B WorkImmersionMitchD

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Work Immersion is a key feature in the Senior High School curriculum.

It can be conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and needs

of the learners,” Education Secretary Leonor Briones said.

Work immersion provides Senior High School learners with

opportunities to become familiar with the workplace, simulate employment,

and to apply their competencies in areas of specialization or applied subjects

in actual work environment to prepare learners for all curriculum exits.

Work Immersion is a part of the Senior High School (SHS)

Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience which the Grade 12

students will undergo to open them to the genuine working environment

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setting, to improve the student’s abilities learned in school, and to enrich the

competencies provided by the school under the supervision of the School

Head and the designated personnel partner. Work Immersion is also a part of

the K to 12 program in fully realizing its goal to produce job-ready graduates

equipped with industry-based skills.

Work Immersion can be a great addition to the students learning

experience, through this program the students will able to cope up with the

work they were go through which is in line to their specialization. As part of K

to 12 curriculum, the students were required to build up their confidence in

working and gain relevant learning experiences through the actual work.

Through this work immersion, the students will come to realize their plans

after graduating in Senior High School. To improve the student’s abilities and

skills, they will chose the institution or establishment that is in line to their

future course in order to help them reinforce the knowledge they gained from

the teachers inside the classroom.

Work Immersion program will help to develop the student’s social

interaction in work environment that would help them as they graduate and

face the real life occupation. It enables the Senior High School students to

decide what course they wanted to pursue and this program also represents

as a training ground for the students to strengthen their skill or expertise for

their work in the future. Which is, the very highlight of this program.

The main purpose of immersion learning is to develop students' second

language acquisition and the learning of academic content and cultural

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situations. Hence, students should be able to communicate and interact

competently with more people in more places in an increasingly independent

world community


One of the goals of K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop in

learners the competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further

education and/or joining the world of work. To achieved greater congruence

between basic education and the nation’s development targets, work

immersion, a required subject, has been incorporated into the curriculum. This

subject will provide learners with opportunities:

1. To become familiar with the workplace;

2. For employment simulation; and

3. To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects

in authentic work environment.

To achieve the above objectives, work immersion is thus a requirement

for graduation for secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work

environments such as workshop offices and laboratories in which their prior

training is relevant.

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Work Immersion will help develop among learner’s life and career

skills, and will prepare them to make decision on post-secondary education or

employment. Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the partner

institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace

or hands-on experience and additional learning resources.

It aims to make the learners:

1. appreciate the importance and application of the principles and

theories learned in school;

2. enhance their technical knowledge and skills;

3. enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and

4. develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.



Our country has had a lot of experience with on-the-job training (OJT)

programs on the collegiate level. Unfortunately, many (if not most) college

OJT students are assigned only to insignificant jobs in a company (answering

the phone, making photocopies, making coffee – that sort of thing). Rarely are

OJT students expected to produce the same products that regular employees



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IMMERSION can be used as a facilitative tool for career counseling

for students, especially those in professional courses. By placing them in a

real-world work scenario, it gives them an opportunity to explore the kind of

tasks and activities they would like to do. IMMERSION also matches the

candidate’s profile with a list of occupations, which can be used as a

reference point for exploring opportunities.


IMMERSION highlights individuals’ self-awareness and provides a

deeper understanding of their interests and strengths in a work environment.

It guides an individual's career choices by matching their interests and

personality with various job profiles.


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Acmonan is a barangay in the municipality of Tupi, in the province of South Cotabato. Its

population as determined by the 2020 Census was 4,482. This represented 6.10% of the total

population of Tupi.

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Acmonan barangay hall was devolved in the Local Government Unit of

Tupi year 1992. It has 1 department head, 1 social welfare office III, 1 social

welfare officer II, 5 social welfare assistant, 6 clerk, 1 youth development

assistant I, 1 driver, 2 security guards and 3 house parents. The MSWD office

department head is Mrs. Janet Madroñero.

The social services range from Elderly/ Disable Program, Youth

Program, Children, Women Program, Community/ Family Welfare, Housing

Program, Emergency/ Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program,

Nutrition and Population/ Family Planning Program, Gender and Development

Program, Special Projects, and Case Management System.


Brief History of Barangay Acmonan

and Matutum View Academy

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The story of how the little village of Acmonan came to be has not been

recorded in any archive, but was rather passed down through the

generations by word of mouth. Its history starts shortly after the

Spanish colonization of the Philippines collapsed, where the B'laan tribe

decided to move from their ancestral homes in Buluan, Maguindanao

and travelled southward and began to enter and settle at the sloping

hills and meandering streams among the hills surrounding the majestic

Mount Matutum. They cherished the forests and loved the fertile land of

its rolling hills.

Under the rule of their leader Datu Jamuda Tamba and his son Praso

Tamba (more popularly known as Datu Piang), the tribe built a

community for themselves. When at some times, other tribes broke in to

conquer Acmonan by force, this ethnic group had defended this

newfound land from any invaders. They wisely managed the vast

number of resources that the area so graciously supplied. It was a rich

forest then with scarcely scattered meadows of cogon grasses.

The name Acmonan according to the natives, derives from a clear

spring of water that gushes out from one of the braes in the area.

Legend goes that Datu Tamba had his baby's umbilical cord dipped into

the crystal-clear waters as some sort of ceremony. A natures’ legacy to

these hinterland dwellers,

After World War II, the tribe's population grew to a little over 400, and in

1950 a Seventh-day Adventist named Mr. Elias Espina and his wife

happened to visit the area. Elias and his wife who were literature

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evangelists, met the chieftain or ‘Datu’ of the tribal community. Their

greetings of peace touched the heart of Datu Piang. The Datu felt

comfortable with the visitors’ presence and henceforth declared the

village open for missionaries.

In the early 1950s, the so-called missionaries then started a mission

school to reach out to these ethnic tribe. The education approach

ministry had its first fruitage when the chieftain of the tribe, Datu Piang

was converted to Christianity. He then liberally donated a piece of land

to establish a better mission school building.

Mr. Candido Fallan, another SDA worker came, and became the official

pioneer teacher of the school. The Datu, seeing the visible benefits of

Mr. Fallan’s pedagogy did not hesitate to send his children to school.

But shortly afterwards, Mr. Fallan left to pursue further his studies.

Pastor and Mrs. Angel Gepaya came to continue with being the next

teachers of the school. They were succeeded by Mr. Clovis Arante who

started the primary school. In 1956, Mr. Candido Fallan came back to

the village and a year thereafter, Mr. and Mrs. Restituto Flores joined in

as church school teachers. Their six-year hard work (1957-1963) in

Acmonan had upgraded the primary school to a full elementary school.

Mr. San Juan headed the school then but was succeeded again by Mr.

Restituto Flores in 1967. In 1969, Mr. Gaudencio Somoso was the

principal. Mr. Manuel Arante and Mr. Jeconias Solis were also teachers

during the pioneering days.

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Later, more SDA Christian families came to settle in the village. They

built homesteads and started negotiating and buying farmlands around

the community. Eventually, a small SDA church made of native bamboo

poles and thatched roof was put up on the school campus. With God’s

providence, the mission school flourished and progressed to a complete

elementary school.

The nearest SDA secondary school (SMA) was more than a hundred

kilometers from Acmonan, thus the need and challenge to open a junior

academy was a lofty dream of faith by the brethren, so as to cater to the

educational needs of the children who completed elementary. That

dream of faith became a reality in 1968. Mr. Rogelio J. Aguadera, fresh

graduate from Mountain View College came to serve as the pioneering

principal-teacher of the infant academy. Together with few other service-

oriented teachers, few also came to work with him.

Slowly, more crude buildings sprouted around the area and few basic

equipment were procured. Few pieces of adjacent lands were acquired

largely through the donations and support of the local brethren. And in

1971 Matutum View Academy was granted a temporary permit by the

government to operate a complete secondary education. The first batch

of graduates marched the aisles in the school building amid the piano

sound of Pomp and Circumstance on March 1972. And, in 1977 Matutum

View Academy of SDA, Inc. was granted Government Recognition No.

31, Series of 1977 to operate academic secondary course.

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The school property now includes almost eight hectares of land, about

a dozen permanent buildings, and a newly built gym donated by

generous alumni. With ample space for agricultural production, the

school farm and garden now produce pineapples, bananas, coconuts,

root crops, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables. ‘The School of

Faith’ which is the tag line of Matutum V

The Republic Act 7160 (October 10, 1991) known as the Local Government

Code of 1991 Mandates National Agencies such as Department of Social

Welfare and Development and all other agencies to be devolved in the Local

Government Unit including programs and services, personnel: staff equipment

and facilities and budgetary requirement.

The office of Social Welfare and Development was devolved in the

Local Government Unit of Tupi year 1992 with two staff, one Social Welfare

Officer III and one Welfare Aide.

As per Section 17 of the Local Government Code of 1991 Mandates

Municipal Social Welfare and Development to implement programs, services,

and projects on:

1. Child and Youth Welfare

2. Family and Community Welfare

3. Women’s Welfare

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4. Welfare for the Elderly/ Disabled Person

5. Community Based rehabilitation programs for beggar, vagrants, street

children, scavengers, juvenile delinquents, victims of drug abuse,

livelihood and other pro-poor projects, Nutrition Services and Family

Planning Services.

With the devolution, the Office of the municipal Social Welfare has

created a permanent position of MSWDO and Social Welfare Officer II and

with the devolved staff- SW III and Social Welfare Assistant. The Local

Government Unit thru the office of the Mayor have assigned 16 Job Orders to

carry out functions as mandated in Section 17 of the Local Government Code


The Municipality of Tupi has a total land area OF 228.00 square

kilometers with total population of 69, 976 as of 2015 census. The office then

catered 15 Barangays to implement Social Welfare programs and services

with 53 Day Care Centers was renewed and re-evaluated with DSWD

Accreditation Number SB-A-000734-2012 last June 27, 2012. Fifteen

Barangay Youth Association, Fifteen Barangay PWD Association, Fifteen

Women Association and Solo Parent was organized and assisted / monitored

including SEA K Association.

The Local Government Unit of Tupi created Crisis Center for Women

and Children which is on operation for 24 hours to cater abused women and

children which needs temporary shelter and to cater abandoned, neglected

children especially children who violated curfew hours Ordinances in

partnership with the Philippine National Police in the locality.

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The office was also provided one vehicle for the mobility in carrying

programs and services especially for women and children who needs

assistance and to be protected at the Center.

MSWD office goal is a provision of preventive, protective, rehabilitative

and developmental programs and services.




Center of Agro -tourism living in a God centered United, resilient,

educated, healthy and culture and Gender sensitive community that promotes

green economy sustainable infrastructure Development and Eco-friendly

programs empowered by dedicated committed and transparent public



 Strengthen and sustain the delivery of social welfare services.

 Strengthen the implementation of nutrition health and health related


 Implementation of zero open defecation program

 Support to education programs band youth empowerment programs

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 Provision of skills enhancement and livelihood opportunities

 Sustain and promote appropriate agricultural technologies

 Development of potential agro-tourism areas and other tourism


 Support to clean and green program and strict implementation of the

solid waste management.

 Provision of Capability building programs on local governance and

local development planning.

 Full establishment of level II and III potable water systems

 Development of local access roads

 Improvement of barangay facilities

 Strengthen the implementation of DRR-CCA program

 Intensified tax collection


To develop, administer and implement a comprehensive social welfare

programs designed to improve the quality of life of needy families, children,

youth and adult communities uplift their leaving condition to become self-

reliant, productive, participating and contributing members of the society for

social development.


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A DSWD logo, a pair of hands protectively holding heart (representing

the poor and disadvantage population) symbolizes the joint responsibilities of

the government (one hand) and the private sectors (the other hand) in

alleviating poverty and uplifting the life of the sectors beneficiaries.


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barangay captain

barangay secretary BERNARD M. PIANG








Tupi Manual of Operation

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Service Pledge

1. Customer Friendly

2. Non-Judgmental

3. Non-Emotional

4. Confidentiality

5. Respect for Individual Differences

6. Team Work

7. Acceptance

8. Transparent

Service Protocol

To extent social services and immediate crisis intervention to families,

children, adult who are victims of disaster, especially to handicapped,

disadvantaged, displaced for relocation, resettlement and rehabilitation.

To effect readiness to needy person and utilize human and material

resources to improve Social Functioning and Socio-Economic Sufficiency.

To link with all other agencies for Support so that resources are readily


The Legal Bases

The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office responds to the

following laws and provisions:

1. Department of Social Welfare and Development

a. Executive Order No. 396 (June 3, 1951) created the Social

Welfare Administration (SWA) to improve the living conditions of

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Filipinos, both in the cities and rural areas, who are in dire


b. Republic Act No. 5416 (May 15, 1968), the Social Welfare Act

of 1968, upgraded the SWA into a department – level agency,

the Department of Social Welfare (DSW).

c. Presidential Decree No. 994 (September 18, 1976), renamed

the DSW to the Department of Social Services and

Development (DSSD).

d. Presidential Decree No. 1397 (June 2, 1978) converted the

DSSD to the Ministry of Social Services and Development

(MSSD) as required by the shift in the form of government from

presidential to parliamentary.

e. Executive Order No. 123 (January 30, 1987) provided for

another name change and organizational structuring for the

MSSD which renamed Department of Social Welfare and

Development (DSWD) to provide a balanced approach to


f. Republic Act No. 7160 (October 10, 1991, the Local

Government Code of 1991, devolved DSWD’s service delivery

functions to local Government units, except the maintenance

and operation of centers and institutions nationwide.

g. Executive Order no. 15 (August 20, 1998), redirecting the

functions and operations of DSWD from a direct service

deliverer to a technical assistance provider as a result of the

devolution of basic services.

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h. Executive Order No. 221 (June 30, 2003), Amendment of EO

No. 15, redirecting the functions and operations of DSWD.

i. Republic Act No. 8043 (June 7, 1995) provided for DSWD’s

exercise of administrative supervision over the Inter-Country

Adoption Board (ICAB) as an attached agency of the


j. Executive Order No. 630 (June 28, 2007) provided for the

exercise by DSWD of administrative control and supervision

functions over the Council for the Welfare of children (CCWC)

as it’s attached agency.

2. Council for the Welfare of Children

a. Presidential Decree No. 603 (December 10, 1974), Child and Youth

Welfare Code. created the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC)

covering persons below twenty-one years of age except those

emancipated in accordance with law.

b. Executive Order No. 233 (July 22, 1987) redefined the role and

organizational structure of the CWC and enlarged its membership.

c. Republic Act No. 6809 (December 13, 1989) lowered the age of

majority from 21 to 18 years amending for the purpose Executive Order

No. 209 (Family Code of the Philippines).

d. Executive Order 806 (July 2009), Recognizing the existence of both

CWC and the ECCD Council. CWC mandate shall be based on the

Child and Youth Welfare Code (PD 603) and shall be attached to


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The Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) formulates and

evaluates policies, coordinates and monitors the enforcement of all laws and

the implementation of programs for children.

3. National Council on Disability Affairs

a. Presidential Decree No. 1509 (June 11, 1978) created the National

Commission Concerning Disabled Persons (NCCDP).

b. Executive Order No. 232 (July 22, 1987) provided for the structural

and functional reorganization of the NCCDP to the National Council for

the Welfare of Disabled Person (NCWDP)

c. Executive Order No. 709 (February 28, 2008) renamed the NCWDP

as the National Council on Disability Affairs attached to the Office of

the President.

d. Executive Order No. 33 (April 5, 2011) transfer of the National

Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) form the office of the President 1

(OP) to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).


The National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) is mandated as the

government policy-making, planning monitoring and advocacy body for the

prevention of the causes of disability, the rehabilitation of person with

disabilities, and the equalization of opportunities for these persons in a right-

based society. The NCDA shall lead in the implementation of programs and

projects for disabled.

4. National Youth Commission

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Republic Act No. 8044 (June 7, 1995), “Youth in Nation Building Act”,

created the National Youth Commission (NYC) to be policy making and

coordinating body of all youth-related institutions, programs, projects and

activities of the government.

a. Executive Order o. 438 (June 27, 2005) provided for the NYC to

monitor the implementation of the Medium-Term Youth Development

(MTYDP) 2005-2010 in coordination with concerned agencies.

b. Executive Order No. 579 (November 30, 2006), directs NYC to assist

in the implementation of Green Philippines Programs through the

National Service Training Program (NSTP).

c. Executive Order No. 788 (March 30, 2009), directs NYC to coordinate

and monitor the implementation of the Youth National Service.

d. Executive Order o. 795 (ay 7, 2009), attached the NYC from the

Office of the President to the Department of Social Welfare and

Development (DSWD).


The National Youth Commission (NYC) is the policy coordinating body

of all youth-related institutions, programs, projects and activities of the

government. It is responsible for policy formulation on, and review of, youth

promotion and development programs, establishment of a consultative

mechanism for Dialogue with the youth, and link aging with government and

no-government organizations bot at the national and international levels for

the youth’s active participation in government and non-government programs

that will develop their full potential as partners in nation building.

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5. Senior Citizens

a. Republic Act 7432 – an act to maximize the contribution of Senior

Citizens to Nation Building, grant benefits and special privileges and for

other purpose.

b. Republic Act No. 9994 – an act granting additional benefits and

privileges to Senior Citizens, further amending Republic Act No. 7432,

as amended, otherwise known as “An act to maximize the contribution

of Senior Citizens to Nation building, grant benefits and special

privileges and for other purpose.


Acmonan is situated at approximately 6.3436, 124.9914, in the island of Mindanao. Elevation at these
coordinates is estimateAcmonan is situated at approximately 6.3436, 124.9914, in the island
of Mindanao. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 514.5 meters or 1,688.0 feet above mean
sea level.

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Place of Training : Barangay hall

Field of Training : Social Working and


Proposed Duration of Training : March 6, 2023- March 21-


Days & Time : Monday-Friday, 7am to 4pm

No. of Hours : 80 Hours


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Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career

skills, and will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or

employment. Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the Partner

Institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace

or hands-on experience, and additional learning resources. It aims to make

the learners:

1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and

theories learned in school;

2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills;

3. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and

4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect

for work.


Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A

Senior High School student has to undergo work immersion in a business

organization/establishment whose work requirements are related to the

specialization. Through this work immersion, the students are exposed to and

become familiarized with work-related environment related to their field of

specialization. “Work immersion is a key feature in the senior high school

curriculum. It can be conducted in different ways depending on the purposes

and needs of the learners,” Education Secretary Leonor Briones said. The

guidelines said work immersion – which can range from 80 to 320 hours – will

enable students to become familiar with the workplace, experience workplace

simulation and apply their competencies in areas of specialization.

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The specific skills and knowledge the trainee will acquire during the

work immersion are one of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program

which is to develop in learners the competencies, work ethic, and values

relevant to pursuing further education and/or joining the world of work. To

achieve greater congruence between basic education and the nation’s

development targets, Work Immersion, a required subject, has been

incorporated into the curriculum. This subject will provide learners with


1. To become familiar with the work place;

2. For employment simulation; and

3. To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied

subjects in\ authentic work environments.

To achieve the above objectives, Work Immersion is thus a

requirement for graduation from secondary education. Learners are immersed

in actual work environments such as workshops offices and laboratories in

which their prior training is relevant.

Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career

skills, and will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or

employment. Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the Partner

Institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace

32 | P a g e
or hands-on experience, and additional learning resources and how will they

be taught.




The areas in which the trainee will receive instruction in conjunction

with the specific task and responsibility to be assigned to the trainee, comes

from the on-site supervisor named, Mrs. Janet Madroñero. We are assigned

in different kind of works like delivering files to the Mayor Office, Budget office

and human Resource office. We are also assigned in helping for Women’s

Day in March by cutting Raffle papers, arranging the assistance files such as

Burial, Medical and Financial assistance file, encoding the Youth Master list.

We are also assigned in helping in Municipal program, which is the SoChA

and in welcoming and greeting every individual who will enter the MSWD




Your evaluation is requested to guide the work immersion coordinator

in determining a fair grade to be given to the student-trainee assigned in your

company. It is also intended to make the student-trainee aware of his/her

strengths and areas of improvement.


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To enable us to monitor the progress of the student-trainee, it is

requested that an evaluation be done after the 120 hours of training and after

the completion of his/her assignment in your company.


1. It is suggested that the student-trainee’s immediate superior evaluates

his/her performance.

2. The evaluator should accomplish the evaluation form then rate the student

as objectively as possible.

3. After filling in the form, the evaluator should discuss the results of his/her

evaluation with the student-trainee.

4. The accomplishment evaluation form should then be awarded to the

immersion coordinator.

Using the scale below, write the number that corresponds to your

trainee on the space provided on the right-hand side:





March 6, 2023 MONDAY

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Today is the first day of Work Immersion. I came at Acmonan

Barangay Hall at exactly 6: 45 am. We joined the flag ceremony together with

the barangay Acmonan employees outside acmonan barangay Hall. The

ceremony involved announcement and After the ceremony, barangay Captain

Daniel r. Aguinaldo introduce us on barangay employees, after the flag

ceremony ma’am Kristine casi and sir Jonathan duayao talk to barangay

Captain where we assigned in addition ma’am casi instructed us about what

we do to job to barangay Hall’s we went to barangay hall where ma’am

Kristine casi talk to barangay secretary ma’am Ester escobilio after talking

they assigned us on perspective area they assign four of us on barangay hall,

the three of us assign on day care and the two of us is in sk office however

one of us assign in center We, together with my co-apprentice, were

distributed to our chosen work immersion place of training which is at the

barangay hall

The first thing we do on I ms, ester ordered us to clean the window in

barangay hall and Their has a lot of dust after cleaning the window we swept

the barangay the next ma’am ester ordered us to clean the old daycare which

no longer used area we picked up the garbage from the daycare and threw it

in the trash and we swept the floor in the old day care there is a lot of papers

clutter and toys and also we clean the comfort room and. We arrange the

books and paper ,and clean the window we help ma’am Gonzales to design

the day care even though it it’s so tired but fun because of companions even

though we have different perspective area still we help each other.

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March 7, 2023 Tuesday

Today is the second day of Work Immersion, Ma’am Ester instructed

us to clean the daycare for evaluation ,we swept and map the floor and we

clean the comfort room and we help maam Gonzales design the care she

ordered us to get the stuff toys in the box and we arrange the stuff toys in the

box and we put on table after cleaning the day care ma’am Ester ordered us

to get the chair and table and take it to day care.

On the afternoon after food break time ma’am Angel rose Sacam sk

chairman of barangay acmonan ordered us to clean her office we get all the

paperwork doesn’t use and we throw it in the trash after that ma’am ester

called us she called us to clean the daycare again after Evaluation we get the

curtain in the table and window the stuff we arranged we put in box again we

arrange the books and the chair after cleaning the day care maam ester

ordered us to arrange the file in barangay we are so happy doing our work

we experienced a lot of work we experienced how hard this work is a lot of file

even though we are so tired we do our best to do our work



Today is the third day of Work Immersion. I arrived in barangay

acmonan 6:40am and exactly 7:30 ma’am Amie called us she ordered us to

arranged the chair in center and we get the table in the barangay to put in

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center and we assist barangay official to help the center employee to assist

the mothers and we arrange the file every mother came we called us to ask

the name of their cihild Ang give the file with there is the name of there child

we help the employee of center to get the weight and the height of their child

and write it on the paper after helping the barangay employee ma’am yna the

midwifes in the center called us to arrange the file.

After the work they ordered on us , lunch time came and we were able

to have our lunch we eat on day care where ma’am Gonzales give us viand.

In the afternoon, we thought we will do nothing for the remaining hours,

but Maam Yna instructed us to clean the window of the center and we swept

the floor and clean the comfort room in center after that we arranged another

file there is a lot of paperwork we arranged it all. We, together with my co-

apprentice, had done the documents alternately.



Today is the fourth day of Work Immersion. Early the morning,

instructed us to clean the barangay Then, the midwife in the center came and

instructed us to help her in cutting the papers for survey and we arrange the


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We used up the morning time in just cutting, while my other co-

apprentice was still arrange the file . We alternately did the task which I

continued first. Then, after that I focused on the cutting the papers.

We also had our food break from them. In the afternoon, we alternately

swept the floor and get the trash in the floor after cutting the paper and we

map the floor My co-apprentice was still arranging the file

After helping the ma’am yna we go to barangay to clean the barangay

hall before we go home we lock the window and we wash the plate they use

and after that we clean the sk office we do our job that they ordered us and

exactly 4:30 we are going home.



On the fifth day of Work Immersion, I arrived at the Municipal hall at

exactly 7: 24 AM. I immediately went inside the hall to log in. Afterwards, I

went to MSWD office. Upon entering the stockroom, I greeted “Good

Morning!” to Sir Hilario, the guard of MSWD office sitting on his assigned


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I saw my co-apprentice and greet “good morning!” as well. On the

stock room, we waited for any MSWD officers to come and order us some

task. That was what we’ve done all day. Particularly, my accomplishment for

today was I delivered an important file to the Mayor’s office. That important

file needs to be signed by someone from the Mayor office who received it.

There no much things to rather than waiting for the tasks that the

MSWD officers randomly gave us. I realized that having a work to do is not

always provided. That is why, I always participate in delivering those files

because I am eager to do something. I am eager to learn, I am eager to help.



“Nothing worth having comes easy.”

In life we rather choose easy ways to conquer the obstacles, more

likely, we always wanted to use shortcuts to avoid other upcoming obstacles

and to escape the reality. But along the way, little did we know that we miss

those exciting and more meaningful moments that we could have experienced

if we just remain strong and firm of what we chose first.

39 | P a g e
Upon starting this work immersion, I felt so very anxious with the

thought of maybe I’ll mess this up. I am afraid that it will be hard and I don’t

know want to do anymore.

Today is the sixth day of my Work Immersion. My accomplishment for

today was I delivered a file again but this time not just on Mayor office but also

to the Budget office and Human Resource office. I had swept the MSWD

hallway and I cleaned our staying ground before I logged out.

Simple things can be great when you do it genuinely. Eventhough, it

was hard or it was not, as long as you did it genuinely the result feels great.



“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.”

It is not easy to go on with how life goes on, sometime we wanted to

stop the journey because we feel like breaking down. We feel like dying in the

midst of journey. But eventhough we stop, it does not mean it is over. Life is a

never ending battle until we die. We can always continue or we can always

start from the very beginning for as long as we are trying, slowly but surely.

Today is the seventh day of my Work Immersion. My accomplishment

today was to deliver a file again to the Mayor’s office. Mam Bimbim instructed

40 | P a g e
us to arrange files which are the burial, financial and medical assistance files

that is needed to be put in alphabetical order. The stamping of Raffle ticket

was continued earlier. We also wrote its control numbers. We have not finish

it yet, but we will continue it the next day.



“God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggle, and a

reward for your faithfulness. Don’t give up!”

Sometimes, we tend to realize the things that actually matters, when

this things were fully gone by our grasps. We thought that things are just

things that will be gone tomorrow, little did we know that this things holds

great place inside our heart. I have overcame many sad moments in my life,

but I know I will still encounter many of it. But, I always believe that my

struggles has a reasons, my cries and pain have its purpose and I know that

God will reward me for I am always trying and giving my best to be a good

person he wanted me to be.

41 | P a g e
Today is the eight day of Work Immersion. We finished writing the

control number of the raffle papers. We just stayed in our staying ground and

waited for the orders like delivering some files to the Mayor’s office, Budget

office and Accounting office again.

It is not much of accomplishment, but it was still an experience that I

will surely miss.



“Do not study because you need to. Study because knowledge is

power. Study because they can never take it away from you. Study because

you want to know more. Study because it enhances you. Study because it

grows you.”

This Worm Immersion taught me that when I will have my own work, it

will never be that easy. That is why I am lucky knowing that I had the privilege

to study and hone myself. It will be my weapon for me to survive this

dangerous and unsafe world. But I also realize that, when we get older, life of

ours gets dull and boring. When we really and fully grasps that idea of

maturity, we tend to be so prim and proper, strict and disciplined. Little did we

know, we let go of the things that will surely make us happy rather than those

rational choices we made just to overcome the fear of losing and breaking.

42 | P a g e
Today is the ninth day of Work Immersion. My accomplishment was to

deliver some files to the Mayor’s office, budget office and accounting office

also. I had cleaned our staying ground before I logged out.

There are situations that we thought things are not changing, but the

only constant thing in this world is change. I know that my accomplishments

are the same for the past few days, but still I am able to learn because I am

observing outside and inside the MSWD office



Today is the tenth day of Work Immersion. I had passed some files

towards the Mayor’s office again. In the afternoon, we were told to stay inside

the MSWD’s office (not on the usual staying ground that we are staying in)

since Mrs. Janet and other employees have their Christmas Party on the

beach. Some social workers stayed, especially Sir Lowell R. Cortes who had

discussed some of his knowledge about social work.

He asked us our names and addresses. He asked us what we had

learned in our Work Immersion there and one by one we honestly answered

the question asked to each one of us. He is an Administrative Aide III. He had

shared some of his experiences and opinions about social work. He instructed

us to entertain or greet some people who enters the office for help and we

gladly obliged to do so.

43 | P a g e
What I learned from my Work Immersion as a social worker and in

social working is that it requires good heart, a helping hands, and eyes that

sees beyond the smiles of every individual.


 Reading and arranging the files

from alphabetical orders
 Filling the number section or
number code of the raffle

 Using the laptop, we encode

the important information of the
youths in the Youth Masterlist
TECHNOLOGIES document file

 Talking and asking for

guidance from our superiors
 Answering questions and
ORAL COMMUNICATION orders from our superiors
 Accommodating the clients
coming in to MSWD Office

 Dealing with the MSWD clients

and program partners
 Understanding the
confidentiality of the other files

44 | P a g e
and information



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“Challenges are what making life interesting and overcoming them is

what makes life meaningful.” There are only three problems that I

encountered in this Work Immersion. First, the task given to us are not the

work that we expected for, but still we follow each orders from the superiors.

Second, we had difficulty in terms of our place of training because they

cannot accommodate us inside the MSWD office due to lack of space. They

let us stayed in Crisis Center for Women and Children. Upon entering the

room, the stinky atmosphere filled our sight and noses.

The third one was, we unintentionally and mistakenly filled up our Daily

Time Record and Mrs. Janet said that it was wrong so we had to change it.

Due to its dirty front page, we decided to photocopy the unfilled up Daily Time

Record and wrote the right time again.

Never regret anything that made you smile. My work immersion made

me smile and happier for at least once, especially on the day where SoCha

was held in the Municipal Gymnasium. I guess, that is what all matters…



Work immersions help the students to be prepared to become

professionals and how will they behave in a workplace. It expands the

students’ knowledge as it helps them to explore and improve their skills.

48 | P a g e
Work Immersions are the students’ training ground for they will be working like

a staff in a workplace, it is an actual experience.

Well, MSWD office is a very respected institution since, it aide not just

one but many people who needs help. Though, I would like to suggest that if

ever, again, they would have Work Immersion apprentice, they must prepare

some tasks for the apprentice, where those apprentice would gain knowledge

and better experiences that will mold and shape them and would also help the

students’ decision in choosing the right path for themselves.

I also recommend to the students who wanted to become an

apprentice in MSWD office that they must possess a cheerful and confident

attitude and be aggressive in acquiring knowledge and experiences because

that is what they are after for, knowledge and experiences.

After my experience in MSWD office, I would still recommend it as long

as the partnership with the Municipality of Tupi and Tupi National High school

would be applied and implemented properly. Both parties have

responsibilities, they must strengthen it because their goal is to produce job-

ready graduates equipped with industry-based skills.

49 | P a g e


Our Work Immersion was conducted last March , 2023 to March 20

2023 with the total number of 10 days at Acmonan barangay hall and located

at the barangay acmonan

Work Immersion is not just about completing the requirement but also

learning and be molded to be a better individual. Honestly speaking, the tasks

I had work for are not the task that I am expecting for. However, I learned to

accept and love it.

50 | P a g e
I came to realize that work immersion is not just about learning

something towards that specialization but having unforgettable moments that

will gave you lessons about the essence of life having a work.

On the first day, we were so busy due to packing of vegetables and the

likes. On the next day, we cleaned the Crisis center for Women and Children.

On the hird day, we helped on the SoChA program. On the fourth day, we cut

Raffle papers and on the fifth day, I just run some light errands.

On the second week, what I’ve mostly accomplished was delivering

files to the different offices on the Municipal Hall. Our Work Immersion was

fun and I learned some things that matters especially on being a good and

understanding social worker.


51 | P a g e

52 | P a g e
This is my certificate of completion upon completing the 80 hours of

having my Work Immersion in acmonan barangay hall headed by barangay

captain Mr.Daniel Aguinaldo

53 | P a g e


54 | P a g e
Kiano Dave Casi
Sitio Taluban brgy,kablon, Tupi, South Cotabato
Cellphone Number: 09856047014

 To work in the environment which encourage me to succeed and grow
professionally where I can utilize my skills and knowledge

Age: 18years old
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: January 16,2005
Place of Birth: Sitio Taluban kablon Crossing Rubber, Tupi South
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’5
Weight: 60 kilograms
Religion: Baptist
Dialect Spoken: Tagalog, English,Bisaya
Mother’s Name: Vilma L. Casi Occupation: factory worker
Father’s Name: Tirso M. Casi Occupation: famer



School Address: Poblacion, Tupi South Cotabato
Technical Vocational Livelihood. 2022-2023
School Address: Poblacion, Tupi South Cotabato
Year of Graduation: 2019-2020


School Address: Brgy Kablon Tupi, So. Cot.

Year of graduation: 2015-2016.


Can manage time, Responsible. Kind, Patient

55 | P a g e

 Weeding

 Food processing

 Bread seller


Jo-ane Sieras -Tupi national high school



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61 | P a g e
This certification confirms that whose name and signature appears

below has gone through checking and correction of grammar for the Work

Immersion Portfolio.

This certificate is issued as per request and fulfillment of their

requirement in Work Immersion. Done this of year

at Tupi National High School.

Signed by:


62 | P a g e

November 25, 2019. Monday. We joined the flag ceremony in the

Municipal Hall wherein all the employees and officers of the Municipality of
Tupi are present.

The person who’s managing the log book told us that while we were in
Work Immersion under the Tupi Municipality institutions we should always log
in and log out in the Municipal Hall log book for attendance.

63 | P a g e
After the flag ceremony and logging in session, we headed in the
Municipal Hall’s 3rd floor room and had our orientation with Sir Mike.

The Municipal Social and Welfare Development office of Tupi Municipality.

64 | P a g e
Local Governement Unit - Tupi Municipality

Location of Tupi Municipality and MSWD Office

65 | P a g e
This is the Crisis Center for Women and Children which is not that
active in the meantime due to its problem in the ceiling. It was our staying
ground while we were on our Work Immersion duty.

We were instructed by Ms. Rose to count the number of crates of egg

are piled up outside the Crisis Center for Women and Children. We were also
told to put it inside the center.

66 | P a g e
We were instructed by Mr. Sam to pack Baguio beans in a plastic bag.

We are instructed by Ms. Rose to pack 40-50 Monggo in a plastic.

Also, we were instructed to pack 50-55 Dried fish in a plastic.

67 | P a g e
Together with Sir Sam and other officers, we waited for the teachers to
come and distributed all the eggs, monggo, potatoes, pork meats, fresh
chicken meats, dried fish, and other vegetables.

The teachers came and we, one by one, distributed all the vegetables
and meats while the MSWD officers listing and do the checking.

68 | P a g e
November 26, 2019. Tuesday. It was our second day in Work
Immersion and we were instructed to clean the Crisis Center for Women and
Children, our staying ground. I was moving the furniture and some of them I
putted outside so we can properly clean the floor.

On the afternoon, we helped the MSWD officers to arranged the chairs

in the Municipal Gym.

69 | P a g e
November 27, 2019. Wednesday. We were instructed to
facilitate the fill up of the attendance sheet and the distribution of snacks to
the teachers and the students who are attending the SoChA in the Municipal


We witness the speech of Governor Reynaldo Tamayo in State of the

Children’s Address at the Municipal Gym.

70 | P a g e
Together with Ms. Rose Am A. Astrologo, the master of the ceremony,
we take a break since the distribution is done.

State of the Children’s Address program.

71 | P a g e
On the afternoon, we were told to encode some date into Youth
Master-list file.

November 28, 2019. Some officers from Women Federation came for
help, a program under the MSWDO services. They instructed us to help them
in cutting the papers in which the raffles are printed.

72 | P a g e
December 3, 2019. Tuesday. Ms. Bimbim instructed us to arrange the
file which are the Financial, Burial and Medical assistance files wherein we
should separate all same assistance files from all other the same files. For
example, we need to separate Medical assistance and look for the same
medical assistance papers and put them together in one. Same as the
financial and burial assistance.

73 | P a g e
We resume in stamping the MSWD stamp on the back of each paper
on the same day. We are also instructed to put the control numbers.

December 6, 2019. Friday. It was our last day of Work Immersion and
we were told to stay inside the MSWD Office, literally the main office itself.

74 | P a g e
MSWD officers had their Christmas Party that day but they actually chose to
celebrate it in a beach. Some of the employees stayed, like Sir Lowell who
orient us some knowledge about social work and asked us some questions.

Portfolio Defense

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