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CED 250 Paper 3: Career Exploration Paper

Cynthia Nieto Vargas

Arizona State University

Professor Lauren Hocker

November 8th, 2022


CED 250 Paper 3: Career Exploration Paper

After taking my career assessment results, my holland code is SAE. In other words, I

scored highest in social, second in artistic, and third in enterprising for both Kuder Interests

and Skills assessments. In the career interests assessment, the work-related activities I was most

interested in were social, artistic, and enterprising. For example, I am interested in activities like

teaching, healing, communicating, creating art, writing, organization, entrepreneurship, and more

(Kuder, 2022). Next, in the skills confidence assessment, the kinds of work tasks I was most

confident are social, artistic, and enterprising. For instance, I am confident in developing and

growing human relationships, language, writing skills, sales, persuasion, leadership, and more

(Kuder, 2022). Lastly, in the Super’s Works Values inventory, my top five ranked values are co-

workers, supervision, workplace, prestige, and variety. Furthermore, my top values are most

important in what I expect and want to get from my career. For example, co-workers value

means I want to work with helpful and trustworthy people and make friends with them (Kuder,


Thus, based on my results, the three selected occupations I chose are adult basic

education/adult secondary teacher/literacy instructor, secondary school teacher, and

educational/guidance/career counselor/advisor. Moreover, I believe these careers were at the

top of my occupation results because they revolve around my social interest, conforming to

National Center for O*NET Development (2022), “Social occupations frequently involve

working with, communicating with, and teaching people. These occupations often involve

helping or providing service to others.” (p. 1). In addition to that, these occupations were at the

top of my occupation results because they revolve around relationships, according to National

Center for O*NET Development (2022), “Occupations that satisfy this work value allow

employees to provide service to others and work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive

environment. Corresponding needs are Co-workers, Moral Values, and Social Service.” (p. 1).

Above all, my holland code and work values helped me choose the best-represented occupations

regarding my personality and interests.

Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English as a Second Language


First, the primary tasks associated with this occupation, according to National Center for

O*NET Development (2022), occupation-specific duties include: 

 Observe and evaluate student's work to determine progress and make suggestions for


 Establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects and communicate those

objectives to students.

 Prepare students for further education by encouraging them to explore learning

opportunities and to persevere with challenging tasks. (National Center for O*NET

Development, 2022, p. 1).

Next, the qualifications and experience needed for this occupation are having a

bachelor’s degree and requiring a license/certification through the designated state (Kuder,

2022).  Moreover, considerable preparation is needed, including years of work-related

experience and on-the-job training (National Center for O*NET Development, 2022). To add,

conforming to Kuder (2022), “Some community colleges may prefer to hire those with a

master’s degree or graduate coursework in adult education or English as a Second Language

(ESL).” (p. 4). Lastly, the college majors that people have upon entering this field can range

from education and other general majors like English, history, psychology, sociology, science,

and suggested programs like adult-continuing education, multicultural education, adult literacy,

and teaching a second language (Kuder, 2022). 

On top of that, the specific requirements for the Secondary Education program at ASU

are content knowledge in one or various subjects (for example, art, business, chemistry,

economics, health, politics/government, theatre, languages, etc.) and content knowledge needs to

have passed scores on specific exams (Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, n.d.). More

specifically, applicants are eligible if they obtained a valid Arizona IVP DPS fingerprint

clearance card, enrolled as a degree-seeking student or non-degree-seeking student at ASU, and

have a GPA of at least 2.25 for progression in the final semester of student teaching (Mary Lou

Fulton Teachers College, n.d.). In addition, ASU student organizations connected to

teaching/education occupations include Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Council, Teachers of

the Future, Emerging Educators, and Champions of Hope (Sun Devil Sync, n.d.). Lastly,

union/professional organizations include American Association for Adult and Continuing

Education, Literacy Research Association, and National Adult Education Professional

Development (National Center for O*NET Development, 2022).

Apart from this, the potential salary range in the state of Arizona (Phoenix-Mesa-

Scottsdale areas) median yearly salary is $48,300 (Kuder, 2022). Moreover, it can be expected to

be paid $28.71 hourly or $59,720 annually (National Center for O*NET Development, 2022).

The projected employment outlook for this occupation in 2021-2031 is a decline -2% or lower

(National Center for O*NET Development, 2022). Besides, the significant limitations of this

occupation include lack of funding, lack of effective communication, endless paperwork, and

extended work hours (Care Check, 2021). The major benefits of the occupation are job stability,

forming strong bonds with students, building leadership skills, and an opportunity to make a

difference in someone else's life (Malla, 2021). Finally, my major fits within this occupation

because it focuses on effective leadership in organizations that can successfully motivate their

followers. Thus, working in a school setting would be a good fit for teaching and leading


Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education

First, the primary tasks associated with this occupation, according to National Center for

O*NET Development (2022), occupation-specific duties include:

 Instruct through lectures, discussions, and demonstrations in one or more subjects,

such as English, mathematics, or social studies.

 Establish and enforce rules for behavior and procedures for maintaining order among


 Adapt teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students' varying needs

and interests. (National Center for O*NET Development, 2022, p. 1).

Next, the qualifications and experience needed for this occupation are having a

bachelor’s degree and requiring a license/certification in the specific grade level they will teach

(Kuder, 2022). According to Kuder (2022), “Many states require high school teachers to have

majored in a subject area, such as science or history.” (p. 4). Not to mention, teaching in a high

school is a Job Zone 4 title; in other words, as the National Center for O*NET Development

(2022) states, “A considerable amount of work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is needed

for these occupations.” (p. 1). Also, sometimes there may be requirements for completing a

student teaching program and passing background checks (Kuder, 2022). To conclude, the

college majors that people have upon entering this field can range from educational studies

(childhood, secondary), elementary biological sciences, history, mathematics, English, and


suggested programs like bilingual/multilingual education, environmental education, and foreign

language/ESL language (Kuder, 2022).

On top of that, the specific requirements for the Secondary Education program at ASU

are content knowledge in one or various subjects (for example, biology, dance, earth & space

sciences, general science, geography, history, mathematics, music, physics, physical education,

etc.) and content knowledge needs to have passed scores on specific exams (Mary Lou Fulton

Teachers College, n.d.). More specifically, applicants are eligible if they obtained a valid

Arizona IVP DPS fingerprint clearance card, enrolled as a degree-seeking student or non-degree-

seeking student at ASU, and have a GPA of at least 2.25 for progression in the final semester of

student teaching (Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, n.d.). In addition, ASU student

organizations connected to teaching/education occupations include Arizona Aspiring Educators,

English Languages Arts Teacher Educators, and Alpha Delta Kappa (Sun Devil Sync, n.d.).

Lastly, union/professional organizations include the American Federation of Teachers, the

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, and the National Education Association

(National Center for O*NET Development, 2022).

Apart from this, the potential salary range in the state of Arizona (Phoenix-Mesa-

Scottsdale areas) median yearly salary is $60,040 (Kuder, 2022). Moreover, it can be expected to

be paid $61,820 annually (National Center for O*NET Development, 2022). The projected

employment outlook for this occupation in 2021-2031 is an average increase of 4% to 7%

(National Center for O*NET Development, 2022). Moreover, the significant limitations of this

occupation include understanding the different learning challenges amongst students, student

family problems & bullying, and disciplining students (Care Check, 2021).

The major benefits of the occupation are every day is an exciting day for a teacher, a friendly

workplace experience, and teachers are the heroes for the next generation (Malla, 2021). To

conclude, my major would fit within this occupation because it focuses on leadership; for

example, as said by Point Loma Nazarene University (n.d.), “The importance of organizational

leaders is bolstering teamwork, promoting cooperation, and setting reasonable goals by making

the most of the unique skill set found in their team.” (para. 3).

Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors

First, the primary tasks associated with this occupation, according to National Center for

O*NET Development (2022), occupation-specific duties include:

 Provide crisis intervention to students when difficult situations occur at schools.

 Counsel individuals to help them understand and overcome personal, social, or

behavioral problems affecting their educational or vocational situations.

 Counsel students regarding educational issues, such as course and program selection,

class scheduling and registration, school adjustment, truancy, study habits, and career

planning. (National Center for O*NET Development, 2022, p. 1).

Next, the qualifications and experience for this occupation require attending graduate

schools and obtaining a master’s degree or doctoral degree (National Center for O*NET

Development, 2022). This occupation is a Job Zone Five (extensive preparation needed); in other

words, as claimed by National Center for O*NET Development (2022), “Extensive skill,

knowledge, and experience are needed for these occupations. Many require more than five years

of experience.” (p. 1). Furthermore, these occupations would require a state-issued credential and

supervised experience like internships (Kuder, 2022). In addition, conforming to Kuder (2022),

“Some states require school counselors to have 1 to 2 years of experience as a teacher, or to hold

a teaching license, prior to being certified.” (p. 4). Lastly, the college majors upon entering this

field can range from education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and instructional programs

like counselor education/school counseling and guidance services, college student counseling,

and personnel services (Kuder, 2022). 

On top of that, the specific requirements for Counseling at ASU are content knowledge in

math, English, lab sciences, social sciences, same second language, fine arts, year career, and

technical education (ASU Online, n.d.). Furthermore, applicants are eligible if they meet at least

one of the following top 25% in high school graduating class, a 3.00 GPA in competency

courses, an ACT score of 22 for Arizona residents, or SAT Reasoning score of 1120 for Arizona

residents (ASU Online, n.d.). In addition, ASU student organizations are connected to education,

guidance, career counseling, and advising, include the Counseling and Applied Psychology

Student Organization, Consciousness Club, and Diversity/Equity/Inclusion and Belonging

Coalition (Sun Devil Sync, n.d.). Lastly, union/professional organizations include the American

College Counseling Association, American Psychological Association, and Association on

Higher Education and Disability (National Center for O*NET Development, 2022).

Apart from this, it can be expected to be paid $29.09 hourly or $60,510 annually

(National Center for O*NET Development, 2022). The projected employment outlook for this

occupation in 2021-2031 is faster than the average by 8% to 10% (National Center for O*NET

Development, 2022). On the one hand, the significant barriers to this line of work are many

positions require at least a master’s degree (lengthy degree), stressful to deal with troubled

students, and unhappy parents can cause disagreements and conflicts (, 2022).

On the other hand, the major benefits of this occupation are higher than average salaries, helping

students succeed in their personal and academic lives, and some school counselors have private

offices (, 2022). Above all, my current major fits within this occupation

because organizational leadership include duties like conflict management, critical thinking,

decision making, problem solving, delegation, and strategic planning (ASU Online, n.d.).

Therefore, in education counseling and advising would be a good fit for me to practice my

leadership skills and making impactful decisions to help others with their struggles.


Overall, my takeaway from this exploration process was that I learned about my results

from taking the career assessments that showcased the work-related activities I’m interested in,

the type of work tasks I’m confident in, and my top values I want to get from my career.

Moreover, I learned more about how my personality and interests align with the type of

occupations I chose and would make a good fit for my future career. For example, I learned that

the educational field is the first place to start out and gain experience. Now, that I have learned

this information I will start looking for job positions and networking more with people who are

part of that workforce so that I can achieve job opportunities. Thus, my exploration process

allowed me to open the door towards my dream career.



ASU Online. (n.d.). Online Bachelor of Science in Counseling and Applied Psychological

Science. Retrieved from:


ASU Online. (n.d.). Online Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership. Retrieved from:


Care Check. (2021). 10 Challenges of Teaching | How to Overcome Them. Retrieved from:

Kuder. (2022). My Assessment Results. Retrieved from

assessments/my-assessment-results. (2022). Becoming a School Guidance Counselor: Job Description & Salary

Info. Retrieved from:


Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. (n.d.). Secondary Education. © 2022 Arizona Board of

Regents Retrieved from:


Malla, S. (2021, March 13). 10 Benefits of Being a Teacher. Honest Pros and Cons. Retrieved


National Center for O*NET Development. 21-1012.00 - Educational, Guidance, and Career

Counselors and Advisors. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from

Point Loma Nazarene University. (n.d.). What Is Organizational Leadership and Why Is It

Important? Retrieved from:


Sun Devil Sync. (n.d.). Organizations. © 2022 Arizona Board of Regents. Retrieved from:

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