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ESE 471 Spring 2023: Homework 3

1. Rice 2.43 (see Rice Book pp 107-109 in Canvas files)

2. Rice 2.45 (see Rice Book pp 107-109 in Canvas files)

3. (From Proakis and Salehi problem 2.40): A lowpass signal x(t) with bandwidth of 50 Hz
is sampled at the Nyquist rate and the resulting sampled values are

 −1, −4 ≤ n ≤ −1
x(nT ) = 1, 1≤n≤4
0, o.w.

Find x(0.005) by using the Nyquist sampling theorem.

4. Matlab generation of a SRRC pulse shape: Use matlab’s rcosdesign function to

create an vector of the signal values of a α = 0.5 square root raised cosine (SRRC) pulse
shape. As described by mathworks (at
ref/rcosdesign.html), the inputs to rcosdesign are:


where alpha is the α rolloff/shape parameter of the SRRC, duration in symbols is the
total duration (in number of symbols) to return, and samples per symbol is the number
of samples per symbol period.

(a) Create a SRRC pulse shape vector for α = 0.5, 8 symbol periods, and 4 samples
per symbol. Note the time vector in matlab is t=-4:1/4:4. Plot the signal to see
that the zero-crossings are not at integer multiples of the symbol period. (Note that
xticks(-4:1:4) and grid("on") are helpful to show the symbol periods on the
(b) Convolve the pulse shape with itself (as the receiver would do as its first stage)
using x = conv(b,b) where b is the SRRC pulse shape vector. Note that the time
vector for x, because convolution increases the length, is now t=-8:1/4:8. Plot the
output, showing that the convolution is approximately zero at integer multiples of
the symbol period (except for t = 0).
(c) Short answer (within 1-2 sentences): Why does the convolution result in (b) have
zeros at integer multiples of Ts and a value of 1.0 for t = 0?

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