Report English

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Title Page:
How many students wear a costume in their section during the event?
ii. Abstract:
The Report that we write is about the cosplay here in Ormoc City Senior Highschool happened on
December 9,2022.The cosplay event in school is very beautiful,creative and fun.
iii. List of Figures and Tables.

iv. Introduction:
The Report that we make is about students in Ormoc City Senior Highschool (OCSHS) wearing a
costume during the cosplay event.During the event one of my teammates conduct a survey and
they got the information we needed to this report.
v. Body
Inside the Ormoc City Senior Highschool there was a big event and all Grade 12 Sections
participated on the event that is called The Cosplay event.Cosplay is the practice of dressing up
as a character from a movie,book,or a video game.The term Cosplay was coined in Japan in the
year 1984 and it is a very popular thing among all genders.Back from the report all students on
each section was busy doing their representative costumes the did the costume very nice and
attractive to others and even their own costume.We have surveyed 5 sections.Based on the data
that we collected the section the 25 students(including the representative) wear a costume in
section Rasberry.In section Berners-Lee there are 8 students wears a costume.Section Posiedon
has 36 participants that wears a costume during the cosplay event and Section Apollo has a 38
student wears a costume and we also collected a picture of them wearing the costumes ,Last in
Section Systrom has a 19 students.The data is based on the survey and we have a evidence of
every section that we listed on our Report.
vi. Conclusion:
We concluded that all the participants that we have surveyed have given the data we needed
including the evidence and the proof that they participated the cosplay event and also making a
report is not easy because it takes time to make a report.
vii. Recommendations:
The cosplay event has give a huge impact inside the Ormoc City Senior Highschool because
although we have a least of section surveyed we have seen the big effort they give on the event
and building their representatives costume.Having a event like Cosplaying gives every student to
build a confidence and also show how creative every sections is.
viii. References:
ix. Appendice:

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