Unit 5 Mastery

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Jack Kirwan

Unit 5 Project
Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: 3 Station Volleyball

Students will be able to practice their passing and serving skills in volleyball.
Students will be able to combine their volleyball skills to start being able to play modified
State Standards:
MS.I.1.3.SL1: Apply some of the proper techniques and positions to properly perform a variety of shots
in a modified game with prompting (physical, visual, or verbal).

Context: I am teaching this lesson because it is a great way for students to be able to work on
their volleyball skills so they can start playing games. Before I teach this lesson I will spend time
on each individual skill so they have the right fundamentals when practicing. After this lesson I
would like to start playing modified games.
Data: Students will be in pairs and then those pairs will be separated into 3 groups. They will be
based on which skill the student feels that they need to work on the most. Then in the future they
can work on the next skill when they feel comfortable with the one, they were just working on.
Materials: We will need an open gym, 2 volleyball nets and a lot of volleyballs.

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (5 minutes): I will have the class all sit down and explain the drills that we
will be doing in class that day. I will explain that on the first side of the court there will be pairs
working on bump passes to each other. On the other side of the net there will also be groups of
pairs working on setting to each other. Then on a separate court there will be pairs on opposite
sides of the net serving each other.
Teacher Directed (5 minutes): I will remind them of all the skill ques that we have been
going over with the bump pass, setting, and serving. I will then tell them to get into pairs and
then I will direct them to where their first station will be. Then I will give them the volleyballs
when they are ready.

Collaborative (30 minutes): The students will then work on either bump passing, setting,
or serving to each other. After 10 minutes I will tell the students to rotate to the next station.
Then finally after another 10 minutes I will have them go to their final station. After those 10
minutes are over, I will blow the whistle and tell them to all come in.

Independent Digital (5 minutes): Once all the students are back, I will give them an exit
slip with some questions on it. I will ask them how much steps did they take and which skill they
think that they were the best at. Another question I will ask is which skill do they think they could
work on more. Then I will have them hand the exit slip to me.

Closure (5 minutes): After the exit slips are handed in, I will tell them how they did and
what more they could work on. Then I will have them hand in the volleyballs and bring them to
their next class.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
(Multimedia 1= App or website): The first piece of multimedia that I will be
incorporating into my lesson is the app “Steps-Activity Tracker”. On this app you can
track how many steps and moves you are making during a period of time. This is very
helpful in a physical education class because getting up and moving is what physical
education is all about. Also, this app will let them track their steps daily so they can see
just how many steps they are getting in a day. Also, when they write how many steps, they
took on their exit slip it gives the teacher feedback if you think a lesson is to slow paced
and the students aren’t moving as much as you want them to.

(Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc.): For the next
piece of multimedia I will incorporate into my lesson is I will post the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWCkPbzq81g which shows students the rules of
volleyball. This would be a good tool because it will save the teacher a lot of class time
trying to explain the rules of volleyball. Instead of using 10 minutes to go over the rules
the students can watch the video before class and then the teacher can briefly go over it.
This saves a lot of time and gives more time for students to actually play volleyball.

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