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rw Ml @ . ting h “imple Virtual _ Se m feference [Crepes] Embedded Librarians Using Web 2.0 Services for Reference Ellen Hampton Filgo he tem ended Wrrianship came about in 2004, when Barbare Dew lated the concept of ware ended journalist tothe inept sical and viral educational and sesearch spaces through co ps partners (Dewey 2004, 6). ‘he concep of embed Nbranship hs been ound fo longer han Aeveloped fo the model of sn acadenic branch Katy Core 2010) ios were deve 1 Hotioan cellborion Embedded brains pando that pment collborion and adds is eset help infrmanion berate on, ad erence eves. bedded lbaranshp can mean a physical relocation: many Ubrarian ve moved out he Worry building eer ve Ok locate dt fices nt he leparments ot soos hat man and Watsen 2008) but ars loated physically within the hel ouside of tbe brary bling (Ce ant lee 2011). Howoret, the majority oft he erature on embedded brains re ital embedding 4s coleges an unlversties ave measly etsbaced le as crested online courses and gras, ibarims have sought to embed themselves these viel pacesto | hsercesand information heey section, Lvaiansenbedded | dene son many ays. Some provide screens teri, Len, cor her online modules to replace ae t-laeinruon session (Hel 2010, Tumbleso atl Burke 2010), some pari in dscsion forums (Mane and Schroeder 2008) or even rate review student asgnnene (Bowler and Steet 2008, Love and Norwood 2007), Holding lie istrvton sessions via web conferencing sofware is another ay that aan ave sought oval embed ‘henselves it the elasoom (Lote and Norwood 2007). ‘Astbe librarians dee these vated experments with embedded Morararsip, ce refan comee through low and clea. te wally important to closely Collaborate with the naruto: ofthe courses n which the embed takes place (Cape and Lee 2011, Owens 2008, Drewes and Hofman 2010). Same suggest that he ery defnton of embedded sexe sue postal clarlons (Gowler an ste: 2008, 439), ‘Ar the ure ofthe LMS increases in higher education, and Ihrarans Keep expen and colsborting nore ta embed their sere within i, aother ‘movement in higher educate bas been growing. This movement cies LMS courses a walled gardens” (Matt 2010) and sdoocates forthe we of Web 2.0 technologies and services as pifrm for eaching and learning (EDUCAUSE ‘exrning Tate 2008}—both in sticly online curses as well onal fae-o-ice cso, ‘Yeh 2.0 advocits nt the ope, collaborative nature of soi media amd new ‘medi oolsthit allow dent to be tote noe a thes own ering process (Geen and Wilts 201), They se oil medias puting rol of educators ing completely dfeent ight ocorspond with the new azaigm hf rom ached ‘comiulus-centered education to lesoesianden-centerededation” Todos 2011, 86), Bétucion in an open, online gal mdm wood mean that uderas ‘would fame, eat, shares iether era (Campe 2009). Wed 2.0 connecea learner fused pedagogy veh ase focused technology; eamtent sd constr an merge together, genes can happen colonel and ‘openly onthe publi We, This chapter wl fete « Web 2.0 embedded Ibraran project at Baylor ‘Universi deal a ew ther snl projects, and describe a variety af the Web 2.0 tls commonly wed in teaching. and aang, WEB 2.0 EMBEDDED LIBRARIAN PROJECT AT BAYLOR UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Introduction Ir the spring 09, E watched an excthg YouTube video produced by Dr Monica Rankin of Uatvesty of Texas-Dalls, who fad bien using Titer to facitatedscusion among the sens of her story survey course. The vide «an be found at psf youtube comtchivacx_ Weta. Reflecting on the ideo bog dha the ix of eng Titer na cstoom was an eres ‘xpsimect and though that peelaps incuding a releence Nain in the Tier suream woald provide some of those "just-in-time" answers to questions that Invariably come up dang clas lcssins. The Mba could poi to facer resnutes and eeings swells ser quick esl norma, Class Design That summer, bought the ideo the de of remedial a Fer tothe atemton of De Gardner Campbell the Baylor Us ysis of he deny for Teschng end Learning, an polssorof Literate and Mes inthe Honors Cllege. De. Catipbel espn sve and was invited on the fall 2009 anf 2010 The elas wae ecb in 2 fit yearhonors etna ealled rom Memexo You leucine Media Studies” The focus ofthe clas was to understand the fild of new med sts andl eam about “the pst and fare ofcompaets and ow they alt how we dhnk and what we do” Ba ual leering gol forthe lie wa ens ot uso study new medi tao pia in, Dr, Campbell required his students to robustly se a number of Web 2.0 application techoologes. The sidente were equim to blog ther reflections en the readings efor evry clas, comment sobsantvely on another assmates blog, cantebue to he cls wil, tag inks f interest wring elciows.com, atid paicipat in a las lscusion sing Tue (using a eg ls has), The clas vital prtipatonwarthen agreed ino wht Dr Campbell ihe etherdlog (ig 6.) Ung the WordPress blogging soar and cape of ey Pugin this 1e bought ote he tds bop, ecent comets, Scoustink Kstbe dashboard (sere for the as lamin experience ies ttelooz | | HF If | He) | vetathatog Embedding the Librarian As the embedded ibrar the primary wy I inteaced with the class was theo ugh Teter comments during she las prod. A the behing ofthe cas the students were instructed 10 takeout th laptops gin to Tt, and ret the Moar. This nt only gt them used to sin ite co eter i = ko sgl fom Dr. Canpbel tha tei use of laptop campoters as for ering. As the clas progressed, the sudents would twee thls comments questions, mgs of inferno tha hey plesed fom the readings and eny oter ibs. As hey tweeted, they Would ve the els desigated hecag ll 2003: asi, ll 2010-10), Ac ss campus, tn my ofce, would open opr Deck (a popula Titer application) and fellow along, sing ach forthe hast pllogeier al the stud yees, a india age 62. "wouldnt with he sade i Tater, ing tbe asa and eps "opal my sweets into the conversation vtbusions va Tier dung dhe clas wes broad ad vid how figure 63. Tink to everyshing fos book nour etl td aticesin our Wray subscription databases to Wikipedia aes end euiube video. Often “explored the author ofthe vading they wer asigned, ooking ip bclgronnd Information, biographies, ber aces or books ey hd wien oe surces that cited o referenced the author Even ia stent tected Seemed to veer the topic of cass convention, often ted Hk tosanething, slong these lines wel, night be making berween th 9s | wanted to enenorge any connections the student treading, the clas scuson ad thet own persona Tals was embeded no the cls ithe stent blogs. At the dgining the semestey, subse othe mother rai RSS eed in onde te hee wth he siden? witng 1 snmened often on dei posts excited co be sein te begin nklngs of whch pes would end upto be Sometnes sable to pore eure top them wth her projets ough conentng The cas was regi to bookmark nk (upton com ll marked wath x designed class gas wells ny other subject opis oie, 1 of interest using Delius com dal backenarcneetng ns, some ome ofthe inks I woul send through Biter during the cas pend, All these links wee pled ito the moterblog though the RSS led geese by & & Thee wee several ies ing, the semester thatthe class met Second Lie Our variously cose vial characters met together, de used he ecngs caso had tontect wih rouse Secon fe esldens, and explored sore of , Lie stor Response ducted an informal survey using the fo at in Googe Docs tog ow the dens fk about having (ap Whrar in exmbedded into ther cles The survey reported that the suena owned interacting with Morarian via Tuer, thet og, ad the reso he too they They ered th cathe Titer ln tht set ep 1 the topic jon, One student tte sans partlpation w ‘critical put ofthe class because Tehel wae able to po resources aod spend tine looking for those resounees that proved relevant to the els, ase which sade woold be likely to do ala smc es daring cl" ll ‘nowedgeabe about bary resources afer this cls oxperienee | ld esoores sch as ‘hit tine resources and dhe brains themselves, interaction with the sents even went beyond dhe Web 2.0 oo used pec fr cass. On ther cv ite, dey created a Facebook grup (0 Sahich ts invited where dhe fen planned sy rou T met with students ouside of we space a5 well. The students booked dhe as al for ober sppoinments wih me fa foriber hep with pines hss, and suit ne ot Tite, Faneook, ral ver mal wh questions ‘The suadets called me “ovr Mbarian” (one lass even called me “guard byt’) Carly beeare the goto person fr ang kind of research be. Through dh experence, ek tat I was embedded more aturally and ichly dela anther seer Ives olin ‘OTHER EXAMPLES OF WEB 2.0 EMBEDDED LIBRARIANS LUbrasansbve unabashedly embraced Wb 20 foray purpose: aig ai Contactors, creating commu an conversation rong ry patos, nd teaking hry esources mre easly able and shareable, Beyond ase reasons, Iiratns ae Sng Wb 2.0 tool an appiatlons o be idea for information tieracyfstction. Tn ace stady Fund that 4 perent tse Wed 20 wos dosoasa pst ther intracin wih stents CL0 2010, 37) A fewexaples of ths ype of inset allow Icha! Stephens, assisan profesor in the School of Libary and Informa Seience a San Jose State Univers, used the WordPsess blogzng softwar pecially the soil netwok-oree Bday Pes paclage of plugins—tn crest raernmive oan LMS Jones 2011) He succesfully used WordPress for several trade! bray schol courses Dome Universi The cas aso used ter with a designated clas hashag to connect the stents, The Budde stares shown i action in Bgare 64 vets in Orford, Qo, teeing a cour ‘group of arias a Mami called “Information Stes in the Digital Age” used Ning.com to re-create rational UNS using te atures tht Nag roids he bogs, dsesson board td group pages the posting of pods, images, and videos andthe integration SERS ees widgets and Ter Sullven ta. 2010, 3) Jn Petit and Amanda Cc, instruction Ubvarian atthe American University in Caio, revamped 3 BadayPrece Example standby insrton iy and student earring (et and Click 2010 The bray leat sulle ae stud braran experiment with Web 2.0 technolo for he pun > of brary insrcton snd norman literacy however sng Web 20 o embed abr nt aclasroamsn clan with anonibary isto snot tat common. A fe exceptional examples tad ot sue are deserted Bei ‘Ove the couse of ew semesters, Maran Davis and Cao Smith, ibealas the University of Cental Missous, embeded themselves int seve ferent uses (Digital Africana English Compas, ai can Ameren Literatur hat were being fed solely vi Secon Lf, the -D virtual world (Davis and Smith 2008). Throughout the semester, they provid da sees of instruction sessions focused on the research process that closely followed the cour sree Despite eiclogcal problns anda challenging xing cv, the ‘trenane pve with their embeded rec nd plnnedo conn toner to rber sud whether it wae an eft tol fo isu uty Hunton, school mea specs Creloriw High Schoo i Con, eng basternrcning space pet in Web 2Oendded Moris Seared, elle Media 21 (Haron 20112. this prorae, amton bas etary cozely wh Fags cher Sun Leet ands sed nomeous Je 7 Oost onder to engage students parlptory lain, The sdents Tae scan potas wring NeiVibesGorvartebes com), a Web 2.0 publishing vane tat evs 9 daroandappach, allowing fr easy embedng of RSS rene co bog eens, Googe searches sn ier wigs of conten om vee Fike Wa An explo the Nevibes cass shown in ire 63. The arent asp used Hoge o due tei starch a inormaton eration sre onfr to colaorate owing pets the stents ed Googe Peer stk wo rene tice ellow dent porlios, Haiton and Laster ses cnesuraged he yr f sore We 20 multimedia tals such ws ger (oe Saprecon, Xeanoral renanomal co, ee Tied neve aaase ashe (wumasher cot a ookarkng and caps walk Nhe RaNaw tonevernaecor) and Digo (ego com) Harton 20116) Fenton found tha he ole embeded way the classroom wing Wb 2.0 was 1a paret ina someines ree at ately eingpartptny eg process alion 20118). Netuber “Clesroom™ [ Eribedded ibrefane Using Web20 Sonica for Ra wea Libvarans continue to explore embeded iraianship, parse in itu eas within aden LMS pladorns Larne al ncesingy ened eb 2.0 too wo promote informacion lieracy insta, The combination o Being embedded ino clasooms thrgh Web 20 to fakes tvesgaton tn onder to embed italy impocane ose ott and collaborate with professors, nstrtors, and teacheis who ate commited stodenceeeted peagoges nd prciputoy leaning and who ar either ley sg thes tol in het casoom oa open othe poses you ate hiking of tiatng or enbaciag a curren program of embedded baranship using Web 2.0 tools, please lee he fallow pins rind Colsberstion. Find profess, maracas or eches wi whom parses, These teachers may ray not heey be wsng Web 2 tals "ec insrction Whether the ro no fd elbortrs who at cor ited to leila you yout wens, expetnent with new tol, sl explore new ways for ou to teach and or your student earn, Pedagoy. Web 20 snare open ana patiptry. Keepin mind that embedded lsrooms end theives oan open and participatory Pedagogy. Deivering sear ina clisroom 3a of eng that be lated into Web 2.0—for example, delivering a lerure wa YouTibe video. However, YouTube wil lo ke that ecu avalabe lorembeding sharing, and renting Using Web 20 tool wl change yor pedagogy snd you must keep ths nmin Urry, Thiscllaboratio serve the brary and tet instescor ina dsipline. Male sto define what the Main lin che eb 2.008? To teach information tracy conerpt? Could it be bath? Col tbe so completly illeen? Purpose, What Wb 2.04008 wl you use? Lokthnugh yourinsusonal sal to see what yperf these tools match up with what lor con cepts you want the esto era With those Key pots in mind, this next ston wll guide you chro a ‘numberof Web 20 ool, whit their purposes ae snd Bow they ‘nie we Been wd | wep 20 TooLs | Blogs ‘logs re one ofthe oldest Wb 20 applets, having Beg nthe ae 19805 | | snd poplin ofthe lg rout 869, | | mnt pact Cog 208 ogra wets ar repay os wh nyt Blogging sfoware—and onan inks, ew, i | ome i bogs funtion a8 ape of caine dary, ica foes polities, mse, eave, ecagy. OF i Pere ar me ery few Polis an puna were aly woes | cedure ek pcs or ena ne Ys etsy enc gg len lg +, oa ti po on ese ho || ERG tty to come opens, pe rsouerenter at (Coa) sec opes nd teaching epernent for og tine ston ede hos | ‘ rare mice: While selemics theives lave heen blogg about their \ 1 sotena eer ine ners the pacer, However, more cet some schools I Tae provided blogg paar fr tei es Blogs @ Fe Sate (ap/boge pu.ed), x homegrown platform base on the Mable ype Blogging softwat), ia noble example, Companies sch a8 student and faculty popsation. ; ‘blogs (newedublogsor) seo prvide educonl blogging to initons, | dese po the open sure WordPress losing software rewards a0 le {or hosed software, wwxewordpress org for open source, downloadable software) Fi ‘Twitter weer has vecenly taken the We 2.0 word by stom, growing co over 100 lion uerinSeperier 201 fer Inunchng in 2007 Cer 201) Tete lecloging eomce ht allows tert quick post 40charece "wet other folowers Unt an pot sets om the Web, va SMS, and through 8 Spake hot of td py applets for dsizop or mbit devices. sr find wre follow other Ter users hy nd seeing and ean iceract wih hes teough eps to and werwet” Cora of ter messes. Teter allows People coe be world ond, connect, nd shat information in sealine Set eed Dang Tater fr Virol Reference Servs” o Find ox me abost how bras hae embraced Fetes Social Bookmarking Social bokanarking cers, sich eins cand Dio cor allow ses © ve, patie ag, manage snout sch and fin inks to tneme es. Th vcs provide away ose inks srs moe thn jut oe ere own bey ae sted onthe open Web, What makes his type ofookikingsocl sth userscan connect with ter wee they nd esting nd flow the books Imoner to dscove ober sts. Digocorallavsis esto ra upand ighight the web content thy bookmat d . iy share har eonten within groups. Sci bookmarking can be a ay to cate we content and many rates have begun to we these series ohhh ete ere content for heir pm Facebook 1 he Web 2. er, many persona soil networking ses, suchas Fenster and MySpace, have red to stake therm onthe andeape; ome, ie Facebook that as rien ashe undspuedchampon thie. Facebok pesmi use wh an easy way to connect with rind, aly ae eters aud ther, With Fbook cout, one can share updates, photos, links, ad ots, Facebok ses “ike” or subcribe co the pages of rious business, pods, celebrite, rizaons, and sn, and ol the information ta thy provide. Users an ‘ete groups minded dala anny way osha eloration Many bares have eee Facebook page o comet with ther patrons, feb on raters and series, nd pote news aa eents—Seale Puke brary san exellent exnple of Ronny witha gest Facebook page. Googles / Google+ Pages Inthe summer of 2011, Googe launched anew social network elle Googe developing Googe he company waned tax what they believed was broken bout online sharing—the ait to be muon abou wt and wth whom people tore information Todo so, Gogles inteduce cles which guide wets nto lasing dhe people they sre with ihe tan jst cag lf hem fn The idea of cices plus few ther great applcations—such as an easy-to-use soup de cat, photo sharing ana sl bie iterace—ameditly save Googles some dice fans, and since is lunch, it has ned one 4 elon vers Evans 2011) Baylor Univer Libraries oo ae oie Googie Ste—Bayor Unveay Lrares In cay Noveer 2011, Googles Isnched Googles Pages place where business, onganizatons, and brands could connect with wets and custome. Tos sil fay new an ibraries ave ony jt begun experimenting wh what they can do with Googles, Baylor Univers Libres ae developed a working Googles ste, se shown in figure 6.8. Some god ups on how to ge your Mary stated on Googles can be found athe beg of David Lee King, Digital Beach sd Series manager a the Topeka and Sbomee County (Kena) Puble Libary (ew davidlerking comy/2011/1/Oreeing-up-a-googe-pue-page-for-your brary esy. Wikis A wis website tt llows foray eating bya mip urbe of users, Wis ‘sully ince what you se swat you ge HTML eto and a way to adel isto tal wl pages snd eemal site very simply Wikis are en usd or collaborative projets nance, Inowledge bases, nd note aking, A main wl ainstratorcan contol aces by wi ert the content, whether seing nding oF removing pages, naming one, neo th et a ‘amples of ws ope (uproot es eneyclopedia ‘hac anyone cam eit There are many type of wk software: some ave to be het on are, sich as Medak (Wikipedia rans on ths oar), and one are hosed on spate webste the poplar ws saftae Weng Lies Thave adopted wikis for uses ch a internal knowledge bases an aration Sharing, quik and collaborative webse consti, or archiving pots and provers, for eeating subject guides, community pags and tecology help centers (King and Porter 2007, Chis 2008. A good expe fw wi in pracce the brary Succes A Bes Prcies Wile (arb o), which provides arias and ethers with ips and tricks or sng wh Google Does ‘Google Docs san online office suite of sofware, lcding word processing spreadsheets, and presentations. It canbe acesed with sy Google ae usemame and password. Through Google Docs, users can share dacumets,

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