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Daily Digest

39.txt The most recent McCain ad involved the famous

Hillary Clinton ”3 a.m.” spot and will be aired during
Will her gender sway women to Palin? the convention. The 30-second spot uses footage from
(CNN) – As Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Sen. John Clinton’s original ad and declares, ”Hillary’s right.”
McCain’s pick for vice president, makes her case to the The ad, which ran in key battleground states and
convention Wednesday night, Republicans hope she will specifically in Denver last week, also goes a step fur-
sway Democratic women toward their ticket. ther than the New York senator’s original ad, in detail-
Palin already has been working on that. ing what it claims are the national security threats the
”It was rightly noted in Denver this week that Hillary United States faces.
[Clinton] left 18 million cracks in the highest and hard- Clinton, speaking to a member of the New York del-
est glass ceiling in America, but it turns out the women egation in Denver on August 25, said she was opposed
of America aren’t finished yet and we can shatter that to Republicans using her words against Obama.
glass ceiling once and for all,” she said as McCain in- But it is still unclear as to how many will go the way
troduced her as his choice Friday. of the PUMA. Read more on the PUMA movement
But some of the most ardent Clinton supporters — A recent Rutgers University study said historically,
even those still loath to vote for Sen. Barack Obama women don’t vote for a candidate because a woman is
– found McCain’s choice of Palin patronizing. Video on the ticket. They tend to vote Democratic.
Watch more of Palin’s comments That happened in 1984 for former New York Rep.
”Well, first were just laughing. I mean laughing not Geraldine Ferraro, the first female vice presidential of
in the sense of ’Oh my God, what has he done?’ but a major political party. Despite the historic nature of
”Does he think that’s really going to work?’” Allida the race, her addition to Walter Mondale’s ticket proved
Black, a Clinton supporter for Obama, said. fruitless.
”I mean does he think that women voters who are The Mondale-Ferraro ticket lost big time to Presi-
with Hillary is some Lego block ... you can take out a dent Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush that year:
red one and put in a green one?” 525 electoral votes to Mondale’s 13.
She said Palin and Clinton have only gender in com- Reagan carried 49 out of the 50 states, with Mon-
mon. Palin is anti-abortion rights, belongs to the Na- dale’s only electoral votes coming from Minnesota – his
tional Rifle Association and is a conservative Repub- home state – and the District of Columbia.
lican. And she’s been critical of Clinton, calling the Ferraro’s ties to New York, which is a notoriously
New York senator’s charges of ”sexist” news coverage blue state, were unsuccessful for the ticket.
– whining. In that race, 44 percent of Democratic women voters
”When I hear a statement like that coming from and 56 percent of their Republican counterparts voted
a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine in the presidential race; 51 percent of all voters were
about the excess criticism or maybe a sharper micro- women, according to exit polling.
scope put on her, I think, man, that doesn’t do us any Twenty-four years later, there’s another woman on
good,” Palin told Newsweek magazine in March. a presidential ticket – this time a Republican. It’s some-
That’s not to say all Clinton supporters would be thing that Ferraro hopes will not bring sexism back into
adverse to a McCain-Palin ticket. A group called PUMA, the campaign.
which stands for ”Party Unity My A**”, were Clinton ”I believe that people will look back and assess how
supporters – both women and men –who are threaten- Hillary was treated by the media during the campaign
ing to vote McCain. primaries. And it remains to be seen whether or not
The McCain camp has been aggressively courting the ugly head of sexism – in the media – will raise its
those disaffected with Obama, especially after he an- head again,” said Ferraro on August 29, the day after
nounced Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden as his running Obama’s speech at Invesco field.
mate. Video Watch more on Palin’s readiness to lead ”I have always said that I wish I would have never
Just as the Democrats’ convention was getting started been the only woman, until now,” she said last Friday.
in Denver, Colorado, last week, the McCain campaign But if Democratic women were swayed this year, it
and the Republican National Committee unveiled four was toward a woman in their own party.
TV ads geared toward Clinton supporters. Are you a woman backing Palin?

That woman was Hillary Clinton , and it wasn’t working mothers and found both support and criticism
because of her gender, but what they pointed to as her that Palin might not be able to handle a big family
experience and fitness to lead the country. and the role of vice presidency at the same time and
Claudine Montano, initially a Clinton supporter, reservations about her going back to work right after
said last week at the Democratic convention that not giving birth to a disabled baby.
many Clinton backers will support McCain after Clin-
ton’s rousing speech endorsing Obama.
”I think when they heard Hillary ... they will go
with Obama,” said Montano, a New Mexico resident 38.txt
who is not a delegate.
Pledged Clinton delegate Anne Price Mills, with Palin to call for reform in convention speech
tears in her eyes, said Clinton was ”presidential” on ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) GOP vice presiden-
August 26. tial candidate Sarah Palin will highlight her record as
Price Mills, of Washington state, was a staunch Alaska’s governor and a former smalltown mayor when
Clinton supporter. As for her vote in November? she speaks Wednesday night to the Republican Na-
”Obama has two months,” she said. ”I won’t vote tional Convention, a top aide to Palin said.
for McCain, but [Obama] has to get me here, and I Sen. John McCain’s running mate also will call for
haven’t connected with him.” Read more on Clinton reform in Washington, Palin aide Tucker Eskew said.
supporters on the fence ”She will speak as a governor, a former mayor and
Palin has five children. Her 17-year-old daughter, someone with both hands on the steering wheel of Amer-
Bristol, is pregnant, and she recently had a Down syn- ica’s energy economy,” Eskew said.
drome baby. Anti-abortion groups and conservatives ”She will detail her record of shaking up the status
have praised her and her daughter’s decisions to keep quo in Alaska and standing up to entrenched interests
their babies. to put the government back on the side of the people.
Elder statesman of the evangelical movement, Fo- She will make the case for Sen. McCain as the only
cus on the Family founder James Dobson, released a candidate who has fought for America and the best
statement lauding the Palins for acting in keeping with man to protect us in dangerous times.”
the group’s policies and practices: Palin is slated to speak during the 10 p.m. ET hour
”We have always encouraged the parents to love and at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul. Video Watch
support their children and always advised the girls to more on Palin’s speech
see their pregnancies through, even though there will of Palin took a tour of the podium at the convention
course be challenges along the way. That is what the site Wednesday morning, hours before she’ll return to
Palins are doing, and they should be commended once give what will be the most scrutinized speech of her
again for not just talking about their pro-life and pro- career.
family values, but living them out even in the midst of She walked through the nearly empty hall and spent
trying circumstances,” his statement said. about 10 minutes checking out the podium where she’ll
But an anti-abortion stance is unlikely to sway Demo- give her primetime acceptance speech.
cratic women. Palin told reporters that she feels ”great.”
A recent survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Re- ”I’m excited to speak to Americans. This will be
search shows that the issue of choice can have a large good. It’s about reform,” she said. Video Watch Palin
impact on the election. tour the podium
The poll, conducted May 29-June 8, showed: Pro- Top McCain staff, including campaign manager Rick
choice is an issue that swings key blocs of women voters Davis and senior adviser Nicolle Wallace, accompanied
to Obama’s side. Palin on her tour.
Obama gains 13 points among pro-choice indepen- Her address is sure to generate a lot of attention
dent women – who make up 9 percent of the sample since McCain surprised many political observers last
– and 9 points among pro-choice Republican women, week with his selection of Palin over betterknown con-
who account for 5 percent of the sample, according to tenders such as former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Rom-
the poll. ney and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
advertisement Revelations that Palin’s 17yearold unmarried daugh-
”Among pro-choice independent women, pro-choice ter, Bristol, is pregnant also generated a flurry of media
Republican women, and liberal to moderate Republican buzz as the GOP convention got under way this week.
women, the issue of abortion produces a larger advan- On Tuesday night, Republican leaders strongly de-
tage for Democrats than the economy, the war in Iraq, fended Palin, who has won praise from influential con-
or health care,” according to the Greenberg Quinlan servatives for her opposition to abortion and her probusi-
Rosner/NARAL poll report. ness record.
Also, a recent New York Times article looked at

Actor and former Sen. Fred Thompson led the ”Joe Lieberman ought to be ashamed of himself for
charge, berating ”Washington pundits and media big some of the things he said tonight, not as a Democrat
shots” who have questioned her experience as a first- but as an American,” adviser Robert Gibbs said on
term governor of Alaska and former mayor of Wasilla, ”Larry King Live.”
Alaska. Lieberman, an independent senator from Connecti-
”She is from a small town, with smalltown values, cut who was the Democratic vice presidential candidate
but that’s not good enough for those folks who are at- alongside Al Gore in 2000, has thrown his support be-
tacking her and her family,” he said to cheers. hind John McCain, a longtime friend.
”Let’s be clear. The selection of Gov. Palin has the Lieberman urged Democratic and independent vot-
other side and their friends in the media in a state of ers to make a change and vote for a McCain because, he
panic. She is a courageous, successful reformer who is said, he would do whatever it took to help the American
not afraid to take on the establishment.” Video Watch public. Do you agree with Lieberman?
Thompson defend Palin Lieberman attacked Obama’s rhetoric, saying ”elo-
Thompson said Palin has the experience needed in quence is no substitute for a record.”
Washington, calling her ”a woman who has actually ”In the Senate, [Obama] has not reached across
governed rather than just talked a good game on the party lines to get anything significant done, nor has
Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail cir- he been willing to take on powerful interest groups in
cuit.” the Democratic Party,” Lieberman said in his speech.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the 2000 Democratic vice pres- Gibbs stressed that it was a ”flat-out lie” that Obama
idential nominee and now a Connecticut independent, hasn’t reached across party lines during his time in pub-
also called Palin ”a reformer.” lic office. Gibbs cited Obama’s work with Sen. Richard
”She’s taken on the special interests and the polit- Lugar, R-Indiana, to keep nuclear weapons out of the
ical power brokers in Alaska and reached across party hands of terrorists and with Sen. Tom Coburn, R-
lines to get things done,” Lieberman said. Video Watch Oklahoma, on the government budget.
more of Lieberman’s speech Gibbs blamed what he called lies like those perpe-
And President Bush, speaking to the convention by trated in Lieberman’s speech for disillusioning voters
video link from the White House, said McCain could and making them cynical of the government.
govern in Washington with ”an outstanding leader at ”I think [Lieberman] owes it to the American people
his side.” to look into the camera and tell them the truth,” Gibbs
Also on Wednesday night, McCain’s former rivals said. Watch New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson’s take
for the GOP presidential nomination will take center on Lieberman’s speech Video
stage at the convention. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spokesman Jim
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Romney Manley said Reid too was unhappy with the tone of
and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee will speak Lieberman’s speech.
in prime time, party officials said. ”As the American people have made very clear, the
advertisement last thing this country needs is another four years of
Giuliani scrapped his run for the presidency in Jan- the same old failed Bush-McCain policies of the past,”
uary. Romney, who was on the shortlist of potential Manley said.
running mates for McCain, gave up his bid for the Obama campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor said in
White House in February. And Huckabee dropped out a statement that the convention speeches also showed
a month later. how out of touch the McCain campaign and Republi-
All three men backed McCain after ending their cans are with the American people, neglecting to talk
campaigns. about one of the country’s biggest problems: the econ-
”At a time when millions of Americans are strug-
gling like never before to pay their mortgage, their
37.txt medical bills and their gas bills, tonight’s speakers at
John McCain’s Republican convention proved how out
Democrats attack Lieberman, saying he lied to del- of touch their candidate is by saying not one word about
egates his plans to put our economy back on track and provide
(CNN) – Democrats accused former colleague Sen. real relief to middle-class families,” Vietor said. ”Ap-
Joe Lieberman of misleading the Republican National parently, John McCain’s belief that we’ve made ’great
Convention when he addressed them in a speech Tues- progress’ economically over the last eight years means
day night. he doesn’t have to offer any plans at all to fix our ailing
A senior Barack Obama campaign adviser said Lieber- economy.”
man flat-out lied when he told delegates that Obama The Obama campaign also used a short speech de-
never successfully reached across party lines. livered by President Bush via satellite to once again tie

McCain to the unpopular president, as it has attempted
to do throughout this election season.
”Tonight, George Bush enthusiastically passed the
torch to the man who’s earned it by voting with him
90 percent of the time and who will continue this pres-
ident’s legacy for the next four years: his disastrous
economic policies, his foreign policy that hasn’t made
us safer and his misguided war in Iraq that’s costing us
10 billion a month,” Obama campaign manager David
Plouffe said.
”The man George Bush needs may be John McCain,
but the change America needs is Barack Obama.”

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