad.6 This increase
from the Bakken Formation throughout Pennsylvania
is especially concerning considering that the U.S. De-
has increased dramatically. The daily oil production
in North Dakota has increased nearly 14-fold since partment of Transportation stated in early 2014 that
2012, leading to more oil being transported across the Bakken crude oil may be more flammable than tradi-
country daily.17 And with more train traffic comes
tional crude, therefore making it more dangerous to
more risk of accident.
transport by rail. 7
Besides the inherent threat of transporting highly
volatile oil by rail, the lack of commonsense policies neers gave it the grad of a D+.18 This score includes
to protect the public increases the risk for future oil America’s railways, and rails that were long aban-
train explosions or derailments in Pennsylvania and doned have sprung back into use to accommodate the
elsewhere. oil boom of the past five years. 

For example, one of the most egregious examples of To add insult to injury, when oil train disasters have
policy shortfalls is the fact that oil and rail compa- happened, it’s possible that the local communities
nies are not required to inform local neighborhoods or could shoulder the brunt of the cost. Quebec sub-
municipalities about the oil trains traveling through mitted a claim for the Lac-Mégantic oil train disaster
their communities. This makes it impossible for local to cover $400 million in damages20—but the train
officials and first responders to prepare for accidents. company responsible only had liability insurance of
Access to information about oil train routes and risks $25 million. Even worse, the train company filed for
is a core premise of the general public’s ability to hold bankruptcy following the accident, leaving the vic-
a thoughtful discussion about how to tackle this press- tims without any financial assistance or payment for
ing issue. damages or loss of life.21 If rail and oil companies must
be prepared to be insured or bonded to cover the full
Another challenge is America’s dilapidated infra- cost of a worst case disaster, they are more likely to
structure—and the lack of initiative by policymakers take further precautions in order to protect their bot-
to fully address this problem. America’s rail lines are tom line.
in deplorable conditions, and poor infrastructure can
lead to derailments, triggering explosions and signif- The infrastructure used to transport volatile crude oil
icant damage. The nation’s infrastructure is in such is inadequate. The Federal Railroad Association ad-
disarray that the American Society for Civil Engi- mits its inspectors are able to inspect less than one
Oil Trains threaten Pennsylvania’s communities 5

percent of America’s railroad system.22 This number is

Photo: Flickr
unacceptably and outrageously too low. Higher level
of inspections and overall improvements to America’s
railway systems needs to be a priority moving forward.

The rail cars that are currently used to transport Bak-

ken crude are inherently proven to be unsafe. DOT-
111 cars have historically been used, but these cars are
known to frequently rupture or puncture in the case of

“ It may not happen today or tomorrow, but one

day a town or a city is going to get wiped out.28 “
-Larry Mann, rail safety expert and principal author of the Federal Railroad Safety Act.
A Bakken crude oil train
derailments. To respond to this issue, the U.S. DOT
recommended a phase out of using these type of train t 3,940,794 Pennsylvanians live within the
cars in July, 2014.24 However, the supposedly “safer” half mile evacuation zone of an oil train di-
cars, the CPC 1232, have failed at least four times, in- saster in the Commonwealth.
cluding the recent disaster in Mt. Carbon, West Vir-
t4JYUFFO(16) of the 25 most at-risk zip codes
ginia.25 The distinct lack of train cars that can safely
are found in the city of Philadelphia.
transport Bakken crude via rail needs to be addressed.
t0WFS860,000 Pennsylvania children live with-
It is crucial to regulate the speed at which these trains in in these evacuation zones.
filled with volatile Bakken crude go. According to the
Federal Railroad Administration, it is extremely dif- Five counties in Pennsylvania have almost 2 million
ficult to prevent a crude oil spill when cars go over people living in the potential evacuation zone. This
30 mph.26 The train that derailed near Mt. Carbon, includes:
West Virginia was going 33 mph—well under the
speed limit of 50 mph.27 This issue coupled with the 1. Philadelphia County: 709,955
absence of truly safe train cars presents a frightening 2. Allegheny County: 507,172
threat to Pennsylvania communities where these 3. Montgomery County: 285,224
4. Delaware County: 177,829
trains are traveling.
5. Berks County: 150,154

PA communities at greatest risk For a list of the top 10 counties and populations at risk in Pennsylva-
Given the recent oil train explosion in Mt. Carbon, nia, see Table A-2 in the Appendix.
West Virginia, PennEnvironment and FracTracker
reviewed the threat that a similar accident poses to Oil trains carrying Bakken crude oil travel all across
residents of Pennsylvania. Using data from the Oak Pennsylvania, rumbling through our cities and highly
Ridge National Laboratory, the U.S. Census Bureau populated areas. The five Pennsylvania cities with
and GIS mapping, FracTracker and PennEnviron- the most people living in a potential evacuation
ment found that nearly 4 million Pennsylvanians live area are:
within the potential evacuation zone for an oil train
accident. For our data, we used the ½ mile evacuation 1. Philadelphia, 709,869
zone as set out by first responders in West Virginia, the 2. Pittsburgh, 183,456
Casselton, North Dakota accident and Lac-Megantic, 3. Reading, 70,012
Canada catastrophe. At the same time, our research 4. Scranton, 61,004
uncovered the Pennsylvania counties, municipalities, 5. Erie, 51,058
and even neighborhoods that have the most residents
living within this ½ mile evacuation zone. Our study More than one million people are at risk from these five cities alone.
found the following : For a list of the top 25 municipalities and populations at risk in Penn-
sylvania, see Table A-3 in the Appendix.
The city of Philadelphia has the highest population
Oil Trains threaten Pennsylvania’s communities 6

living in the potential evacuation zone of an oil train

Photo: Flickr

tOver 700,000 people are at risk, including al-

most 170,000 children.
t16 zip codes in the top percentile for at-risk
areas in the state are located across the city of
t"MNPTUFWFSZQFSTPO(98.6%) living in the Phil-
adelphia zip code of 19142 (southwest Phil-
adelphia), lives in the evacuation zone of an
oil train disaster.

In communities across Pennsylvania, hundreds of

thousands of children are at risk:

t167,224 in Philadelphia County A DOT-111 train car

t91,436 in Allegheny County
t64,172 in Montgomery County
t42,515 in Delaware County
t39,643 in Berks County Within Pennsylvania’s major metropolitan areas,
the highest at-risk zip codes include:
Neighborhoods across Pennsylvania are at risk.
These are the top 10 neighborhoods at risk in the
Commonwealth, and the number of people who
live in the evacuation zone in each.
City Zip Section # people

Philadelphia 19143 West Philadelphia near the University of Penn 53,016

Zip Location # people % of residents
Reading 19601 Norhtern Reading, near the airport 30,208
19143 West Philadelphia 53,016 82%
Wilkes-Barre 18702 Eastern Wilkes-Barre 29,277
19134 Northeast Philadelphia 48,200 79% Pittsburgh 15213 Oakland Neighborhood 22,451
19120 Olney 45,513 67% Scranton 18504 Scranton-northwestern area of Scranton 15,426

19140 Huntington Park 38,471 71% Erie 16503 Eastern end of the City of Erie 14,665

Allentown 18103 Southern neighborhoods of Allentown 17,751

19104 University City/ Mantua 32,332 62%
Harrisburg 17104 Southern neighborhoods, city of Harrisburg 16,701
19601 Reading 30,280 92%
York 17403 South-central York 15,088
18702 Wilkes-Barre 29,277 73%
Altoona 16601 Central Altoona 15,692
19142 Southwest Philadelphia 29,181 99% 24,115
Easton 18042 Central and southern Easton
19136 Holmesburg 28,541 70% Bethlehem 18018 Western Bethlehem 19,675

19132 Philadelphia’s Allegheny 19132 74% Lancaster 17601 Northern Lancaster, including Silver Spring 14,366
a list of the top 25 zip codes and neighborhoods at risk in Penn-
For neighborhood
sylvania, see Table 1-A in the Appendix. Johnstown 15906 Northern Johnstown 8,280
Policy Recommendations 7

While transporting Bakken Formation oil is inher- 3. Information about oil trains must be easily
ently dangerous, improving local, state and federal available to the public, decision makers, and first
policies are crucial to avoiding future oil train di- responders
Over the long term, PennEnvironment believes we the threats facing their communities. Trains carrying
highly volatile oil are virtually traveling through their
must ban dangerous oil trains, and get America off
backyards, putting families at extreme risk. The right
of oil and polluting fossil fuels. Until this is achiev- to know is a core part of our democratic process, and
able, PennEnvironment recommends the following the public should have access to this information.
policy recommendations to help protect local com- This information is especially crucial for our commu-
munities from the rapid increase of oil train travel nities’ local leaders and first responders, considering
in Pennsylvania and across the nation: all the dangers of transporting the oil itself.


1. Get off oil and move towards clean and renew- include the trains’ routes, when oil trains will travel
able energy sources through the area, how many cars the train is pulling,
and how much crude oil the trains are carrying.
At the end of the day, the best way to remove the risk
from oil trains is to get America off of oil as quick- s4HETHRESHOLDFOROILCOMPANIESTOREPORT"AKKEN
ly as possible. This means promoting and bringing crude travel via rail in the U.S. is currently set far too
more clean energy online, and accelerating policies high: only trains carry 1 million gallons or more are
to reduce America’s oil consumption. We can move required to inform national and state officials under
towards this goal through a variety of policies, which current federal regulations —this amount is far too
can be read about extensively in Environment Amer- high because communities are still at great risk for
ica Research and Policy Center’s report Getting off trains carrying less than 1 million gallons. Moreover,
Oil. Some of these policies include: fire departments and first responders often lack the
capacity to properly deal with a blaze caused by more
of vehicles operating on electricity, including feder- best they can do is evacuate the area and wait for the
al light-duty fuel economy/global warming emission fire to burn down to a manageable size. PennEnviron-
standards, financial incentives, programs to expand ment calls for the the reporting threshold to be low-
electric vehicle infrastructure, and minimum sales re- ered to 5,000 gallons, so that first responders and local
quirements for automakers, so that 22 percent of new elected officials can prepare appropriately.
light-duty vehicles sold in 2030 are electric vehicles.
While energy and rail companies have said that shar-
s 2EQUIRE A  PERCENT REDUCTION IN THE LIFE CYCLE ing this information poses a security threat, this ex-
global warming impact of transportation fuels by 2020 planation appears misleading. The U.S. Department
and (at least) a 15 percent reduction by 2030. of Transportation has stated that they found “no basis
to conclude that the public disclosure of the informa-
s0ROVIDEINCENTIVESANDOTHERSUPPORTFORTHEINSTAL- tion [about oil train routes] is detrimental to transpor-
lation of energy efficiency improvements in existing tation safety.”
homes and commercial buildings, sufficient to achieve
a 30-50 percent energy savings per building at 75 per- 4. We must reroute trains carrying Bakken crude
cent of American homes and commercial buildings. around heavily populated areas.

2. Ban oil trains carrying Bakken crude s 4HE .ATIONAL 4RANSPORTATION 3AFETY "OARD REC-
ommends that crude oil trains should avoid heavily
s5NTIL"AKKENCRUDECANBEPROVENINHERENTLYSAFE populated areas. Specifically, we need to prevent any
for local communities through which it is transport- crude oil rail travel from occurring within one mile of
ed, the dangerous practice of oil train transportation densely populated areas.
across Pennsylvania and the nation must be stopped.
Policy Recommendations 8

5. Oil trains should not be permitted to travel 7. To make oil train traffic as safe as possible, it is
through Pennsylvania until there is an approved crucial for the rail companies to make additional
emergency response plan for the entire train operational safety and oversight improvements,
route. both on the railways and the trains themselves.
the rail and oil companies for the entire train route. and updates for America’s crumbling and outdated
This plan must obtain input and be approved by first railway system. Federal and state officials, along with
responders, and state and local government officials, the companies that own the rail lines, must make
and shared with the public. The plan must include funding and improving rail infrastructure a top priori-
a robust process for public input and review so that ty to avoid future oil train accidents.
community members can have their voices heard.
And the general public must have access to this emer- s,ESSTHANONEPERCENTOF!MERICAS2AILWAYSYSTEM
gency response plan once finalized. is inspected annually by the Federal Railroad Admin-
istration. Clearly the U.S. Department of Transporta-
6. Oil train companies need to pay their fair share tion must mandate stricter oversight and greater rates
of inspections for oil trains and America’s rail system.
should be required to have insurance and bonding s 4RAINS CARRYING "AKKEN CRUDE NEED STRICTER SAFETY
to fully cover the worst case scenario of accident for standards in place, including requiring a crew of at-
their train travel through the Commonwealth. We least two people for each train, as well as audio and
need to ensure that the companies putting our com- video surveillance in the train engine to ensure rules
munities at risk are held fully financially responsible are followed.
in case of future accidents—not leaving victims hold-
help to significantly decrease the possibility of a de-
s0ENNSYLVANIASHOULDASSESSFEESONOILTRAINSINORDER railment, accident or explosion. An across-the-board
to cover the costs of providing emergency response speed limit of 25 mph should be made mandatory by
plans, necessary equipment for first responders in the U.S. DOT, a recommendation that is supported
preparation for a worst case scenario, and for the de- by their own Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
velopment of the emergency response plan in order to Administration.
safeguard the public from oil trains. This fee system is
the only way to properly ensure that there is adequate Conclusion
emergency response capacity and that the taxpayers As this report shows, transporting volatile oil from
don’t burden the cost. Such an upfront transportation North Dakota’s Bakken Formation is growing at a
fee must be part of the cost of doing business for oil rapid pace, has a concerning track record of recent
companies. accidents and near misses, and puts cities, neighbor-
hoods, and millions of people in Pennsylvania—and
track record of energy and train companies when it
comes to avoiding accidents and protecting the pub- The only way to truly protect the public from trans-
lic, state and federal officials must implement man- porting this dangerous energy source is to get America
datory minimum fines for safety violation of oil train off oil as quickly as possible. We must also halt the use
transport. These fines should cover issues such as of oil trains in Pennsylvania and across the country
leaking train cars, unsafe infrastructure, trains that are immediately.
missing or have faulty safety equipment, derailments,
or speed violations. For repeat and chronic offenders, Yet in the short term, it is crucial that federal, state
U.S. DOT and PennDOT should halt their rail activ- and local officials implement a set of commonsense
ity of Bakken oil through the Commonwealth until a policy handles to attempt to avoid the gravest threats
time when the company proves it can do so in com- of an oil train accident in Pennsylvania.
pliance with basic laws and regulations.
Notes 9

1. Mary Ann Thomas, Feds: Broken spike caused Vandergrift derailment, oil spill, TribLive, June 20, 2014, derailment- crude#axzz3SCdsWFnD (last
visited February 23, 2015)

2.FracTracker Alliance, (last visited February 23,


3. Allan Woods, Quebec submits $400 million claim for Lac-Mégantic train disaster, The Toronto Star, June 16,
2014, (last visited February
23, 2015)

4. Kelly Fay, Pressure is Growing for a Thorough Review of Crude Oil Transportation through NY, Legislative
Gazette, April 21, 2014, c-2014-04-21-87639.113122-Pressure -is-growing-
for-a-thorough-review- of- crude - oil-transportation-through-NY.html (last visited February 23, 2015)

5., (last visited February 23, 2015)

6. Danny Boyd, Soaring Oil Production Spurs Infrastructure Growth Across Booming Bakken Play, American Oil
and Gas Reporter, May 2012, oil-production-spurs-infrastructure -growth-across-
booming-bakken-pl (last visited February 23, 2015)

7. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Safe Transportation of
Energy Products- Chronology, (last visited February 23, 2015)

8. Ryan Quinn, Man outruns train derailment: ‘The house was blowing up behind me’, The West Virginia Gazette,
February 18, 2015, (last visited February 23, 2015)

)SAIAH4HOMPSON 'OVT$ATA3HARPENS&OCUSON#RUDE /IL4RAIN2OUTES 0RO0UBLICA .OVEMBER  http:// data-sharpens-focus- on- crude - oil-train-routes (last visited February 23, 2015)

10. Curtis Tate, Trains plus crude oil equals trouble down the track, McClatchy DC,
features/Trains+Oil/Trouble - down-the -track.html?brand=tnt (last visited February 23, 2015)

11. Allan Woods, Quebec submits $400 million claim for Lac-Mégantic train disaster, The Toronto Star, June 16,
2014, (last visited
February 23, 2015)

3UZANNE7EISS 4ORONTOACTIVISTSHONOURTHEVICTIMSOF,AC-EGANTIC %AST%ND!GAINST,INE *ULY -victims- of-lac-megantic/ (last visited February 23, 2015)

13. Sarah Glover, Dan Stamm and David Chang, Train Derails on Bridge Over Schuylkill River, NBC Philadelphia,
January 21, 2014, (last
visited February 23, 2015)

14. Mary Ann Thomas, Feds: Broken spike caused Vandergrift derailment, oil spill, TribLive, June 20, 2014, http:// derailment- crude#axzz3SCdsWFnD (last visited
February 23, 2015)

15. Alex Wigglesworth, CSX freight train partially derails in South Philadelphia,,
philly/news/breaking/CSX_freight_train_partial_derailment_South_Philadelphia.html (last visited February 23, 2015)

16. Isaiah Thompson, Gov’t Data Sharpens Focus on Crude-Oil Train Routes, ProPublica, November 25, 2014, data-sharpens-focus- on- crude - oil-train-routes (last visited February 23, 2015)

17. Danny Boyd, Soaring Oil Production Spurs Infrastructure Growth Across Booming Bakken Play, American Oil
and Gas Reporter, May 2012, oil-production-spurs-infrastructure -growth-across-
booming-bakken-pl (last visited February 23, 2015)
Notes 10

!SHLEY(ALSEY))) 53)NFRASTRUCTUREGETS$ INANNUALREPORT 4HE7ASHINGTON0OST -ARCH  http:// -gets- d-in-annual-report/2013/03/19/c48cb010-900b -11e2-9cfd-
36d6c9b5d7ad_story.html (last visited February 23, 2015)

)SAIAH4HOMPSON 'OVT$ATA3HARPENS&OCUSON#RUDE /IL4RAIN2OUTES 0RO0UBLICA .OVEMBER data-sharpens-focus- on- crude - oil-train-routes (last visited February 23, 2015)

20. Allan Woods, Quebec submits $400 million claim for Lac-Mégantic train disaster, The Toronto Star, June 16,
2014, (last visited
February 23, 2015)

21. Kelly Fay, Pressure is Growing for a Thorough Review of Crude Oil Transportation through NY, Legislative
Gazette, April 21, 2014, c-2014-04-21-87639.113122-Pressure -is-growing-
for-a-thorough-review- of- crude - oil-transportation-through-NY.html (last visited February 23, 2015)

22. Government Accountability Office Report to Congress, Rail Safety: Improved Human Capital Planning Could
Address Emerging Safety Oversight Challenges, U.S. Government Accountability Office, December 2013, http:// (last visited February 23, 2015)

23. Curtis Tate, Trains plus crude oil equals trouble down the track, McClatchy DC,
features/Trains+Oil/Trouble - down-the -track.html?brand=tnt (last visited February 23, 2015)

24. U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. DOT Announces Comprehensive Proposed Rulemaking for the Safe
Transportation of Crude Oil, Flammable Materials, July 23, 2014, dot-announces- com-
prehensive -proposed-rulemaking-safe -transportation- crude - oil (last visited February 24, 2015)

25. Curtis Tate, West Virginia, Canada derailments renew focus on oil tank cars, McClatchy DC, February 17, 2015, derailment-renews.html (last visited February 24, 2015)

26. Rebecca Leber, Oil-Train Spills Are Worse Than Ever, and Obama’s New Safety Rules Aren’t Enough, New
Republic, July 23, 2014, oil-train-safety-rules-arent- enough (last
visited February 23, 2015)

27. Kris Maher, West Virginia Oil Train That Derailed Was Traveling Under Speed Limit, Wall Street Journal,
&EBRUARY oil-train-that- derailed-was-traveling-under-speed-limit-1424379645 (last
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28. Curtis Tate, Trains plus crude oil equals trouble down the track, McClatchy DC,
features/Trains+Oil/Trouble - down-the -track.html?brand=tnt (last visited February 23, 2015)
Methodology 11

This report analyzes the cities, neighborhoods, and 4. Multiply ratio in step 3 by population data in
populations who are most at risk in the event of a CT file;
Bakken oil train crash. It provides the population es-
timates of residents living within a half mile of the 5. Forge a union between CT-clip and county
evacuation zone (the recommended evacuation dis- layer;
tance in the event of a crude oil rail car explosion)
around freight lines where these trains could travel in 6. Select and export records with data from
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This data was both layers;
compiled by FracTracker Alliance.
7. Calculate population of the new fragments
Active freight lines in Pennsylvania by repeating steps 3-4;
This data was obtained through the Oak Ridge Na-
tional Laboratory (ORNL). Their Center for Trans- 8. Fragments were then merged by county.
portation Analysis’ Railroad Network was used to find Population is the sum of these fragments,
the active freight lines in Pennsylvania. Per the source within any given county.
at ORNL, there would be no restrictions on trains on
these track segments regarding the transport of crude  4HE POPULATION RANGES WERE DETERMINED BY
oil. This was altered in one way—it includes all train the “Natural Breaks” method.
segments within three miles of Pennsylvania’s border,
because trains just outside of the state boundary are 2. Municipalities
also within the half-mile distance in some cases. Municipal outlines in Pennsylvania were derived
from a national counties file, which is published by
Populations at Risk in Pennsylvania, by county, the U.S. Census Bureau. The FracTracker Alliance
municipality, and zip code restricted this data to Pennsylvania, and removed the
portion that rendered over water, notably Lake Erie.
1. Counties The populations at risk were derived from 2010 Cen-
County outlines in Pennsylvania were derived from a
sus data and 2014 train data from ORNL by Frac-
national counties file, which is published by the U.S.
Tracker Alliance. The populations listed are within
Census Bureau. The FracTracker Alliance restricted
a half-mile of trains in Pennsylvania by municipali-
this data to Pennsylvania, and removed the portion
ty. This layer was created in the same manner as the
that rendered over water, notably Lake Erie.
county layer, above, but with municipal-level data in
place of county-level data.
The populations at risk were derived from 2010
Census data and 2014 train data from ORNL. The
populations listed are within a half-mile of trains in 3. Zip codes
Pennsylvania by county. Calculations were made by This file includes zip code tabulation areas (ZCTA)
FracTracker Alliance using 2010 Census Tract (CT) in Pennsylvania, as published by the U.S. Census Bu-
level data, train locations, and county shape files. reau. These are areal representations of actual United
All area calculations were performed in Albers Equal State Postal Service zip codes, which, strictly speak-
Area—Great Lakes projection. The process for gen- ing, are a collection of linear postal routes.
erating the population estimates were as follows:
The populations at risk were derived from 2010 Cen-
1. Form a half mile buffer around active freight sus data and 2014 train data from ORNL by Frac-
lines in and near Pennsylvania; Tracker Alliance. The populations listed are within a
half-mile of trains in Pennsylvania by zip code. This
2. Clip CT data to buffer generated in step 1, layer was created in the same manner as the county
resulting in a new layer (CT-clip); layer, above, but with zip code.

3. Determine the ratio of square miles of

fragments in CT-clip to the full CT polygons;
Appendices 11

Table A-1: The top 25 PA zip codes with the largest populations living in the possible evacuation zone

Zipcode Neighborhood Percent Total Population People living in a possible Children (under the age of 18) living
at risk (total) in zip code evacuation zone in a possible evacuation zone

19143 West Philadelphia 81.75% 64,849 53,016 13,361

19134 Northeast Philadelphia, Port Richmond neighborhood 79.44% 60,675 48,200 15,634
19120 North Philadelphia, Olney 66.83% 68,104 45,513 13,309
19140 North Philadelphia, Huntingdon Park 71.07% 54,133 38,471 11,005
19104 West Philadelphia, University City and Mantua 62.41% 51,808 32,332 4,306
19601 Reading 91.76% 32,998 30,280 9,541
18702 Wilkes Barre 72.66% 40,295 29,277 6,056
19142 Southwest Philadelphia 98.60% 29,595 29,181 9,137
19136 Holmesburg 70.22% 40,647 28,541 5,776
19132 North Philadelphia, Allegheny neighborhood 73.84% 36,268 26,780 6,745
19013 Center City 75.94% 35,130 26,679 7,293
19131 Wynnefield, Fairmount 59.85% 43,172 25,837 5,472
19145 Southwest Philadelphia, Packer Park neighborhood 53.39% 47,261 25,231 6,603
19111 Oxford Circle, Fox Chase 39.56% 63,090 24,959 5,791
19401 Norristown 57.78% 41,753 24,124 6,282
18042 Kingston 58.01% 41,570 24,115 5,573
17701 Williamsport 53.98% 44,661 24,108 4,743
18704 Kingston, Forty Fort 75.75% 31,206 23,639 4,540
19124 Juniata, Frankford in Philadelphia 35.02% 66,691 23,353 7,539
15213 Oakland, Pittsburgh 72.79% 30,844 22,451 988
19116 Sumerton, near Bustleton 67.20% 33,112 22,250 4,078
19460 Phoenixville 54.69% 40,154 21,960 5,044
19146 Grays Ferry, Point Breeze 62.52% 35,113 21,951 4,600
15601 Greensburg, Westmoreland Cty 36.81% 59,483 21,895 3,764
19141 Ogontz, Fern Rock 69.76% 31,376 21,888 5,370

Table A-2: The top 10 PA counties with the largest populations living in the possible evacuation zone

City People living in a possible Children (under the age of 18) living
evacuation zone in a possible evacuation zone

Philadelphia 709,955 167, 224

Allegheny 507,172 91,436
Montgomery 285,224 64,172
Delaware 177,829 42,515
Berks 150,154 39,643
Bucks 146,213 31,502
Luzerne 134,851 27,407
Chester 115,551 28,428
Westmoreland 111,218 22,346
Lancaster 106729 24,596
Appendices 12

Table A-3: The top 25 PA municipalities with the largest populations living in the possible evacuation

City People living in a possible Children (under the age of 18) living
evacuation zone in a possible evacuation zone

City of Philadelphia 709,869 16,7212

Pittsburgh 183,456 25,776
Reading 70,012 22,120
Scranton 61,004 12,390
Erie 51,058 13,161
Allentown 44,035 12,632
Wilkes-Barre 33,733 6,664
Harrisburg 31,791 8,862
Abington township 28,826 6,630
City of York 28,700 8,658
City of Chester 26,759 7,261
Lower Merion township 26,107 5,527
Altoona 25,777 6,118
Bethlehem 25,264 4,980
Williamsport 22,674 4,461
City of Lancaster 22,667 4,735
Norristown borough 21,778 5,944
Ridley township 20,307 4,416
Cheltenham township 18,311 3,813
Easton 17,304 3,911
Johnstown 17,113 3,642
Bensalem township 16,596 3,248
City of Lebanon 16,154 4,257
Upper Merion township 15,901 3,157
Chambersburg borough 15,337 3,563
Appendices 13

Map A-4: Erie residents living in the possible oil train evacuation zone

Map A-5: Harrisburg residents living in the possible oil train evacuation zone
Appendices 14

Map A-6: Johnstown residents living in the possible oil train evacuation zone

Map A-7: Lehigh Valley residents living in the possible oil train evacuation zone
Appendices 15

Map A-8: Philadelphia residents living in the possible oil train evacuation zone

Map A-9: Pittsburgh residents living in the possible oil train evacuation zone
Appendices 16

Map A-10: Scranton and Wilkes-Barre residents living in the possible oil train evacuation zone

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