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590 Int. J. Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 4, Nos. 5/6, 2009 Low cost automation and poka yoke devices: tools for optimising production processes Rita Gamberini*, Elisa Gebennini, Bianca Rimini, Elisa Spadaccini and Daniele Zilocchi Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell’ Ingegneria, Facolta di Ingegneria — Sede di Reggio Emilia, Université degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Amendola 2 ~ Padiglione Morselli, 42100 Reggio Emilia, Italy Fax: +39 0522 522609 E-mail: E-mail: *Corresponding author Abstract: Low cost automation and poka yoke philosophy assure good results when applied to manufacturing processes with a high incidence of human ‘operators, with a low availability of time for solution implementation and with expensive effects associated with errors in executing operative procedures. Hence, their joint adoption is addressed in order to access the benefits they both guarantee. Specifically, in this paper, the case of a manufacturing line for heat exchangers is studied. Operative tools are redesigned in accordance with both low cost automation and poka yoke philosophy principles. Furthermore, since oka yoke solutions are subdivided between those preventing errors and those Aetecting them, the former are preferred. it emerges that LCA and poka yoke solutions adopted induce consistent improvements in the line productivity, Keywords: low cost automation; LCA; poka yoke; redesign of manufacturing lines; productivity management; quality management. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Gamberini, Ra Gebennini, £., Rimini, B., Spadaccini, E. and Zitocchi, D. (2009) "Low cost automation and poka yoke devices: tools for optimising production processes’, Int. J. Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 4, Nos. 5/6. pp-390612. Biographical notes: Rita Gamberini University of Modena and Reggio Emil focused on industrial mechanical plants and specifically on aspects concerning Production and logistics: algorithms for solving” problems conceming Scheduling or assembly line balancing, approaches for implementing efficient {afety management systems, plant design (in particular in the eeranrs field), ipetsties systems design and management (specifically for recovering, used hazardous products, such as waste electrical and electronic equipment), Pabace and spare part management. The results of her research are Published in international joumals with reference processes and international ‘and national conference proceedings, Eng. PhD, is a Researcher at the Copyright © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 591 Elisa Gicbennini, Eng... graduated (with distinction) in 2005 in Management Engineering from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. She is a PhD student in Industrial Innovation Engineering. Her research topics mainly focus on logistics management, supply chain management and optimisation of recovery networks in the reverse logistics context. Her results are currently published in international and national journals (International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology and International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management) and international and national conference proceedings. Bianca Rimini, Prof., Eng., PhD, is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia site, Since 1999, she has been a Full Professor in Mechanical Industrial Plants. She has carried out research funded by MURST and CNR on safety of industrial plants, multiphase flow in industrial plants, project management, cconomical optimisation of industrial plants, production system management. The results of the research ase published in many scientific and technical journals and in many papers presented in national and international conferences, She is a member of the ANIMP (Italian National Association on Industrial Plants), Elisa Spadaccini, Eng.. graduated (with distinction) in 2007 in Management Engineering from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. She is a fellowship holder at the Department of Engineering Sciences and Methods, Where she works on projects concerning low cost automation and poka yoke devices. Daniele Zilocchi is a student of the Master course in Management Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, His research interests are in the field of production processes optimisation and specifically in the field of low cost automation and poka yoke devices. ee 1 Introduction Since their pioneering appearance in literature and in practice, lean principles have i continuously registering winning implementations. Furthermore, even if their introduction came about in the noteworthy Toyota production system, their application has also assured advantages in small-medium sized companies. Nevertheless, even if the main lean principles (i.e. the elit losses and inefficient utilisation of resources and time) are deal ; Published works, described in detail in the following section, less effort is made. for diffusing the characteristics ofthe technological devices that assure their implement@{0H, Hence, in this paper, some technological devices addressing the application © Nott Dhilosophy and specifically the implementation of mistake-proofing, Principltt We described. Low cost automation solutions are preferred, in order to introduce appro! that are available to both big and small-medium sized companies. The work is organised i described in the sequel. A literature review 1s repored in ihe following section, in order to describe the main literature contributions in the HEN © thinking and low cost automation. Then a case study is reported, in order ° Seated ‘describe a successful implementation of the aforementioned principles, Cael Valuation of the induced effects. Finally, some conclusive comments are outlines imination of waste, quality it with in a wide variety of 592 R. Gamberini et al. 2. Literature review 21 The perspective of just-in-time inventory management system The just-in-time (JIT) inventory management system is designed to ensure that materials or supplies arrive at a customer site just when they are needed so that storage and holding costs are minimised. Hence, considerable cooperation between the supplier and the customer represents a fundamental requisite for the successful implementation of such an approach. The customer must specify what will be needed, when and in what amounts. ‘The supplier must be sure that the right supplies arrive at the agreed time and location. ‘Some features of the JIT implementation principles include: the production of small rather than large batches; the effort of reducing as much as possible the lead time for items sent into the manufacturing system, that is the period of time comprising the production launch and the completion; the effort of abolishing (or, more frequently, consistently reducing) inventory, also deeply re-organising the quality control function; the objective of abandoning the traditional production planning step, by adopting kanbans that continuously manage the production flow (Frohner and Iwata, 1996; Matsui, 2007; Kojima et al., 2008). When correctly implemented, JIT can lead to huge improvements in the manufacturing organisation’s quality and efficiency. Specifically, improvements occur since the ideology pushing JIT practical implementations addresses continuous system analysis in order to prevent problems frequently occurring in the past (Galgano, 2006), by means of logical and structured approaches that use data and specific instruments that aim to search for and eliminate inefficiencies, waste and defects in machinery, materials, job and production methods (Middleton et al., 2007; Sahoo et al., 2007; Mothersell et al, 2008). Consequently, the prevention, rather than the correction, of errors and defects plays @ main role (Shingo, 1986). One of the methods used in order to realise such a purpose is named poka yoke, meaning mistake-proofing, is presented by Shingo (1986) and incorporates the idea to obtain a level of production process quality that stretches to 2210 defects. Poka yoke-designed manufacturing devices aim to prevent defects by monitoring process conditions at the source and correcting errors that would cause defects. Shingo make a clear distinction between a mistake and a defect. Mistakes are inevitable; people are human and cannot be expected to concentrate all the time, or always to understand the given instructions completely. On the other hand, defects result from allowing a mistake to reach the customer. Hence, defects can be prevented entirely. The goal of poka yoke approach is to engineer the process so that mistakes can be prevented or immediately detected and corrected (Fisher, 1999), thus, inducing a reduction in the consumption of resources and time spent due to lack of quality (Tsou and Chen, 2008). As a consequence, in practical implementations of poka yoke principles, operating conditions inducing a mistaken operation are explored (Preece et al., 2004) and since the beginning, since the phase of input analysis, the adoption of simple and low cost devices preventing rebelling of defects, preventing errors due to distraction and eliminating expensive inspection activities are studied, Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 593 2.2. Low-cost automation: definition and effects Under the present regime of globalisation and liberalisation, it has become imperative for manufacturing organisations to achieve both high productivity and quality and low costs. In particular, the objective of reducing costs is as more important as it is difficult to make large investments (j,¢., due to economic recession, slump in demand and lack of funds with long gestation period), In such a scenario, one of the very practical, cost-effective and rewarding strategies is the application of low cost automation, referring with such terms to those technologies that create some degree of automation around the existing equipment, tools, methods and people, using mostly standard components available on the market and aiming to involve minimal training, minimal workload to implement, flexibility for future uses and compatibility with existing systems and methods. Specifically, the introduced grade of automation has the objective of reducing the amount of human work and inserting a control on human performances, in order to prevent those incorrect actions that could have undesired consequences (Di Nocera, 2004). Some decades ago, the introduction of capital intensive automated solutions, such as computer integrated manufacturing systems, was addressed, The objective was to automatically connect the design of parts to the planning and scheduling of machines in the workshop, by means of costly components and software. Successively, such behaviour was shown not to be always cost-effective, especially when uncertain markets should be faced or when small-medium enterprises should sustain the aforementioned expensive initial investments. Costs of maintenance or reconfiguration of capital intensive automated solutions could become higher than the adoption of qualified operators. However, operators can fail, are emotion-dependent and cannot always assure the same performance level (Blasi and Puig, 2002). Hence, low cost automated devices requiring operators’ experience, to be designed and which later assure cooperation with the humans involved in the ‘manufacturing process, represent an interesting purpose for combining the advantages, associated with the adoption of both operators and automated applications, into the company’s production processes. Some of the major advantages, which can be expected when LCA principles are implemented are described as follows: * As the name itself describes, often, the availability of scarce financial resources does not represent a constraint for LCA that, otherwise, requires low investments and assures short payback periods. * Expensive automation requires time-intensive utilisation in order to be sufficiently cost-effective. Frequent setup may address production costs, which are too high. On the other hand, small sizes of production batches, typical of small to medium scale industries, can be made viable using LCA * LCA involves good utilisation of raw materials, low work in progress (WIP) and low rejections. * Labour productivity can be substantially enhanced, mainly due to the reduction of non-conforming products that consume resources and time without assuring eamings. 594 R. Gamberini et al. © Devices following LCA principles are implemented around the existing machines and people already involved into the manufacturing process; hence, changes are gradual, smooth and very cost-effective. ‘* Technologies used for implementing LCA principles are usually easy and simple to understand, maintain and upgrade. Thus, losses are minimal in case of start up ot breakdowns. © LCA components are often flexible, reusable and very adaptable to changes in product features or market conditions. * Often labour resistance to implementation is minimal, since LCA does not aim to eliminate human activities; rather it improves them, by minimising fatigue and drudgery of work. * LCA applications are suitable both in large and in small-medium industries. In the former case, LCA is complementary to more capital-intensive investments, whereas in the latter case, it often affects the main operations included in the manufacturing process. Nowadays, LCA is used in many fields: data acquisition (Meju and Montague, 1995), feeding of components, distribution of fluids, manufacturing operations (Khire and Madnaik, 2001), quality checking. In this paper, an application of LCA in a production environment where JIT principles are also implemented is described in detail. Specifically, LCA is coupled with the poka yoke philosophy. In fact, as previously highlighted, JIT and LCA share the same application environment and aims: people involvement, reduction of breakdown causes and of waste of resources and time, application of gradual changes by means of low-cost and low-impact solutions, 2.3 Poka yoke devices Poka yoke devices can be classified into two main categories, in accordance with the activity they are designed for: prevention (P) or detection (D) of defects (Robinson, 1997; Chao and Ishii, 2005). A device that engineers the process so that it is impossible to make a mistake at all is called a prevention device, otherwise, a detection device signals to the user when a mistake has been made, in order to correct it as soon as possible and prevent it from flowing downstream and increasing the cost of non-conformance. Prevention devices can be subdivided into three categories: passive (named in the sequel with the acronym P/P), active (P/A) and control-oriented (P/CO), Passive prevention systems include simple visual contrivances, like colours, inducing the execution of correct actions. Even if they are often cheap, they certainly do not usually prevent mistaken actions, rather they address operators’ work. Active prevention systems refer to devices exaggerating minor differences or asymmetry of the components t0 address the assembly or execution of the production operations in only the correct manner. They perform well; nevertheless, the features of the manufactured items or of the production process do not always allow their adoption. Control-oriented prevention systems stop the process when a mistake is detected, in order to prevent serial defects (.e,, if all the components in an assembly are not used, the line will shut down until the Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 595 assembly is complete). They assure good quality products; nevertheless, they can induce unsatisfactory line utilisation rates. Otherwise, concerning detection devices, some approaches are available in production: on one hand, those adopting contact (named in the sequel with acronym D/C) can be found, in order to evaluate deviations in properties such as shape, size, composition, temperature, on the other hand those adopting the fixed value method (DIFVM) can be found, that is checking if some properties satisfy a given predefined value (i¢., the number of available movements of a rotating component, the number of signals received by a sensor). When a D/C or a D/FVM system notices the presence of an error, three steps could be carried out: the production process is shut down (D/C/S or DIFVM/S), a warning is given to the operator and the wrong product is rejected from the manufacturing workstation (D/C/R or D/FVM/R), a warning is given to the operator, but the product, even if it has a recognising sign that shows evidence of the presence of non-conformity, is not rejected from the manufacturing cycle (D/C/NR or D/FVM/NR). Obviously, @ D/C or FVM)/NR approach is much more indulgent than a D(C or FVMY/S one. The introduced taxonomy is depicted in Figure 1. Figure | A taxonomy of poka yoke devices High Pico | Dicis (oem f DCR | D/FVM/R Probability of slowing the manufacturing process D/CINR | D/FVM/NR. Q ow Low Probability of preventing mistakes High ‘As Robinson (1997) illustrates and in accordance with the anticipations of introducing the Poka yoke devices taxonomy, in order to reach the aim they are designed for, poka y systems should have the following characteristics: 596. Gamberini et al. They should be simple and cheap, in order to assure a short training period and costeffectiveness of the whole of the manufacturing process. ‘© They should be part ofthe process, hence, implementing what Shingo calls a 100% inspection. «Usually, they are strictly associated with the manufacturing activity, they should improve and consequently, represent a specific solution of the mistake under consideration. Furthermore, they should be localised close to the wrong production operation, in order to provide quick feedback to the workers. Benefits associated with the adoption of poka yoke systems can especially be expected when: ‘© Manual activities mainly feature the items manufacturing cycle. In fact, operators have a less constant performance rate than machines. ‘* Aide variety of items are manufactured and working conditions and available performance time do not allow the continuous consultation of working instructions. ‘© Operator training is an expensive activity, due to both high operator turnover or high time and resources required. + Even slight variations in the component positioning or composition can induce ‘wrong operating results that are also associated with expensive effects. In the case study reported in the sequel, both the introduced taxonomy and considerations are applied, in order to exemplify them in a real life context. In fact, even if literature coneeming poka yoke devices is available, papers where low cost automation and poks yoke system adoptions are described in detail are rare. 3 Acase study A case study is presented, as follows, where the principles of both LCA and poka yoke are jointly implemented, in order to redesign a manufacturing line. The company under consideration is an Italian manufacturer operating in the field of heat exchangers for sanitary warm water production, whose examples are depicted in Figures 2 and 3. Specifically, in Figure 3, the exploded view is reported and main components ofthe final product are clearly identified. The study is made up of two phases: ‘+ analysis of the existing production area and definition of the aspects that require improvement ‘+ redesign of the manufacturing line by applying the principles of poka yoke and LCA. Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 397 Figure2__ Examples of heat exchangers manufactured in the line in the case study (see online version for colours) Heat exchanging slabs External plate B Extemal plate A Tie-rod Figure 3 Exploded view of the heat exchanger in the case study Q cexternal plate A — extemal component texteral plate A — internal component slabs pin ha exchanging slab exe g slabs — main framework external plate B 598 RK. Gamberini et al. 3.1 Analysis of the existing area Initially, the manufacturing cycle of the heat exchangers under consideration is analysed, in order to both comprehend the operations involved and the amount of time required. Data obtained concerning the characteristic product, that is the fictitious item containing the whole of the operations performed on the product mix, are reported in Table 1. It emerges that manufacturing activities are grouped into five macro steps (differently coloured in Table 1), executed by means of two operators, working in a production area with five dedicated workstations (see Figure 4): slab washing, slab preassembly, exchanger assembly, final product testing, final product packing. Movement of the final products and WIP are assured by means of trolleys, inducing the necessity of central empty spaces for manoeuvres. Consequently, the available storage areas are reduced and located near the walls, usually far from workstations. In order to evaluate the existence of margins for future improvements, the activities are subdivided between those that add value to the final product, referred to in the sequel as AV and those that do not, named NAV. Table 1 highlights that given a total amount of 65.93 (minutes) for performing the whole of the manufacturing process, up to 35% is attributed to NAV activities. Specifically, they belong to the following areas: machine setup, quality checking and particularly, material handling, that is responsible for up to 63% of NAV performance time (see Figure 5). Figure 4 Layout of heat exchangers manufacturing area, in the initial condition (see online version for colours) | = + ,- = —S—=—=— i i Pom tree ee ee ee ee eee i |i Hi i LT. i i HOE a : i . : i t Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 599 Table 1 Initial production cycle ———— $$$ Performance pares ee time of added 1m of wit Operator Step description value operations ted value [minutes] “rutes) 1 ‘Opening washing machine and grooming 0.75 drum Picking heat exchanging slabs from pallet 1.06 (8), Arrangement heat exchanging slabs in the 6.08 (*) drum Locking up washing machine and starting 1.05 washing loop Washing loop 3.00 ‘Opening washing machine and taking out 3.00 @) heat exchanging slabs Setting washed heat exchanging slabs on 0.60.) pallet 1 Picking heat exchanging slabs from pallet 0.45 (6) Preassemble gasket on slabs 17.33 2 ‘Consulting assembly documents 0.30 Picking heat exchanging slabs from pallet 0.75 () Preassemble heat exchanging slabs 1.28 Picking components of external plate A 1.13.0 from pallet Preassembly components of external plate 248 ‘A and placing extemal plate A in press Picking preassembled heat exchanging 0.15) slabs Inserting preassembled heat exchanging 0.75 slabs on preassembled external plate A Testing correct positioning 030 dl a 0.45 (*) Picking external plate B from pallet Positioning external plate B 0.15 Locking off external plate B 0.60 . Picking tie-rods, nuts and washers 9.45() Positioning tie-rods, nuts and washers 634 Tightening tie-rods 1.20 ‘Testing correct tie-rods tightening a Unblocking press a 0.30) Extraction preassembled product from press and positioning it on testing workbench 600 RK. Gamberini et al. Table 1 Initial production cycle (continued) Performance pe cee “of added time of without Operator Step deseription Seer | clea ae (toutes) ‘operations one (minutes) 2 ‘Assembling connection and pipes 4.13 Testing cycle 0.30 Leaks testing Ls0 Disassembling connections and linking up 135 with pipes for testing 2 Cleaning up finished product 1.20 Applying labels 1.80 Packing finished product 4.95 Total [minutes] ([%)) 42.88 (65%) 23.05 (35%) Total operations associated with material handling (°) 14.42 (62.56%) [minutes] ({%]) Figure $__ Main causes of NAV operations in the case study (see online version for colours) Main causes of NAV operations 34% (s Setup | m Quality checking (Material hain 63% 3% 3.2. Redesign of the manufacturing line As aforementioned, the original layout is characterised by a high percentage of material handling activities that do not add value to the product, but require resources and time. Hence, the new manufacturing process is organised along an automated line, where the product movements are assured by means of seams, cutting down idle time and empty spaces due to material handling. As a consequence, local warehouse areas are relocated in Proximity of the workstations accessing them. A scheme of the new manufacturing area is reported in Figure 6. Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 601 Figure 6 New layout of the heat exchanger manufacturing area (see online version for colours) EF Storage area Slabs washing | cking Storage area Storage area A ff I ‘Slabs preassembly Final product test Moreover, the reorganisation of the production zone is coupled with additional actions that are listed and classified in Table 2. Table2 Modifications introduced in the manufacturing line described in the case study Innovations introduc LCA Poka yoke Automated manufacturing line, where product movements are assured x by seams Customised pallets - Tool for pallets blocking in each workstation PIA Pins avoiding external plate A mispositioning on the pallet PIA Customised trolleys for pallet movements x Tools quickly connecting trolleys and the automated manufacturing line X Graduated rod near the press PE Retractile balls equipping press working zone x pa Anti-rotation system for press push pa Anti-lfting bars for automated manufacturing line OO IN Customised, rather than standardised, pallets are adopted both in slabs preassembly and in heat exchanger assemblage, in order to facilitate operators, by suaranying improvements in precision of working and easiness of movements. As depiced it Figures 7 and 8, into the automated manufacturing line a tool blocking the pal let a = Workstation, hence preventing errors due to mispositioning, is introduced. In accordant withthe poka yoke taxonomy devices previously introduced, such a contrivance cat Of Shssitied as of typology P/A since it prevents errors, rather than detecting them an. active behaviour is assumed in order to assure the positive conclusion of the working Operation. 602 R. Gamberini et al. Figure 7 Customised pallet for heat exchanger manufacturing (see online version for colours) Manufacturing line Tool for pallet blocking Customised pallet Figure 8 The tool for pallet blocking (see online version for colours) Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 603 Furthermore, when heat exchanging slabs are mounted on the external plate A, previously assembled on the pallet, mispositioning could occur, tie-rods insertion could become difficult and increasing in assembly time could be induced. Hence, an other P/A poka yoke contrivance is introduced: dedicated pallets are equipped with three pins, preventing extemal plate A movements, located in the zones indicated in Figure 9 by means of coloured arrows. Figure 9 Positions of pins blocking external plate A on the pallet (sce online version for colours) Customised trolleys for pallets movements are designed. Specifically, the possibility of simultaneously transporting three pallets is introduced. Furthermore, tools for fast connection to the line are adopted, in order to improve the preassembled slabs feeding to the automated manufacturing steps (see Figure 10) : The operation eRe ite right tightening of tie-rods is executed by means of a Press. The exchanger components are overlapped in the press working a Subsequently, pressing occurs until the right exchanger thickness is reached. Then, ise rods are tightened, Before the manufacturing area re-organisation, the evaluation 0 é right exchanger thickness is executed by means of a calibre. In order to estan increase the accuracy of such a measurement, a poka yoke contrivance of po ay PPPs introduced: a graduated rod near the press, as outlined in Figure 11 On one hand, the rod Could be graduated in accordance with the decimal metric system. Alteratively, th codes of the different manufactured items could be indicated on the rod, in line with the Tequired measures, as depicted in Figure 12. Obviously, also Riel lene margins accepted for each observation should be reported. In particular, in Figure 12, accepted tolerances are associated with thickness of the coloured rectangle containing the produ codes. 604 R. Gamberini et al. Figure 10 Trolleys for preassembled slab feeding of the automated manufacturing line (see online version for colours) Pallet no 1 Pallet no 2 Pallet no 3 Feeding trolley [Connections between lautomated manufacturing line and trolleys ‘Automated ‘manufacturing line Figure 11 Graduated rod inserted near the press (see online version for colours) Press push Graduated rod Anti-rotation, device Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 605 Figure 12 Graduated rod either with decimal metric system or with the indication of the ‘manufactured items in line with the required measures values (see online version for colours) Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Graduated rod Graduated rod with with decimal measures required for metric system each manufactured item Furthermore, since the working zone of the press is equipped with balls, assuring the input and output product movements, in order to guarantee the correctness of the aforementioned measures retractile balls, sustained by a spring, are selected, an example of which is depicted in Figure 13. Under the action of the press pushing, the products drive the balls into their hollows, otherwise when the press is released; the springs shove out the balls and allow item extraction from the press working area. Finally, the press is equipped with a P/A poka yoke device that prevents press push rotation (see Figure 11) and guarantees uniform action on the whole of the external surface of the heat exchanger. Alternative designs for anti-rotation systems are depicted in Figure 14. ; Afier pressing, manual activities such as testing and packing are performed. Consequently, the heat exchanger is extracted from the pallet. In order to prevent pallet extraction along with the products, the manufacturing line is equipped with anti-lifting bars, as depicted in Figure 15. 606 R. Gamberini et al. Figure 13 Example of retractile ball adopted in the case study (see online version for colours) aL Ball Spring Figure 14. Anti-rotation device (see online version for colours) Low cost automation and poka yoke devices 607 Figure 15 Anti-lifting bars featuring the automated manufacturing line in the case study (ee online version for colours) Product Anti-lifting bars Automated manufacturing line As a consequence of the described innovations, the product cycle process is modified as described in Table 3. Columns named ‘Variation [%]' report the percentage difference of the performance time between the initial and the improved condition. In particular, values are obtained as described in equation (1): NPT=IPT 49 a) PT Variation (% where NPT is the new task performance time whereas /PT is the initial one. Hence, negative values of Variation [%] are associated with reductions in the required time. Line automation, together with the adoption of customised pallets for product movements, has a two-fold effect. On one hand, picking, material handling and assembling are improved. Specifically, whilst reductions in picking time are associated with the re-organisation of the whole of the manufacturing arca and bringing storage zones closer to workstations, beneficial effects in the assembly process are due to the adoption of customised pallets, blocking the product during work. In particular, crucial activities such as slab preassembly and tie-rod tightening are simplified. On the other hand, additional activities not present in the initial manufacturing cycle are inserted in the new automated version: i.c., pallet feeding on the seam conveyor or into the press working area, product blocking and unblocking on the pallet. Furthermore, the reduction of freedom due to the presence of pallets hinders some activities, as occurs in the case of the testing cycle or leak testing, where an increase in the required performance time is recorded. R. Gamberini et al. 608 Improved production cycle Table 3 a TT) ey gal RNS Bp semvonedera a Seep sane Sone Semone Vaud ana fea for SP a e007 00 ——_—potgtneran uo me Sse ey RUD AE saipenmcimjowndopy cece aco se Bere yy pone BUPA ed ov ae wun 2p osm o uondopy so sre Soe py aid eu 0 mans Sane, camstooswremion wrt so Ped wea vol po enous Sp Srteapeni pepsenteo wiry << Sunk Qs Summpyzeu paewoae apo ype postucyns Bupee,, oo ssmnop Aqucer emp) se85- $912 Safampre mo apBNa pr egw aR RIN sro Ip wo ERD KY Hep ovo pe se Romo ng pen mes oo Suen no Bry par une Sree Sd) oo doo an, so oo Se Sans po mone me a0 nip aon gs Berar a oH BTY Gao ped toy se dex ey PL sco sap Smaart pr sua pen ad Ta ee Ti San owminy —_sxemuniag __uoweueg _sranaifng ep ds orate sonenson pasayeas ay fo sosn0 Ferma] sioeado PN Taran] raonoinde a 609 Low cost automation and poka yoke devices Improved production eycle (continued) Table 3 same afta uoqesuetio-oy szam afeanys woesturio-oy Sapa, BUSI EN spond paysta Supe soe Bes yy ‘popasd pays dn Bum z spe do Bury pur soqsanos nus 0090+ ot ove sod pu wonsauo 1 am pug yo Buns 0 uumesameu pareaione jo uowdopy sve 1 Bumvomsed pur san! wos pant po_gueaN! soa ovo sud BuEPORUN Sumonvodsn Sumsand por BuGzOM PUES —400T- ‘emma epor-o yous Sums] spp parucymns jo vondopy ion st 050 spox-on Sunn, ssa an so pos patenpear son's sto ome! pens yo Fu] Aumogume poeucimjowndopy —ewols aco com Siryon iad a9 ct Bao wad Sumonpodsra ‘mye oor Suppo pe swore ost ssysen pur su aparon Buoy seam sfeas wogeenedio-oy seer Qoeo ‘soe pu anu por sH RUE amid peur Pumogts0g z Tal ma oun) —_anrouacfing onda dons serous goss passes nfo 2570-3 Trorm] minora AVN 610 RR. Gamberini et al. Otherwise, the introduced poka yoke devices induce advantages, affecting heat exchanging slab assembly, tie-rods, nuts and washer positioning and tightening, extemal slab locking. Finally, it emerges that final product testing is improved by the redesign of the activities and the adoption of improved tools that are not previously described, Specifically, they do not strictly belong to the field of neither LCA nor poka yoke devices, hence, they are not explored in the proposed study. Nevertheless, their adoption is cited, both for the sake of completeness and with the aim to underline that often the implementation of LCA and poka yoke solutions is coupled with reengineering and rationalisation of the processes, addressing the reduction of time and resources required. ‘As a whole, the LCA and poka yoke solutions adopted in the case study induce the reduction of AV activities by up to 34.5% and NAV up to 15.2%, allowing the heat exchangers to be mounted in only 47.64 [minutes], rather than in 65.93 [minutes Table 4 summarises the obtained results, classifying them by the manufacturing cycle macro-step. Table4 Advantages induced by LCA and poka yoke devices in each macro step of the manufacturing process ‘Macro steps of the heat exchanger manufacturing process pata AV NAY Heat exchanging slabs washing : - Heat exchanging slabs preassembly 35.9% 66.6% Exchanger assemblage 26.2% 25.7% Final product testing +125.0% 37.1% Final product packing 50.3% : 4 Conclusions The efficiency of manufacturing systems plays a key role in the companies’ success on the market. Hence, LCA and poka yoke solutions represent substantial tools for optimisation. Furthermore, they could be jointly implemented, since they require the same application field: manufacturing processes mainly involving manual activities, low capital availability for investments, little time for solution implementation, manufacturing cycles where even slight variations in the component positioning or composition can induce incorrect operating results that are also associated with expensive effects. In the proposed study, the advantages associated with LCA and poka yoke devices are explored. Specifically, taxonomy of poka yoke solutions is introduced. It emerges that, between those preventing errors and those detecting them, the former are preferred. Subsequently, a case study is analysed in-depth, in order to support the considerations by ‘means of real life data. Thus, the case of a manufacturing area for heat exchanger assembly is analysed and the description of devices assuring the practical implementation of lean thinking is reported. Furthermore, an evaluation of the effects induced is computed. The LCA and poka yoke solutions adopted address consistent improvements in performance time, both of operations that add value to the final product and those that do not. In particula, Low cost automation and poka yoke devices oul mispositioning mistakes are prevented by means of customised pallets, coupled with pins blocking the product. Quality checking activities are improved by means of a graduated tod near the press. Material handling is optimised by means of the adoption of both an automated line for product movement and storage areas close to the workstations picking the required components. The benefits obtained in task performance time as whole belong to the range (15%, 34%). Hence, the proposed work, by describing winning solutions for jointly implementing LCA and poka yoke philosophy, is a support for researchers and managers interested in the study and optimisation of production processes. Specifically, the devices introduced can be applied in similar operative environments or can suggest guidelines for solving problems similar to those affecting the initial configuration of the system in the case study. 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