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Answer Key

Introduction Transcript 02
ALLAN Hi, Lucy. Are you going to the
J Although everyone has a mixture ol learning cafeteria ? Can I come with
styles, most of us usually have one preferred you?
method of learning.
LUCK Oh hi, Allan. Sure! Come on . You
Mostly a: You are a visual learner. You need know, I really loved the project we
to see things to learn well. You enjoy learning did in class today ! It was so cool the
through reading and using pictures. You often way we had to create that puzzle
visualize images in your head to help you by, you know, working in teams
remember things. You like to use color coding and putting all the pieces together.
for your notes. You may want to try drawing Didn’t you think that was great?
diagrams to help you remember and review ALLAN Yes, I did. I enjoyed working
new information. together and talking about all the
Mostly b: You are an auditory learner. You different options. Hey, look, there‘s
need to hear things to learn well. You learn by Antonio— it looks like he‘s on his
listening. Spoken instructions are easier for you way to the cafeteria, too. Should we
to understand than written ones. You often ask him?
learn by reading out loud. You enjoy small Luce Yeah, sure
group discussions and can learn best when ALLAN Hey, Antonio, want to go get
talking with a partner. You may want to try something to eat with us?
recording important points or summaries and ANTONio Yes, I‘d love to. Thanks.
listening to the recording. ALLAN We‘re talking about the project in
Mostly c: You are a kinaesthetic, or tactile, class today. How did you like it?
learner. You learn best by doing things. You ANTONIO It WaS OK, but I preler to do
enjoy activities that include physical movement. things on my own, like reading
You prefer to touch, move, build, or draw what articles online or from magazines.
you learn. You can easily remember things LUCY Really? I think that’s so boring! By
that you have done, but may have difficulty the way, are you guys stud ingfor
remembering what you saw or heard in the the final exam already?
process. You may want to try doing hands on ANTONIO I’ve gone over my notes and
activities like art projects or drama highlighted all the important words
and the important grammar rules
That’s about it so lar.
Name Opinion of today’s project Strategy for exam preparation Learning style
Lucy Loved i—t she enjoyed Rewrite notes using diagrams kinaesthetic /
putting the pieces together and charts tactile
Allan Enjoyed -it liked working Wants to work together and auditory
in a team and discussing test each other
Antonio Thoug ht it was OK— Go through notes highlighting visual
prefers reading articles important words and
online grammar rules

Answer key 1
ve started rewriting my notes using pet soeeds of up to 30 miles (or almost 50
diagrams and chart that helps kilometers) per hour.
me to remember them. I just kind of a I love being in the ocean and swimming
visualize them in my head when I’m with all the trooical lish the colors are
taking the exam incredible. My favorite place is the coral
ALLAN You re lucky. My brain doesn t work reefs in Hawaii. I ve been there three times.
that way. Hey, would you two like to I generally go down to between 25 or 30
study together one day this week? feet (or about eight to ten meters), but
We could ask each other questions you should make sure you have the ripht
and quiz each other. breathing equiDment and salety training
LUCY Sure I m lree on Tuesday night. before you try it.
How about you*
ALLAN Yeah. That s good for me, too. Want 3 can Duma 2 have to balance
to meet in the library at about six* 3 should make sure
ANTONIO Sounds good. Now let s get some
food and lind a place to sit down! 4 yes / no; present perfect
I'm starving! 2 yes / no; past simple
3 wfi , present Derfect
4 wfi ; past simple
Unit 1
5 How many] countries has Alex walked
Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar through?
1 wetsuit 2 board 3 lile jacket 4 paddl 2 When] did he start his ourney?
5 flippers 6 snorkel 7 goggles 3 How much] fmoney) has he raised low
Mystery water sport: sailing charity (so fan?
4 How long] did his last trip take?
2 kitesurfing (ocean, waves, ump, landing, 5 How many] times has Kate sailed across
harness, ropes, kite, wind) the Atlantic?
2 windsurfing (balance, board, sail, swinp, 6 When] did she start sailing?
wind, soeeds) 7 How many] world records has she broken?
3 scuba diving (ocean, swimming, tropical 8 How much] fmoney) did she raise for
fish, coral reels, go down, breathing charity last year?
equipment, safety training)

Transcript 03 dd you do
1 It s really amazing to be out in the ocean, 2 far did you / your team swim
surrounded by blue waves, sparkling in the 3 Did you train / Did you have to train
sunshine. At the right speed, you can Duma 4 Have you ever swum / taken Dart
over 30 feet for ten meters)! You have to 5 Did you enjoy/like it / Was it fun
learn how to do a smooth landing, too
If you take off wrong, you II land with a 7 She swam in a river] in order to get used
solash! You have to wear a special harness to cold water.
with rooes attached to the kite, and you 2 She swam every day] in order to build uo
have to hold onto the rooes with both her strength
hands to catch the wind but when you 3 She wore Toggles] in order to protect her
do, it s totally amazing! 9yE'S.
z It s like skateboarding, but on water! It 4 She swam in a metal cage] in order to
takes a lot ol practic you need a pood protect herself from sharks
sense of balance, for one thinp. You have same time, swing around to catch the wind
to balance yourself on the board and hold but once you pet going, you can
onto the sail with both hands, and at the
2 Answer
5 She wore a wetsuit] in order not to get
6 She wore a head camera] in
order to record her

Answer key 3
8 Suggested answers 5 Could you help me pick up these papers /
2 I d need a flashlight in order to see pick these papers up? (request)
(in the dark / at night)
3 I d need a webcam in order to record my 3 post 2 upload 3 site 4 tweet
journey / video my trip
4 I d need sunscreen in order not to get 4
Palm Leaf Luxury Spa Resort
5 I d need a Iile jacket in order not to drown
6 I d need a fishing rod in order to catch fish/ Day Guest option
food Daily fee
7 I d need (a) GPS (device) in order not to get Treatments *acials, body massage,
available mud baths, seasonal
8 I d need a radio in order to contact (other) body treatments
people / stay in contact.
Cost of 560—S100
9 not followed 2 followed 3 without treatments
4 witfi Day Soaker opâon
Cost $95
10 have to 2 can t 3 should / must Facilities available Spa, pool, sauna, sun
4 shouldn t 5 would / can 6 should deck
7 don t have to 8 would / can
Transcript 04
11 has to 2 shouldn t 3 don t have to
a Excuse me, I wonder if you could give me
4 should 5 should 6 don't have to some information about the spa treatment
Reading B YQS, Ol coursP. What would you like to
1 d 2e 3c 4b 5a know?
a Could you tell me what options there are?
2 swarm 2 insoired 3 determination B Wel I, yOU Cd D Q D/Oy OU r S d la Ci I ities aS a
4 stamina 5 overall 6 stinging day guest. Or you can stay at the resort for
one of our spa packages
3 isn t 2 has 3 protected 4 doesn t have a I see. Would you mind telling me more
5 doesn t always push 6 is goinp to swim about the day guest option
B Sure. You can visit the resort as a day guest
4 How old is Katie? as long as you ourchase one 60 minute spa
2 Who inspired her to become/be a treatment and pay the Day Soa fee of 40
swimmer? dollars
3 What was her most dangerous exoerience? A Could you tell me how much the
4 What were the most difficult things to deal treatments are?
with ? B It deoends on the treatment. We have a
5 Where are you going to swim next? range of choices, including facials, body
massage, mud baths, and seasonal body
treatments. They range from 60 to 1 00
Vocabulary PLUS, Language in Action dollars
1 a drink 2 (to) unload 3 say 4 a And what is the Day Soaked option?
undo 5 a swim 6 to tell B That means you can use the soa facilities,
swim in the oool, and use the sauna. *or
2 Could I sit down here, please? (permission) that, the daily charge is 95 dollars lor the
2 You could try drinking some water. (advice) whole day.
3 They could be on vacation today. (deduction) a Can I use the sun deck, too?
4 We could go to the movies tonight. (luture B Absolutely!
possibility) a That s great. Thanks

2 Answer
S g ve me some i ofo mation
2 what options there are 3 telling me MAN How often do you watch the news?
4 tell me how much 5 what is the WOMAN

watch it before I po to bed, but it s

so depressing. How about you?
lWould you mind] telling me if there is a MAN
restaurant? I used to watch CNN a lot, but I
2 lCould you tell me] if it s possible to have a don t watch the news on TV that
redleXOlOgy SeSSiOn ? much any more. I just pet my news
online now.
3 II wonder if] I could book a treatment WOMAN
Is that better?
now. MAN
*OF me, it iS. It S USt PdSi Qr.

Unit 2 5 e 2 False (Like a reality show)

3 True 4 False (Tonight is Episode 1 0 of 12.)
Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar 5 True 6 True
1 the news 2 documentary 3 cartoon
6 after; belore 2 alter; after 3 subject
4 quiz show 5 weather forecast
6 sports program
7 lnever], hardly ever, sometimes, often,
almost always, Galways]
2 e 2 c 3 a 41 5 b 6 d
8 always, often
3 cooking show 2 oeriod drama
3 nature program 4 travel pshow
9 Do you often watch sports orograms*
5 hospital drama 6 quiz show
2 What time do you usually watch the news?
3 We hardIy ever watch movies on TV.
4 science fiction show
4 They don t normally like documentaries. /
2 crime drama 3 the news
They normally don I like documentaries. /
Normally, they don t like documentaries.
Transcript 05 5 Reality shows aren t usually very good. /
I ve been watching this amazing Usually, reality shows aren I very good
new science fiction series on TV. It s 6 He almost always switches on the weather
totally addictive! forecast at 6 a.m
Really? What s it about?
It s about a family who lives on 10 dark 2 relaxed 3 lonely 4 empty
Mars, and they have robots who do 5 foggy 6 glamorous 7 pooular
all the housework low them 8 shocking
And that s exciting?
Yeah it s ust like a reality show 11 bripht 2 crowded 3 stressed
but in the luture! 4 unpoDular 5 glamorous 6 interesting
2 7 wonderful 8 hard
What s on tonight? Anything pood?
Yeah, there s one of those crime 12 often; don t do anymore
shows that takes place in Sweden or 2 never; usually do
some place like that. I really want to
watch it 13 use 2 use 3 use 4 used 5 used
Oh, yeah I used to watch those 6 use 7 use 8 used
shows. They’re usually really pood.
This one has 12 episodes and 14 Did you] use to 2 used to 3 used to
tonight is Episode 10. 4 used to 5 did [you] use to 6 didn I use to
Oh, n—oI prefer watching them 7 didn I use to 8 used to
ripht mom the beginning. They re
hard to follow otherwise 15 have 2 past
Answer 5
16 I’ve been waiting here for two hours. 5 Suggested answers
2 You’ve been studying low four hours / since Soaps: rich and glamorous people, unreal,
9 a.m melodrama
3 They ve been trying to fix this Reality shows: real oeoole, filmed in real time,
computer (that they bought) since not usually scriDted
yesterday Both: fantasy world, suspend reality, addictive
4 Sam has been olaying that video game lor
seven houv/snce 10 ai
5 Jessica has been listeninp to this music los Vocabulary PLUS, Language in Action
three hours. 1
17 has been running 2 has soften] included
3 has won 4 has also] featured
5 has changed 6 have done
unkind impersonal
7 have been trying 8 have succeeded unpleasant impolite
unpopular impossible
18 1 untidy improbable
o [How long] has Genera/ Hospital been unusual
running (on TV)*
B SInCe 1 963. / For over 50 years
2 unexoected 2 impossible 3 unhaopy
4 unusual 5 impolite 6 impersonal
lWhat kind of topics] dces it include / has it
included? 3 Suggested answers
B Lile and death, difficult family dynamics, The sea smells salty. The ice cream tastes
and dramatic love stories delicious. The weather seems nice / sunny.
The people look happy. The atmosphere feels
lWhy] has it been fsuccessful]? relaxed. The dog sounds noisy.
B Because it has chanped to reflect today s
multicultural society. 4 used to be 2 used to have / didn’t use to
have 3 get used to working 4 m not used
lHow] have [the writers] been trying reflect to poing / m used to not poing
today’s [social issues]
B They ve been trying to modernize the 5
storylines and update the characters Transcript 06
I Nothing much 2 It s on 3 Do you mind
1 Suggested answer
The author doesn t exoress a preference.
Please stoo banging your car on the TV!
2 Would you mind not having your TV on so
loud at nipht*
2 lb 2c 3d 4f
3 Could you please not play music while I m
3 hiph profile 2 blur 3 addictive watching (TV)?
4 break 5 audiences 6 appeal to 4 Please don t text while we re eating

4 Suggested answers Review 1-2

they provided a break from the 1 a 2b 3b 4c 5c 6b 7a 8c
2 they were about rich and glamorous 2 supernatural; France
P+ P!+ 2 period; Soain
3 . they can imagine themselves in the 3 crime; the U K
shows 4 romantic; the Republic of Korea
4 . they re about real people 5 politieal; US
5 they are scripted
8 Answer
Transcript 07 6 Lad; past 2 w6s or were; present
you/d: book, could, foot, hood, look, should 3 past perfect 4 past continuous
food: cool, fruit, mood, soup
7 went; had bought
Check your progress J 2 was; had practiced / practiced
3 were Dassing; saw
havechanged/have beenchanging
4 didn I play / hadn I played; came
2 used to watch / would watch
5 was watching; asked
3 to watch
4 used to record / would record
6 hadn t heard; watched
5 didn t use to have / didn t have
8 ca o 2 basket 3 du mp 4 basket
6 don't have to follow
site 6 bi n
7 have started
8 have been watching / can watch
9 garbage dump 2 landfill site
9 should try
3 trash cans 4 recycling
0 have to oroduce
can 6 recycling bin
2 weather 2 political 3 soorts 4 quiz
10 must, can’t 2 might, could
3 diving 2 suit 3 apparatus 4 boarding
11 must 2 can t 3 can t 4 must
5 walking 6 surfing
might 6 can t

4 not; realize 2 on; nothing 3 mind; would 12 The music can’t have been very pood.
4 Could; a head 5 help; wonder 2 They must have enjoyed the performance
very much
3 They could/might/must have stayed up late
Unit 3 last night.
4 They can’t have sold all the tickets.
Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar
5 They must have olayed very quietly.
1 guitar 2 flute 3 piano 4 trombone 6 They could / might have pone home very
5 violin 6 cello 7 saxoohone 8 bagDiDes early.
9 drums l0trumpet 7 The audience must have been very tired
8 She can t have practiced enouph
2 was able to; managed to 2 could
13 jazz 2 country 3 rock
3 Sally wasn t able to finish the marathon pop 5 pop 6 jazz
2 Tom didn I manage to pass the test.
3 We managed to eat all the cake Transcript 08
4 Were you able to ride a bike when you 1
were five* MAN What kind of music do you like,
5 I could o I find my key. Holly?
6 Was he able to catch the train this WOMAN I m not crazy about classical, but I
morning? really like Jazz. How about you?
MAN I actually really like country music
4 g 2h 3d 41 5b 6c 7a 8e The one tyoe ol music I can t stand
is heavy metal music.
5 pulling my lep 2 cost an arm and a leg WOMAN Really? My brother s in a heavy
3 lose face 4 lend fthem) a hand metal band. And they re pretty
5 lifts a finper 6 a shoulder to cry on good
7 Keeo your chin up
8 keeping my fingers crossed MAN Are you not really into folk music,
WOMAN Not really. I m more into classic rock
6 Answer
MAN Oh, I don I really like classic rock 6 was able to 2 were olaying
But I do like some oop 3 hadn I played 4 hadn t seen; were olaying
WOMAN Oh, yeah? Who s your favorite singer? 5 managed to

WOMAN ListQ N IO I h is I m C ra Zy ab t h S
new album! *‘ ' Vocabulary PLUS, Language in Action
MAN What kind ol music is this* It s pop, 1 He s / She s doing the dusting
isn I it? I don t really like pop music. 2 She s / He s doinp the ironing
WOMAN NO? Do you Drefer classical then? 3 She‘s / He's making a cake.
MAN NO! But I am really i nto Jazz rig ht 4 She S Making the bed

14 6 Peoole can share their music more easily.

Do you prefer 8
I can t stand 4
I don I really like 7
I really like 2
I m crazy about 6
I m not crazy about
I m more into 5
I actually like 3
I m really into 9

1 Suggested answer
The use of technology in Droducing music.

2 The use of technology in producing music

3 currently 2 mission 3 selection

4 comprises 5 compose 6 performance
7 ancient 8 fuses

4 The MoPhO 2 The Magic Piano apo

3 The SLOrk 4 The Ocarina app 5 Ge Wang

5 Suggested answers
He wants to change the way we
communicate with each other through
music and to connect oeoole around the
world through music.
2 He turns laptoos and cell phones into
musical instruments using apps.
3 It uses laotops and cell phones instead ol
traditional instruments to create music
4 It is olayed by touching the screen of a
smartphone and tells you which notes to

5 It is olayed by blowing into the microohone

ol a smartDhone; you can use your cell
phone to alter the sounds; you can olay
with other people around the world
Answer 7
Transcript 09
make a cup of coffee
do the dishes
do the vacu umi ng
make breakfast

3 compose 2 Live 3 ears

4 lace 5 industry

4 make it out 2 made old with 3

make do 4 make it up to you

5 made olf 2 make do 3 make it up to me

4 make it out

6 lf 2d 3 c 4 b 5e 6 a

Transcript 10
I really enjoyed your performance
2 I’m glad you enjoyed it.
3 I especially liked the last sonp. It was just
4 It s nice of you to say that
5 I ust think you re amazing
6 Thank you. You ve made my day!

7 at b c2 d 3

Transcript 11
a That speech was so impressve!
B Thanks! I appreciate that.

c Wow ! You rock! Your guitar solo was so

D YQah, it was OK

E Great pame! YOur serve was incredible!

r You think so? My sets could have been
better, thouph

8 Answer
4 9 long 2 short
G You were terrific! That’s orobably the best
ballet performance I ve ever seen 10 the most lamous painting
H Thank you. That s nice ol you 2 I he mOSt eXDen SiVe jeWelry
3 the most pooular art museum
8 Thanks! I apDreciate that. 4 the oldest drawings
2 Yeah, it was OK 5 the largest sculpture
3 You think so? 6 the most beautiful building
4 Thank you. That s nice ol you
11 gorgeous 2 horrible 3 shallow
4 ridiculous 5 amazing 6 powerful
Unit 4
Transcript 12
Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar 1

1 aa b the c some d e MAN What do you think of this oaintinp?

WOMAN It s absolutely gorgeous! I mean,
2 2 a 3The 4— ust look at the color they re
5 6the 7some —s incredible.
MAN Mmm, I m not sure I agree. I think
3 d 2a 3b 4d 5e 6b 7c those yellow and blue laces are
really scary looking, and in a way,
4 photographer 2 ballerina 3 designer well, oretty horrible
4 playwright 5 choreographer
6 conductor 7 director WOMAN How did you like the art exhibition?
MAN Hmm, it was enjoyable .. but I don t
5 Michelangelo s statue of David is think it was very deeo, if you know
significantly older than the Page/ of the what I mean. What about you?
y{ WOMAN Yeah. It didn I do anything for me,
2 The paintings of Da Vinci are much more either. In fact, I thought it was Dretty
famous than the work of Manet. ridiculous
3 Frida Kahlo is law more popular today than
Diepo Rivera. MAN These portraits are amazing, aren t
4 Monet was slightly more successful than they? There are so many exciting
Gauguin in his lifetime. and interesting ideas going on. They
5 Van Gogh s oaintings are almost as really open uo a new way of looking
expensive as the work ol Picasso at art.
6 Henry Moore's sculptures are much more WOMAN Definitely. I thought this exhibition
well known / much better known than was poinp to be terrible, but I m
those of Louise Bourgeois. really impressed. I think the portraits
7 Da Vinci s iVlona Lisa is a lot smaller than are pretty powerful, actually.
most oeoole realize MAN I agree!
8 Rudolf Nureyev was much younger than
Margot Fonteyn 12
6 noisy 2 intelligen1 3 funny
4 generous 5 old 6 rich 7 cheerful Conversation 1 gorgeous, inc redible, scary
look ing, horrible
8 tall
Conversation 2 en oyabIe, deeo, ridiculous
7 la age Conversation 3 amazing, exciting,
interesting, terrible,
8 b 2d 3e 4c 5f 6a powerful

Answer 9
Reading MAN 1 JEWEI tODCS? What s that? Anyway,
3 the cosmos 2 luminous 3 tiny I thought they were just too bripht
4 skyrocketed 5 installation 6 auction But let s apree to disagree on colors!
7 harmony
WOMAN 2 What do you think ol these dresses?
4 b 21 3a 4d 5e 6c WOMAN 1 I don’t like them very much. They
don t look very fashionable to me at
5 Suggested answers
It makes them leel in touch with infinity, WOMAN z Really? I think they re fashionable,
t O C OS f 0 S. but not very practical, though
2 It s repetitive. WOMAN 1 OM P ON ! YO U h aVQ tO BC| ree, SO T Q

3 To exoenenc e a feeling of infinity. ol them are really ugly!

4 Dots are a symbol of enerpy, like the sun or
WOMAN 3 IOve this acke it s such a pretty
5 Energetic, playful, powerful, abstract color.
M Nz Yes, it's Dretty gorgeous.

Vocabulary PLUS, Language in Action WOMAN 3 I'd love to buy it to wea r with my
1 composition 2 focus 3 angle 4 edge
MAN 2 WOuId you Hmm ... yes, I can see
5 exoosure 6 screen
what you mean
2 Suggested answers
It s on the right, behind the benches. 7 The first speaker loves the colors; the
2 It s on the right, in the fountain second speaker thinks they are too bright.
3 They re in the backg round, on the left 2 The first soeaker thinks they're fashionable,
and in the center. but not practical; the second speaker thinks
4 They re in the foreground, in front of the they re not stylish and really ugly.
fountain 3 The first soeaker thinks it s a oretty color;
5 They're in the background, behind the the second speaker thinks it s pretty
tFPQS. C|O rC| eOUS.
6 It s i n the foreground, in front of the
benches. Review 3-4
1 c 2a 3b 4c 5a 6a
3 writers 2 novels/stories 3 unsolved 2 c Georgia 0 Keefle (the US)
4 deepened 5 little 2 a Henri Matisse (France)
3 b Ludwig van Beethoven fGermany)
4 sketch out / draw up 4 d Gloria Estefan (Cuba / the US)
2 draw your attention to 3 Picture
4 oaint the town red
Pronunciation point
5 d 2a 3c 4e 5b Transcript 14
draJltJtic, ener tic, enthusid2tic, i ginative,
6 disagree 2 disagree 3 agree incredible, orchestra, pa tic, ri&cuIous,

Transcript 13
Check your progress 2
These outfits are totally amazing
I ve never seen anything like them before
Yeah, they re Dretty unusual, aren I they?
And the colors are incredible— I love them. They re eweI tones,
1 Answer
1 had








2 one 2
ever 3
must 4
The 5

Answer 1
3 pulling 2 crossed 3 dump 4 bins 8 noisy environment 2 unfriendly boss
5 composer 6 director/producer 3 lonp working hours 4 tipht deadlines
7 generous 8 noisy 9 profound 5 low salary 6 difficult colleagues
10 movng
Transcript 15
4 j, h 2 a, 1 3 d, c 4 i, b 5 e, p 1
JOE How s your new job?
ANNA Oh, not too bad. I m getting used to
Unit 5 it. My desk is ripht next to the break

Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar JOE Oh, that s terrible. Have you asked
1 frustrating 2 confused 3 relaxing your manager if you can change
4 challenging 5 boring 6 interesting your location?
7 tired 8 excited 9 exhausting ANNA Not yet ... he s not been very
welcoming so far. It s going to take
2 head 2 neck; shoulders 3 mouth; throat
4 hands 5 heart 6 stomach
How s it poing at work these days*
3 the present tense 2 w/// + verb NICK
It s been awful I ve been working
3 a comma 4 no comma 5 likely every weekend to try and keep
up with the workload. I m so
4 If Sam gets up early, he II catch the bus. exhausted!
2 If you don't dank enouph water, you II leel BECKY
Can I you get help mom your
tired colleagues?
3 If we don t exercise, we won t lose any NICK
No, everyone s got the same
problem. And if we don I get
4 You won’t sleep well if you drink too much everything finished by the end of
co{tpp the month, we II be in trouble
5 Kirsty won’t feel stressed if she gets
enough sleep this weekend Hi, Darren! Haven t seen you low a
6 If I don t pet a vacation soon, I II feel really while. How s everything
depressed OK. I ve just started a new ob. The
salary isn t great, but the people are
6 unless you start 2 unless he works nice
3 unless we stop 4 unless she poes Oh, really? That s the ooposite ol
5 Unless; we won t linish me my pay is Dretty good, but the
6 Unless; you II have people I work with we ust don t
seem to get along
7 Unless I work on the weekends, I won t pet Yeah that s bad when that
promoted. /1 won t pet promoted unless I happens. Sorry.
work on the weekends
2 Unless he has a car, he won t get the job. / 9 coordinator 2 librarian 3 manager
He won I get the job unless he has a car. Q pilot 5 teacher 6 doctor
3 Unless Janet pets a raise, she won t stay in 7 pOlice officer 8 hairdreSS9r 9 ournaIist
her job. / Janet won t stay in her ob unless
she gets a raise 10 boss 2 feedback 3 deadlines
4 Unless we finish this report on time, we 4 environment 5 unlriendIy 6 low
won’t pet the contract. / We won’t get 7 working hours
the contract unless we finish this report on
I me.
5 Unless they lix my comouter, I won’t be Reading
able to linish my work. /1 won t be able to 1 c 2a 3b
finish My WOrk Unless they fiX my COMpUter.
1 Ansvverke
2 normal/common 2 totally 3 poes uo B OK. I have some chamomile tea. Should I
4 throw uD 5 splitting 6 harm try that?
7 anxious a Yes, that s perfect. And why don t you
practice your interview beforehand? I could
3 2 21 32 4 1, 3 52 63 helo you with that.
B COuId you? That would be preat!
4 c 2a 3b 4a 5c 6b
8 You should try to relax more!
Vocabulary PLUS, Language in Action 2 If you re stressed in the interview, it won t
1 Blood, brain, heart, lunp, mouth, muscle, 3 Try doing some breathing exercises before
throat, stomach, neck, shoulder bedtime
4 I suggest drinking some herbal tea as well
2 Suggested answers 6 Why don t you Dractice your interview
marketing/oJice/sales manager beforehand?
2 yoga/PiIates/driving instructor
3 hea rt/brain/plastic/dental surgeon
4 truck/taxi/bus driver
Unit 6
3 painless 2 harmless 3 thoughtful Vocabulary, Listening, Grammar
4 stressful 5 careless 6 successful
1 the past tense 2 would + verb
4 overcharpes 2 oversleDt 3 overcrowded 3 a comma 4 no comma 5 unlikely
4 overlooked 5 overtime 6 over oyed
2 e 2b 3c 4a 5d 6I
5 getting on / get on 2 get to 3 got back 3 would; grow; had 2 had; would buy
4 pet rid of 5 get up 6 pet topethe3 3 would learn; lived 4 could travel; would;
po 5 didn I (have to) po; would spend
6 c 2d 3e 4b 5a 6 would work; wasn t

7 Problem: feeling stressed about a job interview 4 tides 2 wobble 3 climate 4 disaster
Advice: relax more 2 do breathln 5 survive 6 plants 7 photosynthesis
exercises 3 drink herbal tea 4 practice the 8 animals 9 die 10 submannes
interview with a lriend 1 energy 12 orbit

Transcript 16 S c 2a 3b 4d
A What s the matter, Claudia? Are you OK?
B No, I m feeling really tired. I didn t sleeo 6 can 2 can t 3 has to 4 weren t allowed
very well last night. to 5 couldn t 6 had to 7 had to
A Oh no! Why* Are you worried about 8 could
B Yes, I ve got a job interview next week, and 7 We had to drink water every day.
I m really stressed about it. 2 They weren t allowed to eat sweets
A You should really try to relax belore bed! If 3 The baby had to have a nao after lunch
you re tired and stressed in the interview, lb 4 You didn I have to make your own lunch
^ ! *+!P Y 5 She couldn t eat any chips or chocolate
B I know. I know. But what should I do? 6 Did you have to eat a lot of vegetables?
A Try doinp some breathing exercises before 7 We could go home for lunch every day.
you pO to bed. Practice breathing in and 8 Were you allowed to eat breakfast in lront
B Really* OK. I can try that.. 9 Could you have soda and uice, or were
A And I suggest drinking some herbal tea as you only allowed water?
well. That mipht helo.

Ansvverkey 11
8 We didn t have to learn how to cook when FARED Does it say anything about
I was in college. chocolate I heard that chocolate is
2 They weren t allowed to play soccer in the good lor your health, too
RACHEL It doesn t mention chocolate exactly,
3 I had to wear uniform at my school but it does mention cocoa powder,
4 She was not / wasn t allowed to dank whFch doesn t fiaVe a lot of ca roles
coffee until she was 16 and still tastes like chocolate! It s
5 I couldn t to eat strawberries when I was supposed to lower blood pressure
little. and improve blood circulation
6 Did you have to take a packed lunch to JARED OK, that sounds pood! I can
school every day? definitely add that to my diet!

10 ga rlic 2 ginger 3 artichoke 4 turmeric 14 vitamins 2 minerals 3 protect

5 coconut 6 pinea ople 4 disease 5 cancer 6 heart
7 pressure 8 blood
11 kiwi 2 oinea ople 3 coconut
4 artichoke 5 acai 6 brazil nuts
7 vinega r 8 ginger 9 miso
0 turmeric 1 garlic 12 honey 1 b 2e 3f 4i 5a 6g
7c 8h 9d
12 infections 2 resistant 3 mutations
4 Superbups 5 resist 6 patients 2 preat 2 promotes 3 vendors
7 immune systems 8 oDeration 4 energize 5 options 6 tasty
9 develooing 1 0 effective 7 fu ly 8 avoid

13 True 2 False 3 True 4 *alse 3 Yes 2 Yes 3 No 4 No S

5 False 6 True Yes 6 No7 No 8 Maybe 9 Maybe

Transcript 17 Vocabulary PLUS, Language in Action

JARED What S that article you re reading,
Rachel It looks interests ng
It s about superloods. Singular Plural
JARED Really? What are superloods child children
anyway? |oot feet
RACHEL Well, I don t think there s an official C|OOSP geese
definition. But generally speak ing, half halves
they re foods that contain high knife knives
levels of vitamins and minerals, and man men m
may also have additional health TOUSP ace
benefits that can, you know, OX oxen
protect our bodies from cell oerson people
damage and prevent disease sheep sheeo
JARED Oh yes, I ve heard ol some ... like tooth teeth
blueberries, for example? wide wives
RACHEL That’s right blueberries have high woman women
levels of anti oxidants, which may wolf wOlVes
help fight cancer and heart disease
There s another berry called acai, 2 put on 2 run out 3 cutting down
but you can t buy those lresh You 4 come down 5 petting rid ol 6 goinp up
can get them in a oowdered form
that you can add to drinks and 3 Where on earth are you goinp / have you
STOOtfi i QS. been?

1 Ansvverke
2 What on earth are you doing? Review 5-6
3 Where on earth did you pet that/it?
1 a 2c 3a 4c 5a 6b
4 Who on earth was that (man) / he?
2 (honey) bee 2 zebra 3 frog
4 toenails 2 head lines 3 armchair 4 pineapole 5 coconut 6 artichoke
4 background 5 football 6 toothpaste
7 liostick 8 eyelid Pronunciation Point
Mystery item of jewelry: nec klace Transcript 17
1 She II love it. / She will love it
5 z I II see him tomorrow. /1 will see him
a They’ll finish at six o’clock. / They will linish
apree disagree disagreement at six o clock
appear disapDear disappearance 4 It II rain this Weekend. / It will rain this
approve disapDrove disapproval weekend
honest dishonest dishonesty
obedient disobedient disobedience Check your progress 3
satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfaction 1 If you eat garlic, you won t get colds
2 I won t be alert tomorrow unless I get
enoug h sleep
3 If Tim didn I have to work, he d travel all
It s a thing for / something for peeling over the world
ootatoes 4 I wouldn t eat a snake unless I was very,
2 It s a thing for / something for killing/ very hungry.
catching mice 5 If Sue had more free time, she would
3 It's some stuff for sticking things together / eXQrCiSQ mOLQ.
lixing things
2 had to 2 was allowed to
7 lc 2a 3b 3 weren t allowed to 4 didn I have to
5 wasn t allowed to
Transcript 18
1 It S d SOrt Ol Clear, reddish soup that 3 relaxed 2 stomach 3 confusing
comes from Russia. It s a little like chicken 4 salary 5 colleagues 6 insect
soup, but it s made from beets and other 7 mammals 8 climate 9 soice
vegetables. Sometimes it has dumplings in 0 bacteria
it, which are a little like a cross between
bread and pasta. You can eat it hot or cold, 4 How about / Why not try
and it s nice with a spoonful ol sour cream 2 See if you can / You could
z It s a kind ol greenish Daste made loom 3 I suggest / Why don t
avocado mashed up with salt and lemon 4 kind / sort; a little / rather
juice and sometimes a little salsa. The
way people eat it is sort of like mustard or
ketchuo. You eat it with tortillas or beans Writing
or ust with tortilla chips. It s very popular
in Mexico and many Darts of the United Unit 1
States 2 We have to drink water every day.
a It s a kind ol sweet, creamy dessert, like 2 We don t have to dank so much bottled
custard pie, but much lighter. It s made water.
with sponge cookies flavored with coflee, 3 We shouldn t use so many plastic bottles.
then covered in a sort of creamy sauce and 4 Usinp lewer plastic bottles will save energy.
sprinkled with chocolate. Its name means 5 Everyone should use a re usable water
oick me up“ in Italian bottle

Ansvverkey 13
3 Sara Winters 3 Suggested answers
2 students at Green University tt is a landscaoe.
3 to persuade people to sign a petition 2 it shows a sunset over the ocean, with a
against the use of bottled water palm tree on a beach and a sailing boat.
4 Ave 3 nostalgia, calmness
5 get a reusable bottle 4 bripht, vivid, dark, calm

Unit 2 Unit 5
2 b2c3d4a 1 c 2b 3d 4a

4 a favorite TV series 2 The best way] to make friends is to go out

2 to express the writer s ooinion more.
3 people who don t know Star Trek 2 Working late every night] may not be a
4 new technology / optimistic view of future / good idea
pleat characters / all people are equal 3 If you] exercise regularly, it will help you
5 It showed that space exoloration and cope with stress
technology could be used in a good way. 4 Unless you stop] worrying, you won t be
6 in showing tolerance lor all able to relax.

Unit 3 3 She is worried about her end ol year exams

at college
2 conductor / violinist 2 violinist / conductor 2 Be organized, stay healthy, and Dractice
3 98 4 Barquisimeto 5 father takinp the exam
6mo{he 7{en/ 10 8 EI Sistema 3 Friendly and reassuring
9 conducting 0 national youth 4 Suggested answers. Get a good night s
1 eighteen / 18 12 twenty eight / 28 sleep the night before; Eat a pood
13 LA Philharmonic Orchestra breakfast on the day.
14 documentary 15 passion
16 baclg ound
Unit 6
Unit 4 2 Suggested answers
calm, elegant, formal 2 busy, economical ,
1 fast, noisy, practical 3 calm, casual, lnendIy,
ARTWORK TO DESCRIBE TO DESCRIBE 3 b 2 b, c 3b 4a 5b 6c
landscape bright amusing 4 to recommend the restaurant to readers
portrait calm insoiring 2 pood lighting, nice music, friendly service,
sculpture dark movinp welcoming atmosphere
tapestry original shocking 3 fresh food; eat in or take away; cool, hunky
powerful vibe; crowded; tyoe of food
strange 4 It can get very crowded.
5 Suggested answers. prices, opening hours,
2 a younp girl 2 a window 3 a letter reservations necessary or not.
4 the window 5 lruit 6 taoestry
7 the letter 8 sad

1 Ansvverke

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