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Capstone Project Proposal Draft Shin block.

. Strand is the way to play baseball

. The proposed title for my project is about basic things, how to throw, how to be a better baseball

. My inquiry question is what are the factors of being a professional baseball pitcher?

. Rationale context - I have been playing baseball since I was in grade 1. I have joined the team Langley
Blaze in 2020 when I was grade 9 when I came to Canada. I have fixed my position as a pitcher since
grade 9 and my goal is to be a professional baseball player in the states or Japan. This is not an easy goal
especially since there are high competitions in the professional baseball leagues of the USA. Therefor I
want to analyze the factors for success.

. Background – physical training to get better speed in pitching. And practicing several types of throws.
Keeping a stable mental state. Control of body conditions.

. Career connections – my intended career is to be a professional baseball player; inquiry question

analyzes the main factors of being a professional player.

. Interdisciplinary and core competencies -

1, Core competencies - the skill of mind set, mind control. Also, the skills of physical power as a pitcher.

2, Interdisciplinary - the ability to calculate scientific chemistry, for example, kinesiology.

. Capstone presentation medium – YouTube channel makes few videos of how to throw baseball also I
have not made a video before, so this is good opportunity to do.

. Resources technology skills - I need to take a video of my playing catch and my mechanics and do
editing explanation.

. Mentors' community connections -

Project limitations – the problem is making the video on YouTube and editing to make it look better.
Also, I am a pitcher so I need someone who can catch with me.

Other considerations list

: phone – to take the videos.

: editing app – to make the videos look better and easy to understand.

: a person who can play baseball with me

Reference - my actual experience, what I heard from coach, other players, and what I saw on YouTube,
other pitchers training throwing.

One page

Description of my Capstone project.

What will I research?

1, Throwing mechanics - How pitcher can throw the ball as fast as possible, how to control the spot, how
to throw off speed ball which necessary for become a high-level pitcher.

2, Mental – this is an important thing out of baseball. Even if you have good mechanics, it doesn’t mean
anything if your mentality is weak. So, I will explain how to be confident, and have a good mind for the
game, during the game.

3, physical training / stretches – stretches are important to play better condition and better
performance, so the way to stretch as a pitcher, arm care and physical training at the gym.

What will a create for the project?

I will create a YouTube channel and make some explanation videos for people who want to be better as
a baseball pitcher, also as an athlete.

Finally, I will make the videos which I searched also what I am doing in fact, and the thing that I learned
from mistake or experience, what I saw and what I heard etc. I will search based on these stuffs.

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