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Fatih works

if you are in faith it works

i belived i am healed and i am waiting for its manisfestation is not healing.

dont talk sickness and disease

Dont believe that something doent happen when you lay your hand on the sick

what the bible says you have to believe it than what you see. what you beliweve is the truth

the word of God is a seed, it is incorruptible word of God. this means once it is planted it cannot fail
to producce

the bible is a book of seed. if you plant it it will grow, will not grow if in the box

if you are weak you lay hands, the higher is you speak it. The laying of hand is for a sign. healing is
not a reward

We minister healing by grace, we dont deserve to be used but we are obedient to his word so by
grace we minister evern the person that is

healed is by grace, you dont pray enough, fast enough, give enough.

You cant buy anything from God

healing is taken care of by jesus.

You cannot sow money for healing, the law of healing says every seed produce after its kind, if you
sow money you get money.

The guaranteed way to healing is for you to sow healing, go pray for somebody

Kingdom law is everything He has is mine.

God always takes care of us, true prosperity is not about how much you gather but how much you
have access to.

there is no healing ministry in the bible, the bible has only one ministry the ministry of reconcilliation

When you are putting life into someone's body you are reconcilling it with the kindgom of God.

when i put life into a person's spirit, it is salvation

If you have Jesus you have life, when you have life in you. Jesus came to give us life more abundantly

life in your soul means deliverance

Just have life.

When you put your hand in somebody, life goes into them

Epehsians 3:20 read the whole verse

the purpose of the gospel of John is for us to know Jesus is the christ
Mathew 8

the only person in the Gospel that has what you have is Jesus. So if you are going to read the bibole
from a view poing, you are going to read

like Jesus

Flies don’t land on a hot stove. As long as you are hot you shouldn’t worry about people laying hands
on you. However, you should be weary of people laying hand on you. You should be the one laying

If you read mark 16 it is for unbelievers, you don’t see where believers are laying hands on other
believers for healing.

There are 4 categories

Unsaved, newly saved, carnal Christian, spiritually matured Christian. God has made provision for
every category to het healed.

Mark 16 is the provision for the unbeliever

Healing for the brand new believer James 5:13-15 call for the elders

Anoint with oil is not laying hands.

Carnal healing – flesh ruled. 1cor11 Communion. From chapter 2 it calls them carnal.

For this reason you die prematuredly because you don’t recognize the body of Christ that is meant
for healing.

Romans 8 same spriit that raised christ from the dead dweolls in you he will quicken , he will make
alive. He wants to heal you by the spirit that dwells in you and ot laying of hands.

You should stir up the gift of the holy ghost which means get out of yourself and act like a person
you are not.

Get loud,

Reolease the spirit of God in you without effort on your part, if you go to the hospital you cang get
loud, sometimes you have to tone down the loudness and make sure the result is stil there.

You learn by doing. There is no formular, you have to become what you are trying to get.


You are in christ so you are a new creature, what you are looing for has already happened, it
happened many years ago. You are not feeling because you are used to how you feel all the time.

Our emotions are fickle and we cannot rely on them, we are looing for signs instead of sigs
floolowing us we are following them. Quit trying to become, just be.

We don’t have authority technically

Mathew 28 Jesus said all authority has been given to me. Jesus has all authority.

The devil has none.

Devil, you have to leave

The miute the devil has some authority that scripture is not true.

A thief or robber don’t have authoiryt

What makes you think you can give him authority.

When you speak in the mame of Jesus He has the authoiryt not you

Jesus name has all authority

You cant rely on your good works and authority

We don’t have delegated authority. It is Jesus authority.

If they receive you they receive me. It makes us have the ultimate union with Jesus


Hebrews 4:1 Promise ledt to us to enter into his rest and we don’t want to fall short

We that have believed do enter into rest. God has seied from all of His works.

Verse 5 if they enter into my rest

He that is entered into his rest has also seized from his works as God did from His. If God work is
already done, people are not going to be healed, they have been healed, it is done.

The devil tries to keep us from resting, he puts us in turmoil.

What you believe at the moment you pray is what is going to happen,

Legally evict the devil.

Let the holy spirit pour out of you to give life

The more you pray in toungues the more you buld yourself up.

Hands on flesh does not heal flesh, it is the sprit from the hand that heals the body. You don’t have
to put your hand on the afflicted part.

When you speak the word of God, it is the spirit of Life that goes into thrm.

The more result you see, the more faith you have


The secret to faith is to be able to relate past victories to current situations. When you do that, you
will have victory in every situation

What the devil does is to get you to back off by bring in natural weapons, carnal weapons. The devil
can do nothing except you believe he can. All he does is deception. He doesn’t have authority. He
has ability but Jesus took his authority. You don’t give him authority by doing something. He doesn’t
have the right to you. God through Jesus took his authority

Blessings overtake us as children of God.


Our truth is the bible

It is right that we obey God even if we have to disobey man to do it

Don’t read anything into the bible, read and do exactly what it say.

Your failure does not dictate God’s will

Disciples failure was not God’s will. Jesus scolded them for their unbelief

You don’t need permission to deliver anyone you are not overriding anyone’s will you are overriding
the devils will

Jesus Gave us authority through his name, told us to cast out devils and heal the sick. The only safe
plae where a saved and free person should be is to be discipled.

Jesus made it clear, you go out and heal the sick, stop bothering about the semantics.

We know it is God that heals, but we are more concerned about how we say it

We know no man after the flesh, we know him by who he is now.

God called us to teach the bible, because we want to be like the world we get a degree in
counselling, there is no ministry of counselling in the bible, the holy spirit is the counsellor

Don’t counsel out the devil, cast them out.

Your belly can be a God if you start concentrating on what should be eaten.

Jesus didn’t speak about what we have to do to heal the sick or set people free, he actioned for us to

You are either practicing divine wisdom or devils wisdom

There is no netutral area, if there is Jesus wouldn’t have to die, it is either God or the devil.

As a Christian you cant go to the world and get help because they don’t understand you.

Stick with the simplicity of the bible

There is nothing that the name of Jesus cant beat because there is no other name under heaven
gives amongs men that we must be saved

As long as it has name, all you need is the name of Jesus

Acts 3 Secret – Acts 3:1

Develop your faith in every area so you can attack anything

Peter said look on us, not look at Jesus. Jesus has made us his representative not point people away
to Him. There is no disciple in the church because we are all afraid to say follow me. Make disciples
through you. This is what paul told timothy.
Such as I have I give you. He didn’t say let us pray and see what Jesus will do. He said in the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

He took him by the right hand.

Step 1 – In the name of Jesus rise and work

Step 2- take by the right hand lift

Step 3 lift him up

Step 4 bones received strength

They didn’t make him walk by their own power or by their own holiness as peter said.

Through faith in His name has healed this man.

If someone did something, let the person that did it tell you how they did it, don’t second guess
them. Peter just told us

Faith in the name of Jesus has us saved, Peter jus said faith in the name also got the man healed,
who exercised the faith in the name when you were saved, you. Who exercised the faith in the name
to heal the man. Peter, so you can exercise faith in the name of Jesus to get people healed.

The name, you have the name, we are in the name, we can use the name, the name is ours, it is not
just His name, it is our name because we are named in Him.

We don’t need permission to use it, it is your name. Whatsoever you bind or lose on earth it is given

When a child of God speaks, heaven hears and agree, hell hears and obey.

Stop divinding what God has brought together, you are God’s son, the devils master, man’s servant,

Heaven can be closed to a sinner but not to you. If the gates of heaven are closed, doesn’t matter to
you because you are already inside, you are seated with Him in heavenly places.

Your job is to bring heaven to earth.

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