Infografía Cronología Línea de Tiempo Arqueología Vintage Beige Gris y Marrón - Compressed

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Dana López


1966 - _
Dana López was born in Tapachula, Chiapas,
in June 20 th 1966. Her life was very difficult
since she was a little kid. She started to work
at 8 years old, in a chicken restaurant, the
money she got was used for her studies. Her
mother wasn´t with her for problems with
her father, so she lived with her
For work, she has to move to Ocosingo, town
where she met her husband, Antonio Pérez.

In 1998, she had her first daughter, after

that, she got two kids more, and untill now
she still lives in Ocosingo.

Universidad Autónoma
de Chiapas

Dana Paola Pérez López

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