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Opening Statement:

I am Rishi Kanodia, a 4th-year mechanical engineering student, and I am running for the position of
General Secretary Cultural Affairs at IIT Bombay. Culturals, for me is a place to experience, learn, create,
and express. Starting from participating in the Inter IIT Cultural Meet as a fresher in 2019, I witnessed the
power of offline culturals. Over the years, I have been involved in several award-winning plays. I served
as the Dramatics OC of the Performing Arts Festival in my third year. In recognition of my contributions, I
was nominated as the Institute Cultural Nominee in my fourth year. The experience I bring to the table will
not just foster a sense of community and inclusivity but ensure excellence across all genres. My initiatives
aim to bring greater exposure, improved learning, hostel culture revival, and on a more personal front,
social impact to the realm of culturals. If elected, I am committed to working with all community members
while bringing my motivation to justice, that is, “Everything for Culturals, Culturals for Everyone.”


As a bright-eyed freshie participating in events, I used to wonder who was the guy organizing everything;
as the cultural nominee, I dived deeper into the workings of councils and realized I wanted to do more
and balance the passion of being a participant while also ensuring efficiency from the side of the
administration, which is why I wish to use my experience to give back to culturals and lead the body by
becoming the general secretary. I envision culturals to become more accessible by prioritizing learning
through platforms of freelancing and mentorship, also allowing students to compete and excel by having
greater alumni contributions through corpus connect. This is supplemented by my personal motivation to
integrate social good with performing arts through Culturally Conscious. As a senior once mentioned and
something that has stayed with me was “The heart of IIT is in it’s hostel”, thus I am motivated to revive
those sentiments attached to GC while ensuring transparency and accountability through GC Meter. With
my experience and passion for promoting inclusivity and improving the cultural body, I am confident that I
can make a positive impact on the institute's cultural scenario.
I look forward to your support and the opportunity to serve you all.

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