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Question 1: Incorrect

In a marketplace where the threat of new entrants is low, which of the following statements
are TRUE? A) major capital investment is needed to compete B) threat of major retaliation
is high C) there's easy access to distribution channels and suppliers D) there's many
companies in the industry with no dominant company.







A and B are correct. These are taken directly from the table on p. 97 detailing when threat of new
entrants is high and low.
Question 2: Incorrect
What is a risk of including too many details in a specification? Select TWO:

it allows the supplier to use their expertise

it does not allow the supplier to use their expertise


it increases buyer power

it allows for tolerances

it incurs additional costs


Downsides to an over detailed specification include; additional / unnecessary costs and it doesn't
allow the supplier to use their expertise. It may also mean the business unintendedly assumes
responsibility for the performance of the purchase. See p.118 for details on this. It's a hot topic
for the exam
Question 3: Incorrect
Through-life contracts are common when procuring an asset such as machinery or IT
equipment. Which of the following are advantages of using this type of contract? Select

there is lower risk as a single company is accountable for all costs and services


they are cheaper than standard contracts


the contract is verbal

lower costs over the whole life of the asset


there is more flexibility to change suppliers if something goes wrong


The correct answers are 'lower costs over the whole life of the asset' and 'there is lower risk as a
single company is accountable for all costs and services'. A downside to through-life contracts is
there's LESS flexibility to change suppliers. These are detailed on p.131.
Question 4: Incorrect
Achieving high levels of customer satisfaction and building trust with existing and potential
clients is a primary objective of which sector?







This is a description of the 'services' industry. Although customer satisfaction is also important in
retail, you don't really have 'clients' in this sector, or need to build trust with them, so you can
discount this as an option. Customer satisfaction isn't really a big deal in construction and
manufacturing as these industries don't tend to deal with the 'end user' (who's the person who
needs to be satisfied). See p. 81 for more info on the 'Services' Industry.
Question 5: Incorrect
In a marketplace, buyer power is strong when… Select TWO

buyers are more concentrated than sellers


buyers purchase in small volumes

sellers are more concentrated than buyers

switching costs are low


threat of backwards integration is low


Buyer power is strong when buyers are more concentrated than sellers, and when there is low
switching costs. This question (as well as the reverse - when is supplier power strong) comes up
a bit in the exam so take a look at p.88 if you're unsure. In a marketplace with a lot of buyers,
their power is strong- they could form a consortium to push down prices of sellers. Low
switching costs also makes buyer power strong- as they can change suppliers very easily and can
use this as a threat in negotiations. The other options are when supplier power is strong
Question 6: Correct
The rise in social media shifting power to consumers is a key driver and threat to which






Retail is the industry which is most affected by social media (think product reviews,
recommendations, #gifted). See p. 72-23 for the big table on drivers, objectives etc of the 6
major industries. It's a hot topic for the exam. But as I've mentioned before, the questions will be
quite easy to work out from the options given- the other three industries will be so different that
it will be easy to discount them as being incorrect- you won't find many social media posts from
celebrities advertising construction, services or agriculture!!
Question 7: Correct
John orders compost from a local farm which he uses to grow his own vegetables. He then
sells the vegetables at a market. Although John orders the same product from his supplier,
he does so at different frequencies depending on the growing season. What type of
purchase is this?

new purchase

straight rebuy



modified rebuy

This is a 'straight rebuy' as he is ordering the same product (the dates he orders it doesn't matter).
A modified rebuy would be if he ordered a different type of compost. A new purchase would be
if he ordered something different to compost. See p.2 - there are lots of questions on types of
purchase in the exam
Question 8: Incorrect
A company is looking to break into the car manufacturing industry in the UK and is
currently doing some market research. It is completing a 'Segment Analysis' on the current
suppliers in the industry. Which of the following would be the most appropriate way to
segment the market?

product segment

distribution channel


geographical region

buyer demographic


The most appropriate form of segmentation for the car industry is 'buyer demographic'; how
much disposable income you have is what most affects what type of car you buy. Geographical
and Distribution Channel wouldn't be appropriate as the question mentioned that they're looking
at the UK market only- so the geography and distribution channels would all be the same.
Product segment also doesn't make sense because it's all the same product- cars. There's a couple
of these style questions on the exam. Check out 'Segment Analysis' on p. 64
Question 9: Incorrect
A ISO Standard such as ISO14000 would be most suitably used in conjunction with which
type of specification?







ISO standards are used in conjunction with technical or conformance specifications- see p. 125
Question 10: Incorrect
A restaurant chain is conducting a benchmarking exercise where it is comparing the speed
that meals are served at its several different branches. What type of benchmarking is the
restaurant chain conducting?







This is internal benchmarking as they're comparing the different branches within the same
company. See p.49 for further information on the types of benchmarking. This is a hot-topic for
the exam.
Question 11: Incorrect
A hospital is sourcing a Flu Vaccine which it plans to procure in large volumes. It is
important that the Vaccine meets government and industry standards and has a specific
chemical formula. Which type of specification should the hospital use when undergoing
their procurement activity?







This needs to be a conformance specification- the vaccine needs to conform to many different
regulations - there's no room for any interpretations or creativity in this specification. See p.118
Question 12: Incorrect
A construction firm has received an invitation to tender for the opportunity to construct a
new bridge. The specification includes a description of what is required: a pedestrian
bridge which is 3m wide and can bear a load of up to 3000kg. Suppliers are encouraged to
propose unique designs for the bridge which will be 'appealing' to locals and tourists. What
type of specification is this?

technical specification- quality standards are detailed

output specification- this details what the bridge needs to achieve


output specification- an explanation of why the bridge is required is provided


technical specification - weight and length are provided

The correct answer is 'output specification- this details what the bridge needs to achieve'. The
two options saying technical specification should be discounted- this isn't a technical spec as it
allows for creativity in the design. A technical spec would detail exactly how the bridge should
look, what materials should be used etc. The other answer 'output specification- an explanation
of why the bridge is required is provided' is also wrong as an explanation isn't provided in the
question. This example is based on the one given in the study guide on p. 123 which explains the
difference between outcome, output and technical specifications.
Question 13: Correct
An Office Manager is looking for a cleaning company. His specification states the expected
level of service of the cleaning company, but does not mandate what products are to be
used, nor how many cleaners are to be on site. What type of specification has the Office
Manager written?






This is an outcome specification because the level of service is detailed but not how that service
is to be achieved. See chapter 3.1 for details on the different types of specification. Vague isn't a
type of specification, so that should be discounted as an answer- his spec may be vague but the
question specifically says what TYPE of specification is this, and vague isn't a type. See p.120
Question 14: Correct
What is the main purpose of 'Lean' Manufacturing?

to cut costs

to increase profit margins

to reduce waste


to use technology to reduce mistakes

Lean manufacturing is about reducing wastes. There are either 7 or 8 types of waste depending
on which Module you're studying for at CIPS (how helpful is that lol). Module 2 says there are 8
wastes and these are listed on p. 158 (the additional waste is 'underused talent').
Question 15: Correct
Black-Box testing is commonly used within what industry as a way of testing a product's
capabilities against a specification?



IT Software


The correct answer is IT software- this is detailed on p.135. You don't need to know what black-
box testing is, but just be aware that it exists and that it's a form of acceptance testing for
Question 16: Correct
Roberto is running a tender and has designed a specification which he wants suppliers to
bid against. If he has over-specified the need, what is a major risk for Roberto?

the tender will be more expensive to run

there will be poor competition


the tender will take a long time

too many suppliers will bid

The risk is poor competition. This is because the number of suppliers who can provide the full
specification will be fewer than if the specification hadn't been as detailed. Basically- the more
you ask for, the fewer suppliers will be able to provide that. See p. 141
Question 17: Incorrect
Which of the following themes would you consider when identifying business needs? Select









The correct answers are regulatory, availability and quality. This question tests your knowledge
of RAQSCI which is detailed on p.5 and talks about how to identify business needs. It's easily
confused with STEEPLE which is about analysing the macro-environment, so be sure to read the
question carefully. Environment and Economic are from STEEPLE.
Question 18: Skipped
Sam is a procurement manager at Dandelion Incorporated and has identified a number
of 'bottleneck' suppliers on which the organisation has a high level of critical dependency.
He plans to identify alternative sources of supply as a contingency. Is this the right course
of action?

yes- this allows high-value savings to be made

no- these should be retained as a 'single-source' procurement in order to gain bulk ordering savings

yes- it is wise to have a back-up supplier for high risk items


no- these items should be procured via e-auction

The correct answer is 'yes- it is wise to have a back-up supplier for high risk items'. See p.84 for
what strategies should be used for which procurement items.
Question 19: Skipped
In accounting, what is the name of the adjustment made to the financial accounts to reflect
activity which has occurred, but money hasn't been received for it yet?






This is an accrual. You don't need to know too much about this for this particular model- but you
should be familiar with all of the words given here as options as they're all explained briefly in
this module. The definiations are on p.56, and also in the glossary at the back of the studyguide.
Question 20: Skipped
Billy is about to purchase a tractor from a known supplier. He has previously bought a
forklift truck from this supplier and is very happy with the quality. What type of purchase
is the tractor?

straight rebuy as it is the same supplier

modified rebuy as it is a different item he is purchasing

call off as he has a contract in place to buy different items from the same supplier

new purchase as he has never purchased a tractor before


This is a 'new purchase' as a tractor is different to a forklift truck. A straight rebuy would be if he
bought another forklift truck, and a modified rebuy would be if he bought a different model of
forklift truck. Capital purchases such as these aren't suitable for a 'call-off contract' so that's
incorrect. See p.4 for more information on types of purchases- this is a hot topic for the exam
Question 21: Skipped
During the product lifecycle, after an initial increase in sales, sales of a new product will
eventually start to slow down. When this happens, a product has entered its 'maturity
stage'. What is the name given to customers who purchase products at this stage in the
product lifecycle?

early adopters


middle majority


maturity buyers
This is the 'middle majority'. A definition is given on p.91 of this: Middle Majority = a group of
consumers who buy or use a new product after seeing it used successfully by innovators and
early adopters.
Question 22: Skipped
The price paid for a product or service that is used to set a standard for future reference is
commonly referred to as what?

continuous improvement

supplier power

value engineering

benchmarked price


This is 'benchmarked price'. This is the word-for-word description given on p.5
Question 23: Skipped
In a factory which produces washing-up liquid, the products are produced along conveyor
belts, with ingredients being added into the washing-up liquid at different stages. The
conveyor belt has just broken and a part needs to be ordered for this to be fixed. Is this a
Direct Cost for the company?

no- this is not a direct cost, it is a variable cost

no- this is an indirect cost


yes- this is a direct cost because it is a fixed asset

yes- this is a direct cost because the conveyor belt is required to produce the washing-up liquid

The conveyor belt part is an indirect cost to the factory. Remember- if the item doesn't go
DIRECTLY into the finished product, it isn't a direct cost. Variable costs vary depending on the
output (more washing up liquid = higher costs). The fixing of the conveyor belt isn't a variable
cost- it's a once off expense and it doesn't matter how much washing up liquid the company
produces, it will still cost the same to fix the conveyor belt.
Question 24: Skipped
Which of the following is an indirect cost for a manufacturing organisation?

Salary of HR staff


Salary of the Production Line Manager

raw materials


HR staff is an indirect cost- the others listed are direct costs. A direct cost is any costs that
directly go into the making of the product and an indirect cost is for support activities such as HR
or marketing. These examples are given in the table on p.27
Question 25: Skipped
Lisa is a procurement manager who is sourcing a new cleaning material. She has developed
a conformance specification which details the exact chemical makeup of the product she
wishes the supplier to make. What is the disadvantage of this?

Lisa may unintentionally be assuming responsibility for the performance of the product


End-users will need training in the new product

Lisa will get the exact product she requires

Lisa is allowing the suppliers to use their expertise

The disadvantage (that's the key word in this question) is that 'Lisa may unintentionally be
assuming responsibility for the performance of the product'. She's designed the chemical make-
up of the product, so if it turns out that that doesn't work- it's her fault not the supplier's. The
suppliers are literally just copying the conformance specification so can't be responsible for if
that specification isn't quite right. If Lisa was doing an 'output' specification and the supplier's
were creating the chemical makeup of the product themselves, then they would be responsible if
the product failed, and not Lisa. See p.118 for more information on conformance specifications.
Question 26: Skipped
What is a BDR (Business Requirements Definition)?

a market analysis technique

an outcome focused procurement strategy

a type of specification

a document that sets out what a product needs to achieve to satisfy all stakeholders

A BDR is 'a document that sets out what a product needs to achieve to satisfy all stakeholders'.
This is the starting point for writing a specification. See p. 121
Question 27: Skipped
When deciding on a business plan, it is important to assign roles and responsibilities to the
various members of the team. Which of the following are descriptions usually given to these
roles? Select TWO








The roles are 'responsible' and 'accountable'. Responsible is the person who will actually perform
the task. Accountable is the person who has overall control and the power to say yes or no. This
forms part of the RACI Matrix on p.17- the other defined roles are 'consulted' and 'informed'
which are less active roles in a business plan.
Question 28: Skipped
In a small supermarket, which of the following would be considered a direct cost?

name badges for staff members

the food that is sold


the refrigerators that store the food

the rent of the building

Food is a direct cost, the others are all indirect costs. See p.25 for detailed explanation on these
two types of costs- this is a hot topic in the exam
Question 29: Skipped
In a marketplace with high exit barriers for suppliers, which of the following is true?

threat of substitution is high

supplier power is weak

threat of substitutions is high

rivalry is intense


Where there are high barriers to exit- this can prevent companies leaving the industry even if
there are low profit margins, therefore rivalry is intense as organisations need to gain market
share to break even. An example of an industry with high exit barriers is the airline industry. See
p. 87 for more information
Question 30: Skipped
Which of the following is a feature of a monopoly market?

intense rivalry

low profits

high barrier to entry


many substitutes

In a monopoly there are high barriers to entry. If you think about it- if there were no barriers to
entry- would that market be a monopoly? If there's only one company operating in the market,
there's a good reason for this- maybe because of government regulations, or because that single
company owns the patent for the product. See p.26 for details on Porter's 5 Forces
Question 31: Skipped
Which of the following is a characteristic of a Request for Information?

it is used to short-list suppliers

it does not imply that any procurement will subsequently be made or a contract awarded


it canvasses suppliers for potential solutions when the specification is unclear

it is an invitation for suppliers to bid on specific products or services

A Requests for Information does not imply that any procurement will subsequently be made or a
contract awarded. This is a direct quote from p.24. An 'invitation for suppliers to bid on specific
products or services' is the definition of a Request for Proposal and 'it canvasses suppliers for
potential solutions when the specification is unclear' is the definition of Request for Proposal. A
PQQ shortlists suppliers.
Question 32: Skipped
When would you use a Purchase Cost Analysis?

to analyse a supplier's profit margin

to estimate how much an item should cost

to evaluate the supplier market

to analyse the cost of individual parts and materials that make up the cost of a purchased item


the correct answer is 'to analyse the cost of individual parts and materials that make up the cost
of a purchased item'. This is explained on p.30. A Purchase Cost Analysis will basically break
down an item and assign a cost to each of the bits. So if for example you bought a cake, your
PCA might show: cake = £1, sponge = 70p, icing = 10p and packaging = 20p. It's a way of
understanding your supplier's prices a bit better.
Question 33: Skipped
Which of the following is a technique used in problem-solving and can be a useful tool
when developing a business case?

The 5 Whys


the Kraljic Matrix

Value Engineering

The 5 Whys is a problem - solving technique. Basically just ask why until you uncover the true
issue. There's some examples of this on p.13. The other options are all stuff that comes up in M2-
but none of them are 'problem solving techniques'.
Question 34: Skipped
The shortage of skilled labour is a key risk to which industry?



financial services



The correct answer is construction as this is listed on p.77. There's a very similar question in the
real exam- so remember 'skilled labour' is linked to the construction sector. (Some people would
argue you also need skilled labour in manufacturing, which is a valid point, but as CIPS don't
talk about skilled labour being needed in the manufacturing sector in the study guide, its safest to
stick with construction). p.77
Question 35: Skipped
Which of the following are processes undertaken at the market research stage in order to
gain more information from suppliers? Select TWO.

method statements

request for quotation

request for information


plant visits


pricing schedules

Requests for Information and Plant Visits are routinely conducted as part of the market research
stage. The other options here form part of the 'tender' stage which comes next. P. 102
Question 36: Skipped
A manufacturing company is looking to outsource its customer service department and is
designing the brief. One important aspect that the supplier must provide is a help-desk
function with the ability to answer incoming calls within 3 rings. What type of requirement
is this?

availability requirement

innovation requirement

quality requirement

service requirement


This is a 'service requirement' as it describes a service the supplier must perform. Availability
might be about the days/ times the help-desk function is operated, and quality might be about
how happy the customers are when they phone. Innovation could be adopting a new process for
resolving customer complaints. See p.6 for further information on the different types of business
Question 37: Skipped
Which of the following codes can be used to classify an industry?






SIC codes is the correct answer- this is short for 'Standard Industry Codes' and details are given
on p.62. You won't need to memorise what codes refer to each industry, but you should have an
awareness of how they work.
Question 38: Skipped
Viktor is doing some research on potential new suppliers and his manager has asked him to
check the reliability of the information he has found on the internet. Which of the following
should he check?

that the information is accurate and biased

that the information is outdated and objective

the methodology and objectivity of the information


that the source of the information is outdated

The correct answer is 'the methodology and objectivity of the information'. All of the other
answers contain words you don't want your information to be; biased or outdated. This is based
on the SAMOA acronym given on p.126- always check information for; source, audience,
methodology, objectivity, accuracy. This is very similar to a real exam question.
Question 39: Skipped
A procurement manager is working with a team of 10 staff to oversee the procurement of a
construction contract to build a new shopping centre. The team is currently pulling
together the scope of the project and key roles and responsibilities for the staff involved.
What is their current activity?

market research stage

creating a Specification

designing an Invitation to Tender

creating a Project Initiation Document


This is the creation of the Project Initiation Document. See p.148 for further details on this. It's
the first step in procurement once the market research has been completed and the need has been
Question 40: Skipped
The level of output of a business at which revenue equals total costs is known as what?

purchase price

gross profit

net profit

break even point


This is the 'break even point' and is explained on 28. It's not likely that you'll have to actually
work this out in the exam- but you may get a question on the formula so it's worth knowing just
in case.
Question 41: Skipped
Sally is a procurement manager who is completing research on the coal industry. She is
looking to work with a coal supplier and has compiled the performance of several suppliers
onto a graph detailing their profits and their total costs from last year. She will then draw
the 'line of best fit' on this graph. What will this show Sally?

the gross profit of the suppliers

the approximate variable costs of the industry


the fixed costs within the industry

the profit margin of the suppliers

The 'line of best fit' shows the variable costs of the industry. See p.99 for the graph and
information on this- it's easier to understand how this all works when you see the graph. This did
come up once in the exam. There's not a lot of questions in the exam on chapter 2.3 compared
with 2.1 and 2.2 but this might come up.
Question 42: Skipped
Price Analysis is a process of comparing the price paid against a comparator. Which of the
following is a source of price comparator?


pricing formula


inflation rate


Pricing formulas are one of three 'price comparators'. The other two given in the study guide are
prices previously paid and published prices (e.g. websites and catalogues). P.35
Question 43: Skipped
There are three major types of performance specification, which of the following is NOT a
type of performance specification?

outcome specification

statement of work specification

conformance specification


output specification

Conformance is the opposite of Performance (in terms of specifications). The other three are the
types of Performance Specification and details of these can be found on p.120
Question 44: Skipped
Which of the following is the first stage in a typical ESI (Early Supplier Involvement)

Establish customer need


Identify a project

Conduct value engineering studies

Engage in supplier workshops

Establish customer need is the first step (every other stage depends on the outcome of this one).
See p.129 for the full cycle. Identify a project is step 2, Engage in supplier workshops is step 7
and Conduct value engineering studies is step 8
Question 45: Skipped
Software Inc is supplying a new IT system to Company XYZ. It is a new requirement and
so the company is conducting Alpha Beta acceptance testing. Who will take part in the
Alpha testing stage?

end users

buyer's employees

contractor's employees


half of the workforce

The contractors' employees do the Alpha testing (this is done during the development stage) and
Beta testing takes place on the buyer's premises and involves their staff using the product in a
real life environment. See p.134 for more details
Question 46: Skipped
A specification for a call centre details that all phone calls must be answered within three
rings. What type of specification is this?





This is an example of an output specification, and is the one given in the study guide on p. 120.
Types of specification make up a significant number of the questions on this exam- so it's worth
going over chapter 3.1 in detail before the exam.
Question 47: Skipped
A supermarket is struggling with sales and is therefore assessing its strategy to compete in
the marketplace. It has noticed that very few supermarkets offer products that are free of
plastic packaging. The supermarket is therefore considering removing all plastic packaging
from its products in the hopes of attracting more customers. Which competitive strategy is
it using?

focusing on a narrow niche market

stuck in the middle



cost leadership

This is an example of 'differentiation' - they're doing something different to their competitors.
Cost leadership would be if they were the lowest priced option, and focusing on a niche market
would be if they started targeting a small market, such as only selling gluten free options. 'Stuck
in the middle' is what you get when you don't have any competitive strategy. This is according to
Michael Porter and is explained on p.63
Question 48: Skipped
In what way can a procurement manager use value analysis to obtain value for money?

eliminating a non-essential feature of a product


switching suppliers

reduce inventory

consolidate spend to gain bulk buying discounts

Value analysis is all about looking at the costs of a product you buy and finding ways to get it
cheaper. Therefore the correct answer is 'eliminating a non-essential feature of a product'. The
other options are things procurement can do, but they don't constitute 'value analysis'. P. 171
Question 49: Skipped
The first step of creating a business plan is to address the problem that the business case
will solve. There are two types of problems; open and closed. What is a closed problem?

when something happens that should not have happened


an simple problem to solve

a problem with a yes or no answer

something is stopping the achievement of an objective

A closed problem is when something happens that shouldn't have, for example an engine failing
on a car. An open problem is when something is stopping the achievement of an objective or
blocking progress - see p11 for further details
Question 50: Skipped
Which of the following are examples of qualitive data? Select THREE

customers' nationality and gender


customers' attitude towards a brand


customers' motivation for buying the product


the price a customer is willing to pay

how many customers purchased the product in the past month

The correct answers are; attitude, motivation and nationality/gender. These are all qualitive
pieces of data. This is the opposite of quantative data which is about numerical information.
Number of customers who make a purchase and the price they would pay is numerical data- so is
therefore quantative. see p.23
Question 51: Skipped
Jeremy runs a large warehouse, which, for safety reasons, has a fire alarm system fitted.
Jeremy pays a contractor to service this fire alarm system once a year to ensure that it
works correctly. The amount of money this costs is negligible compared to other spend
items within the company. What type of cost is the fire alarm servicing?

variable cost

fixed cost


budget cost

direct cost

This is a fixed cost; the cost he pays for the servicing doesn't increase or decrease depending on
the output of the business. See p.98 Budget cost isn't a thing- this is a 'dummy' option.
Question 52: Skipped
Which of the following should be completed last when introducing a new product to the

contract acceptance testing

complete the tender

design a specification

operational acceptance testing


The final stage is operational testing, which is completed after user acceptance testing (such as
alpha / beta testing) p.134
Question 53: Skipped
There are four ways to manage risks, what are these?

trick, treat, tolerate and translate

transfer, translate, transcribe and transcend

tackle, treat, translate and terminate

tolerate, treat, transfer and terminate


The four ways to control risks are; tolerate, treat, transfer and terminate (this is on p. 144)
Question 54: Skipped
A construction firm has received an invitation to tender for the opportunity to construct a
new bridge. The specification details the reason why the bridge is needed; the local council
need a convenient way for pedestrians to cross a busy road as there have been many road
traffic accidents on this road recently. No further details are given. What type of
specification is this?

technical specification

output specification

outcome specification

conformance specification

This is an outcome specification - this is based on the example given in the study guide on p.123.
An outcome specification tells you what is required but not how to achieve it (make a bridge
across this buy road that will stop road traffic accidents). A technical or conformance spec would
tell you how big it needs to be, what materials to use etc. An output specification would describe
what is needed (e.g. a 3m wide bridge) rather than why it's needed (to stop road traffic
accidents). See chapter 3.1 for further details on the different types of specification. It's a BIG
exam topic.
Question 55: Skipped
How would you work out the 'target-cost' of a product?

sales price minus profit


work out the maximum price a consumer would pay

sales price minus cost of production

work out the minimum cost a consumer would pay

Sales Price - Profit = Target Cost. This is explained on p.32 but, simply put, a 'target cost' is the
cost you need to make the item for. So, for example, if you're selling cupcakes and you know
they'll sell for £1, and you want to make 30P profit per cake- your target cost is 70p. This is the
amount you can spend to make the cupcakes (e.g. on ingredients, electricity for the oven etc).
Question 56: Skipped
A University procures textbooks for its students and is looking for ways to increase its
power in the market. Which of the following strategies would increase its strength?

increase the size of the account


send out an Invitation to Tender

use an electronic system for ordering

purchase a substitute product

Increasing the size of the account is a way for a buyer to increase their power in the marketplace.
They can do this by consolidating their spend with one single supplier (so the account looks
more attractive) or in the example of the university, they could join up with other universities
and form a Consortium, and pull their collective buying power together. See p.88 for more
information on 'buyer strength'. The other options are generally good ideas, but won't actually
affect their buying power in relation to the marketplace.
Question 57: Skipped
A company manager has created this year's budget based on last year's data with predicted
annual increases. What type of budget has been created?

incremental budget


rolling budget

activity based budget

zero-based budget

This is an incremental budget. Zero-based is when you start from scratch and don't look at last
year's figures. See p.57
Question 58: Skipped
A market structure is determined by which of the following?


profit margins

the level of competition

type of product sold


Markets are categorised by the type of products sold- 6 are described in the CIPS study guide on
p.66- these include; manufacturing, agriculture and services.
Question 59: Skipped
A company which installs fire alarms has a back stock of fire alarms, however there has
been a change in government legislation which details a newer model must be used as this
improves safety. The company is going to order the newer model from their supplier. What
type of purchase will they make?

modified rebuy


approved supplier list

new purchase

straight rebuy

This is a 'modified rebuy' - they're buying a newer version of the same product. The study guide
gives this as an example on p.3
Question 60: Skipped
Which of the following are a competitive force that influence the market, according to
Porter's 5 Forces Model? Select THREE.

bargaining power of substitutes

bargaining power of buyers


Rivalry among existing competitors


bargaining power of suppliers


bargaining power of procurement

Porter's 5 Forces are; bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, threats of potential new entrants
and of substitutes, and rivalry among existing competitors. This is guaranteed to come up in the
exam so do learn all 5 forces. P.85
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