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Fl au: .odal soar "tr didn’t nave the right tools. Ls | tried to repair the car at the weekend, but I 2 Come on, John! 1s time you were getting up! B: twill 1 Tl be down in a sacond 3. Ai You look awful. Why don’t you see a doctor? 8: rll. . He Just cave me some pls ands tld me to take tings easy 4-Az 1S a long journey. Take care cn the motorway 1 Bi Don't worry. 1. ' 5+ Tmet your sister last nignt. She thought we'd met before, but we MAYEN, or at least t dontt think¥t. 44, 6A: Have you read those reports? Be No, TANAYENE, puta will... r promise 7The weather forecast sald that it could rain this aftemoon. 1Fit !9E9.., well have to call off the tennis. 8.- My car isn’t working at the moment. tf it 25, L could give you a lift, sorry. S--The baby very nearly fail into the fire fest night. IFT hadn't managed to catch her in time, she wwM YC, H10.-T teamed this morning 1 got the job 1'¢ applied for. 1 was delighted. I really didn’ think would. f11.- A: I think 1 give Robert a ring 8: You She! You haven't bet in touch for ages, and he'll be pleased to hear trom you, }12.- Ai Andrew easily beat me in our match yesterday. He's been playing vary well recently f+3.- 1 went to a party last night, but r wish r WANEN‘E . rt was awful H}4.- My husband insists on doing the cooking, but t wish he 4) ‘What he cooks Is uneatable. is. ‘Are yau stil going to America on your holidays? 8: We tai2ht.. we havent made our minds yet +6.- He asked me to go to the theatre with him but I don’t really want £0.. X7.- A: Is that boyfriend of hers coming to the party? Tm afraid ..$0..... She said she had invited him. }18.- They went to that horrible resteurent although 1 had warned them not .t9.

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