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英語聽講 Daily-Phrases 1

 Chicken out 因膽怯而退縮;臨陣脫逃

Adam gave a submit to participate in a study circle to train himself to

communicate with others, however, unfortunately, he chickened out
in recent meetings.

 Cock and bull story 編來欺騙人的故事;亂編的故事

All my friends think my peculiar experience during the trip is a cock

and bull story.

 Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched


Ben was confident he would get an A on the exam, but his teacher
reminded him not to count his chickens before they’re hatched and
to study hard until the last minute.

 Chickens come home to roost 自食惡果;自作自受

In order to earn more money, Julien has been indifferent with her
staff, but now her chickens are coming home to roost, and her
business is suffering.

 No spring chicken 青春不再;年華已逝

Although my mom may not be a spring chicken, she still full of
energy and eager to explore new things.

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