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Combined units:

BSBCRT311 – Apply critical thinking skills in a team

environment &
BSBXCM301 - Engage in workplace communication
Task 2 – Knowledge Questions
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Greystone College Australia: BSBCRT311 & BSBXCM301 Task 2 Knowledge Questions Version 1.0222
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Questions 1 to 7 apply to unit BSBCRT311
1. What are two (2) techniques that support critical thinking? Briefly describe them in
approximately 50 words.
Questioning properly is the core of critical thinking: curiosity is encouraged by encouraging
students to ask questions. Integrating a flow of questions during an important part of class
development, in a large forum, is a key strategy.

Constructive disputes
Debates tend to form because there are different perspectives in the classrooms and,
precisely, they usually end in the most absolute chaos.

2. What is one (1) common assumption that people make when they are critically analysing
solutions and explain why this assumption is problematic (20 - 40 words).
Assumption Why the assumption is problematic
All reasoning is focused on solving Ask the question in several ways to clarify its scope.
some issue. Reduce the question to subquestions. Identify if the
question has only one correct answer, if it is an opinion, or
if it requires reasoning from various points of view.

3. Is each of the following statements correct? Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for each statement and
give a short reason for each answer (10 - 20 words each).
One area of law that may be relevant to product warranties is Yes
Australian consumer law.
Consumer law involves all regulations and statutes that seek to create a more
equitable balance for buyers in the marketplace and prevent sellers from
using dishonest tactics.)

In Australia, there is only one Act relating to intellectual property. Yes

In Australia, IP is a right protected by federal and common law. Registered IP
rights (patents, trademarks, designs and copyrights) and the legislation
related to them are administered by IP Australia, an agency of the Australian

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There is legislation in Australia relating specifically to the use of spam Yes
by businesses.
Australia's anti-spam watchdog praised the effectiveness of the Spam Act
2003, but warned that international efforts and measures need to be stepped
up to combat the "merger of spam, fraud and cybercrime."

It is common for businesses to have a policy, process or procedure relating No

to recruitment.

Conflict of interest policies relate to potential conflicts between the No

interests of management and the interests of employees.

4. Why is it important to decide on the criteria that must be met to solve a workplace
problem? Give one reason. (10 - 20 words)
In the workplace, problem solving would be to look for technical solutions and also satisfactory
agreements between several personal elements that work simultaneously and know how to
mobilize at the time and context that is required.

5. What is one (1) advantage of asking questions to gain different viewpoints when
considering a problem?

Most of the time, it's about finding yourself in the middle and coming up with a solution
together to have SUCCESS at work.

6. What are two (2) beliefs or behaviors that should be considered when generating ideas in
a team?

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experience, exploit skills to the fullest. Accept the ideas of others and not seek to impose their
own, also respect and tolerance

7. List at least three (3) ways you could develop your critical and creative thinking skills.

The best way to develop creative thinking skills may be in my case:

visual reading,
problem solving.

Questions 8 to 16 apply to unit BSBXCM301

8. Identify the legislation in your Australian state or territory relevant to the access and
equity of workplace communication.

In Australia, the main legal standards relating to occupational safety and health are mainly
two: the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulations,
which develop the legal provisions contained in the previous one. Both entered into force on 1
January 2012.

9. Give an example of how each of the following organisational requirements is relevant to

workplace communications. (15-20 words each)

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Ethical behaviour Australia's system of government is based on the liberal democratic
guidelines from tradition, which includes religious tolerance, freedom of speech, and
state or federal association. The Australian Constitution defines the functions of the
governments Australian Government, such as external relations and trade, defence
and immigration. States and territories are responsible for matters not
assigned to the federal government.
Workplace policies Improve safety outcomes in workplaces.

Codes of conduct It is to regulate the way in which workers conduct themselves towards
employees, and establishes the minimum standard of conduct, the
responsibilities and obligations that we must have towards them.
Organisational Australia has a stable, democratic and multicultural society; It is also
culture one of the most welcoming countries in the world since almost half of
its population are foreigners who live in harmony and without any
discrimination with local citizensThe success and quality of Australian
education is reflected in the more than 450 thousand international
students who decide to study in this country every year.

10. Briefly explain the following terms, using an example for each. (15-20 words each)

Communication letters, memoranda, reports, emails, faxes, voicemails, press releases


Communication The letters ELI5 come from English (explain it like I'm five years old)
method and mean " explain to me as if I were five years old. " It is a very helpful
technique to explain complex or technical topics. People accustomed
to the world of technology usually expect a certain level of technical
knowledge from their interlocutors.
Cross-cultural they can be the series, soap operas and foreign movies that broadcast
communication on cable television or on platforms such as Netflix.

11. Describe two (2) techniques you could use to resolve communication challenges.

• Practice active listening

An active listening is when we pay attention to the message, they want to convey to us.

• Propose alternatives instead of giving orders.

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12. Give one (1) example of how each of the following types of communication can be
adapted for individuals with special needs or disabilities. Describe each example in 10 –
20 words.

Verbal communication
(Telephones, mobile Cell phones that come from the factory with a program capable of
devices, video verbalizing everything that is shown on the screen.

this year, QR codes, signposted in Braille, were incorporated. These

codes go to a plain text file that can be read using the cell phone.
Written communication Using a computer with a screen reader program
(Email, SMS, social

13. Explain how technology can be used to aid communication with individuals who have
special needs or disabilities. (40-50 words)

Digital tools help people with disabilities in two main areas of their lives: work and
With regard to people with reduced mobility, for example, the incorporation of facial or
voice recognition helps to facilitate the transfer or entry into certain spaces.
In addition, digital tools also allow you to adapt homes and tasks more closely to your
needs. For example, by voice to place an order to the supermarket.

Read the case study and answer questions 14 to 16 that follow.

Case Study:
Zac recently issued his team with new PPE and trained them how to use it, but some staff are
not using it correctly or not using it at all. Zac has called an action meeting to address the issue.
He reminds staff that they were all trained how to use the new PPE, and that incorrect use puts
them at risk. He asks, do they need more training or is there a problem with the PPE?
Someone says it’s uncomfortable. A few others agree.
Hamza says, ‘The jackets are much heavier than the old ones. It’s been quite hot lately and it’s
hard to do your job when you’re sweating.’
‘Well, that explains why you smell so bad,’ Mike laughs. ‘And we thought it was because of all
the curry you eat.’

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Some of the team laugh and Hamza looks uncomfortable.
‘That’s enough!’ Zac says firmly. He tells Mike his comment was not appropriate and not
Zac looks around at his team. ‘So, I’ve heard that the new PPE is uncomfortable and hot. Are
there any other reasons for not wearing it? Farel, we haven’t heard from you.’
‘There’s nothing wrong with my old PPE,’ Farel starts to explain but Mike starts talking over him.
Zac says, ‘Wait a minute Mike, we’d all like to hear what Farel has to say. Please continue Farel.’
Farel explains. ‘I was keeping the new PPE until my old PPE needs replacing.’
Zac takes a moment to consider what Farel has said. ‘I know it might seem wasteful to get rid of
what seems like perfectly good PPE, but the new PPE offers better protection and is required to
meet the workplace standards. Do you understand?’
Farel smiles and nods.
‘Right,’ Zac says. ‘Unless there’s anything else, I expect to see you all using your PPE correctly
from now on. You have all declared that you received training and will wear the PPE, so that is a
requirement of your job. Is that understood?’
Everyone nods in response.

14. How did Zac demonstrate the following methods and techniques in the scenario? (15-30
words each)

Active listening when I listen with patience, time, and predisposition to MIKE, FAREN,

Questioning Asking certain questions to somehow explain the reason for the use of
PPE.: Is there any other reason not to use it? Question, do they need
more training or is there a problem with PPE?

Feedback explaining his questions, and why he expected to see them all using his
PPE correctly from now on.

15. In Farrell’s culture, it is wasteful to discard clothing that is still able to be worn. Explain
what communication challenge that presented in this scenario and how Zac resolved it
(approximately 60 words).

explaining that the new PPE offers better protection and is necessary to meet workplace

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16. Explain how Zac dealt with the following communication challenges (15-20 words each).

Conflicts between addressing disagreements and reaching a mutual understanding that

team members allows everyone to understand harmoniously and productively.

Potential risks or
safety hazards Explaining the risk, they run by not wearing work uniforms, their
use eliminates significant risks to health and life.
Specially designed garments created with special fabrics favor the
protection of the worker, reducing the risks of accidents.

Unethical or with firmness, maturity and seriousness


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