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Abstract (Mohammad Abrar Yasin)

This study outlines the importance of digital marketing for Bangladeshi women
entrepreneurs. It develops a thorough grasp of why female entrepreneurs trail behind
their male counterparts and why digital marketing is essential for them from the outset.
Next, we discussed the needs in the industry, the challenges they had, their experiences,
and how digital marketing helped them. We also discussed the advancement of women's
business and the difficulties faced by Bangladeshi working women. We've offered a few
ideas for digital marketing strategies. Finally, we discussed the fundamental problems
that need to be overcome in order to encourage women to launch enterprises.

Purpose - This study demonstrates the challenges female business owners in

Bangladesh confront, offers suggestions for how to deal with them, and emphasises the
value of digital marketing.
Recommendations - Marketing strategies include influencer marketing, social media
marketing, email marketing, SEO, and more.
Keywords - Women Entrepreneur, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Motives, Experience ,
Market challenges

INTRODUCTION (Mohammad Abrar Yasin)

Women are frequently viewed as the family's homemakers in the majority of developing
nations. But as time goes on, the nation's leaders are increasingly investing a growing
portion of their riches on the advancement of women's healthcare and education. As
both men and women play an equal role in a country's economic success. Unfortunately,
not all women have had equal access to educational possibilities. According to the
World Bank collection of development indicators (2022 as suggested in Trading
Economics), 72% of the data gathered in 2020 shows that females in Bangladesh have
basic reading and writing skills. A glaring example of how women's educational
constraints have made it difficult for them to obtain greater pay. The Covid 19 epidemic
and this wage disparity have both had a large disruptive impact on the working
environment. Hence, becoming an entrepreneur is one of the methods for a woman to
achieve financial independence and contribute to the nation's economic progress. (Al-
Qahtani et al.,2022).Al-Qahtani et al. (2022) discovered that business owners are the
ones who generate new ideas and are the most important investments in society since
they use their businesses to provide job chances. By creating more sources of revenue,
this will subsequently benefit the economy and the country as a whole. These
employment chances also broaden diversity in the workplace and revive local small
businesses. thus significantly affecting the ecosystem.

It's also vital to remember that

using an outdated business
approach will not help you
survive in today's industry. As
technology increasingly
dominates all work categories,
regardless of what kind of
employment it is, starting from
business to medical fields, as
demonstrated by Rosokhata et
al. (2020), communication tools
are broadly utilised. There will always be people using the internet. It provides limitless
access to both potential and present customers. With the aid of audio and video, the
digital marketing tool enables a product to be transformed into a picture-perfect
representation in the client's imagination. Due to increased social connectivity, all client
input is now more readily available. Thus, the cost of advertising for online marketing is
relatively inexpensive. Therefore, one needs to understand digital marketing skills to
build a successful firm, especially female entrepreneurs who tend to launch their
businesses from home. They can use this digital marketing strategy to promote their
product to a wide variety of their target market. Given that it is a highly profitable method
of conducting business, special attention must now be given to digital marketing.
According to Stephen, every consumer who plans to purchase a product or even a
service will first research it online (2016, as cited in Alghazzawi, 2019). This is further
attributed to the addiction to smartphones among people of all ages. According to
Dazeinfo, there are 3.56 billion users on social media (2018, as cited in Alghazzawi,2019).
Therefore, in order to prevent losing their current and potential customers, marketers
must step up their efforts. Consequently, there is a critical demand for digital marketing
principles and tactics.
The social media profiles are constantly updated in accordance with consumers'
increasing daily use of social media. Therefore, it is necessary to update the use of digital
marketing methods frequently. A deeper understanding is necessary for the methodical
approach to digital marketing and methods of appealing to consumer demands.
However, when it comes to marketing, women entrepreneurs still lag behind. The
imbalance between men and women that predominates in society is the fundamental
cause of the marketing challenges that women entrepreneurs face. Women's earnings
are typically not taken into account by society. In addition, women entrepreneurs deal
with a variety of difficulties on a daily basis. Starting with basic assistance, they can
develop their talents and raise their income. In addition to their lack of education, these
women also lack the capital necessary to launch their businesses, as well as the
employment issues, travel restrictions, lack of market research material necessary to
attract customers, and ignorance of the technological and financial aspects of running a
business. When these female entrepreneurs start a business, they also face a unique set
of issues. They lack the skills necessary to manage a company, train personnel, behave
as an entrepreneur, and they lack confidence in their ability to make sound decisions,
leaving them unqualified to take on risky situations. Therefore, women business owners
need clear recommendations to solve their marketing issues. This would ultimately stop
being shocking when any woman started her own company and achieved success in the
corporate world.
Objective and method (Nowrin Rizvi)
Women's participation in the economy of Bangladesh is becoming increasingly important
as the country's economy continues to grow. This is because women's economic
contributions not only help the country's economy grow, but they also contribute to a
more equitable distribution of wealth in the country. It is easy to grab a large number of
customers through the internet using seo and rank their e-commerce website and using
big social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc. either directly
promoting their products with their own account or with influencer marketing. This makes
digital marketing very important for women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh today. If the
proper digital marketing methods are adopted in these women entrepreneurs'
businesses, then their businesses will simply develop and achieve success.


The purpose of this term paper is to gain an understanding of the ways in which the
government of Bangladesh is assisting the digital marketing industry, as well as the ways
in which this industry is currently being utilised in Bangladeshi small businesses that are
owned and operated by women business owners. Women company owners in the
modern day are increasingly turning to digital marketing methods in order to expand
their companies and interact with a greater number of clients utilising their digital devices
and internet connections. My advice to female business owners in Bangladesh is that
they may successfully advertise their wares and attract clients on a national and
worldwide scale by using a strategic approach to digital marketing that is both precise
and accurate. If female company owners in Bangladesh followed my advice and
promoted their wares using appropriate pricing strategies on digital marketing platforms,
they would undoubtedly see significant increases in both their profits and their level of
professional achievement in their respective enterprises. The use of digital marketing by
female company owners is an excellent technique for them to rapidly expand their
consumer base and connect with a huge number of prospective buyers.


In order to provide a solution to the issue that we have selected for this term paper, we
have mostly relied on two different ways. The initial approach that we used was to seek
assistance from a number of publications and research papers. by reading through the
many articles and other research papers that are classified as secondary resources. We
investigated how women company owners use digital marketing to grow their companies
and connect with a wider audience of prospective clients on both the domestic and the
international market. In addition to this, we discovered the sorts of methods they are
using as well as the ways in which these strategies are beneficial to female

Secondly we have interviewed several leading women entrepreneurs of Bangladesh and

asked them how they are using the big social media platforms such as
Facebook,Instagram,Youtube etc to grow their business. We have also created some
questionnaire which asked the women entrepreneurs such as:-

1. How did the women business owners' origin stories start?

2. How much money did they have to get going?

3. What are the core reasons for picking that particular digital marketing tool?

4. In what ways are they using major social media sites to advertise their wares?

5. To what extent will they use digital marketing methods to expand their company?

6. To what end will they use social media to promote their company?

7. How do they plan to implement the suggestions made by their clients?

8. Where will they look for this consumer, and how will they communicate with them?

9. So, how exactly are they planning on charging for their wares?

10. What are their long-term goals for expanding their company's presence online?

11. What kinds of novel items might we expect them to distribute?

12. Where do they stand on the use of influencer marketing?

13. When comparing the results of digital and conventional marketing, how many more
consumers did they gain with digital?

14. What were their sales after they promoted their products on the big social media

15. How much money did they make from online product promotion?

These questions helped us get relevant information on how they were growing their
business through these digital marketing strategies.We got a deeper understanding on
how digital marketing strategies are working for these leading women entrepreneur’s
businesses in Bangladesh.By the end of the term paper we can clearly see that how
digital marketing has transformed women entrepreneur’s businesses in Bangladesh
compare to the traditional marketing strategies.
Literature Review (Nishat Nawal)

Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh

In today’s age, women play a significant role in entrepreneurship, startups, digital

marketing, e-commerce etc. Women operate a wide range of businesses on social
media, clothing attires, home furnishings, jewellery, handicrafts, food, and blogging. Due
to the perception that women bring new ideas and innovations to their career fields,
women are believed to adapt to the modern service society more readily than the
previous industrial society.

Meenakshi (2015) states that the government is crucial in inspiring women to start their
own businesses. The government's assistance encourages women to have an
entrepreneurial mindset, which motivates them to start business. Mat and Razak (2011)
also support these stating that a number of factors, including education, expertise level
and skills, being career focused and ambitious etc. affect women's entrepreneurial
activities. It has been discovered that the primary factor impacting women's
entrepreneurial growth is education. (Mat and Razak, 2011). (1)

Digital Marketing
Bangladesh is not an exception to the world's
extraordinary evolution of digital marketing.
Because more people are using internet services on
their mobile phones, digital marketing has become
much more significant in recent years. However,
increasing customer use of social media sites like
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other apps has
made it easier for business owners to market
various services and goods to clients. Customers
can now obtain worldwide information from a single
spot thanks to the introduction of multiple digital

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing entails advertising strategies and actions that allow consumers to take
advantage of a variety of services and brands operating locally or globally. In the
Bangladesh market, digital marketing has surpassed traditional marketing in prominence.
In other words, traditional marketing has emphasised time-consuming techniques,
making it hard to communicate with customers around-the-clock (Rahman, 2015). On the
other side, digital marketing has made it much easier to promote things by using
platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and others to spread the word. Another benefit of
digital marketing is that customers may provide product reviews online at any time and
from any location. The success of digital marketing depends on its acceptance in the
context of the global market. (2)

Different aspects of digital marketing have helped to promote the company in the
Bangladesh market.

- Product advertisements on the internet

An important and effective component of digital marketing is online product advertising.

Managers of businesses can influence customers by advertising various products and
services through internet promotions (Khan & Islam, 2017). On the contrary, because it
limits the expense associated with the product's advertisement, online product marketing
is also economical. For both consumers and producers, online marketing also reduces
work and saves time.

- Social networking platforms

Social media platforms are becoming more and more popular today among people of all
ages. Platforms for social media are effective tools for communication. The businesses
can advertise their goods and services that are exposed to Facebook users through
various social media channels. However, it can be stated that these platforms have
improved interpersonal communication (Yasmin, Tasneem & Fatema, 2015). As a result,
social media platform advertisements for the products have the potential to improve their
popularity and, consequently, their sales.

Role of Bangladeshi Women in Digital Marketing

Bangladesh, a developing nation, has a significant advantage from women participating

in the entrepreneurial sector. Women have contributed greatly to digital platforms over
the past 20 years as Bangladesh advances towards becoming a digital Bangladesh, and
their work as digital entrepreneurs is remarkable. The largest software service
association in Bangladesh has around 300,000 members, about half of them are women,
who use Facebook to manage their enterprises. These indicate a bright future for
Bangladeshi women's empowerment. In addition to alleviating poverty, women may now
support their families (Dhaka tribune, 2020). (1)

Sectors of women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh

The government of Bangladesh has introduced numerous policies and programs to

support female entrepreneurs. Every year, the government announces a budget for
entrepreneurship that totals about $1 billion when all necessary facilities are included.
2002 (Huq & Moyeen). The National Action Plan (NAP) for the advancement of women
leaders has been implemented by the government in a number of ways, including a
unique tax policy, a tax incentive, and a gift tax. However, the Bangladesh Bank has
created significant initiatives to support women, such as approving a loan with a 9%
interest rate. 2012; Parvin et al. The role of the People's Republic of Bangladesh tiny and
cottage industries corporation (BSCIC), as well as numerous Nongovernmental
organisations (NGOs) like Micro Industries Development Assistance and Services
(MIDAS), various small Enterprise
development support and advice agencies,
Basic Bank, commonly known as special bank,
was established with the sole purpose of
providing financing to small and cottage
businesses enhancing opportunities for
women entrepreneurship (Parvin et al., 2012).
Various government banks unveiled initiatives
to advance women's equality (Roy, 2016). (1)

Successful Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh

Few factors were cited by Mellita and Cholil (2012) as helpful success motivators for
female entrepreneurs in developing countries. (1)

- New opportunities and challenges for self-fulfilment,

- Education and training,

- Family support,

- Serving as role models for others.

Former underwriter Ivy Haq Russell established a firm called Maya. Ivy had always seen
herself empowering young females. She wants to develop a sense of community among
the ladies by providing them with free access to information. Ivy gives people an
opportunity to improve their lives by developing the website

She is currently employed as Maya's director. One of the

most intriguing business concepts is undoubtedly Maya.
Many ordinary women who had fallen behind in life were
enlightened by Maya. It offers a sensible opportunity to
vary along with a really strong value offering. Ivy, who is
philanthropic, started the demo site in 2011. Maya finished
first runner-up in the BRAC's 40-year innovation challenge
that same year. She is advancing.

Bibi Russell can easily claim the title of most successful woman. She is the founder of
Bibi productions and the queen of khadi clothing. She was a former catwalk model. It is
an elite, well-known fashion house that collaborates with local
artisans around Bangladesh. (3)

She recognized the potential of Bengali craftsmanship. She has

been devotedly working to preserve a great deal of history
because she has a vision. Numerous renowned organisations
have given her numerous prizes. In the fashion and textile
industries, she is currently working to support emerging

Rubaba Dowla the founder of Pulse Healthcare Service, which was founded in 2017.
She keeps an effective journal of managing her brand name, developing new products,
and communicating with her employers. She has spent
almost fifteen years working in the communications

She played a significant role in developing the firm vision

and future strategy and carried out marketing-related
duties, including driving a number of product
breakthroughs. Rubaba has accomplished a lot. For
instance, P&L accountability, segmentation, VAS, Brand
management, and development.
The amount of women presently participating in the online markets reselling or
customising products in Bangladesh has boosted rapidly during the covid 19 lockdown in
2020. The widespread communications network, namely all the social networks like
Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin have vastly contributed to the development of the
entrepreneurial sector especially the women who are undermined according to statistics.
The rising of the proper mass of entrepreneurs who have taken the online market by
storm has been dominating the startup motivations in people. We can see the vast
amount of online businesses. In this paper we have discussed the presently active
strategies incorporating the
wide range of marketing
tools convenient for the
woman entrepreneurs to
remotely handle parts of
the operations and
marketing executions (i.e-
Google Analytics).

Basic support to
businesses prevailing in
the country

The strategies include

utilisation of product
advertisement tools such
as internet advertisements and social media. Social media marketing is an inevitable to
boost morale among the client base and telling the stories to place the brand value
proposition into exposure online. We can also see the contributions of the NGOs and
government initiatives to focus the development on the women entrepreneurs of
Bangladesh efficiently providing financial counsel and support.

Organisations like Micro Industries Development Assistance and Services

(MIDAS) and Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industry Corporation (BSCIC)
have played significant roles in the development of the women
entrepreneurs’ sector. The role models in women entrepreneurship in
Bangladesh like Ivy Haq Russell AKA Bibi Russell and Rubaba Dowla are
mentioned and made an example out of, where young readers of this
article become one with the success and consider that gender roles in this
modern society depends on the individual attempt, rather be one female or male. And
contribution to society becomes more significant as well.
While the gender gap in entrepreneurship is larger in more affluent locations, it is less in
poorer ones, perhaps because more women in such places are driven to establish firms
out of need. More importantly, despite subjective and possibly biassed perceptions of
self-confidence, fear of failure, and the existence of opportunities or significant and
systematically associated determinants of the gender gap, women in poorer regions tend
to be more confident in their abilities (skills and knowledge) to become entrepreneurs
and less afraid of failure than women in better-off regions. Women's forays into
entrepreneurship emerge from a tangled web of internal motivations and desires, social
pressures, and external possibilities. A lack of specific technical skills tends to deter
many women from starting businesses in the manufacturing and high-tech sectors, and
women choose low capital activities, including those in the services sector, because of
difficulties in obtaining financial resources. Female business owners often use an
alternative management approach. The relational theory of management is a common
method of operation for these organisations. Instead, looking to conventional male role
models, they find success by developing a management style that works better for them.
It's clear that the women's interactions with their staff and customers vary.

Situation and workplace culture in Bangladesh

The conventional understanding of women's
responsibilities in society prevents them from
achieving economic success as business owners.
Women in business also face bias from traditional
business contacts, since the majority of them are
males. In addition, they may be less likely to achieve
success due to bias. As a result of these and other
stereotypes, it is more challenging for women to run
successful enterprises. According to studies, the
top three motivations for women to establish their own enterprises are the desire for
financial independence, more job stability, and greater job satisfaction. Women who have
experienced discrimination in the job and/or been paid less than males may want greater
independence as a result. After experiencing unemployment, divorce, or other setbacks,
a woman might find stability through company ownership. They also value the financial
stability that company ownership may provide. Those women who want the fulfilment
that comes from running their own businesses are eager to rise to the challenge of
bettering their circumstances and increasing their output.

Conceptual Framework Recommendations

So, how can one encourage more women to start their own businesses? The same way
one approaches entrepreneurship in general. The policy may be putting the wagon
before the horse if it prioritises addressing gender-based barriers to women's business
participation before addressing systemic concerns with financial inclusion. First and
foremost, gender-specific obstacles must be overcome so that women who are
economically marginalised may have access to mainstream services. Figure below shows
the visualisation of the design thinking process for entrepreneurs which focuses from the
lens supporting the customer (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 licence):

It should be noted that the frameworks should be fine tuned to the business propositions
and ideals. Backup plans and frameworks should be prepared at hand in case of failure
to incorporate framework.

It's important to note that discrimination

may be one cause of the gender
difference in business ownership in
Bangladesh. Cultural and social norms
about the proper roles of men and

women can contribute to discrimination

against women. Because of this, women may have experienced a reduction in both their
chance of becoming entrepreneurs and their incomes as entrepreneursThey may also
have experienced a reduction in the non-monetary rewards that may have been gained
through entrepreneurship. Women in Bangladesh have crucial roles in driving social and
economic transformation. When given a chance, women business owners can change
the world. Women need to win the fight for equality and justice before they can realise
the full potential of female entrepreneurship as a development tool. Incorporating good
infrastructure proves useful in digital marketing as well. The whole online presence
incorporates the wide range of social media and individually handled marketing tools to
mediate the supply of the entrepreneurs and demand of the customers. A very simplistic
recommendation which is possible to adapt for the woman entrepreneurs in the present
society is very important for the development and progress as a nation. And to
incorporate digital marketing properly, the process of data analytics might have a shot to
actually provide digital insights even if there are in-built social media analytics provided
to the entrepreneur.

Conclusion (Abu Miraj Rudro)

Women in every era
Women, Hauya, Eve, Maryam, Khadija,
Fatima, Aisa, Mother Teresa, Helen,
Fazilatunnesa, Sheikh Hasina, Rupa,
half of the globe, half of mankind,
country of mother. Through her, our
mothers provide us with our first
glimpse of the cosmos. Without
women, it's impossible to even
consider starting a business. Women
are usually mothers, right? The
entrepreneurial sector will get the
same nurturing care and attention a
mother would provide if she entered
the field. Intriguing, right?

Some facts untold

Women in developing countries are often seen as secondary citizens. Governments with
strong leaders invest more in the health and education of their female citizens. In the
modern economy, both sexes contribute equally. However, not all females are educated.
The World Bank reports that 72 percent of Bangladeshi women are literate. Wages for
women are capped by their low levels of education. Lowered output is a result of Covid
19 and pay disparities. Women's economic freedom and economic growth are both aided
by the entrepreneurship of women. According to A.Q. Al-Qahtani, et al company owners
are crucial since they are responsible for generating new jobs. Adding to the treasury will
be beneficial to the economy and the nation. These roles are helpful for minorities and
startup companies. Ecosystem shift. Old-fashioned approaches to doing business are
useless in today's economic climate. Communication technologies are used in a wide
variety of fields, from business to healthcare. The Persistence of Online Activity The
potential for use is infinite. The digital advertising technique uses audio and video to help
consumers visualise a service or product. Customer feedback is easier to collect thanks
to social media. Online advertising at a low cost. Women who run businesses from home
need to be fluent in digital marketing if they want to succeed. They might potentially
reach more individuals with digital marketing. Particular effort is required for successful
digital marketing. According to Stephen, the first step for every prospective purchase is
research on the internet (2016, as cited in Alghazzawi, 2019). The widespread use of
mobile devices across age groups also plays a role. According to Dazeinfo, there are
3.56 billion active social media users (2018, as cited in Alghazzawi,2019). A marketer's
first priority should be keeping both existing and potential clients. Concepts for digital
advertising are needed. Daily activity is reflected in the content of social media accounts.
Always be looking to improve your online marketing strategies. Both digital marketing
and customer expectations have room for development. In business, women often fall
behind males when it comes to marketing. Advertising by women business owners has
challenges due to gender imbalance. The incomes of women are ignored. Challenges
arise often for business owners. They may see an increase in ability and income with
very less assistance. These women are hampered in their entrepreneurial endeavours by
a lack of formal training, startup capital, security in work, freedom of movement,
customer-attracting market research materials, and technological and financial know-
how. Female business owners confront special difficulties. They are unable to manage a
company, train employees, or be an entrepreneur, and they lack self-assurance in their
decision-making abilities, leaving them unprepared for potentially hazardous
circumstances. Women in business might benefit from guidance on how to promote their
products and services. You shouldn't be surprised if a powerful woman decides to start
her own company.

Theoretical Empliment
The purpose of this term paper is to get insight into the government's support for the
digital marketing sector and the sector's present usage in small enterprises owned and
operated by women in Bangladesh. Women company owners in the modern day use
digital marketing methods to expand their businesses and interact with a global audience
through their computers and mobile devices. In my opinion, women business owners in
Bangladesh would be well served to adopt a targeted and effective digital marketing
approach to raise awareness of their wares and attract buyers from across the country
and the globe. To maximise profits, I advise female company owners in Bangladesh to
use digital marketing channels to advertise their wares at the appropriate price points.
Women company owners may quickly and easily expand their consumer base and
revenue using digital marketing strategies.

This term paper uses two major strategies to respond to the research subject we've set
out to explore. We started with a literature study as our primary source of information.
Using secondary sources like a literature study, we were able to learn how digital
marketing is assisting women company owners in gaining access to a larger client base,
both domestically and abroad. Second, we have spoken with numerous prominent
women business owners in Bangladesh to see how they are using sites like Facebook,
Instagram, YouTube, and others to expand their operations.

Nowadays, women are essential cogs in the wheels of business, startups, digital
marketing, e-commerce, etc. Many other types of enterprises, including those centred on
social media, blogging, fashion, home decor, furniture, jewellery, handiwork, cuisine, and
more, are owned and operated by women. Women are often regarded to have adapted
more easily to the current service society than they did to the earlier industrial society
because of the novel ideas and innovations they bring to their chosen areas of work.
The phenomenal growth of digital marketing around the globe has also affected
Bangladesh. The proliferation of smartphones has boosted the importance of digital
marketing in recent years. However, with more and more people using social media
platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other applications, it's simpler than ever
for entrepreneurs to promote their wares. Thanks to the proliferation of digital platforms,
consumers may now access data from all over the globe in one convenient location.

Final Recommendation
Bangladesh. Discrimination against women may have its roots in cultural and societal
conventions about the appropriate roles of men and women. Due to this, it's possible that
women's rates of entrepreneurship and earnings from such endeavours have dropped.
The non-financial benefits they may have reaped from becoming an entrepreneur may
have diminished as well. Bangladesh's social and economic development is largely due
to the contributions of its women. Women company entrepreneurs have the potential to
make a global impact if given the opportunity. As a development instrument, female
entrepreneurship can only reach its full potential if women have won the struggle for
equality and justice. Building a solid foundation is also helpful for digital marketing. The
internet acts as a mediator between the supply of goods and services offered by
businesses and the demand from consumers, and this is accomplished via a variety of
social media and independently managed marketing platforms. For the sake of the
country's growth and development, it is crucial to provide women business owners with a
simple proposal that is easily adaptable in the current social climate. Even if the business
owner has access to prebuilt social media analytics, including data analytics into the
process may still be the best bet for gaining valuable digital insights that can be included
into the marketing strategy. It is extremely true that to build a quality nation, family,
society, or even a single life, women need to be good entrepreneurs. Why not without
both good leadership and entrepreneurship our society, life, country even family is a
unusable loss project.

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Retrieved August 27, 2022, from

Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs In Bangladesh. (n.d.). Upstarters. Retrieved August 27,

2022, from

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