Care of The Transgender Athlete.4

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Care of the Transgender Athlete

Mary E. Dubon, MD1,2,3,4,5; Kristin Abbott, MD6; and Rebecca L. Carl, MD, MS2

Relevant terminology is reviewed in
Transgender individuals identify as a gender different than their sex desig-
detail in Table 1 (1,4Y7). As with any
nated at birth. Transgender athletes, as the name implies, are transgender
population, preferred terminology is
individuals who participate in sports/athletics. By reviewing the literature
constantly changing and may vary in
relevant to transgender athletes and adding commentary on important
different cultures or social settings.
considerations, this article acts as a primer for the sports medicine clinician
Individuals have the right to their own
on the care of transgender athletes. We cover terminology, epidemiology,
preferences on terminology use, so it is
policy, and relevant medical considerations. Literature relevant for medical
of utmost importance for clinicians to
care specific to transgender athletes is still relatively sparse. We highlight
ask patients and athletes their prefer-
many recommended areas of future research with the potential to make
ences to provide the most comfortable
valuable contributions to evidence-based sports medicine practice for
environment for them. If unsure about
this population.
the individual’s pronoun preferences,
it is best to simply ask. The web site is a good refer-
ence for additional information on
pronoun use (7).

Introduction Epidemiology of the Transgender Athlete

Transgender individuals identify as a gender different Research suggests that there are decreased levels of
than their sex designated at birth (1). The estimated preva- physical activity and sports participation in transgender
lence of transgender individuals in the United States is 390 individuals when compared with cisgender individuals
in 100,000 (2). Transgender athletes have made media (8Y10). A recent systematic review revealed that poor access
headlines not only due to controversies of whether they to inclusive environments was the primary reason for lack
should be competing as the traditional gender associated of sports participation among transgender athletes. The re-
with their sex designated at birth or as the gender of their view also showed that many transgender athletes had neg-
gender identity, but also after advocacy efforts have resulted ative experiences with competitive sports due to the restrictive
in policy change for increased inclusion in sport (3). This nature of the policies surrounding their participation (11). It
article aims to review the literature relevant to the care of also is important to consider that medical interventions re-
transgender athletes. This includes terminology, epidemiol- lated to gender affirmation, such as hormone therapy and/or
ogy, policy, and medical considerations. Relevant articles surgery, are timely and may conflict with training time for
are cited, which in some cases include articles more than a sport. Particularly, individuals undergoing surgery require
couple of years old. We feel it is important to include these recovery time that will significantly conflict with training for
older articles in addition to the newer material, especially elite athletics. Some sport policies also require a waiting time
given the paucity of literature in the area. after surgery or the initiation of hormone therapy before par-
ticipation as the gender to which the individual is transitioning.
McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; 2Ann & This can decrease the time that the individual is able to par-
Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3Boston Children’s
ticipate in their sport. Some individuals may even delay
Hospital, Boston, MA; 4Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Charlestown, MA;
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; and 6Northwestern University, medical or surgical interventions for gender affirmation until
Evanston, IL they have completed their sports career or important com-
petitions to avoid these delays in training or competition.
Address for correspondence: Mary E. Dubon, MD, Boston Children’s
Hospital, Orthopedics Center 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA;
E-mail: Medical Interventions
Certainly, not all transgender individuals choose medical
Current Sports Medicine Reports and/or surgical means of gender affirmation, but for those
Copyright * 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine who do, typical treatments are described in this section.

410 Volume 17 & Number 12 & December 2018 Care of the Transgender Athlete

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1.
Relevant terminology when caring for the transgender athlete.
Term Description Reference(s)

Sex designated at birth Male or Female, assigned at birth and based (1,4)
on external genitalia, gonads, or sex chromosomes.
Gender/gender identity Not necessarily binary, based on how an individual (1,4)
identifies his/her/zir/their self/selves.
Gender expression The way in which an individual expresses gender externally, (1,4)
such as the way he/she/ze/they dress(es) or styles
his/her/zir/their hair. This does not have to match with
gender identity. For example, an individual who identifies
as a female gender may have a male gender
expression, or vice versa.
Transgender An individual who is transgender identifies as a different (1,4)
gender than the sex designated at birth. Transgender
individuals may identify as transgender male or transgender
female. These terms are named for the individual’s gender identity.
Transgender male An individual with a female sex designated at at birth who (1,4)
identifies with a male gender identity.
Transgender female An individual with a male sex designated at birth who (1,4)
identifies with a female gender identity.
Cisgender An individual who is cisgender has a gender identity that (1,4)
matches his/her sex designated at birth.
Gender nonconforming Gender nonconforming (sometimes called genderqueer) (1)
(also called genderqueer) individuals do not identify with their assigned sex at birth,
but their gender identity is not as clearly delineated
as a transgender individual.
Nonbinary Gender identities of individuals who do not identify (1)
as either female or male are categorized as nonbinary.
Either transgender or gender nonconforming individuals
may have nonbinary gender identities.
Transmasculine A nonbinary or gender nonconforming individual who (1)
identifies with a more masculine gender identity with
a female sex assigned at birth.
Transfeminine A nonbinary or gender nonconforming individual who (1)
identifies with a more feminine gender identity with
a male sex assigned at birth.
Transsexual Transsexual has been used clinically to describe (1,4)
transgender individuals who have undergone clinical
interventions, such as hormone therapy or surgery,
for the purpose of gender affirmation. This term is
now used less commonly than the terms previously described.
Cross-dresser, drag queen, or drag king The terms cross dresser, drag queen, or drag (1)
king refer to individuals who dress in clothes with
the gender expression different from their
assigned sex at birth.
Sexual orientation Sexual orientation refers to an individual’s (1,4,5)
sexual attraction. It is separate from an individual’s
gender identity. For example, an individual with a
female gender identity may be attracted to others
with a female gender identity or may be attracted to
individuals with a male gender identity
Gender affirmation Gender affirmation/transition/gender reassignment (4,6)
is the process of an individual transitioning and period
during which an individual transitions to a new gender.
This may include physical, social, legal, medical, and/or
surgical processes and/or personal adjustment. Current Sports Medicine Reports 411

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Gender dysphoria Gender dysphoria is distress experienced by an (4)
individual who has a gender identity different
than his/her/their/zir sex designated at birth.
Not every individual with a discrepancy between
gender identity and sex designated at birth will
experience gender dysphoria, but for those who
do, it can be quite distressing.
She pronouns Some individuals prefer the feminine ‘‘she’’ (7)
pronouns: she, herself, hers, her.
He pronouns Some individuals prefer the masculine ‘‘he’’ (7)
pronouns: he, himself, his, him.
They pronouns Some individuals prefer the neutral ‘‘they’’ (7)
pronouns: they, themself, theirs, them, their.
Ze pronouns Some individuals prefer the neutral ‘‘Ze’’ (7)
pronouns: either ze, hirself, hirs, and hir -or- ze, zirself, zirs, and zir.
No pronoun use Some individuals may prefer no pronoun use and (7)
ask that you use the individual’s name instead of a pronoun.

Hormone Treatment/Therapy may be related to the distress associated with having female
Hormone therapy for transgender males involves treat- contours with a male gender identity (4).
ment with testosterone (4,5). With this treatment, menses Transgender females who wish to undergo gender affir-
often stops within a few months. If this is not the case, other mation surgery can undergo ‘‘top surgery’’: breast augmen-
treatment can be considered, such as use of a progestational tation and/or ‘‘bottom surgeries’’: penectomy, clitoroplasty,
agent or endometrial ablation. For some, gonadotropin-releasing labiaplasty, orchidectomy, and/or vaginoplasty, in addition to
hormone (GnRH) analogs or depot medroxyprogesterone can be hormone therapy. Additionally, some transgender females
used before testosterone therapy to result in decreased estro- may choose to have facial feminization surgery, hair removal,
gen and cessation of menses (4). and/or shaving down of the tracheal cartilage (5,13).
Transgender females who undergo hormone therapy are
typically treated with an antiandrogen and estrogen therapy Other Physical Means of Gender Affirmation
(4,5). Spironolactone is an oral antiandrogen commonly Transgender males who have not undergone ‘‘top sur-
used in the United States (1). Cyproterone acetate is an oral gery’’ may perform the practice of binding, which is the use
antiandrogen that is commonly used in Europe, but is not of tight garments (shirts or sports bras) or bandages to create
currently approved in the United States (4). Among estro- a flat contour of the chest. Transgender males who have not
gens, thromboembolic risks are highest with the ethinyl estra- undergone ‘‘bottom surgery’’ may perform the practice of
diol; therefore, its use is advised against in the 2017 clinical packing, which involves the use of a penile prosthetic in their
practice guideline: ‘‘Endocrine Treatment of Gender- undergarments to create a male contour (1).
Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Soci- Transgender females who have not had ‘‘top surgery’’
ety Clinical Practice Guideline’’ (4). may opt for soft tissue fillers that are not standard of care.
While the above is a general overview of common strat- These fillers, such as silicone, aim to create a female chest
egies of hormone therapy in the transgender population, it is contour, but can have complications, such as skin reaction,
important to note that complexities, such as hormone reg- necrosis, or silicone embolization, which could result in
ulation before and after gonadectomy, also are taken into death, so this practice is discouraged (1).
account. Hormone levels also are routinely monitored by Transgender females who have not had ‘‘bottom surgery’’
the clinician managing the individual’s hormone therapy to may perform the practice of tucking to demonstrate an ex-
ensure appropriateness of the regimen (4,5). For elite athletes, ternal appearance of a smooth contour for the purpose of
a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) needs to be submitted gender affirmation. Tucking involves posteriorly pushing
before competition for medications on the prohibited list, the penis and scrotum into the perineal area and pushing the
such as spironolactone and testosterone (12). testicles, when present, into the inguinal canal. Tight-fitting
underwear, a specialized undergarment known as a gaffe, or
tape, can help to maintain the tucking position (1).
Gender Affirmation Surgery
Transgender males who wish to undergo gender affirma- Policies
tion surgery can undergo various procedures. These include In October 2003, the International Olympic Committee
‘‘top surgeries’’: mastectomy and chest wall reconstruction and (IOC) Medical Commission had an ad hoc committee
‘‘bottom surgeries’’: hysterectomy, salpingooophorectomy, vagi- meeting in Stockholm to create a policy for inclusion of
nectomy, urethroplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, and/or transgender athletes in the Olympic Games (14). This policy,
either scrotoplasty or testicular prosthetic insertion, in ad- released in May 2004 and referred to as the Stockholm
dition to hormone therapy (5,13). Transgender males more Consensus, allowed for transgender females who had tran-
commonly opt for ‘‘top surgery’’ than ‘‘bottom surgery.’’ This sitioned before puberty to compete in the female gender

412 Volume 17 & Number 12 & December 2018 Care of the Transgender Athlete

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
category and transgender males who had transitioned before sport at an elite level (20). The settlement resulted in these
puberty to compete in the male gender category (3,14). organizations reassessing their policies for better inclusion
Transgender males and transgender females who transitioned and advocating for evidence-based guidelines for transgen-
after puberty were allowed to participate as their gender der athletes (21,22).
identity under more strict criteria. These criteria required Transgender male athletes also have made headlines.
surgery (external genitalia surgery and gonadectomy), legally Chris Mosier is a transgender male duathlon athlete who
documented recognition of their gender identity, and hor- advocated for a change to the IOC policy for participation
mone therapy (which had to have been administered in a way of transgender athletes, helping to inspire the 2015 changes.
that was verifiable and for a long enough period suitable to He became the first known transgender member of a men’s
the committee). Of note, it was recommended for gonadec- US National team (23Y25). A more recent case is the 2018
tomy to be performed at least 2 years before competition (14). case of Mack Beggs, a transgender male. Mack is a high
There were mixed opinions about this policy after it was re- school aged competitive wrestler in Texas who wished to
leased, as some had concerns that individuals were going to participate as male, consistent with his gender identity, but
change genders simply to have an athletic advantage and due to the policy of the Texas high school athletic associa-
others arguing that the details of the policy were too restric- tion, the University Interscholastic League (UIL), he has
tive and not evidence-based (3,11). been required to compete in the female category, as this was
Since that time, the IOC has updated its policy to a less his sex designated at birth. In this case, there is concern that
restrictive one, which no longer requires gender affirmation when competing as a female, Mack may have an unfair
surgery or legal recognition of the athlete’s gender (11). The advantage over cisgender females due to his testosterone
new 2015 policy states that transgender males may compete therapy; however, participation in the female category is
in the male category. Transgender females who have de- mandated by the UIL and not Mack’s preference (26).
clared their identity as female (which cannot be changed in These cases help to highlight the importance of advocacy
relation to sport for 4 years after proclamation) and and literature in this population to help guide evidenced-
who have serum testosterone levels less than 10 nmolILj1 based policy for inclusion in sports.
for 12 months leading up to competition and throughout
the period of competition eligibility are able to compete in
Medical Considerations
the female category. It is noted that testing may be per-
Below are medical considerations when caring for trans-
formed to confirm compliance and that if an athlete does
gender athletes. A number of comprehensive care guidelines
not meet the criteria, she would not be able to compete in
regarding medical care of transgender individuals exist (as
the female category for at least 12 months (15).
referenced at the end of this sentence) and are useful refer-
Many other sports organizations have policies regarding
ences for a more thorough discussion of the following con-
participation of transgender athletes in their organizations.
siderations (1,4,6,27).
Sports policies vary in their requirements to participate as a
male or female gender. Many policies have followed the
original, and more restrictive, Stockholm Consensus guide- Bone Health
lines and have not been updated to reflect the newer IOC Research has shown that before hormone therapy, trans-
guidelines, while others are more inclusive (11). The web site gender females have lower baseline bone mineral density, created by transgender male when compared with transgender men or age-matched males,
athlete Chris Mosier, includes up-to-date information on respectively (28). In a study involving transgender females
the policies of various sports organizations throughout the and males, 23% of the 47 transgender women on hormone
world (16). Table 2 reviews a selection of current policies at the therapy had bone mineral density findings of osteoporosis at
time of the preparation of this article in July 2018 (12,15Y18). the lumbar spine, 9% at the femoral neck, 2% at the total hip,
Of note, Handelsman et al. (19) reported in 2018 that and 26% at the left radius (29). Transgender men did not
testosterone level has a direct impact on athletic level and have bone mineral density findings consistent with osteopo-
recommended the use of 5 nmolILj1 as the upper limit of rosis (29). A study comparing transgender females to age-
testosterone for participation in female athletics, which may matched control cisgender males demonstrated that before
result in policy changes among sporting organizations. hormone therapy, transgender females have lower muscle
mass, strength, and bone mineral density than age-matched
Transgender Athletes in the News males. This is thought to be due to the aforementioned
Transgender athletes have made headlines in recent years, decreased physical activity in this population compared to
mostly not only due to controversies over participation but the general population (28). A prospective study of bone
also because of successful advocacy efforts, and of course, health in transgender women from this same group showed
athletic successes. that although fat mass increased and muscle mass and
Controversies regarding transgender athletes’ sports par- strength decreased, bone mineral density was maintained
ticipation often stem from a concern about unfair advan- or even slightly increased after hormone therapy (9). A
tage, particularly for transgender females. One such case is similar prospective study of bone health in transgender
the case of Kristen Worley, a transgender female cyclist from men showed that muscle mass increased, fat mass de-
Canada who reached a settlement with Cycling Canada, creased, and trabecular bone mineral density at the distal
Ontario Cycling Association, and the Union Cycliste Inter- radius and total hip increased after hormone therapy (30).
nationale (UCI) in 2017 after her claim that their hormone A systematic review of the literature on bone health in
range restrictions prevented her from participating in her transgender individuals concluded that while there was a Current Sports Medicine Reports 413

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2.
A selection of policies regarding transgender athletics.

Organization General Notes Compete as Female Compete as Male

World Antidoping Athletes undergoing
Agency (12) hormone therapy must
apply for TUE.
IOC (15) Testing may be performed Transgender female athletes Transgender male athletes
to monitor compliance (male to female) who: (female to male).
with transgender female 1) Report female gender (cannot
(male to female) be changed for 4 yr),
eligibility criteria. 2) Have total serum testosterone
G10 nmolILj1 for Q12 months
before initial competition,
3) Have total serum testosterone
G10 nmolILj1 during entire
competition eligibility period.
World Out Games (17) Individuals’ gender is defined
based on their self-identity.
Government identification is
required for registration. If
government identification
does not reflect gender identity,
then another document (letter
from medical provider/counselor/
other professional/educational
institution/community or religious
organization) is required to
confirm gender identity.
NCAA (18) Transgender female athletes who Transgender male athletes
have completed at least 1 yr of receiving hormone therapy
hormone therapy. Transgender who have received a
male athletes who are not on medical exemption for
hormone therapy. use of testosterone.
Transgender male athletes
not receiving hormone
female athletes who have
completed less than 1 yr of
hormone therapy.
Transgender female
athletes who are not on
hormone therapy.

References are included in parentheses.

NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association.

small increase in bone mineral density at the lumbar spine to find any studies specifically evaluating musculoskeletal
of transgender women receiving hormone therapy, there injury patterns among transgender female or male athletes.
was no evidence for significant bone mineral density Starting at puberty, cisgender females have an increased
changes in transgender men receiving hormone therapy risk of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears
(31). It is thought that individuals who cease hormone compared to males (32Y34). Puberty is when neuromechanical
therapy after gonadectomy may be at a higher risk of bone factors are thought to diverge in cisgender athletes, with
loss/low bone mineral density. Because of this, clinical cisgender female landing mechanics becoming riskier for ACL
guidelines recommend evaluating bone mineral density in injuries compared to the landing mechanics of cisgender males.
transgender individuals who stop hormone therapy after These factors seen in postpubertal cisgender females are di-
gonadectomy and those with other risk factors for low bone vided into four commonly described neuromuscular imbal-
mineral density (4). ances: 1) ligament dominance (landing in a way that puts more
force and stress on the ACL compared to use of the lower
extremity musculature; this can be seen with increased dy-
Musculoskeletal namic knee abduction during landing), 2) quadriceps domi-
While differences in injury patterns between cisgender nance (higher recruitment of the quadriceps compared with
female and male athletes have been studied, we were unable the hamstrings), 3) leg dominance (asymmetries seen side to

414 Volume 17 & Number 12 & December 2018 Care of the Transgender Athlete

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
side with leg strength and/or neuromuscular control), and 4) the use of transdermal treatment when possible, through
trunk control (increased lateral displacement of the trunk screening transgender women on hormone therapy for this
during landing) (35). The divergence of neuromuscular patterns complication, and by counseling patients on signs and
into male and female patterns after puberty suggests that sex symptoms and other modifiable risk factors.
hormones may have an impact on these patterns. Although not Testosterone therapy may lower low-density lipoprotein
specifically examining the effects of hormone therapy on liga- values and elevate high-density lipoprotein and triglyceride
mentous stiffness in transgender individuals, there has been re- levels (4). A systematic literature review concluded that there
search evaluating hormonal influences at ligaments in cisgender is not enough evidence to fully determine cardiovascular
individuals. Studies have shown that ACL injuries are more and thromboembolic risk in transgender males on hormone
likely to occur in women during the preovulatory menstrual therapy. Likewise, there have been mixed reports of the
phase, suggesting hormonal influence at the ACL (36Y39). In- effects of hormone therapy on cardiovascular risk factors
creased levels of estrogen have been correlated with decreased in transgender females, suggesting the need for more re-
levels of ACL stiffness (39,40). Studies examining the effects of search into this area for both transgender females and
oral contraceptive pills on ligamentous laxity have been mixed, transgender males (4,53). Transgender individuals should
with some showing decreased ligamentous changes with the use have routine monitoring of lipid panels and other cardiac
of oral contraceptive agents and others showing no differences screening based on risk factors and general public health
(36,38,39,41Y43). Future research is necessary to better deter- guidelines (4).
mine the effect of sex hormones on the ligaments of cisgender
and transgender women and men. Cancer Risk
Although little research exists in the area of postsurgical Although there has been some concern about cancer risk
musculoskeletal concerns in transgender athletes, it is im- in this population, a 2015 systematic review of the safety of
portant for the sports medicine physician to consider the hormone therapy in transgender adults by Weinand et al.
postoperative status of the transgender athlete who has concluded that there is no evidence to support any increased
undergone gender affirmation surgery when evaluating risk of cancer from hormone therapy (45,54Y56). While not
musculoskeletal chief complaints in the regions of the chest federal guidelines, there are a number of guidelines that
wall or pelvis. For instance, the sports medicine physician or discuss recommendations for routine cancer screening for
other provider should question if hip/pelvic pain could be transgender individuals, as can be seen in the following
associated with postoperative pelvic floor dysfunction. Chest cited references (1,4,27).
tightness and/or shoulder stiffness are known risks of mas-
tectomy (44). The sports medicine physician or other provider Endocrine
evaluating chest, shoulder, or neck concerns in a transgender Although more data is required before reaching more
male athlete after mastectomy should consider this complica- conclusive evidence, there are reports of possible increased
tion as a possible contributing factor when determining an insulin resistance and fasting glucose in transgender in-
appropriate differential diagnosis. These are just some of many dividuals on hormone therapy (45,54,57). Current clinical
likely examples of possible postoperative considerations sports guidelines suggest routine screening in this population (1,4).
medicine physicians should address, and this is certainly a Treatment with estrogen therapy may increase the risk
much-needed area of research to help improve evidence-based of prolactinomas, although the risk is thought to be low.
care of the transgender athlete. Current clinical guidelines recommend routine prolactin
Of note, appropriate equipment for prevention of injury level monitoring (4).
should be considered based on each individual’s anatomy.
For example, transgender females who have male genitalia Mental Health
should still wear a cup for testicular protection while par- In addition to gender dysphoria, discussed earlier, there
ticipating in contact sports. are other mental health comorbidities in this population. A
There is a need for research in the areas of musculoskel- recent systematic review of the literature revealed that mental
etal injury patterns and injury prevention strategies in health conditions such as depression, anxiety, suicidality, and
transgender athletes to improve evidence-based care for this substance use disorders are comorbid concerns in this popu-
population. lation (58). In a 2018 study of transgender high school aged
youth, 33% reported non-suicidal self-harm and 18% reported
Thromboembolism and Cardiovascular Risk non-suicidal self-harm and suicide attempts within the past
Estrogen therapy is a known risk factor for thromboem- year. Being a victim of bullying, physical, or sexual abuse
bolism and has been described in transgender women re- increased the risk of self-harm (59).
ceiving hormone therapy (29,45,46). A recent systematic A large study by Diemer et al. (60) in 2015 demonstrated
review of the literature concluded that while the risk is a higher rate of self-reported eating disorders, vomiting, use
present, hormone therapy can be safely administered with of diet pills, and use of laxatives among transgender college
ways to decrease the risk of venous thromboembolism students compared with their cisgender counterparts. These
through avoidance of the use of ethinyl estradiol, which has patterns also have been shown through a smaller study by
been associated with an increased risk of venous thrombo- Guss et al. (61) and a case series by Donaldson et al. (62).
embolism, and preferential use of transdermal estrogen, Another large study, published in 2017, showed similar re-
which decreases this risk by avoidance of hepatic first pass sults, with high rates of binge eating or fasting or vomiting
metabolism (29,45Y52). The risk of thromboembolism is for weight loss. This study also examined factors associated
clear; therefore, it is important to limit the risk through with and protective against these behaviors, determining Current Sports Medicine Reports 415

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
that stigma was associated with an increased risk of eating hormone therapy. Depending on the pelvic pain diagnosis
disorder behaviors and social support was associated with and future fertility goals of the patient, in some cases, hys-
decreased risk of eating disorder behaviors (63). Donaldson terectomy and/or oophorectomy may be considered as part of
et al. (62) highlights the importance of addressing eating the treatment plan (1).
disorders in this population with a multidisciplinary team During reproductive years, transgender men who have
and an emphasis on mental health, family therapy, and not undergone ‘‘bottom surgery’’ and who are not on hor-
treatment of any feelings of gender dysphoria. mone therapy with testosterone experience menstrual pe-
It is important to screen for mental health needs, to ad- riods. For transgender men being treated with hormone
vocate for antibullying programs, and to help create an in- therapy, menstrual periods typically cease after 6 months of
clusive environment as stressors and stigmatization can lead testosterone treatment. Unexpected vaginal bleeding out-
to mental health concerns in this or any population (6). side of that described above requires further evaluation for
conditions such as pregnancy, endometrial hyperplasia or
Genitourinary polyps, adenomyosis, leiomyomata, malignancy, hematologic
Tucking can lead to genitourinary complications, such as conditions, ovulatory dysfunction, or other endometrial
hernia, urinary reflux, prostatism, epididymo-orchitis, prostatis, or iatrogenic causes (1,67). Treatment should be guided
or cystitis (1). Transgender females may experience genital by diagnosis (1).
pain when starting hormone therapy. The cause of this is still
unclear. Scrotal pain should be clinically worked up to rule Dermatologic
out emergency or serious conditions such as hernia, hydrocele, Binding or tucking can cause skin irritation, fungal infections,
or tumor. At times, this requires ultrasound imaging in or local pain. Adjustments in technique and appropriate skin
addition to history and physical examination (1,64,65). care or treatments can help to alleviate symptoms (1).
Genital examination in transgender women can be a trau-
matic experience. The clinician should be sensitive to this to
provide the most compassionate care (1). The treatment of Environment
pain is dictated by the diagnosis. If thought to be secondary to It is critical for the sports team and sports medical team
tucking, counseling can be provided on modifications to this to create an inclusive environment. Educating the sports
technique, such as tucking less tightly or for shorter lengths of team, athletics staff, and sports medical staff about termi-
time. Chronic scrotal pain with a negative work-up may be nology and pronouns is a great first step. Medical staff also
treated with empiric antibiotics, neuropathic pain medica- should be educated about medical considerations in this
tions, or orchiectomy. While orchiectomy is considered a last population. Restrooms should promote gender inclusion by
resort approach in cisgender males, it should be considered either being gender neutral or making it clear that female
earlier in transgender females as not only can it be helpful to restrooms are for all individuals who identify as female, and
relieve scrotal pain, but it also can be gender affirming (1). likewise all male restrooms are for individuals who identify
Pelvic pain in transgender males can be secondary to as male. As described in Deustch’s ‘‘Guidelines for the Pri-
atrophic vaginitis, cervicitis, or dyspareunia (due to testos- mary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender
terone hormone therapy use), posttestosterone cramping Nonbinary People,’’ if separate female and male gender
(seen with hormone therapy but of unclear pathophysiology), restrooms are provided, it is best to also have a gender-neutral
infectious vaginitis or cervicitis, urinary tract infection or restroom for individuals who identify as nonbinary or those
cystitis, gynecological conditions such as pelvic inflamma- who are undergoing the transition process of gender affir-
tory disease or ovarian (when present) complications such as mation. Chosen name, pronouns, and gender identity should
ovarian torsion, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), preg- be kept up-to-date and saved in an easily accessible part of the
nancy, sequelae of sexual trauma, postsurgical pain or com- athletics records and medical records. Inclusive posters, pins,
plications such as adhesions or scar tissue, musculoskeletal shirts, and/or flags help to show transgender and nonbinary
pain such as that caused by muscular changes from testos- individuals that they are safe and supported in their envi-
terone treatment, strains or imbalances of hip girdle muscu- ronment. Every individual is different about what they feel
lature, or pelvic floor dysfunction, or neurogenic pain, such comfortable sharing about their gender identity, so it is cru-
from sources such as the nearby pudendal nerve (1,66). A cial to emphasize privacy and confidentiality in the sports and
comprehensive work-up should occur to help determine the sports medicine setting (1,6).
cause of pelvic pain, with care to screen for possible comorbid
mental health conditions, such as posttraumatic stress disor- Conclusion
der and/or depression (1). Treatment should be targeted Although the sports world has become more inclusive
based on the diagnosis and should include appropriate pain toward transgender athletes, there is still more work to be
management in addition to targeted treatments (i.e., pelvic done in this area. Transgender individuals have been shown
floor physical therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction or vaginal to have decreased rates of physical activity and sports par-
estrogen for atrophic vaginitis; etc.) (1). If the pain seems to ticipation compared to cisgender individuals, which may be,
be cyclical in correlation with a cyclic testosterone regimen, in part, due to stigmatization and lack of inclusion. While
transdermal testosterone with a more consistent delivery may sporting organizations have created policies geared toward
be helpful. The addition of a progestogen to the regimen, such inclusion, some of these policies are restrictive, leaving some
as a levonorgesterel intrauterine device (IUD) also has been competitors ‘‘out of the game’’. While the literature has be-
suggested (1). These adjustments should be made by or with come more abundant on the care of transgender individuals,
consultation of the clinician primarily managing the patient’s there is still a need for more literature on the care of the

416 Volume 17 & Number 12 & December 2018 Care of the Transgender Athlete

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