Operaciones de Transferencia de Calor Examen # 2

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Operaciones de transferencia de

Examen # 2
1- Considere el calentador eléctrico de la figura y encuentre:
a. El perfil de temperatura del aire en el interior del calentador (desde la entrada
ernal Flow hasta la salida).
b. La temperatura de salida del aire del del calentador.
c. Cuál sería la potencia demanda por el calentador eléctrico?
hat of a solder ball. Heating elements, Ts = 350°C
more rapidly to the D = 12 mm
NL = 3 250 mm
NT = 4
he solder joint is pro-
r temperature differ-
ure difference 0.25 s Air duct

Air Terminal
Ti = 25°C SL = 24 mm
V = 12 m/s
ompact tube bank in
ST = 24 mm
erse pitches are SL
s remain the same.
V, T¥

2- Con base en el enfriador de la figura analice si los datos son correctos. Si los datos están
Fuel cell
bien tomados, encuentre:

a. El perfilSOLUTI
de temperatura
del agua en el interior del tubo (desde la entrada hasta la salida).
b. La temperatura
Known: Size de ofsalida del agua
a hydrogen storagedel del tubo.
canister, hydrogen desorption rate, required hydro-
gen operating
c. La energía disipadapressure,
en elvelocity and temperature of air in cross flow.
Find: The convective heat transfer to the canister and the additional heating needed to
sustain pH2
Aire: Agua:
V= 25Tm/s, Flujo=1 kg/s
= 23°C
T,ar,e = V23
= 25ºC

Air t = 0.05 mm

V= 25 m/s,
L = 0.8 m Stainless steel wall
T,ar,s = 37.8 ºC

Di = 0.1 m Metal hydride, E g
Ts = 35 ºC = cte.

Assumptions: Agua:
1. Steady-state,Flujo=1 kg/s,flow conditions.
2. Uniform cylinder
= 40temperature.
3. Negligible heat gain through the ends of the cylinder.
4. Uniform metal hydride temperature.
5. Negligible contact resistance between the canister wall and the metal hydride.
slot nozzles, are shown in Figure 7.18. For the isolated nozzles (Figures 7.18a, d), local and
average convection coefficients are associated with any r 0 and x 0. For the arrays,
with discharge of the spent gas in the vertical (z) direction, symmetry dictates equivalent
local and average values for each of the unit cells delineated by dashed lines. For a large
3- Conociendo quenumberH=of 2S, W= L,(Figure
square-in-line S=0,20 7.18b)m, or t=0,01m, Velocidad
equilaterally staggered (Figure en ambos
7.18c) round casos es 6 m/s,
Too (Temperaturajets,
ambiente)= 300 ºC
the unit cells correspond toya T =25ºC
square para
or hexagon, ambos
respectively. pertinent Encuentre
Acasos. geometric el valor del
parameter is the relative nozzle area, which is defined as the ratio of the nozzle exit cross-
coeficiente de transferencia
sectional area to thede calor
surface area (ofhthe) cell
r Ac,e /Acellde
). In W L para
eachócase, ambos
S represents the casos.
pitch of the array.
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7 .7 .2 Convection Heat and Mass Transfer

In the results that follow, it is presumed that the gas jet exits its nozzle with a uniform
velocity Ve, temperature Te, and species concentration CA,e. Thermal and compositional
equilibrium with the ambient are presumed (Te T , CA,e CA, ), while convection heat
and/or mass transfer may occur at an impingement surface of uniform temperature and/or
Problems 491
(a) Calculate the average convection coefficient for the
tt panels when the wind
W x To
Nozzle plate first, third, and tenth
S window
speed is 5 m/s. Use a film temperature of 300 K to Ti

evaluate the thermophysical properties required of W
the correlation. Would this be a suitable value of the u¥ Air
film temperature for ambient air temperatures in the
range 15 T 38 C? z y
Aluminum alloy
Nozzle (b) For the first, third, and tenth windows, x L on one 2024-T6
graph, plot the variation of the average convection d
coefficient with wind speed for the range V
5 u 100 km/h. Explain the major features of FI GURE 7.17 Surface impingement of
Secondary stagnation zone your result in terms of the velocity, thickness, and
an array of slot jets.
each curve and their relative magnitudes. properties of the sheet (V, , , cp), the local con-
7.26 Consider a rectangular fin that is used to cool a motor- vection coefficient hx associated with the counter
W fin is 0.15 m long and at a tempera-
cycle engine. The flow, and theL air temperature. For a known temper-
ture of 250 C, while the motorcycle is moving at ature of the sheet (Ti) at the onset of cooling and a
80 km/h in air at 27 C. The air is in parallel flow over negligible effect of the sheet velocity on boundary
both surfaces of the fin, and turbulent flow conditions layer development, solve the equation to obtain an
may be assumed to exist throughout. expression for the outlet temperature To.
(a) What is the rate of heat removal per unit width of (b) For 2 mm, V 0.10 m/s, L 5 m, W 1 m,

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