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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

1. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Example and brief description of how a

specific assignment or activity meets the skill

1.1 Express ideas clearly, in written, X A great example of how this objective was
multimodal, and oral communication, accomplished is the recent assignment from
considering purpose, audience, and this particular class where we were asked to
format.   complete a writing assignment in the form of
a conversation. This really forced me to be
conscious of my format and write as though
it were through oral communication.
Additionally, this helps keep purpose in
mind to avoid rambling about things that
aren’t significant to our main purpose.

1.2 Analyze issues, make decisions, X Many exercises throughout my education

and address problems using critical required the use of critical thinking,
thinking. specifically the assignments like one from
my leadership class that provided scenarios
and required responses detailing what the
main problem at hand is, secondary issues
that should be addressed, as well as possible
solutions to said problems.

1.3  Demonstrate leadership, including X While I did have one or two group projects,
negotiation, relational, consensus- being predominantly online classes limits the
building, and teamwork skills. opportunities for these skills to be
demonstrated effectively. Even if there is a
group project through an online class, the
chances to demonstrate leadership is very
limited by not being in person. Teamwork is
required but is also limited in my opinion by
removing the in-person aspect.
1.4  Communicate and express ideas X I feel I have completed many projects of
through the arts. various types, such as videos, voice overs,
hand written and drawn assignments, in
addition to typical essays, discussion boards
and writing assignments, throughout the
majority of my classes that have allowed me
to communicate my thoughts and ideas t
through a variety of arts, rather than strictly
writing assignments. The visual roadmap is a
great example, where my academic timeline
was hand drawn and creatively depicted.

1.5  Integrate appropriate technologies X Many of my classes throughout my academic

to solve problems, complete tasks, and journey have required the use of different
accomplish goals. technologies in order to complete my
assignments and goals. Some examples
include using voice thread, as we did in this
class, as well as the use of the excel program
for several of my budgeting classes. This is
significant to my career as there are always
new systems to learn and utilize to help
complete your work efficiently and

2. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Not Met

2.1 Relate effectively across various X The response exercise in relation to the provided
linguistic and cultural settings. images is one great example of having to relate
to different cultural settings, as it requires you to
think about different ideas from multiple
perspectives that you may not normally consider.
The images from this specific assignment related
to the Black Lives Matter movement, LGBTQ+,
politics and gender equality, majority of which
are not topics I typically find myself involved in,
making this a great assignment for me to have to
consider these different cultures and
2.2 Use time, place, and social change as X Some particular assignments that came to mind
frameworks for analyzing social when thinking about this objective are those that
developments from multiple disciplinary required reading older religious texts, such as the
perspectives. Qur’an and Zakat, as they are from a much
different time period than we are experiencing
today and really make you consider what was
typical for that time period in order to actually
understand and analyze the text itself. I feel
these types of assignments were crucial in
meeting this learning objectives.

2.3 Evaluate current and historical events X This class specifically aids in meeting this
through the lens of spirituality and global specific goal, as many of the assignments have
social justice. revolved around social justice issues, such as the
written letter to promote change on a social just
issue of our choice. These topics are important
issues and require attention, so as not to repeat
pas historical mistakes and events while
hopefully aiding in the prevention of new
injustices occurring.

2.4 Critique privilege and oppression from X I feel this objective was successfully met
the perspective of diverse identities. through assignments such as the response to the
powerpoint images as well. Typically, we react
to an event or situation through our own
perspective only, which is why it can be helpful
to discuss with others and get their insight as
well. Through assignments like these, we are
forced to put ourselves in the shoes of others to
not only gain access to their possible thoughts
and ideas, but their feelings as well, that we
wouldn’t normally consider from our personal
3. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

3.1 Generate, analyze, and interpret X This type of objective I feel was met primarily
numerical data. through my accounting, budgeting and
marketing classes, where a typical assignment
included provided information and we were
asked to write about the impacts of certain
changes as well as calculate the data that would
result from these changes. These often revolved
around numerical data that had to be understood
and interpreted in order to generate the new data
outcomes that were requested. While other
classes required these skills in other ways, I feel
these classes’ assignments are the most obvious

3.2 Locate, analyze, evaluate, and organize, X I don't have one specific assignment to provide
primary and secondary sources, including for this objective, as I feel many of the
expressive media, to comprehend the assignments that I’ve done required me to
significance of an issue or an event. include multiple sources of different media to
convey my ideas. For this class, the social justice
letter assignment required the use of a book and
article source, touching on this specific tool.
However, many other assignments throughout
other courses required watching videos, reading
texts or conversations, even podcasts, in order to
successfully complete them.

3.3 Interpret quantitative and qualitative X I find the budgeting and accounting courses to be
information to formulate positions to reach the prime example of meeting this goal, as it is
conclusions or to present a logical argument. the most obvious black and white example of
being given data and having to form and defend
a position and explain what brought you to that
decision. It involves numerical data as well as
general information, forcing you to combine the
two into a logical response.
3.4 Demonstrate respect for multiple ideas X I believe through the use of different religious
and worldviews. and cultural assignments this goal has been met.
Assignments such as the Qur’an essay, the group
project on the Zakat and the text from the Pope
have required analyzing information that comes
from beliefs from different cultures with
different outlooks than we are used to. Having to
read and interpret these texts requires you to
think differently about subjects that may not be
as idealized in our own personal religions and
cultures today.

4. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

4.1 Employ ethical decision-making grounded X This objective has been met through indirect
in philosophical inquiry. ways of asking us to make decisions through
questions. You need all the information before
making an accurate decision and the assignments
I’ve completed have certainly trained me in a
way that has led to that type of thinking. It is a
crucial skill in this line of work and has been
carried out well through these philosophical

4.2 Apply Catholic social teaching to the X This objective has been met in a number of
analysis of contemporary social issues. ways, although, I feel mainly through
assignments that revolved around religion, like
the text from the Pop which we then had to apply
to a writing assignment. Using this text and
religion to respond to social justice issues in the
assignment is exactly what this specific goal
relates to.
4.3 Explain the value of diverse spiritual and X After completing multiple courses revolving
religious perspectives. around religion, I feel I can confidently say I
understand the value of diverse spiritual and
religious perspectives. Through many
assignments that involved different religious and
cultural readings, I have learned there are so
many ideas outside of what is considered
common to us in today’s day and age, as well as
our geographical area and it is extremely
beneficial, and crucial even, to consider these
ideas and thoughts in order to see the whole

4.4 Integrate the action of charity with the X Within the list of ten small changes that will
virtue of justice impact environmental justice issues, I feel I have
applied this goal. The “charity” to be considered
is the small changes to be made and the effect is
justice for the environment, or the positive
overall change that will results from my small

4.5  Exercise responsible freedom and civic X While I feel many of our assignments covered
engagement based on an informed  value the civic engagement portion of this objective, I
system. am somewhat confused by the “informed value
system” portion and therefore cannot say this
goal was entirely met.

5. Professionalism and Career Readiness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Not Met

5.1 Model ethical behavior, responsible X Many of the assignments I’ve been required to
freedom, and engaged citizenship. complete throughout my education have been
based off of current events and issues that may
not typically catch my attention. The recent
letter to someone in charge to promote positive
change on a social justice issue supports the
engaged citizenship portion of this objective,
while researching these issues in general
promotes civic engagement by bringing
awareness to these issues.
5.2  Demonstrate accountability, effective X The artifact I used in my grid that I feel best
work habits, and the ability to assess areas demonstrates this goal is the powerpoint from a
necessary for professional, personal, and leadership and management class that required
societal growth. me to demonstrate my knowledge on what
qualities are necessary for qualified leadership.
It included identifying strengths and
weaknesses in leadership, as well as providing
positive changes to improve these weaknesses.
This is particularly important in my career and
has checked all the boxes to accomplish this
specific objective.

5.3  Identify and articulate skills, strengths, X Similar to the previous objective, the
knowledge, and experiences relevant to one’s assignments in my leadership and management
career goals. class were mainly geared toward qualities
required to be a top-notch leader or manager.
These assignments required identification of
strengths and weaknesses, solutions to improve
weaknesses, which all require the knowledge of
what makes a leader or manager great and
qualified. This is significant in order to grow
within your career as well as promoting
personal growth.

5.4 Complete experiential learning to pursue X So far, at this point in my educational journey, I
professional opportunities. have not gained much experience as far as
professional opportunities. I think that’s very
hard to accomplish in a classroom setting, and
would more so require a job shadowing or
internship element. While I feel the exercises
that I complete for my classes are relevant and
hold a different type of value, I feel in person,
real life experience cannot be replaced by in
class exercises and the only way to achieve this
is by doing it yourself in the real world. For that
reason, I Feel this goal is only partially met at
this point in time.

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