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Actividad: Portafolio 4

Fecha de entrega: 31 / Marzo / 2023


INTRODUCCIÓN ............................................................................................................................ 3

1.WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE THEME? .............................................................................. 4

COUNTABLE NOUNS ................................................................................................................. 4

UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS ............................................................................................................ 4

2. WHAT ARE THE THEME RULES? .............................................................................................5

3. WHAT IS THE STRUCTURE FOR MAKING SENTENCES? ........................................................ 9

COUNTABLE NOUNS ................................................................................................................. 9

POSITIVE ............................................................................................................................... 9

NEGATIVE ............................................................................................................................. 9

QUESTION ............................................................................................................................. 9

UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS ............................................................................................................ 9

POSITIVE .............................................................................................................................. 10

NEGATIVE ............................................................................................................................ 10

QUESTION ............................................................................................................................ 10

CONCLUSIÓN ................................................................................................................................ 11

BIBLIOGRAFÍA ............................................................................................................................ 12

ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................................... 12

The subject that will be presented in the following documentary research is a

very common topic, but few know the correct way to use them, their characteristics
or their function are not known, for which reason different sources of information
were investigated to explain it in detail. the topic that will be seen below that are
countable and non-countable, for this reason, we must briefly define what they are:

All nouns are countable or uncountable. The difference between countable

and uncountable nouns is very simple: countable nouns have a plural form and can
be counted, while uncountable nouns cannot. The vast majority of nouns belong to
the first category, and even within the second we can make exceptions and count an
uncountable noun, as for example in this common phrase: "can I have two beers,
please?" (Up, 2023).

If we come across a new word without context, surely it is necessary to look

in the dictionary if it is countable or not. But if it is in context or is known to us, finding
out is very simple. And precisely for this reason we must know its importance and
the reasons why we must fully understand this issue.

At an elementary level, mistakes aren't that big of a deal because they don't
impede communication, but if you're considering taking a B2 or higher exam, you
can't go wrong with this. So the sooner you start fixing bugs, the better. That being
said, there are some mistakes that even native speakers make, and while they are
still considered misuse, they may become accepted due to their frequency.

It is necessary to know everything related to this topic, because we as future

professionals must have a broad knowledge of English, due to the labor demand
that currently exists, it is one of the requirements that is given more importance
today, for For this reason, the following investigation was carried out with the purpose
that we acquire and understand this topic perfectly, which will be very helpful in the

In English, as in Spanish, there are words that are countable (countable nouns) and
words that are uncountable (uncountable nouns). Let's see some examples to
understand this concept.

➢ Countable Nouns
Countable nouns are those elements that can be counted one by one using

➢ Uncountable Nouns
The uncountable names or nouns are those that we cannot count because we
cannot delimit them individually but rather form part of a whole. They are treated as
singular (you cannot make them plural by adding “-s”). They are those elements that
we cannot count using numbers but we can use quantifiers.

✓ Countable nouns have singular and plural form. When we refer to singular
countable nouns, they can be preceded by the indefinite article a/an
Uncountable nouns only have the singular form, usually they do not have articles but
sometimes they can be accompanied by some/any.

✓ If we want to express a specific quantity of an uncountable element, we will

add a group of words that divide the whole into parts that can be counted,
followed by the preposition of:
• A bag of (una bolsa de, un paquete de)
• A slice of (una rebanada, una loncha de, una rodaja de)
• A carton of (un cartón de)
• A jar of (un tarro de, un bote de, un frasco de)
• A can of (una lata de, un bote de) A drop of (una gota de)
• A tube of (un tubo de)
• A bit of/A piece of (un/una)
• A pinch of (un pellizco de, una pizca de)
• A roll of (un rollo de)
✓ Some of these partitives* can also be applied to countable nouns such as:

(Partitive. adj. That can be split or divided.)


✓ The substances that we do not separate by elements (liquid, small grains,

powdered substances, gas...) are generally uncountable, but they will be
countable if we refer to them thinking of their corresponding container (a cup,
a glass...):

✓ Some nouns can be countable and uncountable. In most of these cases its
meaning varies:

• They cannot be pluralized. It is incorrect • They have a singular and a plural

to say 5 electricities. form.

• They cannot be used with items a/an. For • A number can be added in front of
example, it is incorrect to say "a Money". them to indicate their quantity.

• They take the verb in the singular. ‘The • Indefinite articles (a/an) can be
sugar is…’. For example, it is incorrect to placed before them.
say ‘The sugar are…’ These words are used only with countable
nouns in their singular form.
In general we use uncountable nouns to refer to:
✓ Abstract (motivational).
“a, an, some, many, much, few”
✓ Liquids (water).
✓ Natural phenomena (weather).
It should be noted that "a" is placed before
✓ Feelings (stress).
nouns that begin with a consonant and "an"
✓ Gas (oxygen).
before sounds with vowels. Both are called
indefinite articles.

➢ Countable nouns
Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a
singular and a plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an".
If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?"
combined with the plural countable noun.

For positive sentences we can use a /an for singular nouns or some for plurals.

• There's a man at the door.

• I have some friends in New York.

For negatives we can use a/an for singular nouns or any for plurals.

• I don't have a dog.

• There aren't any seats.

In questions we use a/an, any or how many with countable nouns.

• Is there an email address to write to?

• Are there any chairs?
• How many chairs are there?

➢ Uncountable nouns
We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of an uncountable
noun, use a word or expression like some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal
of , or else use an exact measurement like a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a
handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of. If you want to ask about the quantity
of an uncountable noun, you ask "How much?"

We use some with uncountable nouns in positive sentences

• There's some milk in the fridge.

We use any with uncountable nouns in negative sentences

• There isn't any coffee.

And we use any or how much with uncountable nouns.

• Is there any sugar?

• How much orange juice is there?

Countable and uncountable nouns are two essential grammatical concepts in

the English language. Understanding the difference between these two types of
nouns is crucial for effective communication and for speaking and writing in English
Countable nouns are those that can be counted, whereas uncountable nouns
cannot be counted or are considered abstract concepts. For example, "apple" is a
countable noun, while "water" is an uncountable noun. Countable nouns can be
singular or plural, and they take specific determiners like "a" or "an" for singular
nouns and "some" or "many" for plural nouns. On the other hand, uncountable nouns
are always singular and take determiners like "some" or "much." To understand the
difference between these two types of nouns, it is important to know how to
distinguish them. One way is to look at the endings of the words. Most countable
nouns end with -s or -es when they are pluralized, while uncountable nouns do not
have a plural form. For example, "cat" becomes "cats," while "coffee" remains
Another way to differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns is to
consider whether the noun can be quantified. Countable nouns can be counted,
measured, or weighed, while uncountable nouns cannot. For example, you can
count how many apples you have, but you cannot count how much water you have.
It is important to note that some nouns can be both countable and
uncountable, depending on the context. For example, "paper" can be both countable
and uncountable. We can say "I need a paper" or "I need some paper." In the first
sentence, "paper" refers to a single piece of paper, making it a countable noun, while
in the second sentence, "paper" refers to an uncountable quantity of paper.
In conclusion, understanding the difference between countable and
uncountable nouns is crucial for mastering the English language. It helps to know
the rules for making nouns plural, which determiners to use, and whether a noun is
countable or not. By using countable and uncountable nouns correctly, we can
express ourselves more accurately and effectively in written and spoken English.
12 (2023). Countable and uncountable. Obtenido de

Campos, P. (02 de April de 2020). Countable and uncountable nouns. Obtenido de

Council, B. (27 de febrero de 2020). counteble an uncountable nouns. Obtenido de

Figueredo, M. (31 de July de 2018). Knowing countable and uncountable nouns in

English. Obtenido de

Up, W. (2023). Sustantivos contables e incontables: ¿conoces la diferencia?

Obtenido de

Second part of the activity

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