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Name: Camila Ramirez

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Answer the questions as you read the chapter.

1. Complete Abraham Lincoln’s Quote:

a. People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be.
2. What are the two types of people in this world?
Proactive and reactive.
3. What are the differences between the two types of people?
Those who take responsibility for their lives and those who blame; those who make it happen
and those who get happened to.
4. What drink does Sean Covey compare reactive people to? Why?
A can of soda pop because when you shake them up a bit, the pressure builds and they explode.
5. What drink does Sean Covey compare proactive people to? Why?
Proactive people are like water, you can shake them up and they won’t frizzle or make bubbles,
they stay calm, cool and in control.
6. List three examples of what reactive language sounds like:
a. I’m not responsible for the way I act.

b. I can’t change.

c. I was predetermined to be this way.

7. What does this reactive language do?

Reactive language tries to get back to the person you believe caused you to feel a certain way.
Reactive language takes power away from away from you and gives it to something and
someone else.

8. Why are proactive people a different breed? List the attributes of proactive people.
Proactive people are a different breed because there are not many people who don’t explode and
blurt out everything they want to say when something happens to them. Proactive people think
before they act. They make choices based on values and recognize what they cannot control.

9. Complete the table:

Things I cannot control Things I can control

The way others act The way I react

The weather The things I do

Other people’s feeling. My feelings

The way I look How I respond

When I was born Our Attitude

10. What do some people believe that a “can-do” attitude is?

Take initiative to make it happen.

11. What is a “can-do” attitude really?

Think about problems and barriers.
Think about solutions and options

12. What button should you press when things move too fast and get out of hand? Why?
Push the pause button so that you have time to think about what you respond and be able to make
smarter decisions.
13. What are the power tools?
Tool Definition

Self-awareness I can stand apart from myself and

observe my thoughts and actions.

Conscience I can listen to my inner voice to know

right from wrong.

Imagination I can envision new possibilities.

Willpower I have the power to choose.

14. List the reactive language you use the most:
a. She hates me!

b. Well to bad

c. Wow thanks a lot

d. That’s just great.

15. Name one unhealthy habit and what you plan to do about it.
One unhealthy habit I have is that I shower daily and what I plan to do about it is that when I
don’t exercise or didn’t sweat, I won’t shower that day or won’t wash my hair.

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