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Prompt: The job/professional opportunities available for people with a degree in the major.

This issue is very important to a person’s life because it exhibits the many career paths
that one may choose to do. In the specific area that I will be researching, biological science,
there are multiple paths that one can choose. The reason why this issue is important to me
personally is because I believe that finding a career path that you love is more important than
the salary. In our generation today a lot of kids wish to just make a lot of money and will do
anything to achieve that goal. Though they may achieve their goal, it doesn’t mean that they will
be happy or content with their life in the end. In biological science, I believe it’s essential to look
through and try out all the possible careers that one can do in order to find which one they are
happy with the most. In order to conduct this study, I will research each possible career choice
and what daily activities and roles come with it as well. While doing this I will be interviewing
people who are in those specific career paths in order to give the audience some background
information. By the end of Project 1, not only do I hope to guide my audience but I also wish to
guide myself and see if I still stand with my career choice or maybe be influenced by another.

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