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1. Md of company wasn't taken accident seriously because when ESM call to MD annoyed for
interruption and this show that they didn't fulfill employre responsibilities.
2. MD tell ESM to investigate accident next morning.this show that company didn't taken accident
3. MD ask to run the printer after the accident heppened this was show that they are not serious
to take evidences.
4. When the safety supervisor ask why he didn't bericade the accident site he said that due to
order deadline. This was show that the company didn't give priority to the workers
5. They didn't stop the witnessed when he gone to home because witness because the should be
done as soon as possible
6. When safety supervisor recommend to stop the printer and not used until the investigation
done but LSM said MD given instructions to run printer continue which show that company
didn't taken accident seriously
7. When safety supervisor ask for existing documentation for investigation they didn't have which
made difficult to investigate the accident for supervisor

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