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OVERALL AVERAGE OF SURVEY SCORES for Student Survey – Grades 3-6

Student Teacher’s Name: __Sarah Tyler_________________ Grade: _3_

Total number of students who completed the survey: __13__



% Yes

% No
1 The work I do in this class helps me learn 100 0 0

2 My teacher makes learning interesting. 100 0 8

3 I know what I am supposed to do in this class. 85 15 0

My teacher helps me see how the things I learn can be used in
4 85 0 0
other places.
5 My teacher uses time wisely in this class. 85 8 0

6 My teacher asks questions that make me think. 85 15 8

7 My teacher helps me when I don’t understand. 100 0 0

8 My teacher expects me to participate in this class. 92 8 15

9 My teacher helps me know how I am doing in this class. 77 15 0

10 My teacher has a good attitude. 92 8 0

My teacher expects me to do my best.
11 85 0 0
My teacher cares about me.
12 85 0 0
My teacher is organized and has things ready for the lessons
13 69 23 0
being taught each day.
14 Students behave in this class. 54 38 0

15 I feel safe asking my teacher for help if I have a problem. 92 0 8

16 I would tell my friends that this is a good teacher. 92 0 0

Overall average per column 86 8 2

Created by Davis School District, Utah (2015). Modified by C. Gould for use with student teachers.
OVERALL AVERAGE OF SURVEY SCORES for Student Survey – Grades 3-6

Student Survey Results

Yes Sometimes No




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Created by Davis School District, Utah (2015). Modified by C. Gould for use with student teachers.

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