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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Education
Hafr Al- Batten Educational Directorate
Al –Ajial International Schools

S den s name ***********
Subject Grammar
Answer the following questions :

1-Carter borrowed my phone, and _____ accidentally broke it.

A. he
B. I shareef ahmed
C. she
D. her
2-Savannah and ____ ate sushi for dinner.
A. me
B. I
3-My mom planted flowers, but she
forgottowater ______.
A. it
B. them shareef ahmed
C. her
D. they
4-Grandma gave my twin
brother and me new
phones for our
birthday, and then
she surprised _____
with a cake.
A. them
B. us
C. her
D. we

Supervisor :…………………………………………………………………………………… Date :………/……/……

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Hafr Al- Batten Educational Directorate
Al –Ajial International Schools

5-I borrowed a pencil from Carlos. I returned ____ later.

A. it
B. them
C. him
D. us
6-Please give that back to me. It is _____!
A. mines
B. mine
7-Janet washed _____ car yesterday afternoon.
A. hers
B. her
8-The bird is flapping ______ wings really quickly!
A. it's
B. its
9-Which sentence has an incorrect pronoun usage?
A. The dog is wagging it's tail.
B. The softball players tried their best.
C. Alexandra enjoys riding her bike
around the neighborhood.

Supervisor :…………………………………………………………………………………… Date :………/……/……

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