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SECTION XI HOBBES AND SPINOZ\ The attention of the sovereign jor of man; he coi coer imate weapon, an ini in danger, for the sovereign w: forming the function for which he existed. up the idea of a geny the object of men's le had di concept of the social when led by passion, may This task required dispass ‘which morality and religion power was the key to the understanding of theory was ‘equated with universal nature, and in Hommes anp Spinoza power of nature, dictates of reason, 329 an inadequate 1€ mercy of his emo. ings, not only which we also that we do not know whether words of good, evil, and contem; 330 ‘Tue GReat POLITICAL THEORIES ble, are ever used wi there being nothin from an arbitrator’ of Mt y consent set up, and ma cause the difference o the more or less desire of power, Ti may be reduced . For riches, knowledge several sorts of power ‘a man who has no great passion for any q ‘men term it, indifferes For the thoughts are range abroad, and find the way to th fe, cor nor summun bonum, greatest good, as hers. Nor can a I put for a gener ind restless desire ower, that ‘ceaseth only in death. And the ways that a mar than he has already att with a moderate power: bul power and means to live well, whi the acquisition of more. And from hi whose power is greatest, turn their endea | Hoonnes ano spvoza 5 0F abroad by wars: and when ya new desire! in some of eat of ease and sensu: : Fiches, honour, command, or other power, ind war: because the way 1g of hi Beer at the other. P Siaposeth to ‘On the contray. needy ‘hy dge, and arts of peace, inclineth men to F such desire, containeth a desire of protection from some other power ‘that make little, or no. inquiry hings, yet from the fea of wl a0 “Twe Gxear PoLITIcat, THeonies fvents, by which they thought they should stem hare and make Uno themeeln erst their powers. (Extracts {rom chapters 6, 8, The State of Nature ly stronger in body, or of than another; yet when all is reckoned together, bie, of body, the weakest has strength enough to kill the either by secret machination, or by coi themselves, they approve. For such is the howsoever they may acknowledge many greater si tion of any thing, than that every man 1s share. of our ends. And therefore ing. which nevertheless they become enemies; and in th ‘only. endeavour to dest subdue one ai +. And from this diffidence of one anothe! im, at the same rate he is of ‘contem them them destroy each other). to. ext this contemners. by damage: and from oth- ‘of man, we find three principal causes secondly, diffidence: weighed these Soci render men ay ‘ade, and destroy one another. sr, may iB t0 this inference, made fran desire perhaps to have the same con Let him therefore by the manner of life, which men that have under a peaceful gov legenerate in sre had never been an} sons. and guns upon the fron ‘continual spies upon their neighbours: i 5 are necessary to commodious ling: industry to oblin them, And reasoe mient articles of peace, upon which men may The les are they, which other- 1. 0 use his own power, 2. precept of general ane forbidden to do 336 ‘THe GREAT POLITICAL THEORIES this subject, use to confound jus, and lex, rig) ¥y ought to be distinguished; because monn! 2 erty t0 do, or to forbea against his enemic man has a right ‘And therefore, every thing enduret F wise soever he to lay down 1 much ‘against himsel/. For of doing anything he himself of his: for that were to expose himsel rather than to dispose hi man transferreth is either in consideration of some every man, the object there be some rights, which no man can be Hoses AND Spinoza a sequent 10 suc! flering another to be ‘or that it ant of how such words ance is called keeping of pro iling of performance, if it be voluntary, fe of men, are made one person, when they are ted consi that by right commandeth called laws. a from Part I, chapter 15.) Honbes AND Spinoza 341 jural force; as when a man maketh his children, to fildren to this government, {2 they ref or by ws % them or common- former, a commonwealth by speak of a commonwealth by to be insiuted when a multitude agree, and covena ’ asters ‘man, or assembly of men, shall be given pars the right ro present the person of thew ‘dy, to be their represen on of a commonwealth are derived es of him, or th power and strength by terror thereof, he is enabled to fo any one man break their covenant made to ind they have also every man that beareth their person; and this person, is cal said to have sovereign power; and every one Hones AND Spioza 243, objection is, that of the prs when men ind when, such power has by fone may ask them agai any monarch receiveth is 0 say, on condition, proceedeth hom of understanding this easy truth, that covenants Ko swords and breath, have no foree to ob Sr protect any ‘And whether a man be of the congre whether his consent be asked, or not, consequences of the want which, because they proceed from ind. yet, because every act of mn proceedeth from f peace, and conservation of P artificial man, which we _— Hopses ano Spinoza monarchy, in a democracy, or aristocracy - ‘new; and consequently he was ++ The law of nature is a part of the ci sovereign power, further than it sh care of the sovereign, belonge what is a good law? By a g sovereign wanteth power to rule them at his will. Unncc raps for money: which whe id to be a pul therefore, where many sorts of worship be from igion of ‘pri worship, nor thi the will of him, oF or by some can bewitch them, by sander of ‘vithout other miracle to con. es an extraordinary succes reas dexoying alls, bo government, and society of violence and civil war. 5 in what pastors they teach the people com- ng to another, for want Sovercign; just as the members of the

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