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Communication Task 2

Page 5.

What gestures can you use for greeting someone in your country? Do you shake hands? If so, what are the rules for
handsakes? How do you end a conversation in your country? Do you have a certain expresions to show that you are
ready for a conversation to end?

Answer :
In my country if we meet friend or someone in same age, we usually just nod our head and smile. But if we meet
someone older, we have to shake hands.
Yes we did, we greet each other by ask how’s he/she doing.
We just end it by saying goodbye and we waved our hand.
Yes we have, we usually smile and tell that you’re understand to the conversation you just talk.


Page 7.

A. Using what you’ve learned.

Direction : For each situation that follows, read the cues given, then discuss the relationship among the speakers and
the level of formality. Using this information, complete the dialogues orally with phrases from section 3 or with any
other appropriate response. Example : A : It was nice seeing you again
B : Yes, Let’s do it again
A : Bye
B : Bye

Situation 1
A : Hi, Jack, How are you?
B : Hi, Rose, its good. How about you?
A : Not bad, what’s up?
B : Not much.
Situation 2
A : Good morning, Asyam.
B : Good morning, Dr. Anthony.
A : How are you doctor ?
B : Pretty good, Asyam. How have you been?

Situation 3
A : … Well, that’s very intresting but I’m afraid I must leave now.
B : All right. I’ll be talking to you again later , maybe?
A : see you soon.
B : Good-bye.

Situation 4
A : … and that’s just the way it happend
B : Oh, I almost forgot. I’m supposed to meet my doctors right now, i must to go now, nice to see you Jason.
A : It was good to see you .
B : Good-bye, Caesar.
A : Good-bye John.

Page 9.
Situation 2
A and B are student at the university. They see each other between classes.

1. Hi Lela! 1. Hi Asep! How is your weekend?

2. I went to Dufan and it was so fun,
So, how about you’re weekend asep? 2. Ughh... im so done with Mr. Andre
3. maybe we could do it together sometime 3. Oh really? Sounds good!
4. Ok See you soon Asep 4. See you!
Situation 3
B is A’s boss. A needs to leave work early today to see the doctor and approaches B, who is working at his or
her desk.

1. (cough) Excuse me, 1. Good afternoon. What can I help you ?
Good afternoon sir.
2. Sorry sir, can i leave earlier today? 2. Why do you need to leave earlier?
3. Lately im feeling unwell sir, 3. Oh im sorry to hear that. Okay, You may leave earlier
So, i make an appointment with get well soon!
my Doctor this afternoon.
4. Its my pleasure sir and thank you. 4. My pleasure
5. Good-bye sir. 5. Good-bye

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