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 CN V, is the fifth paired cranial nerve.

 It is also the largest cranial nerve and has three divisions( 3 in one nerve)
 It is associated with derivatives of the 1st pharyngeal arch.
 Largest cr n
 Supplies the sensory fibers to the skin of the scalp, the face , the mouth the teeth ,
the nasal cavity & the Para nasal sinuses
 Supplies motor fibers to the ms of mastication
 Emerges ----from the ant. Surface of the pons by large sensory & small motor root
 the motor root ----lying medial to the sensory root It is a mixed nerve.
Composed of a small motor root and a considerably larger sensory root.
The sensory root contains 170000 fibres
and the motor root contains 7700 fibres.
It has got 4 nuclei :
1.Mesencephalic nuclues in midbrain.
2.Main sensory nucleus situated in upper pons.
3.Spinal nuclues in upper pons to C2 segment of
spinal cord.
4.Motor nucleus situated in upper pons.
 The trigeminal ganglion (or Gasserian ganglion, or semilunar
 is a sensory ganglion of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) that
occupies a cavity (Meckel's cave) in the dura mater, covering the
trigeminal impression near the apex of the petrous part of the
temporal bone.
 It is somewhat crescentic or semilunar in shape, with its
convexity directed anteriomedialy.
 The three divisions of the trigeminal nerve emerges from this
 On reaching the depression on the apex of the petrous part
of temporal bone in the middle cranial fossa the large
sensory root expande to form the trigeminal ganglion .
 the trigeminal ganglion is crescentic in shape & lies within
the pouch of the dura mater called trigeminal cave
 The motor root is situated below the sensory g. &completely
separated from it
 The ophthalmic ,maxillary & madibular ns arise from the
ant. Border of the ganglion
 Motor & sensory
 Largest division
 The largest sensory root leaves the lateral part of the trig. Gang . Pierces the
dura mater & passes almost at once through the foramen ovale

 The smallest motor root passes beneath the gang. Then through the foramen
 immediately after emerging from the foramen the motor root joins the
sensory root
 The sensory & motor root of the mandibular n. emerge from the skull
through the foramen ovale in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone ------
 then the nerve descend between the tensor veli palatini medially & lateral
pterygoid laterally & divides in to a small ant. & large post. division
 1//branches of the main trunk (Undivided nerve)
 a-meningeal branch
 b-nerve to the medial ptyrgoid----to the ms
 give 2 branches without interruption by the otic ganglion to supply
tensor tympani & tensor veli palatani
 Undivided Nerve

Nervus spinosus Nerve to medial pterygoid muscle

On leaving the foramen ovale the main undivided trunk gives two branches during
its 2-3mm course i.e. the meningeal branch and the nerve to medial pterygoid
the meningeal branch
Also called as Nervus Spinosus.
It re-enters the cranium through the foramen spinosum along with the middle
meningeal artery to supply the dura mater.
3 motor br+1sensory br.

motor sensory
1. the massetric n the buccal n

run laterally above the run between 2 head of lat. Pt

lateral ptyrgoid & front to ms.—emerge on the cheek
TMJ to----masseter m
from beneath the ant border of the
masseter -supply the skin of the
cheek& mucous memb lying the cheek
buccinators supply by buccal br of VII)

2. deep temporal ns

3. The nerve to the lateral ptyrgoid ms

Provides motor innervation to the muscles of mastication
sensory innervation to the mucous membrane of the cheek and buccal mucous
membrane of the mandibular molars
The anterior division is smaller than the posterior division
It runs forward under the lateral pterygoid muscle for a short distance and then
reaches the external surface of that muscle by passing between its two heads,
buccal nerve.
from this point it is known as
Supplies the mucosa of the floor of the mouth
lingual gingivae

Mucosa of anterior two third of the tongue

Also carries postganglionic fibres from submandibular ganglion to sublingual

and anterior lingual glands

Lingual nerve is at great risk during

surgical removal of impacted third molar

During removal of submandibular salivary

gland, during which the duct must be
dissected from lingual nerve.
 divided into mental nerve
incisive nerve

Lower lip and tongue is also anaesthetized during

I.A.N.B, hence young child or physically or
medically handicapped patients should be
informed prior to administration to avoid soft tissue
the incisive nerve
Continues forward in the bony canal giving off branches to:
associated labial gingiva

the mental nerve

Exits the canal through the mental foramen between and just below the
apices of the premolar, and divides into three branches that innervates:
skin of the chin
skin of the lower lip
buccal mucous membrane from
second premolar to the midline
i.e. central incisor region.

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