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1. A: Joe has become very fat recently. B: Yes, it’s because she drinks _____ beer.
A. many B. a lot of C. much D. some
2. Could I ______ your phone? My battery is dead.
A. borrow B. lend C. hire D. rent
3. We didn’t spend much money, only ______.
A. a little B. a few C. few D. little
4. Jenifer is ______ much progress with her Spanish.
A. making B. doing C. having D. taking
5. People _____ outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.
A. whom B. who C. which D. whose
6. The hotel is so expensive, they _____ sixty pounds for bed and breakfast.
A. take B. pay C. cost D. charge
7. This factory has increased its ______ by 20 percent this year.
A. make-up B. product C. output D. exposure
8. Please wait for a moment. It ______ heavily.
A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. will rain
9. ______, I can’t go to the conference as I’ve got to go to Sydney on business.
A. Badly B. Personally C. Unfortunately D. Suddenly
10. The woman _____ purse I found has offered to give me a reward.
A. who B. whose C. which D. that
11. Thousands of buildings fell down during a severe _____.
A. rain B. earthquake C. flood D. wind
12. I _____ my plane and I had to wait twelve hours for the next one.
A. refused B. lost C. caught D. missed
13. Be careful with your gun, you may _____ somebody.
A. hurt B. injure C. wound D. ache
14. I had a really bad cold yesterday so I had to _____ some medicine.
A. catch B. give C. drink D. take
15. You can’t tell what someone is like from their _____.
A. looking B. personality C. character D. appearance
16. Mary is a friendly girl who _____ everyone she meets.
A. goes out B. gets on with C. gets over D. gets well with
17. I’ll get my husband a shirt for his birthday _____ I find something better.
A. until B. unless C. although D. if
18. I don’t mind you _____ home late as long as you don’t make so much noise.
A. went B. to go C. go D. going
19. If someone _____ into the store, smile and say ‘May I help you?’
A. come B. comes C. would come D. came
20. _____ you _____ this program or can I turn the TV off?
A. Do/ watch B. Did/ watch C. Were/ watching D. Are/ watching
21. You are late again. Try to be _____ in the future.
A. punctual B. certain C. accurate D. right
22. Even when parents no longer live together, they each other to be _____ for
A. perfect B. powerful C. responsible D. available
23. She’s the most ______ secretary I’ve ever had.
A. efficient B. working C. industrial D. practiced
24. I am sorry. I forgot ______ a table at the restaurant for you.
A. reserve B. to be reserved C. reserving D. to reserve
25. If you go to the gym _____, your level of fitness will improve.
A. normal B. normally C. regular D. regularly
26. A(n) _____ person likes arguing and can be violent.
A. talkative B. generous C. active D. aggressive
27. My father can’t eat shrimps because he’s allergic _____ them.
A. of B. to C. on D. by
28. The children felt _____ when their mother came back home.
A. interesting B. excited C. exciting D. excitedly
29. You look hot in that coat. Why don’t you _____?
A. put it on B. take it off C. put it away D. take it out
30. My mum _____ the bus to work every morning, but Dad drives.
A. goes B. catches C. runs D. does
1. We _____ our money going to that movie. It’s boring.
A. paid B. wasted C. spent D. used
2. Ms. Smith was very _____ when she received the wrong letter.
A. confusing B. confused C. confuse D. confuses
3. I finally managed _____ my passport and then left for the airport.
A. to find B. finding C. find D. to finding
4. Lisa has been having dance classes _____ she was 4 years old.
A. for B. when C. from D. since
5. She was unable to warn her mother that she would be late because the telephone
was _____.
A. out of work B. out of order C. off work D. off duty
6. What _____ milk shake do you want strawberry, chocolate or orange?
A. taste B. type C. flavor D. kind
7. Because his argument was so confusing, _____ people understand it.
A. much B. few C. little D. many
8. I promised to phone my friends tonight so I mustn’t forget. Please _____ me!
A. remember B. remind C. report D. repeat
9. The village was _____ destroyed in an earthquake.
A. completely B. complete C. quite D. very
10. I’ll show you around the city when you _____ to visit me.
A. will be coming B. are coming C. will come D. come
11. We decided not to go camping because of the _____ rain.
A. great B. heavy C. amount D. extra
12. Watch out, or you _____ off the boat!
A. are falling B. fall C. are going to fall D. will fall
13. It soon became _____ that no one was going to come to her party.
A. clear B. really C. regular D. hardly
14. Sam was _____ when she fell off the horse.
A. embarrassed B. annoying C. embarrassing D. disappointed
15. My father bought a motorbike _____ costs two thousand dollars.
A. whose B. who C. which D. of which
16. Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed _____ the heavy fog.
A. because of B. in spite of C. because D. although
17. Bob is a person _____ friends trust him.
A. whom B. where C. whose D. that
18. It rained so _____ that after only half an hour everywhere was flooded.
A. heavily B. suddenly C. more heavily D. hardly
19. For Christmas, I got _____ book and _____ latest CD by my favorite band.
A. -/ a B. a/ the C. a/ a D. -/ the
20. She has been sleeping for 10 hours. You _____ wake her up.
A. must B. shouldn’t C. would like to D. might
21. This shirt is too _____ around the neck. I can’t breathe!
A. tight B. practical C. rough D. smooth
22. The weather has been _____ since the beginning of this summer.
A. disappointed B. disappoint C. disappointment D. disappointing
23. Paul was so _____ with his exam results that he didn’t smile the whole week.
A. delighted B. delighting C. disappointed D. disappointing
24. She spoke quietly to him _____ nobody else could hear a word.
A. because B. although C. so that D. which
25. It is _____ to listen to him boasting hours and hours about his business.
A. boring B. bored C. fascinating D. fascinated
26. She finally _____ the job because she couldn’t stand its high pressure.
A. accepted B. adopted C. admitted D. quit
27. This skirt looks nice. Would you like to _____ it on?
A. take B. dress C. try D. put
28. He never goes to bed _____he finishes his homework.
A. if B. unless C. when D. while
29. We had a competition to see who could swim the _____.
A. farest B. farthest C. farther D. farer
30. To start the laptop, you _____ press the power button.
A. have to B. might C. need D. can
1. The bus _____ from High Street to Station Road is 60p.
A. cost B. payment C. fare D. charge
2. We had a long way to go so we _____ off very early.
A. took B. made C. set D. put
3. She spent the evening watching black and white films and ______ her nails.
A. having B. taking C. doing D. making
4. It’s better not to _____ things in case they are not returned.
A. let B. leave C. borrow D. lend
5. If you ______ yourself there is nothing in which you cannot succeed.
A. believe in B. bring in C. trust off D. get along with
6. After spending large sums of money redecorating their house, the Browns found
themselves ______.
A. in public B. in debt C. in time D. in common
7. A car collided ______ a lorry on the motorway.
A. against B. into C. on D. with
8. There ______ four armchairs and a big table in her city hall.
A. is B. use to be C. be D. are
9. I am sure it’s good to be well-known, but _____ isn’t everything.
A. fame B. boss C. succeed D. knowledge
10. She’s ______ out for lunch, she’ll be back at 2 o’clock.
A. gone B. be C. get D. been
11. My car would not start, ______ Jenny’s started immediately.
A. however B. nevertheless C. though D. whereas
12. I locked the door and left him by______.
A. myself B. itself C. ourselves D. himself
13. Welcome you all to my city! I hope you will make ______at home.
A. yourselves B. yourself C. myself D. ourselves
14. When Carlos was leaving, the whole family went to the airport to see him
A. out B. on C. off D. away
15. We need a/ an ______ to take the people hurt in a road accident to hospital.
A. ambulance B. emergency C. remedy D. operation

16. The students are working ______ for the exam.

A. hard B. hardly C. strongly D. efficient
17. He’s just ______ to the bank so you could ask him to lend you some money.
A. been B. reached C. got D. gone
18. You should eat a variety of foods to stay ______.
A. strongly B. healthful C. healthy D. wealthy
19. Every time she’s late, she says it’s because her alarm clock didn’t ______.
A. come on B. go off C. make out D. carry on
20. Why don’t you ______ badminton or swimming? You need more exercise.
A. take off B. take after C. take up D. take on
21. He is looking for a part-time job _____ gain some practical experience.
A. so that B. order to C. in order that D. so as to
22. Some of the names on the list had been crossed ______.
A. from B. out C. on D. away
23. I have a number of ______ to make about this restaurant so I want to see the
A. complaints B. reclamations C. accusations D. claims
24. To our _____, Henry’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.
A. relief B. eyes C. anxiety D. worried
25. There was ______ traffic, so the journey didn’t take very long.
A. no much B. little C. not many D. a little
26. Could you ______ the laundry today? We have no clean clothes.
A. do B. carry C. have D. make
27. Apprentices are requested to do several year’s _____.
A. coaching B. education C. training D. formation
28. She was in ________ of a large number of men.
A. management B. leadership C. direction D. charge
29. The problem is easy enough but ______ could answer it.
A. few B. many C. a lot of D. a little
30. You look _____ in that dress. Are you going to the party?
A. disappointed B. awful C. fantastic D. fascinating
1. Many different pieces of birds migrate everywhere ______ the cold weather.
A. avoiding B. avoid C. to avoid D. to avoiding
2. Your business card should have your contact ______.
A. figures B. information C. announcement D. report
3. The food was great _____ it was very expensive.
A. despite B. in spite C. although D. however
4. George put his mobile phone on vibrate, ___ he didn’t want his teacher to hear if
somebody called him.
A. because of B. because C. although D. in order to
5. You ______ go to the supermarket! I’ve already been to.
A. should B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t
6. Parents today don’t have much time to ______ of their children.
A. look after B. take care C. care for D. all of the above
7. We learn foreign languages ______ know more about other people and countries.
A. so that B. in order to C. in order that D. so as
8. Working all day and studying at night can be very ______.
A. stressful B. stressing C. stressed D. pressure
9. Danise ______ at the stadium until she finds a better job.
A. is working B. was working C. works D. used to work
10. While I was trying to help Tom with his math, I got ____because he wouldn’t pay
attention to.
A. impressed B. worried C. worrying D. nervous
11. When I get home from work, I’m going to take a long ______ bath.
A. tiring B. tired C. relaxing D. relaxed
12. I don’t know much about computers so I asked the assistant for ______ advice.
A. a little B. a lot C. a few D. many
13. ______ social networking site like Facebook or Twitter is very popular now.
A. Using B. To using C. Use D. Used
14. Most of my friends are used ______ their summer vacation in the countryside.
A. spending B. to spend C. spend D. to spending

15. If you are ______ Ms. Rogers, you will find her in the board room.
A. looking to B. looking for C. looking into D. looking at
16. Tony is very disappointed ______ the result of the exam.
A. with B. of C. for D. about
17. Leon never ______ about it, but he was once a world champion skier.
A. is talking B. talked C. talk D. talks
18. My clothes are too loose because I’ve ______ so much weight.
A. put on B. lost C. cut down D. taken off
19. Please _____ and see us some time. You’re always welcome.
A. come to B. come away C. come around D. come about
20. I had to give full _____ of my camera when I reported it stolen.
A. description B. information C. detail D. account
21. I think there’s a picture of the hotel _____ the first page.
A. on B. at C. to D. in
22. There’s no answer at the office. Let’s _____ Forster’s mobile.
A. to calling B. calling C. call D. to call
23. The driver _____ a speeding ticket. The police are right behind him.
A. will get B. is going to get C. is getting D. gets
24. I gave the assistant ten euros and she gave me four euros _____.
A. cash B. money C. change D. coins
25. The children won’t go to sleep _____ we leave a light on outside their room.
A. except B. unless C. in spite of D. but
26. I’m sorry but the dress you want is not _____ in red.
A. possible B. economical C. available D. suitable
27. She used to _____ her living by delivering vegetables to a local market.
A. make B. get C. earn D. win
28. You will spend at least one year working abroad _____ you can find out how things operate
A. so that B. because C. as long as D. so as to
29. Many buildings which are currently in disuse could be _____ to other purposes.
A. put B. changed C. employed D. used
30. We were lucky to get the tickets for the first _____ of the new concert.
A. action B. performance C. publication D. operation

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