Central Pacific - Project Charter Template v4 Sykkel

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Project Charter for Team Central Pacific


Project Information
Project Name: Sykkle Parts, Inc.
Project Sponsor: Dr. Hicks
Project Owner: CEO of Sykkle Parts, Inc.


Include in this table, the names (if available) and/or title or role of
the individual. For example, you could list the operator supervisors
by name and note their title as “Operator Supervisor”.

In the case of a key role for which you may not know an
individual’s name or “title”, you could list the role, such as SME
(Subject Matter Expert). This list is what would be called the “Key
Stakeholders”. Technically, anyone that can impact the success or
failure of the project is a stakeholder, but at the Charter phase, we
are only interested in those that would be considered “key”.

Director of Marketing

Director of Sales & Service

Training & LMS Manager



HR Manager

Project Members

Business Case (A brief narrative that describes the business need for this project. A few sentences
about the history, the business “problem”, and how this project is intended to address that (those)
Key Performance Issue #1: Sales & Support Department Poor Reviews
Customers are reviewing both the sales and support teams negatively, including frequent
complaints of ‘rude or unhelpful’ employees. Dissatisfied customers are both writing negative
reviews online and spreading word of mouth complaints to their social networks. This
contributes to poor sales, the loss of repeat customers, and higher rates of return. The sales
and support team will receive training in phone etiquette and customer service.
Key Performance Issue #2: Low Brand Awareness
A recent market study demonstrated a lack of brand recognition among potential customers.
This has made it difficult for the company to attract new customers and is contributing to the
decline in sales. It also is an indicator that Sykkle Parts is at a disadvantage compared to
competitors. This project will increase brand awareness and improve the business’s position in
the market by analyzing the brand, making the brand consistent and authentic, and targeting the
right consumers with appropriate strategies.

Business Objectives (in business metrics terms, what are the hoped-for outcomes of the project
Team Central Pacific is making the following recommendations for the key performance issues
at Sykkle Parts, Inc:

1. Sales and support departments reviewed as “rude” and “unhelpful” by clients and
customers will receive training to show a 20% improvement in customer surveys.
2. A lack of brand awareness will be addressed in non-training strategies that include a
revitalized brand and fresh marketing campaign that will result in a 20% increase in
brand awareness in a subsequent market analysis.

Project Deliverables (What are the products or services or goods that will be provided to the client
at the end of the Project. It may be helpful to think in terms of, what are the things that the client is paying
for that the project team will be delivering. This can be a product, like a widget or a SCORM compliant
learning module or report, or it may be a service like the facilitation of training or moving office equipment
from on place to another……product and or service that is delivered to the client as a result of the work of
the project. It is common to have more than one “deliverable” in a project.)
At the conclusion of this project, Team Central Pacific will provide:
• One SCORM compliant computer-based training module on key customer service
strategies and phone etiquette to add to Sykkle Parts, Inc. Learning Management
• One in-person training for managers on coaching employees on key customer service
strategies and phone etiquette and a Trainer’s Guide. This training will be offered twice
to accommodate managers on different shift schedules.
• A brand analysis, including research on Sykkle Parts’ target market.
• A cohesive brand identity, including visuals, stories, and values, that speak to the target
• A marketing plan based on brand identity intended to improve brand awareness among
the target market.

In Scope (This can be as simple as a couple of bullets that generally identify the two unique items of
focus on your project. Just as an example: 1. Create a training module whose instruction, content,
activities, assessment are intended to produce improvements call center customer satisfaction
performance measure. 2. Develop an Employee Retention Strategy Plan that guides Sykkel Parts through
the steps to define the best ways to manage the employee retention problems. – These represent the
limited nature of the intent of the “In Scop” section of this template.)

Team Central Pacific’s project will include:

• Development of the CBT module and an in-person management module, each of which
will include instruction, learning activities, role plays, and an assessment designed to
improve customer services ratings.
• All content will be uniquely tailored to the customer feedback received on surveys and
assessments will be developed based on the objectives set by key stakeholders.
• A brand and target market analysis, as well as a cohesive brand identity and marketing

Out of Scope (This is a very important section. It is a guarantee that, based on whatever is in scope,
there are stakeholders that will make assumptions about what they may see as “obvious” related or
supportive work that the team must “clearly” be addressing as well. The content of this section makes
very clear what is NOT being addressed in the project. The purpose of this section is to quell any
thoughts or discussions about those assumptions.)

Team Central Pacific’s project will not include:

• Uploading the CBT module to the LMS, adding requirements to employee’s training
plans, running compliance reports, or following up with employees who are deficient in
the training.
• Implementing the marketing plan through advertising or other marketing strategies.
• Market analysis of competitors or distribution chain.
• Training the marketing team.

Project Completion Criteria (Typically, there are qualitative or quantitative measures that are
related to the deliverables and are used to determine when the deliverable is “acceptable” to the client.
There may also be a specific project closing process that must be followed before the project can be
officially completed, etc.)

• Sales and support departments training will result in a 20% improvement in customer
• Sales and Support department anecdotal reviews will include a 20% increase in positive
adjectives (ex: helpful, friendly)
• The brand awareness part of the project will be completed after the next brand
awareness study shows an increase of 20% among likely consumers.

Project Milestone (At the Charter Phase, this is what is called Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM), in
other words, a very rough estimate and is expected to change as more details become known)

Milestone- Customer Date Estimated Cost

Consultation with SME to 1 week (should $6,000
determine key customer require ~20 hours of
service requirements at contact time)
Storyboard CBT 2 weeks $24,000
Develop Facilitators Guide 2 weeks $24,000

Milestone- Customer Date Estimated Cost
1st draft of CBT 3 weeks $36,000
2nd draft of CBT 1 week $6,000
Post-evaluation review 4 weeks post 1,000
Total: $97,000

Milestone- Brand Date Estimated Cost

Conduct current brand and 1 month $48,000
market audit through
interviews and surveys
Re-branding process 3 months $144,000
Marketing plan delivery 1 month $48,000
Total: $240,000

Risk Area Low, Medium, or High Risk Owner Project Impact-
Likelihood Mitigation Plan
Staff Turnover Medium Director of Human Time frame can be
Resources lengthened
Product Supply Low VP of Operations Marketing plan can
Issues be adjusted to focus
on available items
Changes in Low Director of Lengthen time frame
Government Government to make
Regulations Relations adjustments and
prioritize actions not
affected by changes
Surge in Low to Medium Executive Team Time frame can be
Global lengthened
[Insert area] [Insert likelihood] [Insert owner] [Insert plan]

Assumptions (This is a list of anything that the project team assumes will be available, provided,
exists, or a process that will be followed, or support that will be available, etc. Anything at all that is
directly related to the project success for which the team assumes something. These are critical because
if the assumption is not explicitly noted, the project owner or stakeholders will not have an opportunity to
set the record straight on the misguided nature of the assumption. An example might be that the project
team needs the call center operators for 10 hours each week. However, the company may in fact not be
able to free up their time for more than 5 hours per week. You can see how much problem having the
assumption of 10 hours available would cause the project down the road when they learn, too late, about
the available time limit of only 5 hours. Get the assumptions in the charter to ensure everyone is on the
same page before the project starts.

• LMS will not change.

• Employees are proficient in the use of technological systems, including phone and
• Employees will have access to equipment and technology for training.
• Training rooms will be available as needed.
• Scheduling will allow the employees to devote 10 hours to complete training.
• Position descriptions and fundamental expectations of the job will not change.
• Necessary finances will be available within the budget to complete the project.
• Project costs will stay the same as the initially budgeted costs.
• The project scope will not change once stakeholders have signed off on the scope

Brand Awareness-

• Access to previous and current marketing plans and activities, and access to sales and
marketing data.
• Company products and services will not change.

Constraints (A constraint is NOT an assumption. A constraint is anything that the project team MUST
comply or adhere to. For example, if the deliverable must comply with the American with Disabilities Act
(ADA), then this is a constraint to the design. Any government or organizational regulations or standards
that are related to your project planning, design, or development are constraints. Constraints are not good
or bad, they are factors that must be considered as the project details are hashed out. Typically, you will
hear about the “triple constraints”, which is a reference to project scope, budget, and time.)

Customer Service
Training will comply with company standards and government regulations. Training will be
designed accessibly with inclusive strategies and in compliance with the American Disabilities
Act, Section 508 and WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

The services provided by Central Pacific will include those described as in scope and within the
scheduled milestones over 10 weeks (about 2 and a half months), with a follow-up a month after
implementation. The budget will be provided for the project and not to exceed $96,000 (or
whatever team agrees for budget)
Customer support and sales staff will be afforded 10 hours over 3 weeks to complete the
training course.
Brand analysis
Marketing strategies will be designed accessibly with inclusive strategies and in compliance with
the American Disabilities Act, Section 508 and WCAG 2.1 guidelines.
A brand and target market analysis, as well as a cohesive brand identity and marketing plan.
The project will be completed within approximately 7 weeks and within a budget of $240000.
New marketing plan will be developed for the existing SykkleParts social media accounts only:
Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. No new social media accounts will be developed.

External Dependencies (Often, there is another project being managed by some other team that is
interrelated to the project that your team is assigned to. One example might be that you are building an
online training module that needs Blackboard version xyz to be successfully deployed. There is another
project responsible for a variety of technology upgrades, including the old, outdated version of Blackboard
to the new xyz version. The success of your project fully delivering the product or service that you are
committed to, is dependent on the competition of the Blackboard upgrade, for which you have no control.
Even if you have successfully completed the module, if you are contracted to set it up in the Blackboard
xyz environment, you depend on the work of another project, external to yours, to be able to fulfill that
obligation. That is an external dependency.)

CBT training will be hosted within the Canvas learning management system (LMS). To ensure
employees can easily access the training on a variety of devices the version 6.21.0 of the app
must be successfully deployed. If not, all training will be required to be conducted on a laptop or
desktop device.

Vendor Assistance Required (It is common that a project team does not have all of the required
skills or enough resources to complete all the deliverables. In some cases, the Project Manager must
contract out some work effort to a vendor. For example, there may be SME’s needed that do not exist in
the organization or on the project team, or the training being developed will need new videos created and
the team may have skills but not available time to work on that so the video creation may need to be
contracted out to a vendor to assist on completing that deliverable.)

Role Signature Date
Customer Service
Training Facilitator
Brand Awareness

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