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Identifying Emotionally Immature People Checklist

Here are some guidelines that will help you recognize emotionally immature
people. This checklist isn't meant to be used as a diagnostic test. Under the
umbrella of Emotional Immaturity lies mental Illness.

An Emotionally Immature Person is on the spectrum of self-centeredness <-->

Emotionally Immature people are typically raised by emotionally Immature
parents who lacked the emotional skills and were unable to model to them
how to be emotionally mature.

May this checklist give you guidance and clarity as you mature as well!

They're Unrealistic and Unreliable

They fight with reality - living In shaming and blaming

They can't feel and think at the same time

Their Inconsistency makes them unreliable

They're defensive and take things personally

They're Disrespectful and Unreciprocal

They disrespect your boundaries and limits

They take and take and don't often give back

They're rigid and inflexible - are poor compromisers

They're reactive and hot-tempered It feels like

walking on eggshells around them

They're unwilling to learn and be influenced

They lie frequently and "play dumb"

They rarely apologize or if they do it can be insincere
and they don't make amends or change

They're Unresponsive
They lack empathy making you feel unsafe and anxious

They make you feel unseen, unhead, and understood

They don't like being comforted and don't enjoy comforting

They aren't self-reflective and don't try and change

They're very serious and sometimes even cold — lacking humor,

playfulness, and the ability to laugh at themselves

They're not very enjoyable to be around

Exercise based on Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay Gibson

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