TQM Notes

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TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT - Demographic growth and the rise of the

middle class, easier access to consumer

credit, mass consumption
- Degree of excellence in a product or activity - Competitive levers were related to how
- “Conformity” and “Specification” cheap and how fast products could reach
- Refers to product performance, customer yet unserved consumers.
satisfaction, or the way you do your daily The 1960s: Different Markets and Different
activities Approaches
Product quality in its two dimensions - The rapid economic expansion of the early
At the center: post-war years largely reflected a process of
“catch-up growth,” that is, reconstruction,
- Quality of the idea (prototype or design) industry reconversion, and war-time
- Quality of the technical realization technology deployment. Once these early
(conformance) opportunities were exhausted, new avenues
in terms of innovation and efficiency needed
Around it:
to be pursued.
- Process quality in terms of: - However, quality was not seen as a mean
 Effectiveness (Quality of the result) to fuel this growth. As far as the domestic
 Efficiency (Time/Cost minimization) market is concerned, for many consumer
products, for example, in the rapid
Outer circle: developing high-tech electronics sector,
- Embraces all previous dimensions of quality demand was still exceeding supply.
- Represents the company’s and its product’s Companies were operating under limited
impact competitive pressures, as pre-existing
corporations were merging into larger, more
Approaching Quality in History: influential conglomerates.
Quality at Time of the Industrial Revolution The Development of the Western Quality
Movement Since the Early 1980s
- Changed dramatically with the advent of
mechanization. - The Reagan Era began with the goal of
- Between the end of the eighteenth century reaffirming American superiority in
and beginning of the nineteenth century, international relations by rolling back the
steam power and the development of influence of the Soviet Union and economic
machine tools impacted the first cluster growth, requalifying the US as a leading
of industries, mostly raw materials and high-quality producer against the
semi-finished products including textiles Japanese stronghold and the emerging
and iron making. export-oriented Four Asian Tigers
- Second industrial revolution or mass (Hongkong, Singapore, South Korea, and
production, electrification was Taiwan).
introduced. Implementation of the moving - The American business community was
assembly line by Henry Ford in 1913 and (re)discovering the work of several
the conceptualization of scientific "quality gurus"—Deming, Juran,
management by Frederick W. Taylor (1911). Feigenbaum, and Crosby, as well as
Japanese experts like Ishikawa and Imai—
From Inspection to Control: Quality after WWII
who influenced the Japanese evolution as
- Marked by an unprecedented speed of quality was making headlines.
economic recovery. - Many consulting firms entered the debate,
- “boom” “miracle” “golden age” each advertising their "unique" approach, as
- Demand and productivity were steadily excitement grew. Europe and Australia have
increasing similar developments. Total quality
management (TQM) encompasses this factors of production, knowledge, and
phase's numerous concepts and ideas. innovation
- Middle management was responsible for - The state, intended as a set of local and
quality, while CEOs, who could act more national government bodies, is not directly
dramatically, were not. Additionally, involved in the business, but defines
several cultural and context-related conditions and areas under which the
components of the Japanese approach are production processes may take place
difficult to imitate. This necessitated
corporate leaders' participation.
Quality at the Turn of the Millennium: A
Polarization of Perspectives: - Statistics provides various techniques and
- The most important legacy of the 1990s in tools to support quality management and
production processes analysis (e.g., for
terms of quality management is the lessons
monitoring efficiency levels and
learnt from when it failed: once quality
improvements obtained).
goes beyond a purely technical domain
(as in QI or QC), there is no universal - These techniques allow to highlight the
recipe for success. most important aspects of the data
- At the turn of the millennium, many available and to reach quantitative
conclusions from (large) sets of data.
believed that quality was a “fallen star”.
- It is worth to use language and methods of
Alongside many successful companies
having adopted TQM models/ISO 9000 probability to deal with uncertainty.
standards, a significant number of Descriptive Statistics
managers were increasingly
disappointed by the returns of the time - Used to describe data.
and resources invested to implement them.
Inferential Statistics
- The lack of success was probably not due
to major flaws in the concept, but rather to - Methods used to get information about a
the way it had been introduced and used by population from a sample.
organizations: ISO 9000 as if a certificate
alone could change the way a company was The Balanced Scorecard
operating, TQM as some tools and practices - Most renowned and most used by industries
with a one-off application. of all sections
The Concept of Stakeholder - Designed by Robert Kaplan and David
Norton in 1992, the BSC was initially
- Literally means “carrier” or “holder” of conceived as a tool for measuring
interest business performance; however, today it
- Group of people who have an interest in the is recognized as a comprehensive system
performance or success of the organization for the management of a company
- They may contribute to both strategic - The BSC, in 1997, was already considered
management and business tactics one of the most influential management
- Employees are one of the primary assets tools of the 20th century
because of their involvement in business - Apple Computer, Chrysler, Mobil NAM & R,
processes and their sharing of the most Nike and Pepsi implemented the BSC
relevant choices - This approached surpassed traditional
- Suppliers represent another primary asset evaluations based predominantly on
of the production system as they economic and financial indicators
supplement or complement the basic
know-how of the company, providing
met the customer’s needs and
- Customer satisfaction thus represents the
subjective and time-evolving customer
opinion on the performance offered by
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

- Used to identify and prevent various

problems related to systems, designs, and
- The main purpose of the technique is to
increase the level of service offered to
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) the customer, eliminate or reduce costs
linked to malfunctions, increase safety,
- A methodology that allows to bring
and enhance corporate image through a
customer’s wants inside the company detailed and stable quality management and
and to make sure that they are taken into monitoring system.
account from the earliest stages of design
- The first application of FMEA dates back to
- Minimizes the risk that products or services
1949; the instrument was used in the United
returning to customers be far from their States in a military project to assess the
needs, because of the steps that the Voice effects of possible failures.
of the Customer undergoes within the
“circle of corporate communications.” Lean Management
- Promotes company integration through
- This means creating a mindset and modus
the collaboration of all staff under the
operandi such that everything, which does
company-wide quality control
not add value, is eliminated.
Professor Yoji Akao (1974) – founding father of - A management philosophy summarized in
QFD who lead a research committee whose “more value for less work,” which finds its
objective is the development and dissemination of origin in the Toyota production system.
what will become the methodology known today
Six Sigma
- The six-sigma methodology presents some
- Benchmarking emerges as a structured limitations which need to be considered
comparison, based on the continuous when choosing this approach to implement
research and application of the most a quality improvement project
advanced methodologies, aimed at
achieving superior competitive results. The Six Sigma Supporting Structure
- Benchmarking is identified as the set of  Leader - someone at the top of the
observation and comparison activities company who has the task of
between benchmark and current identifying areas for improvement
practices and/or performances undertaken and articulating them into operational
by organizations to encourage projects; also, should coordinate and
improvements. integrate various projects and
superintend through monthly evaluations
Customer Satisfaction Analyses
and meetings.
- Customer satisfaction is defined in literature  Champion - is a senior executive and
in many different ways. ISO 9000:2000 has the role of project development
describes it as the customer’s opinion of manager, he/she must provide strategic
the degree to which a transaction has lines to improvement groups of his/her
own area and ensure coordination operations, unifying processes, and defining
between groups and the leader control processes;
- Preserve human and environmental safety
Process Mapping and Indicators
and security.
- The process approach is one of the main During the process of standardization, it has to
innovations introduced by ISO 9001:2000 be guaranteed:
and further emphasized by ISO 9001:2015.
- Transparency, clarifying the fundamental
The change compared to ISO 9001:1994 is
stages which concern the approval process
significant and marks the transition from
of a standard project;
product control to process management.
- Democracy, allowing all the interested
- Offers a comprehensive vision of the
actors to take part to the pro-cess;
activities within the company: it looks at the
- Mutual consent, through the approval of
final results that the company wants to
the standard text by those who contributed
achieve from a single process, combining
to write it.
the individual requirements.
- Pursues an “overall” optimization of
ISO 14001
business performances
- ISO 14001 standard has become the main
- A procedure consists of a sequence of
reference in the field of corporate
stages, each potentially comprising a series
environmental management. ISO 14001 is
of activities, which in turn may be broken
the standard developed by the International
down into sequences of actions. The goal of
Organization for Standardization (ISO) to
a procedure is thus to illustrate the
describe the requirements for a
arrangement of the actions that different
certifiable Environmental Management
actors should carry out.
System (EMS) and to encourage its
ISO 9000 Quality Standards implementation.

- The first quality standards were ISO 14001: Environmental Management

developed in the military sector at the end of Systems
the 1950s.
- An EMS is a part of the management
- The International Organization for
system of a company, and its purpose is to
Standardization (ISO) undertook a program
improve the environmental performance
of rationalization, unification, and
and the processes of the organization.
harmonization, concluded in 1987 with
- It includes activities, practices, procedures,
publication of the ISO 9000 standards.
and resources to maintain and improve the
- Before analyzing the ISO 9000 standards it
environmental policy of a company.
is useful to clarify what the “standard” term
means and to define the actors and the ISO 45001
phases which take part in a standardizing
process. A standard is a document that - ISO 45001:2018 “Occupational health and
includes guidelines or rules concerning safety management systems –
specific activities, developed by a Requirements with guidance for use”
recognized institution with the aim of specifies the requirements that an OHSMS
reaching the best possible practice must own to allow an organization to
regarding the execution activities. effectively control its own risks and
opportunities within this scope.
The main goals of standards are:
ISO 45001: Certification of the OHSMS
- Convey information through a clear and
univocal mean between all parts interested; - The certification of the safety management
- Improve the general economy of system is issued by a certification body
production systems, rationalizing the following a series of checks carried out at
the premises of the organization to be
- The meaning of accreditation is, as the word
itself indicates, to make the issued
certificate truthful and validate it by making
it internationally effective.
The certification process is divided into the
following phases (PICS):

- Preliminary audit
- Initial audit
- Certification audit
- Surveillance audit

ISO/IEC 27001

- ISO/IEC 27001: An IntroductionISO/IEC

27001 is a voluntary, international, and
certifiable standard defining the
requirements needed to set up, implement,
and manage an Information Security
Management System – ISMS including
many aspects on:
 Logical security – preserve integrity and
confidentiality of digital information
 Physical security – solutions whose
purpose is to prevent unauthorized
access to physical location
 Organizational security – roles, duties,
and responsibilities for defining
company security policies and
- An ISMS is part of a global management
system based on risk approach, with the
aim of setting up, implementing, operating,
monitoring, re-examining, maintaining, and
improving information security.
SA 8000

- An international certification standard

aiming to ensure specific aspects of
business management related to
corporate social responsibility (CSR).
- A distinctive element of SA 8000 lies in its
promoting proactive attitudes: those
seeking certification should not simply attain
to verifying compliance with the standards,
but must define plans aimed at
anticipating and thus discouraging those

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