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Artifact F: 3-Year Professional Development Action Plan 1

Artifact F:

3-Year Professional Development Action Plan

Rita Manalastas

Graduate Programs in Student Development and Administration, Seattle University

SDAD 5900 01: Capstone

Dr. Gardner

February 2, 2023
Artifact F: 3-Year Professional Development Action Plan 2

My 3-Year Professional Development Action Plan

Year 1 (2023-2024)

1. NASPA/ACPA Competency: Leadership

● I will transition from academic affairs to a position that allows me to further exercise my
leadership in a functional area that I feel more drawn to.
○ Action Items:
■ Reflect on my current values by revisiting values exercises and
activities done during the SDA program
■ Plan informational interviews with professionals in different areas of
student life such as student leadership, orientation, and multicultural
2. NASPA/ACPA Competency: Personal Foundations
● Continue identifying the intersections of my personal and professional relationship with
student affairs and the system of higher education, as well as form healthy practitioner
○ Action Items:
■ Define boundaries that I make between myself and my work
■ Establish a trusting and authentic relationship with my current
■ Reach out to and foster community with APIDA staff and affinity
3. NASPA/ACPA Competency: Ethical Professional Practice
● Investigate ethical and unethical practices of my current institution
○ Action Items:
■ Compare and contrast my personal ethics with professional ethics
■ Identify and work through the ethical dilemmas of my current position

Year 2 (2024-2025)

1. NASPA/ACPA Competency: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

● Initiate conversations, events, and programming that could address the DEI-related
needs and desires of my students and institution
○ Action Items
■ Intentionally study the historic and present-day climate of DEI amongst
students, staff, and the institution as a whole
■ Cultivate relationships between myself and students of diverse
identities and backgrounds through formal and informal events and
programming that focus on community-building
■ Collaborate with other offices/departments to plan cross-departmental
initiatives to address areas of growth in the area of DEI
2. NASPA/ACPA Competency: Advising & Helping
● Exercise best practices around supporting students and their needs which includes goal
setting, crisis management, and referrals
○ Action Items
Artifact F: 3-Year Professional Development Action Plan 3

■ Attend workshops on crisis management and de-escalation

■ Compare my strategies on goal setting in social work to goal setting
with students in higher education

Year 3 (2025-2026)

1. NASPA/ACPA Competency: Student Learning & Development

● Develop training and workshops for student leaders that focus on their professional and
leadership development
○ Action Items
■ Re-visit and study theories that address topics in student involvement,
student development in college, and intersecting identities
■ Set up informational interviews with more experienced scholar-
practitioners in higher education to gain inspiration on training and
workshop development
2. NASPA/ACPA Competency: Assessment, Evaluation, & Research
● Create narrative qualitative research that highlights the higher education experiences of
Filipino college students
○ Action Items
■ Start an autoethnography on my own personal experiences as a Filipino
scholar practitioner
■ Do outreach and establish connections with Filipino student and
colleagues who might be interested in my research

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