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Ava Currie Blog update 2 April 28th, 2023

Over the past week I was in Florida for cheerleading, so I did not get as much work
done as I hoped. I did, however, get to set up my banking information to my go
fund me account. I feel as though I just need to create more time for myself outside
of school I that I can start making these bags as calling the shelters is my last step.
I anticipate time being my challenge moving forward but I am planning to put
work and cheer to the side for at least a week to pound out most of the grunt work.
So far, I have finished my fundraising and I am just waiting for people to be free to
give me their clothes. Challenges I have faced so far in this project is
communicating times with others to pick up donations. I've also struggled with
time and balancing my life with school life especially since I was away, I found it
difficult to be checking messages as it was also a 3-hour time difference. My
solution to this was to take care of my well-being first by just waiting to answer till
I was back as the stress was a lot for me to handle. The core competencies I've
highlighted over the last two weeks are communication, critical thinking, creative
thinking, and social responsibility. These are all displayed throughout my project

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