S.S Notes

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Points to remember

*Elections are held every (5) years in most Caribbean countries

The 2 main electoral systems are:

*Proportional Representation
*First-Past the Post

Under The first past the post system the winner of the election is awarded to the
party or person who wins the most constituencies.

A Prime Minister is the leader of the executive arm of government is most

Caribbean countries

Main type of government system which existed in the Commonwealth

Caribbean countries before Independence: British Colonies were
1 Constitutional monarchy
2. Crown colony

Characteristics of the type of governance

. Constitutional Monarchy

1.One individual is the monarch or sovereign, usually for his or her

whole life.
2.In a constitutional monarchy, a colony acquires, political
independence from the colonial power.
3.The crown-appointed governor is replaced by a governor general,
who is head of state of the monarch (or crown) and has only limited
constitutional powers.
4.The governor-general acts on the advice of the prime minister.
5.In a constitutional monarchy, the monarch is always subject to the

Crown colony –
1.The government comprised a governor, an executive
council and a legislative council.
2.The councils were made up of officials who headed government
departments in the colonies,
together with members nominated by the governor.
3.The governor had executive, legislative and judicial powers which
authority to make and administer policies and laws.
4.The councils were advisory. with no power themselves.

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