Self-Study 1 - English For Business Studies

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Paragraph 1: Explain: The first sentence of Paragraph 1 clearly states that
The selling and marketing concepts "Most management and marketing writers now distinguish
selling and marketing." In the following sentences, the writer
clearly stated the concepts of "selling concept" and
"marketing concept".
Paragraph 2: Explain: The first sentence of paragraph 2 identifies
Identifying market opportunities “Marketers are consequently always looking for market
Paragraph 3: Explain: The first sentence of paragraph 3 refers to "most
The importance of market research companies undertake market research (GB) or marketing
research (US)". Simultaneously, subsequent sentences list the
information that companies collect and analyse, which is the
important sources of information.
Paragraph 4: Explain: Paragraph 4 states “Once the basic offer has been
The marketing mix established, the company has to think about the marketing
mix,…”. Subsequent sentences give various elements and
examples (Four Ps) of these elements.
Paragraph 5: Explain: In paragraph 5, the first sentence mentions “all the
Company-to-company marketing individuals and organizations that acquire goods and
services that are used in the production of other goods, or in
the supply of services to others”. Simultaneously, the bottom
section also states why the product market is larger than the
consumer market.
1d. Comprehension
The most appropriate summary is the third one.
The marketing concept is that a company’s choice of what goods and services to offer should be
based on the goal of satisfying consumers’ needs. Many companies limit themselves to attempting to
satisfy the needs of particular market segments. Their choice of action is often the result of market
research. A product’s features, the methods of distributing and promoting it, and its price, can all be
changed during the course of its life, if necessary. Quite apart from the marketing of consumer
products, with which everybody is familiar, there is a great deal of marketing of industrial goods.
The reason why the third paragraph most accurately summarizes the text in 1c is because all of
imperative details are stated accurately, unlike the first and second one. The first paragraph has wrong
summary part when identify “Companies have to identify market opportunities by making
segmentation”. Nevertheless, there is no compulsion on companies to identify market opportunities.
While the fifth paragraph of 1c mentions “There (consumer market) is consequently more industrial
than consumer marketing”, the second adversely refers “More important than the marketing of
consumer goods is the marketing of industrial or producer goods”.
---THE END---

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