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Identify occupation at risk from noise induced hearing loss.

1 Construction workers:

As a result of plant and machinery operation, such as concrete breaker.

2 Uniformed services:

Such as army personal exposed to noise from small arms and artillery.

3 Entertainment worker:

Such as night club staff exposed to loud music.

4 Manufacturing sector worker:

Exposed to industrial machinery noise.

5 Call center staff:

Exposed to loud noise and acoustic shock from the use of headset

6 Airport ground staff:

Airport ground staff who are exposed to the high levels of noise generated by airplanes taking off and
landing can also be at risk for developing NIHL.

7 Firefighters:

Firefighters are exposed to loud noise from sirens, engines, and equipment, which can
contribute to NIHL.

8 Bus drivers:

Bus drivers who are exposed to noise from traffic and engine noise can be at risk for developing

9 Teachers:

Teachers who work in loud classrooms or around loud equipment such as projectors and
speakers are at risk for developing NIHL.

10 Pilots:

Pilots who are exposed to high levels of noise in the cockpit can also be at risk for developing
11 Farmers:

Farmers who use machinery such as tractors, combines, and chainsaws are at risk for NIHL

12 Musicians:

Musicians, particularly those who play in loud bands or orchestras, are at high risk for noise-
induced hearing loss (NIHL) due to prolonged exposure to loud music

13 Postal workers:

Postal workers who operate loud sorting machines and equipment can also be at risk for
developing NIHL.

14 Factory workers:

Factory workers who work in noisy environments where heavy machinery is used can also be at
risk for developing NIHL.

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