Unit 5

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McKenny Goodale

Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Toss

Students will be able to toss an object underhanded and hit a target.
Students will be able to toss an object underhanded while in a game.
State Standards:
E.A.1.4.A: Toss an object underhand using mature form with force to hit a target with reasonable

E.A.1.4.B: Toss an object underhand using mature form in modified game play

Context: I am teaching this lesson because before you can play a lot of sports you need to
understand how to toss a ball. Before this students learned how to toss a ball and catch a ball
while staying in their own space. This means that students should be coming into this lesson
already knowing how to toss and catch a ball and understanding the space around them. After
this lesson toss and object underhanded with force towards a target comes next. The next lesson
topic will be baseball so we they will need to know how to catch toss and throw a ball in any
Data: These students will be based on their throwing ability. I have watched each student closely
and written down how they have tossed the ball when they had free time to and I have taken the
skill level and matched them up. This data will be collected for future groupings by a spread
sheet each student gets a rate 1-3 on how good their thossing is at the end of the week.
Materials: Baseball gloves, baseballs, tennis balls, videos, ipads

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (5 minutes): this will be the first lesson of the day. Students will come into
class and put their belonging down and eat their breakfast. At 8:00 am we will begin our lesson.
Each student will pull out their I pad and begin watching “how to underhand throw”
https://youtu.be/odRQkoxTcJU. After they watch this video they will write down on a google
doc what are 3 key things they learned from the video.
McKenny Goodale

Teacher Directed (10 minutes): after the students have finished their first assignment we
will then go over as a class what each student thought was important aspects they took from the
video. This will help other students understand that there are many important things that go into

Collaborative (15 minutes): once we have our group discussion students will then be
broken into groups and be able to create their own game of tossing. This can be any game they
want if it incorporates tossing as a main priority. Each student will be given a number one
through four and they will be broken into groups based off their number.

Independent Digital (20 minutes): after they have completed their game each student will
go back to their desk and I will ask them to open a word document and start writing a lesson plan
about their game. This should show examples of how the game should be played, rules to the
game, how they will demonstrate the game and how it incorporates tossing. They will then show
this to the class.

Closure (30 minutes): after presenting everyone’s game to the class the students will vote
on one game to play the next day in class. Whichever game is chosen the students who game up
with the game will demonstrate how to play the game and the rules of the game. After they have
decided on a game they will get their iPad out and follow the link sent to them which is
https://www.bestgames.com/Paper-Toss. This is an online paper toss game that I feel the
students will love and it also shows how wind can effect something when throwing it. I feel that
a game is always the best way to end class time.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)
(How to throw underhanded): I chose this piece of multimedia because it demonstrates in
detail how to throw underhanded and shows you step by step how to do it. This video
supports student learning and standards and objectives because it shows the true
mechanics of tossing and how to toss and the importance of it. I believe this is a high-
quality video not because it was taught by a teacher but because it was very in detailed
and showed everything that needed to be shown. I think this multimedia differentiates
instruction for all learners because not only is it telling you what to do for hearing learns
but it also shows you what to do for the visual learners. It is also on YouTube so any
learners that have special request may use them.
McKenny Goodale

(Paper toss): I chose this piece of media because I felt that it would be a good way to end
class which a demonstration of tossing. This game supports student learning and
standards and objectives because students can also do this at home to practice. Also, this
shows how wind can affect you throwing something. This is high quality because the
game not only lets you toss the paper into the trash can, but it also has a fan that makes
the paper move different ways based on how you throw it. So, for this you will have to
pay close attention to how the wind affects you throwing something. This can be played
in person for the ones who are more of hands-on learners but also shows you visual
representation online. Also, for students with special request they can be added to this

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