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Session Overview

This session introduces ACMs to the concept of Effective Small Group Instruction. Small Group
Instruction connects to our service model and to student learning. Small Group Instruction helps ACM’s
develop skills that will help their scholars with immediate targeted support after the
lesson during independent work time (or before to set up the lesson for the students). Small group
instruction is also used to reteach a skill not yet understood from a previous lesson and teach specific
foundational skill(s) or additional content that supports the main lesson's objective.​

This session can come at any point of time in the year and is most helpful during the time when ACMs
are choosing their Focus List. This session will help them dig under the surface and get to understand
students' strengths and areas for growth. So, conducting this session as part of the same timeline could
support ACMs in observing and choosing their students. In addition, this session is most helpful during
the time of Planned Academic Coaching, after ACMs have started sessions and are learning how to
create them, as they will use CFUs to ensure students are learning what they are teaching.

Est. Attendance ~4-10 ACMs (in individual teams or PM selected Learning Teams)
Total Length [75 minutes]
Learning Outcomes ● ACMs be able to:

● Understand what makes an effective small

group instruction. ​
●  Grow familiar with norm setting, preparation before,
during and after holding small group instruction​
● Explore strategies that promote student engagement in
small groups​
● Identify and Practice 1-2 strategies they can use to increase
student engagement in their small groups​

Resources o Materials
o Participants Guide
o Computer
o Projector
o Facilitator notes
o Ensure you have access to video (slide 15, 34, and 35)
o Be familiar with Student Engagement Strategies (CFU’s,
Joy-Factor, Positive Praise, and Shared Expectations.
o Be familiar with the Teaching Model, Gradual Release of
responsibility (GRR) and Checks for understanding (CFU’s)

Final CFU(s) Say Something Reading and Exit Ticket: What’s on your mind after that
processing space/how are you planning to make your small group spaces
effective and engaging?​

Facilitator’s Guide Key/Legend:

Bulleted Text
● Rather than scripting an entire slide, bullets state states what the facilitator should instruct
participants to do and/or the actions of participants. The action the Participants should take
will be bolded.
o Ex: Ask ACMs/Participants to write two things they want to learn on a piece of paper.
● This format allows you to put the necessary points into your own words, while still ensuring
that no important point is overlooked while facilitating the session.

Transition Section [in blue text + Italics]: These are used to pivot from one topic/section/activity to
another with purpose and clarity. A transition explicitly names how what was just covered relates to
what comes next and the outcomes of the whole session. In addition, each transition should include a
explanation of what participants are doing next, why it is important to reaching the intended
outcomes, and how/the process they engage in during the next topic/section/activity.

Ex: “Now that we’ve had a chance to get comfortable with one another, let’s quickly review
our norms so that we understand how we will build a brave space for everyone to participate
in this conversation. To review our norms, we are going to use a protocol called ‘Think, Pair,

Facilitator ‘Moves’ [in orange text]: These are used to indicate that a non-verbal action is needed or
suggestion for the facilitator to carry out.

● Examples of these moves might be a ‘frozen gesture’, the advancement of slide animation,
verbal paragraphs, etc.
● Virtual Facilitator Moves will be noted here too.

FACILITATOR’S NOTES [in yellow highlighted text]: These are important reminders for the facilitator to
emphasize particular points to participants, texts they should have read in depth before-hand, review
particular activity in the Facilitation Strategy Guide, special notes on timing or pacing, or things they
should to successful facilitate the session virtually etc.

● This is particularly important as ACMs will have self-guided spaces in which they should have
read or completed an activity before coming to a session.
● Ex: FACILITATOR’S NOTE: Have reviewed, in detail, the Adaptive Schools strategy “Hopes and

Animated Slides [in purple highlighted text]: These notations are initial signals to the facilitator that a
particular slide is animated and should be practiced prior to facilitation to participants.

Slide 1 – [3-5 minutes]

● Give folks time to settle in

● Remind Folks to bring notepad/paper
● Hand out/Share ACM Workbook

Slide 2: [Optional]
Hidden slide: reminder to make a copy of the slide deck
● PM’s can go over norms and expectations

Slide 3 – [2-3 min]

● Introduce yourself and the session
● Ask an ACM to read the outcomes:
o Understand what makes an effective small group instruction.
o Grow familiar with norm setting, preparation before, during and after
holding small group instruction
o Explore strategies that promote student engagement in small groups
o Identify and Practice 1-2 strategies they can use to increase student
engagement in their small group

Slide 4 -- [1 minutes]

Ask one of the Participants to read the agenda

“For this session, we will be learning about small group instruction, this
session will address and show examples of small group instruction, the
purpose and strategies to use in small groups in class and ELT”

o This session will be an introduction to small group instruction.
o It will address what small group instructions look like, the purpose of small
group, how to use strategies, and plan to use them in class.

Slide 5: Agenda– [3-4 min]


“Before we get started, take a few minutes to reflect on the warm-up. Write
your answers to the questions on your guide, what does small group
instruction feel like for you and your students, what does it look like and what
does it sound like?”

Give ACMs about 3-4 minutes to complete warm up, you can also ask 1-2
share outs

Slide 6: Warm-Up – [5 minutes]

“Before we get started, take a few minutes to reflect on the question above.
Write your answers to the reflection questions in the ACM participants guide.”

● Reflecting on your first weeks of service, how can you tell your
students are learning and engaged in the material in class?
● We are going to share a summary of our reactions in a with a partner.
● First, you’ll start by summarizing how you felt, then share a summary
of what you did.
● We will write and reflect for 3 minutes, and then each person will
take 1 minute to share.

Slide 7 – [3 minutes]

“Let’s start by exploring the “why” behind small groups.”

● Small groups provided targeted support for students who may
struggle understanding complex topics in content areas, it can be
during independent work time or after the lesson with Partner
Teacher’s permission.
● Small groups help reteach a skill and help the student develop a
deeper understanding of the content.

Slide 8 – [3 minutes] [16/75]

“Small groups are also connected to CY’s service model”

● Relationship driven: knowing how students are doing in class shows
we care about them and want to support their academic growth.
● Student-based: the data we collect via checks for understanding
informs the lessons we teach and ensures they are tailored to student
● Student-centered learning: Gives opportunities for students to
practice and explain their ways of learning. This gives the student the
autonomy and advocacy to learn using different modalities.


Slide 9 – [3 minutes] [19/75]

“Take a moment to think about the context of your school, we know each
class and each school will have different needs”

● Use your classroom’s context and observations to understand how
the curriculum, environment and expectations of students are
● Figure out how you can tailor lesson plans using students' interests
and needs.
● Lastly, think about how you will use small groups to track minutes and
support your student holistically.

Slide 10 – [3 minutes] [21/75]

“Before starting a small group, May I please have a volunteer to read the
bullet points?”

● Always communicate with partner teacher, this can help your lesson
planning and ensure the student has met the lesson objective.
● Ensure you have a space where students can stay on task, have
limited distractions and feel safe.
● Use their interests! Have fun and check in with them at the start of
the lesson.

Slide 11 – [3 minutes]

 “Routines are essential, they help provide a structure and set students up for

● Ensure that you have a timer, opening and closing routines and set norms
which will be detailed in the following slides.

Slide 12 – [3 minutes]
“Here is an example of material preps”

Ask an ACM what else they would add to their preparation materials?
Ask them What else they should consider?

Slide 13 – [8 minutes]

“Norm setting will help students feel safe and heard before beginning of the
session, these are a few suggested tips before starting your small group.”

● To run effective small groups, ensure that you establish routines early
so that students know what norms and expectations are held in that
● Communicate with Partner teachers to follow their classroom

Slide 14 – [6 minutes]

“Here are some example norms that you can use in your small groups.”

● Remember to include student voice in your sessions, ask them to
create norms with you to help build relationships.

Slide 15 – [2-4 min]

“We’re now going to watch a video that shows an ACM setting and
reinforcing norms”

● As you watch: consider the questions in your participant’s guide
o What norms does this ACM set in her small group?
o How does she set up the space?
o What are the students doing? How do they participate?
o What types of strategies did you see that you can use in your
● You will share your responses with a small group

Slide 16 – [1 minute] [43/75]

“We will now go over some strategies to utilize in your small group

Slide 17 – [1-2 min]

“We will now go over some strategies to utilize in your small group


Slides 18 – [3 minutes] [56/75]

ACM presentations

Slide 19 – [3 minutes] [59/75]

ACM presentations

Slide 20 – [3 minutes] [62/75]


Slide 21 – [3 minutes] [65/75]

ACM presentations

Slide 22 – [0] [65/75]

Hidden slide

Slide 23 – [10 minutes] [75/75]

“We will now move into work time”

● You will use this time to plan to use CFUs in your practice.
● Consider when you can check for understanding in class, in small
groups, and during ELT.

Slide 24 – [3 minutes]

“Please take this survey and then we will wrap up our time together”

Link to survey:

be sure to make a copy

Slide 25 – [3 minutes]

Slide 26 – [3 minutes]

Slide 27 – [3 minutes]

Slide 28 – [3 minutes]

Slide 29 – [3 minutes]

Slide 30 – [3 minutes]

Slide 31 – [3 minutes]

Slide 32 – [3 minutes]

Slide 33 – [3 minutes]

Slide 34 – [3 minutes]

We’re now going to watch a video that shows teachers using formative

● As you watch: consider the questions in your participant’s guide
o What types of formal or informal CFUs did you see?
o How did teachers use data to inform instruction?
o What types of CFUs did you see that you can use in your
● You will share your responses with a small group

Slide 35 – [3 minutes]

We’re now going to watch a video that shows teachers using formative

● As you watch: consider the questions in your participant’s guide
o What types of formal or informal CFUs did you see?
o How did teachers use data to inform instruction?
o What types of CFUs did you see that you can use in your
● You will share your responses with a small group

Slide 36 – [3 minutes]
“Now we’ll break into groups and discuss the video”

● You will have 5 minutes to discuss your responses in your groups
● We will have 3 people share their responses when we come back

Slide 37 – [3 minutes]

Slide 38 – [3 minutes]

Slide 39 – [3 minutes]

Slide 40 – [3 minutes]

Slide 41 – [3 minutes]

“We are now going to explore different types of CFUs.”

● Spent 5 minutes reading through your team’s article
● Once you have finished reading, choose a strategy to focus on
● You will create a slide to present your strategy

Slide 42 – [3 minutes]

Slide 43 – [3 minutes]

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