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Chapter 2


Dr K.K Dave, Rachna Paliwal (2016) found out that bourn vita is having highest
market share among all brands available. It is mostly consumed by the age group
between 10 to 20 years. The aim of the research was to know the awareness and
availability of brands of malted health food drinks in Udaipur and to study
preference of malted health food drinks between all the age group with brand
characteristics and with other similar substitute of health food drinks and to study
buyer's perception in relevance with 5 p’s of marketing. The statical tool used are
percentage method and chi-square.
Dr P Sekar, S Thangavel (2016) found that majority 60% of the respondents are
in the age group of 41 and above 40% of respondents were aware through
advertisement. 68% of the respondents said that the reason behind choosing the
brand is taste. The study was conducted to light which brand of health drink is
mostly preferred by the consumers and why they choose a particular drink. For
this purpose, data was collected from rural areas of Coimbatore district. As the
population for the research work in the study area is numerous. The statistical tool
used are percentage analysis and chi square.
Ricardo (2008) concluded that color and shapes, important element of marketing
strategy and both are essential features of product packaging and design
communication message.
Kriti Bardhan Guptha (2009) emphasized on factors affecting purchase decision
major categories of food product. The study concluded that consumer behavior for
food product in different perspective cleanliness of the product, freshness, good
for health and clean place of sale gives important attributes values for money,
overall quality and good display of products nearby availability are important
Jacoby and Chestnut (1978) Brand loyalty is a function of psychological
processes. Brands are chosen according to internal criteria resulting in a
consignment towards the brand, which is an essential element of brand loyalty.
This point of view is in line with the information processing paradigm, which is
the dominant point of view in consumer behavior.
Hoyer (1984) concluded that inert consumers have different motives; different
decision rules and requires other marketing action than brand loyal consumers. In
particular, they do not evaluate a large set of alternatives but use simple decisions
heuristics like “always buys the cheapest brand” or “always buys the same brand”
Shelina Visram, Stephen J. Crossley, Mandy Chatham, Amelia Lake (2017):
aimed for children and young people below the age of 20, perception and attitudes
towards health drinks in U.K. Children from schools were taken in England. Data

analyzed using constant comparative approach. Their findings seek to change the
behavior and many as well as in consumers.
Dongmun Ha,Inmyung song,Gyeongil Jang, Eui- kyung Lee,Ju-young Shin
(2017): designed at the use of highly other additives.The study is conducted among
833 Korean adolescents, and has responded to the Questionnaire. The study is
about the benefit and about the risk involved in it.
Danadip G. Prajapati (2017) has found that television advertisements have
increased the consumption levels for Health drinks and have taken from 200
samples in Vadodara city, The concludes that children are addicted to it more.
Wiggers D Ried JL White CM,Hammond(2017) has analyzed the usage of
energy drinks by the customers. The study was conducted 12-24 years age group.
chi square and Anova Was used in the study. Identified that the consumption of
health Drinks has gone high.
Sara M. Seifert, Judith L, Schaechter, Eugene R Hershorin Steven E
Lipshultz (2016) has taken a survey of the impacts results, degree of energy drinks
utilization by adolescents. An investigation of 1265 young people were taken. The
author concluded saying that regulations of health drink deal and utilization levels
in clients ought to be founded on proper research.
Subin Park, Yeeun Lee, Jung Hyun H.Lee (2016) aimed investigated energy
drink intake and mental health problems among Korean adolescents. A sample of
68,043 aged 12-18 years, data was collected from 2015, Korean youth risk
behavior web-based survey were analyzed. Their data suggest that, it has effects
related to stress, isolation etc.
Dr K.K Dave, Rachna Paliwal (2016) identified that Malted health food drink is
among best substitute of a complete food according to their study. 400 respondents
were interviewed from Udaipur city. The researcher used Kruskal Wallis test using
SPSS were used to interpret the results. The study shows that mostly are preferred
through advertisements.
Farouk El Sabban (2016) founded that manufacturers and Advertising Strategies
are targeting teenagers for the consumption of health drinks. consumption of health
drinks has gone high in among the school children. concluded that a great societal
effort should be carried on to know adverse effects.
Ahmed Abdul Alsunni (2015) has identified that energy drinks boost to improve
cognitive and physical performances in children.

The term market means an area where you will buy and sold. It's an area where
buyers and sellers gather to exchange goods and services. Market may be place,
where people with money to spend and desire to spend it.
A market is defined because the sum total of all the buyers and sellers in the area
or region into account. The thought could also be the world or countries regions
states or cities. The values, cost and price of item traded are as per forces of supply
and demand within the market. The market could also be a physical entity or even
virtual. It's going to be local or global, perfect or imperfect.
It comprises of all activities performed by firms to direct and facilitate flow of
products and services from producers to buyers. It is a two-way exchange process
during which needs and wants of both buyers and sellers are satisfied. It's the
exchange useful between buyer and seller.
A product is that the item offered sale. A product is often a service or an item. It
may be tangible or intangible form. Every product is formed at the value and every
is sold at a price. The worth which will be charged depends on the market, the
standard of marketing and therefor the segment that is targeted.
Consumer are purchaser of product and services for immediate use and
consumption. consumers are people who consume or use a product. Thus,
consumer is an foremost user of a product.
Consumer behavior
Behavior simply refers to doing of anything. consumer behavior is a study of why
people buy. It is the behavior of the consumer at the time of buying or using goods
or services. Consumer behavior is a process whereby individuals decide what,
when, were, how and from whom to purchase goods and services. Does consumer
behavior is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy, and why
they buy products or services. Consumer behavior means the method on how
consumers make their purchase decision to satisfy their needs.

Buying motive
A sale is formed within the minds of a buyer, but not within the minds of a
salesman. An individual does not simply purchase. A buyer is induced to buy a
product by some reason. He takes a choice to buy only when an inner feeling or
urge arouses interest in him to buy a commodity or enjoy a service at a price. Thus,
buying motive is a strong feeling instinct desire or emotion that make them to buy
a product.
Customer satisfaction
customer satisfaction may be measurement used to quantify the degree to which
a customer is proud with a product, service or experience. If you don't measure
customer satisfaction you can't identify unsatisfied customers you can't analyze
their feedback, make changes to our products or services to make them happy.
customer is very important. if they are unsatisfied with the product, they will not
purchase it. In this highly competitive marketplace, business compete for
customers. customer satisfaction is seen as a key factor and increasingly has
become a key element of business strategy.
A customer’s expectation about a product tells us how he or she anticipates how
that product will perform. It is considered that customer judge products on a
limited set of norms and attributes.
Customer satisfaction factors
• Convenience: It is an important element of a positive customer experience.
Its influence how customer make decision about what to buy what service
to use where to go and with whom to engage.
• Accessibility: You need to ensure that customers are able to find and access
your product and service efficiently without barriers and frictions on their
preferred channel.
• Choice: The more choices you give your customers during the buying
process the more likely they are feeling in control of the experience that
they have with your brand.
• Community: Today customers are research about everything before they
make a purchase. it's important to consider the community exist around your
brand. The best solution to create your brand reputation is to make sure that
you engage with your community whenever possible. Even when someone
has something bad to say about your business, learn how to respond from a
positive perspective by offering a solution to problem.

Brand means a product, service or concept that is publicly different from other
products, service or concept. So, it can be easily presented and marketed. Branding
is a process that create an identity to a product or service.
By using trademarks, brands are protected from the use of others. Trademark can
be accessed from an authorized agency, usually a government agency. Brands are
expressed in the form of logos.
Brand loyalty
Brant loyalty occurs when a consumer buys product or service repeatedly overtime
rather than buying from multiple suppliers within the same category. Therefore,
brand loyal customers are important source of value for companies.
Brand promise
Brand promise is a statement, that made by an organization to its consumers stating
what they can expect from organizations products and services. This is related with
the benefits and experience that they can enjoy from the use of the product or
service. It represents the uniqueness of the brand. These promises are presented
through advertisements and other marketing campaigns. It helps to establish brand
equity and improve brand image. If it delivered efficiently to customers, can lead
to long term customer loyalty and benefits.
• The brand promise should be simple
• The brand promise should be credible
• The brand promise should be varying
• The brand promise should be memorable
• The brand promise should be inspiring
Repurchase intention
Repurchase intention indicates a person's willingness to make another purchase
from an equivalent firm and the reason for the purchase is the past experiences. In
short customer statement about the intention to purchase again from the same
seller. It is connected with Factors such as service quality, equity and values,
customer satisfaction, past loyalty, expected switching cost and brand preferences.


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