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True False Of Longinous

1. Longinus believed that the sublime could be achieved through the use of skillful
language and rhetorical techniques. True
2. According to Longinus, the sublime is primarily an objective quality of the text,
rather than a subjective response from the reader. False
3. Longinus argued that the sublime is often found in writing that evokes strong
emotions in the reader, such as awe or terror. True
4. Longinus identified five key sources of the sublime, including grandeur of
thought and mastery of language. True
5. Longinus believed that the sublime is an essential element of great writing, but
that it cannot be achieved through mere imitation or formulaic techniques. True
6. Longinus' concept of the sublime was heavily influenced by his belief in the
power of nature and the natural world. True
7. Longinus believed that the sublime was primarily a product of the writer's skill,
and that the audience's emotional response was of secondary importance. False
8. Longinus' On the Sublime was primarily concerned with practical advice for
writers, rather than theoretical discussions of aesthetics or philosophy. False
9. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could only be achieved by
great writers and was beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. False
10. According to Longinus, the sublime is a quality that is achieved through the
combination of a writer's skill and the power of the subject matter. True
11. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved in any
form of writing, from poetry to prose. True
12. Longinus' concept of the sublime was heavily influenced by his study of ancient
Greek literature and rhetoric. True
13. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could only be achieved
through the use of elaborate rhetorical techniques, such as metaphor and
hyperbole. False
14. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of simple, direct language as well as more elaborate rhetorical
techniques. True
15. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could only be achieved
through the use of a particular style or genre of writing. False
16. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of any style or genre of writing, as long as it met certain criteria. True
17. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that was primarily concerned
with the emotions it evoked in the reader, rather than the intellectual content of
the writing. False
18. According to Longinus, the sublime is a quality that can be achieved through the
use of a variety of literary techniques, including irony and satire. True
True False Of Longinous

19. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both figurative and literal language. True
20. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of any language, regardless of its cultural or historical context. False
21. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of any language, as long as it was clear and precise. False
22. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that was primarily concerned
with the writer's ability to express complex ideas in a clear and concise manner.
23. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that was primarily concerned
with the writer's ability to evoke strong emotions in the reader. True
24. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that was primarily concerned
with the writer's ability to create a sense of grandeur or greatness in the reader's
mind. True

26. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could only be achieved
through the use of positive language and imagery. False
27. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both positive and negative language and imagery. True
28. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both literal and figurative language, but that figurative language was
more effective. False
29. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both literal and figurative language, but that literal language was more
effective. False
30. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both simple and complex language, but that complex language was
more effective. False
31. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both simple and complex language, but that simple language was
more effective. False
32. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of a particular set of rhetorical devices that he identified in his work. False
33. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
a wide variety of rhetorical devices, not just the ones he identified in his work.
34. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that was primarily concerned
with the writer's ability to convey a sense of power and authority through their
writing. True
True False Of Longinous

35. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that was primarily concerned
with the writer's ability to evoke a sense of wonder and amazement in the reader.
36. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of a particular set of themes and subjects, such as mythology and history.
37. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of a wide variety of themes and subjects, as long as they were treated in a
skillful and effective manner. True
38. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of a particular set of literary genres, such as epic poetry and tragedy.
39. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of a wide variety of literary genres, as long as they met certain criteria.
40. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by
writers of all nationalities and cultures. True
41. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could only be achieved by
writers who were well-versed in the classics of ancient Greek literature. False
42. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by
writers who were inspired by the classics of ancient Greek literature, but who also
brought their own unique perspective and style to their writing. True
43. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by
writers who were willing to take risks and experiment with new techniques and
styles. True
44. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by
writers who were focused primarily on intellectual content, rather than emotional
impact. False
45. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by
writers who were focused primarily on emotional impact, rather than intellectual
content. False
46. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by
writers who were able to balance intellectual content with emotional impact in
their writing. True

48. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could only be achieved
through the use of grand and lofty language. False
True False Of Longinous

49. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of simple and straightforward language, as long as it was used effectively.
50. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both long and short sentences, as long as they were used effectively.
51. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of repetition and parallelism in language. True
52. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of rhetorical questions and exclamations. True
53. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of metaphors and other figures of speech. True
54. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of understatement and irony, as well as hyperbole and exaggeration. True
55. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both direct and indirect language. True
56. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both concrete and abstract language, as long as it was used effectively.
57. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both positive and negative emotions, such as awe and terror. True
58. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both individual and collective emotions, such as personal feeling and
shared experience. True
59. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both descriptive and narrative writing, as long as it was used
effectively. True
60. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both objective and subjective writing, as long as it was used effectively.
61. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both explicit and implicit meanings in language. True
62. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both natural and artificial language. True
63. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both traditional and innovative writing techniques. True
64. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both conventional and unconventional subject matter. True
True False Of Longinous

65. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both seriousness and humor in writing, as long as it was used
effectively. True
66. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both tragic and comic elements in writing, as long as it was used
effectively. True
67. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both religious and secular themes in writing. True
68. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both praise and criticism in writing, as long as it was used effectively.
69. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both rational and emotional appeals in writing, as long as it was used
effectively. True
70. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both clarity and ambiguity in language, as long as it was used
effectively. True

71. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could only be achieved by
writers who had received a formal education in rhetoric and literary theory. False
72. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by any
writer who had a deep understanding of language and a passion for writing. True
73. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved by
writers of any culture or language, as long as they were able to communicate
effectively with their intended audience. True
74. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of any genre of writing, from poetry to prose to drama. True
75. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of any subject matter, as long as it was treated with seriousness and
respect. True
76. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of any type of character or persona in writing, from the heroic to the
villainous. True
77. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of any type of literary device or technique, as long as it was used
effectively. True
78. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both high and low culture references in writing, as long as they were
used effectively. True
True False Of Longinous

79. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both classical and contemporary literary references in writing. True
80. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both objective and subjective descriptions of the natural world. True
81. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both realistic and fantastical elements in writing, as long as they were
used effectively. True
82. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both personal and universal themes in writing. True
83. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both familiar and unfamiliar language and imagery, as long as it was
used effectively. True
84. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both clarity and complexity in language and structure, as long as it was
used effectively. True
85. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both unity and variety in language and structure, as long as it was used
effectively. True
86. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both logical and emotional appeals in writing, as long as they were
used effectively. True
87. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both specific and general language and imagery, as long as it was used
effectively. True
88. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both familiar and innovative rhetorical devices and techniques, as long
as they were used effectively. True
89. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both overt and subtle messages and meanings in writing. True
90. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both high and low emotional states in writing, from ecstasy to despair.
91. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both natural and supernatural themes and motifs in writing. True

93. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both concise and expansive language and imagery, as long as it was
used effectively. True
True False Of Longinous

94. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both understatement and exaggeration in language and imagery, as
long as it was used effectively. True
95. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both humor and seriousness in writing, as long as they were used
effectively. True
96. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both personal and impersonal writing styles, as long as it was used
effectively. True
97. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both literary and non-literary forms of expression, such as oratory or
philosophy. True
98. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both traditional and experimental forms of writing, as long as it was
used effectively. True
99. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved through
the use of both explicit and implicit statements in writing, as long as they were
used effectively. True
100. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both objective and subjective viewpoints in writing, as long as
they were used effectively. True
101. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both individual and collective experiences in writing. True
102. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both traditional and innovative perspectives on the human
experience in writing. True
103. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both rational and intuitive insights into the human experience
in writing. True
104. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both sensory and intellectual experiences in writing. True
105. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both ethical and aesthetic appeals in writing, as long as they
were used effectively. True
106. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both conventional and unconventional methods of expression
in writing, as long as they were used effectively. True
107. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both harmony and dissonance in language and structure, as
long as it was used effectively. True
True False Of Longinous

108. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both unity and diversity in subject matter and themes in
writing, as long as it was used effectively. True
109. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both historical and contemporary perspectives on the human
experience in writing. True
110. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both imagination and observation in writing. True
111. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both symbolic and literal language and imagery, as long as it
was used effectively. True
112. Longinus believed that the sublime was a quality that could be achieved
through the use of both traditional and experimental forms of language and
structure, as long as it was used effectively. True

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