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Tornadus’ Last Stand

The story starts with Tornadus, son of Zeus and Hera and the ruler
of the wind. Long ago, Tornadus lived in what we now call The Ozone
Layer and had been observing humans ever sine they first came into
existence. Tornadus’ case was a strange one, to say the least. He
lived alongside his brother Thundurus, God of Thunder and prodigy
of Zeus, second only to Hermes. He and his brother were born at
the heart of a cloud, giving their lower halves the resemblance of
said cloud, which the brothers used to their advantage to zip around
the sky at high speeds with their lifelong friend Boreas, making sure
to give Atlas, the titan and minion of Kronos plenty of off-putting
wind as he managed the burden of the sky. Until one day, oh that
fateful day, the day that would change so much. The God of Fire
Prometheus appeared in a vision to the brothers, asking for help to
aid the mortals’ evolution, by providing them with fire. The brothers
debated this topic for a century or so before each coming to their
own conclusions. Thundurus would not stop his brother but refused
to alter the human’s natural course of evolution. Tornadus, on the
other hand was hellbent on helping those precious mortals of his. He
even had his own shrine, so imagine the wonders that could cone with
fire. So, he and Prometheus reached a deal. Tornadus would shield
Prometheus with the North, East, West and South Winds as
Prometheus went and delivered fire to the humans. The plan
succeeded and in a blaze of fury Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock,
with an immortal eagle returning once a day to feast on his liver,
which then subsequently grew back overnight. Tornadus was
eternally cast into the ozone layer, only to be called down when

Tornadus had been living in the Ozone layer for 2 millennia,

observing the oddities and evolution of humans. He was only brought
back to Olympus for mundane tasks every 5 centuries or so, such as
steer Zeus’ sons’ ship this way or blow Poseidon’s hair this way for a
portrait, even further boosting his expansive ego. Frankly, he was
sick of it. So the next time he was called back to Olympus, to
admire Athena’s new son (It was a formality, no-one wanted him to
be there and nor did he), he snuck off to consult the council of the
Therian elders, still sniggering at the ridiculous name of the child.
Isaac Newton was in no way, shape or form a proper half-blood name.
They turned to him upon his arrival, eyeing him up like a jaguar
eyeing its prey. Negotiations were quite short and frankly rather
violent, yet in submission they bestowed upon him two crystals, that
when squeezed would transform him into whatever he desired, for
how long he desired. With that, Tornadus shot off into the night, to
sit on his throne and calculate his next move. Just then, as he sat
brooding, he realised something. Those beloved humans of his were
corrupting his home, by lighting fires and releasing the harmful
residue, smoke upon his home. Tornadus was filled with guilt of doing
this to himself. He knew what he had to do, he squeezed the crystal
becoming human and touched down in a small village called Alton as
the two armies approached each other, on that fateful morning of 13
December 1643.

The brutal battle was responsible for the deaths of many of both
sides’ infantries and Tornadus still felt somewhat rageful, and
empty. Just then, he realised what he had to do. He mustered all his
courage; he was going to need it. He was about to deal with the Devil.
Hades stood at the peak of Olympus, amused at the prospect of
dealing with the Lord of the Winds.

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