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Racism, Sexism and Social Class Q and A

1. What parts of the movie (Green Book) surprised you the most, and why?

2. What differences did you notice on Tony from Dr. Shirley?

3. How was Dr. Shirley challenged by discrimination?

4. How did the white people see or interact with the black or colored people in the

5. What would you react if you were told you could not pursue a career or job because
of your race, gender, how you look, or who you are?

6. What do you think of families with working moms and stay-at-home dads?
What would your society think of it?

7. What do you think of men wearing makeups? What would your culture think of it?

8. What is the most common prejudice/ stereotypes on peoplefgender, race,

appearance, career...) in your country/ culture?

9. Do you think people of all races/ colors are treated fairly in your country?

10. Are male, female, and people with different gender identities treated equally in
your society?

11. What struggles does the GLBTQ community have to face your countries?

12. Do you think children from lower social classes and underprivileged groups get
equal opportunity as others?

13. What social movements/ parades/ protests have you heard or taken parts of?

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