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Minhaj University Lahore Department of Business Administration Management Theory And Practice

Credit Hours Pre Requisite Pre Requisite For Instructors Instructors Emails Office Text Books Reference Books (3-0-3) Nil Nil Mr. Kamal Shah Busniess Administration Text Book: Management (9th Ed.) By: Stephen P. Robbins 1. Management by Griffin 2. Management, I/e, Courtland L. Boovee, Mc Graw Hill 3. Management: A Global Perspective, 10/e, Heinz Weihrich: McGraw Hill 4. Managing Today! Stephen P. Robbins, Prentice Hall 5. Management by Bartol & Martin: McGraw Hill

Course Outlines
This is an advanced level course in management theory and practice. Areas of study include the historic development of management thought; decision making; the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. This course also help develop students managerial skills through case analysis, business simulations and real-time projects.

Grading Policy:
Fianl Term % 45 Mid Term % 35 Quizes % Sessional % Assignment % Presentations % Project % 20 Lab %

Lecture Plan:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Introduction of subject Discussion of course outline Discussion of case study Discussion of research paper What is Management Who are Managers Management as a Process & a System Management Functions Management Skills Management Roles Contingency Perspective Historical Perspective of Management Management Theories ? Scientific Theories ? General Administrative Theories ? Quantitative Theories ? Human Relation Theories Presentation and Finalization of Case Study Current Issues in Management ? Globalization ? Workforce Diversity ? Entrepreneurship ? E-Business ? Innovation ? Learning Organizations ? Quality Management Organizational Culture & Environment ? Views of Culture & its Synthesis ? Sources of Organizational Culture ? Specific Environment (Porters 5 Forces) ? General Environment ? Environmental Uncertainty Decision Making ? Decision Making Process ? Basics of Decision Making (Rationality, Bounded Rationality & Satisfice) ? Type of Decision Making ? Conditions of Decision Making Planning ? Goals & Types of Planning ? Establishment of Goals ? Management by Objective ? Strategic Management ? SWOT TOWS & Portfolio Matrix Planning Tools & Techniques Techniques for assessing the environment Techniques for resource allocation Organizing ? Organizational Structure ? Formal & Informal Organization ? Organizational Divisions, Level & Spans Organizing Process Authority & Power Delegation of Authority Line & Staff Concepts Human Resource Management ? HR Planning ? HR Process (Selection, Performance Appraisal, Career Strategy etc.) ? Change Management Motivation What is Motivation Motivation Process Early theories of motivation Contemporary theories of motivation Leading ? Leadership Theories ? Managerial Grid ? Leadership Approaches Controlling ? Controlling Process ? Type of Control ? Contemporary Issues of Control Presentation of Research papers

Week 18

Minhaj University Lahore Department of Business Administration Human Resource Management

Credit Hours (3-0-3) Pre Requisite Human Resource Management Instructors Mr Kamal Shah Instructors Emails Labs Status --Select-Office Dept of Business administration,ground floor De Cenzo, David, A., and Robbins, Stephen, P. (2005). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. Text Books 8th ed. John Wiley& Sons, Inc. 1) Dessler.G. (2006). Human Resource Management. 8th ed. Pearson Education, Inc., 2) Mathis, Robert. Reference L., and Jackson, John.H. (2003). Human resource Management.10th ed. South-Western., 3) Dessler.G., Books and Varkkey, B. (2009). Human resource Management.11th ed. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Course Outlines
The course focuses on the importance of human capital in modern business. It highlights proactive and productive use of human capital for the attainment of organization strategic objectives. It emphasizes the professional approach for maximizing returns on investment through development of visionary policies to attract, train and retain human capital. As an integrated course, it prepares and creates interest for further study in human resource development such as training, employee appraisal, hiring, etc.

Grading Policy:
Fianl Term % 45 Mid Term % 35 Quizes % 5 Sessional % Assignment % 5 Presentations % N. Project % 10 Lab % N.

Lecture Plan:
Week 1 Week 2 Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fundamentals of HRM o Importance of HRM o Functions of HRM o HR and Corporate Ethics Fundamental of HRM o Discussion Questions o Case Application: Team Fun o Case Application: Working with a team HR Planning and job Analysis o An Organizational Framework o Job Analysis o Purpose of Job Analysis Recruiting o Recruiting goals o Recruiting: A global perspective Foundations of Selection o The selection process o Employment tests o Comprehensive Interviews Continued o Selection for self-managed teams o Case Application 7A o Case Application 7B Socializing, Orienting and developing Employees o Socialization o The purpose of new-employee orientation Managing Careers o What is a Career? o Career Development Continued o Traditional Career Stages o Enhancing your Career o Case Application 9A Establishing the Performance Management systems o Performance Management Systems o The Appraisal Process continued Final Project Report due in class Final Project Report due in class Final Project Report due in class Establishing Rewards and Pay Plans o Compensation Administration o Job evaluation and pay structure o Special cases of compensation Employee Benefits o Legally Required Benefits o Voluntary Benefits o An integrative perspective on Employee benefits

Week 18

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