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1. What is a search strategy?

When you are working on a research paper

assignment, whom should you consult early on to help you create a search
strategy appropriate for your research?
A search strategy I use and have been using since high school is searching the web and
always use key words.When working on an asighnment and you need help ask the
professor or teacher and if further help is needed look for a tutor.

2. What is plagiarism, and what are several ways you can avoid unintentional
Plagiarism is the blatant copying of another work. Ways to avoid accidental or
unintentional plagerisim is by always citing sources used.

3. What is the difference between a primary source and a secondary source?

A primary scource is hard evidence or an artifact that relates to the topic. A secnonday
source is a document or recording to the topic.

4. What is field research, and what are some field research methods?
Field research is data gathered outside of the office or lab. Some research methods are
surveys, interviews in person or observations made.

5. When you evaluate and assess web sources, what should you know about
them and why?
When evaluating a website you should always look for the domain, see if the website
trustworthy, and check the facts. Also look for the resources used in the article.

6. When integrating sources into your paper, what does it mean to summarize a
source, and when should you use a summary?
What it means to summerize a source is to only use relevant points and conclusions of the
material. When you should summerize a post when concluding your paper.

7. When integrating sources into your paper, what does it mean to paraphrase a
source, and when should you use a paraphrase?
What it means to paraphrase is to sum up the source in your own words while still citing
citing the source. You should paraphrase when you have quoted the source too much.

8, 9, 10, 11, 12. When integrating sources into your paper, when should you use

That is, what are five situations when you might use quotations from sources?

One reason to quote a source is to show the reader you have done your reason. The second reason
to quote a source is to add more facts to the writing. The third reason to quote a source is to use
information that is not yours. The fourth reason to quote a source is to make your writing more
credible. The fifth reason to quote a source is to help your argument.

13. What does it mean to synthesize multiple sources? What are several
questions to ask

yourself when you are synthesizing sources?

What it means to synthesize sources it to bring multiple sources that are about the same
thing together. Questions to ask yourself when doing this is if the source actually connect, if
connecting the sources will the writing make sense.

14. What does it mean to “think like a researcher”?

What it means to think like a researcher is to be able to mentally visualize what you are
writing about.

15. What are signal phrases and when should you use them? What information
should you

include the first time you quote a source to help your readers recognize the

authority and your own credibility as a researcher?

Signal phrases a short phrases that are used to introduce quote. Information that should be used in
signal phrases is info that can be used to set up the quote.
16. What is the proper way to set off (block) long quotations in MLA format? When

you use a block quotation for prose? For poetry or verse drama?

Ways to block long quotations is by using a colon to split up the quote. For prose the quote has to
be more than 4 lines and in poetry it cant be longer than 3 lines.

17. How do you determine if a source is a scholarly one? What should you look
A way to determine a scorce is a scholarly one if the authors name is included, its written
for professionals .

18. What is a working bibliography and why should you maintain one?
A working bibliography is a tool that is used to maintain an ongoing list of sources. You
should maintain one to keep your sources in one spot.

19. What is an annotated bibliography?

An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary of each entry.

20. When should you use the ellipsis mark and brackets inside quotations of
You should use ellipses if the quotes is too long and brackets should be used when more
info is needed to explain the quote.

21, 22, 23, 24, 25. What are five ways that you can use sources to inform and

support your argument?

The first way you can use a scorce to inform and support your argument is by a quote. The second
way is to sumerize the source. The third reason to paraphrase the source. The fourth way is to cite
the source so the reader can see other reasons that were not used. The fifth way to use a scource is
by using pictures if possible.

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