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1. What do you mean by the term central tendency? (4)

2. What do you mean by the term standard deviation? (4)

3. Distinguish between paired & unpaired ‘t’ test. (4)

4. Write a note on bar diagram. (4)

5. Write a note of frequency polygon. (4)

6. Write a note on histogram. (4)

7. What is Z score? (3)

8. What is frequency distribution? (3)

9. What is variance? (3)

10. What is mean deviation? (3)

11.Define mean, median, mode. (2+2+2)

12. Distinguish between parametric & non parametric data . (2+2)

13. What is null hypothesis?(3)

14. What is linear correlation. State its significance. (2+2)

15. What are the application of regression in physiology. (3)

16. State the difference between one tail & two tail test. (2+2)

17. What is chi square test. State its significance. (2+3)

18. What is standard error ? State its significance. (2+2)

19. What is probability sampling?(2)

20. What is level of significance? (2)

21. What is correlation co efficient? (3)

22. What is student’s t distribution? Describe its properties.(3+3)

23. What is error of inference? (2)

24. What do you mean by leptokurtic, mesokurtic and platykurtic distribution?

25. What do you mean by positively and negatively skewed data? (2)

26. What is the basic difference between the two tailed and one tail ‘t’ test? (2)

27. State which t test would you perform with proper reason in following situations

(a) to test the efficacy of a drug designed by you in rats

(b) to test the efficacy of the same above drug on the male and female rats

(c) to test whether yield in a particular field is better than another field is due to a
fertilizer or not. (1+1+1)

28. ‘Drug A is a revolutionary drug and it will cure Alzheimer’s disease’ – What will the
Null hypothesis (H0) statement for the above claim? (1)

29. What do you mean by Kurtosis? (2)

30. What is the difference between parametric and non parametric statistical test. (2)

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