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英語聽講 Daily-Phrases 2

 A monkey on one’s back 難以解決的麻煩;


Leading a team to be better is just like a monkey on one's back for


 A monkey’s uncle 荒謬;不可能的事


Before 2020, everyone works at home as a monkey's uncle.

 Monkey business 惡作劇;胡鬧行為;騙人的把戲

The boy who did monkey business has been punished by the
restaurant for 148 billion Japanese dollars.

 Monkey see, monkey do 有樣學樣

Wandy swears at other classmates. Unfortunately, monkey sees,

monkey does, and more and more people use bad language. You
should control them.

 More fun than a barrel of monkeys 非常有趣、好玩

You should try it! This game is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

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